America is a vile hell-hole!

Polls show that between 67% and 77% of Americans support allowing homosexuality in the military. 77% according to the most recent Washington Post poll.
75% of Americans believe murder is morally permissible.
2/3rds of Americans believe there are many ways to heaven (and that idolatry is no big deal).
By age 19, 7-in-10 American teens have had sexual intercourse. 46% of all 15-19 year olds. About 1/4th of all teen pregnancies end in premeditated murder.
2/3rds of Americans believe there should be "some form" of homosexual marriage.
89% of porn is created in the good ol' U-S-of-A! 25% of all search requests are for porn. 260 new porn sites everyday! Yeah for the U-S-of-A! 100 porn stars have died of AIDS since 2000. 25 have committed suicide.
53% of Americans believe the Bible is full of lies.
America, if any country on earth is the whore of Babylon, it's you.
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