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#1 - Gary was married on Saturday!

#2 - Gary was married on Saturday!

#3 - Gary was married on Saturday!

#4 - We haven't been posting, because of the wedding of the year!

#5 - Psalms 83, Isaiah 17, Obadiah, Jeremiah 49 all appear ready to be fulfilled this summer.  This will surely be a sign of our departure.  Russia, China, Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Iran and Jordan appear to be aligning to surprise Israel.  Israel is preparing some surprises of their own.  We're just waiting the spark.

#6 - I continue to be amazed at all of the preachers who are now talking about the end.  Stunning how everywhere I turn, someone is talking about the end.  The Spirit is surely unleashed on this generation.

#7 - Wildfires top the headlines, Colorado, Utah, New Mexico they rage out of control.

#8 - Flooding in the upper midwest - I saw a mainstream media headline this week "biblical proportions" and "apocalyptic".  These phrases are becoming common place - we've run out of big words.

#9 - Joel Rosenberg's new book "Implosion" is all the rage.  Joel always stops short of predictions and has his usual optimistic and rosy outlook.  I am a glass half empty on this one.

#10 - Jonathan Cahn's book "The Harbinger" is in wide circulation.  America has been fully warned.

#11 - America is missing from the prophecies that lay just ahead.  Although Daniel 7:1-8 seem to mention America briefly.

#12 - Gulf storms are brewing.

#13 - Western debt is unhinged.  Stock market jitters this week, but the greed continues to drive the market forward.

#14 - Gay pride parades.

#15 - Jerry Sandusky - a symptom of a world out of control.  He's not alone.

#16 - New Egyptian leader Morsi rallies for Israeli destruction.

#17 - Saudi's order large swath of German tanks.

#18 - Israel's return predicted.  This is old news, but nicely recapped in this recent story.

Israel's return

Matthew 24:32-35 (NASB)
Parable of the Fig Tree
“Now learn the parable from the fig tree: when its branch has already become tender and puts forth its leaves, you know that summer is near; so, you too, when you see all these things, recognize that He is near, right at the door.Truly I say to you, this generation will not pass away until all these things take place.  Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will not pass away.

2012 - 1948 = 64 years + 7 year tribulation = 71.  We seem to be on borrowed time.

#19 - Israeli news very quiet.  Have you noticed the silence?  These people are resolved and appear to have made up their mind.  No more do you see Netanyahu in Washington or New York.  War plans are underway.

#20 - U.S. Military presence very strong in Middle East

Blessings - look up your redemption draws near.

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  1. Congradulations Gary, many Blessings to you n yours my watchman friend! i love this website of yours n gregs! Keep on keepin' on, in Jesus name,...were homeward bound as He has called us aside! PRAISE GOD/ again congradulations on your marriage! Hi Greg, Peace be w/ you my friend... keep up the good work reporting..... and thank you

  2. oh yea,...tony in vermont.



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