Fake News Fox Attacks Unsealed
Fox posted a click-bait headline and story, "Christian Doomsdayers say the World is Ending Next Week". It is the most infuriating piece of inflammatory garbage I've seen this side of CNN. The agenda driven piece lacked even a basic understanding of Biblical Prophecy and End Times Events. It was designed to discredit an entire field of study and discourage people from looking into this themselves.
Most serious students reject the "Planet X" theory, but Fox found one and based their article around this fringe theory. They then roll out a skeptic who mischaracterizes the science of astronomy by calling it astrology, and then to add insult to injury, they featured a video from Unsealed to associate this ministry with their hit piece.
(Author's note - The below is a down and dirty quick rebuttal meant to be copied and pasted into comment sections, Facebook responses, and shared on social media. Every single bit of the below is well documented, cited, researched, and backed up by Scriptures, and articles on this and other sites. I fired it off this morning over morning coffee - it's a blog, not a research paper or scholarly article. Our readers know this stuff and those who will receive the information don't care about the Scripture references, just give them the facts.)
For the record, there is no prophecy in the Bible that says, "Tomorrow the World will End". There is instead a VERY clear timeline and order of things to come. There are very specific prophecies that have been fulfilled, the last major one was in 1947-1948 when the modern state of Israel was reborn. Since that moment, there has been absolutely nothing that had to happen Biblically in order for the events of the End of the Age to begin.
The Bible clearly gives a picture of what the world will look like toward the end of the age: increased knowledge, violence, immorality, disasters, self-love, and ineffective church ect. ect. Does that sound familiar?
Christians, for over 2000 years, have operated under the doctrine of Imminent Return also called, "The Blessed Hope". Which means that we are instructed to always be alert and expect that at anytime the Lord may come and catch His Church away (The Rapture). We eagerly await the day and in the interim Watch the events unfold.
At some time after the Rapture, judgment begins. God justly punishes the wicked Nations and those who left behind who while they had the chance, rejected the grace and mercy of the Savior, Jesus Christ. Gone is the Lord's focus on the Gentile Nations, this period of time is specifically for the Jews. It is to bring them back to Him, to restore them to His people. The ignorant, often refer to this as, "The End of the World", it's not. It's the end of the Age and prophetically called the Tribulation. This hell on Earth lasts for 7 years.
At the end, the forces of the wicked will gather together at Armageddon to once and for all destroy Jerusalem. The Lord Himself will destroy them with the breath of his mouth, The Archangel Michael will bind Satan into the bottomless pit. Jesus will touch down on the Mount of Olives and the mountain will split in two. This is the Second Coming.
The Lord will rule on the Earth from Jerusalem for 1000 years. It will be a Golden Age of peace, prosperity, and abundance. This is called the Millennium.
At the end of the 1000 years, the Devil will be released for a short period of time. He will once again tempt the Nations and foment a final rebellion against the Lord. He is swiftly put down with all who stood with him. That is the end of the Millennial Age.
From the end of the Millennial Age into eternity, our Scriptures say little other than the assurance that those who are in Christ will remain with the Lord always. Maranatha.
Most serious students reject the "Planet X" theory, but Fox found one and based their article around this fringe theory. They then roll out a skeptic who mischaracterizes the science of astronomy by calling it astrology, and then to add insult to injury, they featured a video from Unsealed to associate this ministry with their hit piece.
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Stop Fake News |
For the record, there is no prophecy in the Bible that says, "Tomorrow the World will End". There is instead a VERY clear timeline and order of things to come. There are very specific prophecies that have been fulfilled, the last major one was in 1947-1948 when the modern state of Israel was reborn. Since that moment, there has been absolutely nothing that had to happen Biblically in order for the events of the End of the Age to begin.
The Bible clearly gives a picture of what the world will look like toward the end of the age: increased knowledge, violence, immorality, disasters, self-love, and ineffective church ect. ect. Does that sound familiar?
Christians, for over 2000 years, have operated under the doctrine of Imminent Return also called, "The Blessed Hope". Which means that we are instructed to always be alert and expect that at anytime the Lord may come and catch His Church away (The Rapture). We eagerly await the day and in the interim Watch the events unfold.
At some time after the Rapture, judgment begins. God justly punishes the wicked Nations and those who left behind who while they had the chance, rejected the grace and mercy of the Savior, Jesus Christ. Gone is the Lord's focus on the Gentile Nations, this period of time is specifically for the Jews. It is to bring them back to Him, to restore them to His people. The ignorant, often refer to this as, "The End of the World", it's not. It's the end of the Age and prophetically called the Tribulation. This hell on Earth lasts for 7 years.
At the end, the forces of the wicked will gather together at Armageddon to once and for all destroy Jerusalem. The Lord Himself will destroy them with the breath of his mouth, The Archangel Michael will bind Satan into the bottomless pit. Jesus will touch down on the Mount of Olives and the mountain will split in two. This is the Second Coming.
The Lord will rule on the Earth from Jerusalem for 1000 years. It will be a Golden Age of peace, prosperity, and abundance. This is called the Millennium.
At the end of the 1000 years, the Devil will be released for a short period of time. He will once again tempt the Nations and foment a final rebellion against the Lord. He is swiftly put down with all who stood with him. That is the end of the Millennial Age.
From the end of the Millennial Age into eternity, our Scriptures say little other than the assurance that those who are in Christ will remain with the Lord always. Maranatha.
Fox News = Catholic + Muslim
ReplyDeleteThere's pastor Jeffress from FBC of Dallas -- NOT a Catholic or Muslim, but I cede your point.
DeleteFox News is better than CNN, MSNBC, et al, but only in regard to politics... in this they are fairer than the aforementioned networks. In everything else they're no better than the said aforementioned; they are the same ignorant, "we know better than you" news agency. Even those on-air talents who claim to be Christian, as far as I can tell, are ignorant or asleep at the wheel... at least I never hear from them a defense of Christianity in the face of on-air criticism. All I hear is lip service. Now, they're likely contractually precluded from such defenses so as not to offend the habits and mores of the general viewing audience.
I don't offer these statements as an excuse... having spent 15 years in a TV station (CBS affiliate, no less) I have a perspective that may offer some context. But that context, naturally, is decidedly secular in nature.
What a shabby thing Fox News did. Shame on them. Thank you all, so much, for your efforts and sacrifice. You have been a blessing.
ReplyDeleteFyi. You've got typos in this piece. Sited should be cited, Micheal should be Michael, etc.
ReplyDeleteThanks! I normally proof these a bit better but I was in a hurry this morning.
Delete...ect should be etc. Love this very thorough yet succinct rebuttal.
DeleteSpiffy, an editor, well I put it on my Facebook post. Had enough. All we are doing is, Duh? Pointing out the obvious. Thanks for the article Dolly.There is supposed to be Fathers turned against sons, sons against fathers or daughters. And so on. This has happened in my family. Actually got blocked on chat because I went deeper than "how ya doin'?" Blessings.
ReplyDeleteBe encouraged. This time is surely the "time of the end" mentioned in Daniel 12. I'm encouraged by scripture that continually gives me hope and striction as I navigate these days onward to my heavenly abode. Finally, God told Jeremiah..."Before I formed you in the belly, I knew you and ordained you to be a prophet until the nations" You see, the Lord knows them that are HIS. Surely God knew our beginning and certainly knows our ending. It's already done.
DeleteOh yeah, my nephew was touting the weather is all HAARPS doing. Then accused me of believing a conspiracy.Hmmm?
ReplyDeleteWell, I don't have a whole lot of my old friends that want to hang out with me these days either! You know, all that "End of the World Stuff" when there is football on... yawn.
DeleteALL Main Stream Media outlets have and/or are controlled by the same puppet master, no matter where we "think" they fall in the spectrum.
ReplyDeleteYes I saw that on the FOX website this morning. The topic has also hit TWITTER. Its infuriating but at the end of the day we know the Biblical truth. I haven't read any articles here that have said September 21st is the rapture or end of the world. Only that current and near future events, as they relate to prophesy, look very interesting. I don't know when our Lord will call us home but there are signs indicating it will happen very soon. Let skeptics mock.....our hope and future are secure in HIM!!
ReplyDeleteAmein Krista! Maranatha!
DeleteThe media is owned and operated by the enemy. Fox news leans more to the right than most but that just means the enemy is targeting those people that are closest to the truth. The positive thing about the article is that it's an attack on what we know to be true. The enemy only counterfeits God's truth. So we can take comfort that what's happening this month is from God and the enemy does not like it.
ReplyDeleteNice point. Well done, sir!
DeleteRick Jones, you took the words right out of my brain! I second this comment!
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ReplyDeleteJaJja all autor no le gusto la verdad que publicaste
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ReplyDeleteMuch fruit will come of this. We should be grateful for the exposure. Fox News has almost no credibility anyways.
ReplyDeleteIt reminds me of Joseph who told his brothers that what they meant for evil, God meant for good. God will use this evil report for good in some way. He is sovereign.
DeleteAmen Anna. My thoughts as well. I was angry when I saw it. God is allowing it for good for those of us who love Him and are called according to His purpose, but let us keep praying the eyes of people are opened. My daughter who is 5, just asked Jesus in her heart tonight. I am rejoicing that God is at work, despite the lies. None the Father has given Him will be lost. God's love in Jesus to all of you tonight!
DeletePrecious little one . . . So wonderful to hear.
DeleteLost all respect for Fox News. I might even go as far as boycotting Fox altogether. But watchman is right. The enemy is running the show as far mainstream media goes. Batten down the hatches and rig for stormy weather, brothers & sisters! Peace & Love to all!
ReplyDeleteWhoops sorry Watch Man...It was Rick Jones who commented that. As always, May GOD's Peace and Love shine down on us to encourage us to keep the Faith no matter what!
DeleteWhat would be beautiful is if nothing happens on Sept 23 and everyone laughs at us, and then 3 days later, poof! Gone.
ReplyDeleteWell, reading some the comments from the garbage piece from the HP, people would like to see the "Christians" go.
DeleteSo be it! Waiting and listening carefully for the shofar of shofars.
That would be awesome! My husband and I said the same thing.
DeleteI see now that the Huffington Post picked up that bunch of *&%$%$** today. Sorry don't like false information scaring the people witless. GOD have mercy on America!
ReplyDeleteAnnnnnddddd...this surprises us why? :s 2 Peter 3:3-9 called it, the mocker will come. Whether it's secular, from the body or by family-they were at least forewarned.
ReplyDeleteHow you could ever expect the mainstream media to in any way further Gods Kingdom is absolutely beyond me. Satan rules this world for now and is the prince of the air (waves).
ReplyDeleteThe Word and the Heavens are God's canvas, His billboard and His media outlet. Not the MSM. Turn it off...it's ALL fake...there is nothing there for us.
Amein Billy! I turned off those evil air waves a couple years ago. So glad I did.
DeleteHere's a good read on,Signs of the Kingdom":
Our friend Steve Ciccolanti does a nice job wrapping ALL these things together. Does a nice job expanding on how there are two different types of Christians: intellectual and spiritual. How the religious hierarchy at the time of Jesus' birth missed the signs and dismissed Him when we started His ministry...How many (or most) of Christians today are missing/ mocking ALL the signs/ signals/ markers.. potential rapture in the next few...days (not hundreds of years from now).
ReplyDeleteKeep this in mind, the month of Elul (or rather, the month of "Harvest") ends 9/20. The HARVEST IS ALMOST COMPLETE if year 5777 is indeed the year of completion!
Let the mockers mock, let the fools be foolish... Let us who are watching and know/ feel the Lord's very soon return be full of grace, mercy, love, and be seeking forgiveness and giving forgiveness where it is needed/ warranted.
Link for Steve's (last sermon?): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ki-sKAdXM5A
ReplyDeleteTo all at Unsealed...THANK YOU for all your work for the LORD...I look at this as the the Lord separating the wheat from the tares...WE look up..WE look for Jesus...(and just a thought I had with my daughter on phone today...GOD never does anything without giving us a warning..Even in the garden of Eden GOD warned Adam and Eve not to eat of the fruit of the tree of knowledge and the consequences that would happen). GOD is giving us warnings as a way to wake us up to repent and watch...PS the alignment is so cool to watch coming together!!...Even so come Lord Jesus and praying to be found worthy to stand..AMEN
ReplyDeleteIf the prophecies for September 23rd do occur, it would be a good thing if someone from Jerusalem would post the darkness in a photo online (twitter, facebook) that is to occur from 12noon to 3:00pm in Jerusalem--- So that others 9-10 hours later in other parts of the world
ReplyDeletewill be able to see that this really happened: Then we will be able to be looking past that point to other things that may be arriving.
I have pretty much given up on all the network and cable news stuff. I will occasionally watch One America News Network (OANN) that I get TV package. The don't really do much commentary or news pieces. Most of their time is just reporting news, both U.S. and World Wide. They offer far more news coverage as opposed to the "talking heads" on the other major news sources. I would watch Fox frequently until the last national election and then gave up. This article solidifies my distain for the major news outlets.
ReplyDeleteY donde dejan la promesa de Dios que recordamos cada que aparece el arcoiris
ReplyDeleteLuke 17:20- “And when he was demanded by the Pharisees, when the kingdom of God should come, he answered them and said, The kingdom of God comes not with outward observation:”
ReplyDeleteLuke 17:21- “Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.”
Sorry to burst y’alls bubble...the bible is a compilation of spiritual symbolism of instructions for alchemy, it’s about how we escape the endless wheel of reincarnation. I’m about halfway through The Restored New Testament, by James Morgan Pryse, and for the first time in my many decades, I understand the bible.
ReplyDeleteThe bible is a book of astrology and physiology. How above effects below...as above so below. It’s about becoming a master of your physical body and spiritual self. The New Testament and the Old Testament are about the same thing it’s just that the Old Testament was based on the Jewish system which is not entirely accurate.
This age of Pisces will end but not the world. The age of Aquarius will arrive which has always been a type of golden age throughout the cycles of time. I read the KJV bible 7 times and the NT over 300 times. Every time I saw more and more references to astrology and the human body. And then I discovered The Restored New Testament and have had the feelings of, eureka!
You all need to think for your selves. Think about it… Would a monarchy that is controlled by a wicked Vatican ever give the people they control the real truth? Or are they going to give the people what is required to control them? To make them feel like worthless sinners that need saving and by giving money to the church to ensure their salvation. It’s EXTORTION.
“Jesus” is “Iesous” represented by the sUn of God. Not a historical human being. If you just read the words he supposedly, said you can see that we are much more than worthless or sinners, “he” said we are the light of the world. “He” said we can do everything he can do and even greater if we just believe in the Christ power that runs through our cerebral spinal fluid. “Paul” said that he finally realized Christ is within him. There are many verses that state this.
“Jesus” also said that the kingdom of heaven comes not with observation. That the kingdom of heaven is within us. Our bodies are the temple of the living God…that invisible, omniscient, omnipotent invisible force that is in us and surrounds us and everything else in this existence. In the book of Numbers it is stated that God is not a man. In the book of John it states that God is light. Doesn’t get more clear than that.
Yours is the bubble that will be busted. Allegorism is pointless as no two interpreters agree. Picking and choosing a few verses here and there out of context is also fruitless.
Delete"God is not a man." Yes, that was very true when written. But then He became a man. It's not a zero sum game.
If you’d like to understand how the Christ presence is within you, watch this Harvard educated physician, gone spiritual, explain:
Watch all his vids. One takes you through a meditation that allows you to become aware of your inner Christ...Christos to the original Greeks.
Do you really think a Vatican controlled monarchy would ever want the masses to know this? How can you control humanity if they’re all awake to the fact that they have the same power as the elite parasites that live off of all of us? That we ALL have the same equal Power within is a fact as stated in Genesis ch 1.
I was raised Seventh-day Adventist and I can tell you they say they are the only ones who can properly interpret the bible, especially the book of Revelation, and they couldn’t be more wrong, just like all other orthodox mainstream “christian“ churches.
Little known secret…Tithing has never been about money. Not ever. What the Roman mafia has done is called extortion. Read The Restored New Testament by James Morgan Pryse for all the wonderful details.
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