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2012 Rapture

2012 Rapture

Check these guys out - brilliant: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=NKzWG4agiaw Matthew 24 tells us that everyt...
Edge of a Total Social Takedown

Edge of a Total Social Takedown

Israel going solo

Israel going solo



Exodus 19:1-6 New American Standard Bible (NASB) Moses on Sinai 19    In the third month after the sons of Israel had gone out of ...
Joel Rosenberg - implosion update #4

Joel Rosenberg - implosion update #4

Joel Rosenberg - implosion-update-4-prominent-u-s-senator-says-u-s-faces-sudden-collapse-due-to-debt-bomb/
If you've got some time...

If you've got some time...

If you've got some time ----


The internet is full of articles like this one, but this world is so incredibly poised for collapse: The Economic Collapse Blog My cut...
Israel leadership goes dark

Israel leadership goes dark

http://mobile.reuters.com/article/idUSBRE84G0UC20120517?irpc=932 Get ready for lots of scriptural fulfillment: Psalms 83 Isaiah 17 Eze...
Run on the banks in Greece

Run on the banks in Greece

Bank Run Italian interest rates rising - Europe very skidish
Brief recap

Brief recap

Fukeshima radioactive debris beginning to wash up in Alaska. Fukeshima radioactive material has flood the oceans, the sky, killing milli...
EU Collapse

EU Collapse

From Joel Rosenberg's blog...his new book, coming out in June, should be a good one... Joel Rosenberg's blog IMP...
California needs 8.3 billion in cuts

California needs 8.3 billion in cuts

California is collapsing under the weight of socialism.
EU could collapse within weeks or months

EU could collapse within weeks or months

EU could collapse within weeks or months


I'm curious about something.  I don't have much evidence, but I'm thinking out loud. The Hebrew Calendar is on a 19 year cycl...
Severe flooding in central China

Severe flooding in central China

1,000 dead 8 million evacuated PBS article
U.S. Record Temperatures

U.S. Record Temperatures

U.S. heat records broken in 26 states.   Warmest January through April on record. Hello summer.  Hello bugs.  Hello fire.  Hello drought....
Israel strengthens political power-prepare for war

Israel strengthens political power-prepare for war

Europe economic collapse imminent

Europe economic collapse imminent

Greece and French voters make big changes To avoid economic collapse of themselves and the entire European Union, legislators in Greece a...


This is a reshash of something we talk about frequently, but given the lateness of the hour and the urgency, thought I would cover it again...


Supermoon over Athens
Joel Rosenberg update on Israel - War in October

Joel Rosenberg update on Israel - War in October

6 Israeli reserve battalions called up Elections planned for September to strengthen Netanyahu support - Remember 9/16 is the Jewish Ne...
Christmas Tree

Christmas Tree

When I was a kid, my sister and I got very excited about the Christmas season and being on the receiving end of much stuff. It seems Americ...


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