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We are Christ followers and we hold an allegiance to no particular denomination. We follow Christ and Him alone. We believe He is the on...
Rapture 2011 - 483 years

Rapture 2011 - 483 years

Rapture 2011 - 4 weeks from today or tomorrow Reader's digest version: Daniel 9 tells us that 69 weeks of years (groups of 7 ye...
Israeli warships move to Egyptian border

Israeli warships move to Egyptian border

Tension Matthew 24:7 Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in vario...
The great delusion

The great delusion

The great delusion Space Station evacuation Space shuttle retirement The Harpazo The Rapture Interesting to me and you m...


This video sums up the last year quite nicely (with a few things from the past decade sprinkled in): Be warned: there are some very gra...
2011 Disasters

2011 Disasters

Weather and other news

Weather and other news

Oklahoma heat record broken Tuesday afternoon extreme upper midwest weather Hurricane Irene - possible category 4 Massive Louisi...
Libya has fallen

Libya has fallen

The summer stalemate seems to have come to an end as the rebels in Libya made some dramatic advances in the west over the last two weeks. F...
I'm endorsing Rick Perry for President

I'm endorsing Rick Perry for President

I've grown increasingly non-political of late, realizing that Christ is the answer and not a particular political party. Having said th...
The Earth Shaken

The Earth Shaken

Psalm 46:2-3 Therefore we will not fear, though the earth should change And though the mountains slip into the heart of the sea; Though...
His Thoughts

His Thoughts

Isaiah 55:8-9 “ For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways,” says the LORD. For as the heavens a...
Palestinians plan September border invasion

Palestinians plan September border invasion

Palestinians planning September border invasion As we have said, besides this there are these little events forthcoming: Economic col...
Just chill yo!

Just chill yo!

Nothing to worry about world... "Keep calm and carry on" as they say. 1.) U.S. credit rating downgraded for the first time in hi...
A Post

A Post

I haven't posted much lately, because it seems so pointless and the information so readily apparent. Financial crisis. Weather off t...
Classic - Mark Blitz

Classic - Mark Blitz

Signs and Seasons
10 member federation

10 member federation

From Hal Lindsey on 10/5: "Likewise, the European Union, though currently gripped in the throes of economic upheaval, is still movin...
U.S. credit rating

U.S. credit rating

U.S. credit rating down graded from AAA to AA+. The first time in history. I wonder what the rating would be if the political pressure o...
Soon - very soon

Soon - very soon

Check out Steve Hadley 7/24 and 7/27. Harvest Church Reno Steve is such an amazing gift. Thank you Lord.
War coming - Ezekiel 38 and 39, Isaiah 17, Psalms 83

War coming - Ezekiel 38 and 39, Isaiah 17, Psalms 83

Mid-East update
Putin saber rattling

Putin saber rattling

Putin calls U.S. a global parasite Putin is looking for a way back in. Now he calls the U.S. an economic parasite, because of our economic ...


2600+ heat records broken in July Revelation 8:7 The first angel sounded his trumpet, and there came hail and fire mixed with blood, and it ...


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