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Yesterday: 370 Million Without Power in India... Today: 670 Million

Yesterday: 370 Million Without Power in India... Today: 670 Million

Over half the population of India is without power.  A population greater than that of the European Union and Russia combined.  Traffic ligh...
Iran prepares for war

Iran prepares for war

The News

The News

Matthew 16:1-3 The Pharisees and Sadducees came up, and testing Jesus, they asked Him to show them a sign from heaven. But He replied to...
Weather Extremes-"storm of the century"

Weather Extremes-"storm of the century"

The News

The News

War in Syria russia-china-veto-un-syria-sanctions-us-calls-vote-regrettable assad-reportedly-directs-troops-from-tribal-heartland-as-re...
Assad's days are numbered

Assad's days are numbered

Assad's days are numbered Watch how these verses are connected. We see Syria imploding.  Assad's leadership killed or defected...


America burning

America burning

Corn crop disaster Drought multi-billion dollar disaster Seems like a small thing.  A bad season in America's corn fields, however ...
Syria planning Israeli attack

Syria planning Israeli attack

http://fulfilledprophecy.com/discussion/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=64044 http://www.nytimes.com/2012/07/11/world/middleeast/russia-sends-wa...
Solar Storm

Solar Storm

These are getting rather common. Solar Storm
The End of All Things

The End of All Things

Matthew 28:18-20 18 And Jesus came up and spoke to them, saying, “ All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. 19  Go the...
One Third of Mankind will be destroyed

One Third of Mankind will be destroyed

iran-says-one-third-of-mankind-will-die-in-a-war This time the Muslims might be right. Revelation 9:15-18   (NASB) And the four ang...


MSNBC Link NOAA reports first six months of 2012 were the warmest in history and 170 cities had their highest temperature records broken ...


http://video.msnbc.msn.com/nightly-news/48065641/#48065641 D.C. – Virginia – storm – massive power outages http://video.msnbc.msn.com/...
J.D.'s back

J.D.'s back

J.D. Farag update
June 2012

June 2012

2012 June
The Earth is Yours

The Earth is Yours

The Earth is Yours - Gungor Revelation 7:9-12 (NIV) The Great Multitude in White Robes After this I looked, and there before me wa...


Shadowfeet Revelation 21:1-7 (NASB) The New Heaven and Earth 21 Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the first heaven and the...
17 last half of 2012 warnings

17 last half of 2012 warnings

http://www.prophecynewswatch.com/2012/June29/292.html Not to mention the very real signs of a massive middle east war.
Rapture prophecy

Rapture prophecy

Yitzhak Kaduri Highly respected Israeli Rabbi Yitzhak Kaduri died in 2006. When he died he left a sealed note, with instructions that ...
Prepare for the worst

Prepare for the worst

http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/48032427/ns/weather/t/eastern-us-continues-swelter-power-outages-could-last-days/ Last winter a terrible storm...


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