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God's Calendar: A Shocking Story

If you Google search dates for Christ’s birth, crucifixion or the rapture/tribulation/Second Coming, you are going to find any number of brain-numbing “theories” by people who for whatever reason think the truth is so overly complicated that only they can figure it out using hundreds of calculations, “Gematria,” “Bible codes,” and other, quite honestly, baloney.

The truth is really simple.  Of all the various theories proposed the best I’ve heard in my humble opinion is the simple and straightforward one you can find on http://www.bethlehemstar.net/

I’ve used Stellarium, a free desktop application that uses precise math based on Kepler’s laws, to confirm everything proposed (you can download it for free here), and here are some screenshots I’ve made so you can plainly see the signs.

Jesus likely conceived on September 11th, 3 BC:


1. The king planet, Jupiter, does full retrograde around the king star, Regulus, THREE TIMES.  King... King... King.  All of this in Leo the Lion.  Think Lion of Judah.  While Jupiter frequently passes Regulus (about every one or two decades), this time it encircles it THREE TIMES.  This is unique.  All this as seen from both Jerusalem and “in the east” (probably near Babylon, from where the Magi may have hailed).  The Magi would immediately have recognized the significance based on the Torah prophecy of the Messiah found in Genesis 49:9–10, which was one of the very first prophecies of Christ’s coming ever given by God.

2. Simultaneously we see part of the sign in Revelation 12.  A woman clothed with the sun with the moon at her feet.  On this date the moon was at her feet and she was clothed with the sun as can be seen in the above image.

3. This wasn’t just any moon.  It was a new moon.

4. And, to top it all off, this date happens to be Rosh Hashanah—the Jewish New Year, also called the Feast of Trumpets.

Jesus likely born on June 17th, 2 BC:


1. It was exactly 40 weeks later, to the day, from September 11th, 3 BC.  In medical thought, a perfect pregnancy.  38–42 weeks is a perfect pregnancy window.

2. The king planet, Jupiter, and the mother planet, Venus, merge in conjunction to become the brightest star/planet that anyone at that time had EVER seen.  This conjunction is beyond rare, to say the very least.  Jupiter and Venus are the two brightest lights in the night sky apart from the moon.  This would thus fulfill Isaiah 9:2, both in the heavens (via Jupiter and Venus), and on the earth with Christ’s birth, for at this very moment human eyes first see the incarnate God in flesh.

3. The king planet, Jupiter, had traveled through the sky from the east, to the west, without stopping, over the course of these nine months and is in conjunction with Venus right over Jerusalem.

4. This happened right at the heart of Leo the Lion... Lion of Judah.

The magi likely visit the six-month old Jesus on December 25th, 2 BC:


1. On December 25th, 2 BC, the king planet, which had been traveling from the east for the past 15 months WITHOUT STOPPING, finally STOPS (enters retrograde) DIRECTLY over the town of Bethlehem.  On December 25th, 2 BC, if one were looking at Jerusalem’s night sky, Jupiter would appear in the south-southwest, directly above Bethlehem.

2. In the Bible, the Greek word used for the child the magi find is “padion,” which is more like “toddler” (not “infant”).  This also explains why Herod has all the male children under two years of age killed.  If Jesus was a newly born child, he could have been more specific in his order.

Jesus likely crucified on Friday, April 3rd, AD 33.


1. Throughout Christian history, there has been near unanimous agreement that Christ was killed on a Friday, for the following reasons: His death fell on Passover, it was Preparation Day (the day before the Sabbath), and the Bible says numerous times that He would rise again, not after three complete days, but simply “on the third day” (e.g., Hosea 6:2, 1 Corinthians 15:4, Matthew 17:23, Luke 24:7).  Wednesday crucifixion proponents largely base their argument on the sign of Jonah (“three days and three nights in the belly of the fish”), which Jesus used to portray His crucifixion.

2. At precisely 3 p.m. Jerusalem time (when Christ finally breathed His last), the full moon went into total lunar eclipse (a blood red moon).  The sky was dark from midday, so this was visible.

3. Exactly when Christ breathed His last, from the perspective of the moon, the earth was situated precisely at the heart of Aries the Ram, representing sacrifice.  Christ was the long-sought-after ram, the provision of God, foreshadowed in the ram provided by God in place of Isaac.

4. The same week’s Monday, when Christ rode into Jerusalem as king (reckoned in Jewish time, the Triumphal Entry would have occurred during the day on Monday), was exactly 483 Jewish years (69 weeks of years; 476 solar years) TO THE DAY from the decree to restore and rebuild Jerusalem.  This prophecy was given in Daniel 9:25.  The decree was sent in 444 BC.

5. The Apostle Peter verified that the Day of the Lord had both a sun that had turned dark and a blood moon (see Acts 2:20).  He used this as a reason WHY the Jews in Jerusalem should turn to Christ.... because THEY HAD JUST SEEN THE SIGNS.

...Now, time for speculation... September 23rd, 2017.  During and right after Rosh Hashanah:

Revelation 12:1–2 portrays a woman clothed with the sun, the moon at her feet, giving birth to the male child (Jesus), and crowned with 12 stars.

There have been partial fulfillments of this before, such as in 2011 when the moon was at her feet and she was clothed in the sun.  However, only in 2017 are all four conditions met:

1. Must be clothed in the sun.  CHECK.

2. Moon at her feet.  CHECK.

3. Giving birth to the male child.  In other years she gives birth to other planets like Mercury, Saturn, or Venus.  Only in 2017 is she giving birth to Jupiter, the king planet, which had previously been identified as Christ’s star—and amazingly, Jupiter will have been in Virgo’s womb for the exact length of human gestation.  Ignore Stellarium’s artwork.  In the actual constellation, identified by the lines, Jupiter is precisely between her legs and below her womb.  CHECK.

4. A crown of 12 stars.  Virgo the Virgin is always crowned with Leo the Lion, which is composed of exactly 9 stars.  Only in 2017 are exactly three more added to create a crown of 12 stars (Mercury, Mars, and Venus).  CHECK.

What is the significance of the sign in September 2017?  I would say it could be the Rapture, or perhaps a sign to the Jews after the rapture.  It might also be a very important sign that the rapture is imminent, but not necessarily on that exact day.

The precise fulfillment of the prophecy in Revelation 12, which speculatively appears to occur on September 22–23, 2017, should be good reason to be alert and looking upwards.

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  1. God's creation,including all the heavenlies, whether physical or spiritual, is set out to perfection and we have been told that knowledge will be increased in the last days. The main thing for those who believe is to keep looking to the Lord and do as He instructs us.

    1. The New American Bible says that in John 3:16 "Donald Trump so loved America that HE became president". Luke 28:19 says "For the Holy Republican Gospels of Trump being America's Personal Lord and Savior which is good news gospel of Trump".
      Be sure to read and MEMORIZE these important scripture verses. They will save your soul and get you to heaven to be with Christ.

    2. Sept 23 2017 was the birth of the Anti Christ. Revelation 12 when read in the Greek details two births in one story; one was the birth of Christ, the other is the birth of the Anti-Christ. But I warn against the assumption that he will be as a baby. The DNA of Osiris, also known as Nimrod, aka Apollyon, was used to create a living genetic replica, that was born Sept 23 2017.
      If your looking for a rapture date, I'd look to the feast of trumpets 2040, during the planetary alignment. The planet's align on the 5th feast behind a new moon. The Hebrew translations of those planets and new moon in their order of alignment creates this message: the light bearers are liberated, those who are covered by his blood (the red ones), are redeemed for the sabbath, through the door to the inner room of Almighty God.
      Also point of note, Jerusalem will not be sounding the trumpets that night because the feast of trumpets will fall on a Sabbath day that year. Ergo being able to come as a thief in the night, even though it's literally the feast of Trumpets!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Very true (:

    "And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:" - Genesis 1:14

  4. Good work and I concur with your findings. You might also note that the second great sign from Revelation 12 is also visible. This would be the 7 stars of Serpens (the Great Red Dragon), 7 stars of Corona Borealis ( 7 crowns), and the 10 stars of Bootes (10 horns) Okay, a few star charts shows Bootes with only 9 stars but I think they are missing HIP 67275, HD 120136, tau Boo.

    So altogether we have 12 stars for Virgo's crown, 7 heads for the dragon with 7 crowns, and 10 horns. All on September 23, 2017, just after sundown (the twinkling of an eye) viewed looking West from Jerusalem. The new cresent moon will just be visible and —perhaps—the final (shofar) trump will be blowing.


  5. I would think that this couldn't be the Second Coming of Christ. A few verses later it talks of hiding Israel for 1260 days (roughly 3.5 years). Also, given that Revelation 12 comes after the description of part of the Tribulation and is followed by more chronological events, I believe that this date will mark the mid point of the Tribulation.
    Please check out this timeline presentation:

    1. Hello....so IF what you are saying is true...then that means it is possible that the year 2014 could be the year of the Rapture?

    2. Yes Revelation 12 is the mid point and the Lord has told me that this is when the rapture happens. I think we need to lift our heads as our redemption draweth night. Praise JESUS.

  6. Jesus was born sept 11. Can be proved by scripture. Mary went to temple for her purification sacrifice 40 days later on yom kippur. Another woman was there in the temple. The only time (women) they are permitted in temple is on yum kippur.

  7. If you Google search dates for Christ's birth, crucifixion or the rapture/tribulation/Second Coming, you are going to find any number of brain-numbing "theories" by people who for whatever reason think the truth is so overly complicated that only they can figure it out using hundreds of calculations, "Gematria", "Bible codes", and other, quite honestly, baloney.


  8. 1260 days before Sept 23, 2017, is April 15, 2014, which is the first of four blood moons and tax day. Cool

    1. The Lord Told me I would bear a son and I should call him Levi My son Levi Bear was born on 4/14/14 between the hours of the crucifixion and there was a blood moon!! Is this significant?! I am a Leo my husband an Aries?!

  9. Interesting that 2017 also marks 50 years from 1967 (6 day war) which is 50 years from 1917 ( defeat of the Ottoman Turks by the British, Balfour declaration) which is 50 years from 1867 (Emancipation of Jews in Hungarian Austrian empire, Jerusalem is surveyed as future home of the Jews. A jubilee year represents a release from bondage and debts. That may not mean Christ's return so much as it means the release from spiritual and political bonds placed upon God's chosen people; thus precipitating a need to go into hiding for protection.

  10. 1260 Days is exactly 180 weeks. If you go to Outlook calendar on 9/22/17 or 9/23/17 and back up 180 weeks, you end up on 4/10 or 4/11. April and Nisan 2014 dates match. I.E. Nisan 10=April 10; Nisan 14=April 14.

    Per scripture (Daniels' 69 weeks and the Gospels) Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey 4 days before passover on Nisan 10. Will April 10, 2014 be the rapture?

  11. well I guess we will see who looks like a fool on 9/23/2017 then what will be the next date I wonder. We still have Newton's date of 2060 to get to

    1. It is interesting you found this web site yet make fun of anyone who is looking for the soon coming of the Messiah. What would it matter if a proposed day came and went. Should we not keep looking? Or do you believe since you been told by some organization that no one will ever know? Then why were you given signs to look for? Those who say Messiah is far off have not committed their heart to love Him enough to study the prophetic signs and Scriptures and looking at everything around them that say He must be very near! The 11hours-59 minutes-and counting down the seconds on the 6000 years of human history.

    2. I could have not said it better my self
      God Bless you, I might have not been as kind

    3. The Lord will be away 2 days and on the 3rd he will be with us. Josea 6:2 "After two days he will revive us; on the third day he will restore us, that we may live in his presence." So 2033.5 is the latest he would come. 2017 + possibly 7 year Trib is 2024. God said the the days would be shortened otherwise no flesh would survive. This is approx. 10 years short of 2000 years. Maybe there is a 10 year clue somewhere??

    4. Maybe what you quoted that the days would be shortened .....possibly shortened by 10 years.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Has anyone charted the astronomical appearance of the dragon with his 7 heads and 10 crowns in verse 3? How does that work with appearance of the woman and the date? Is the serpent also placed strategically with the right amount of stars around his head around this time frame?

  14. Christ was born on April 6th.

  15. Excellent work and food for thought!

    I think it's also important to note that Revelation is a 'Revelation of Jesus Christ' and many things John sees take place in Heaven. Christ often spoke of his words being spiritual and not physical, so let's not keep our eyes fixed on the physical too much, lest we be found unawares. There is a great deception that will overtake MANY, including God's elect.

    For example, the 3rd temple, which many teachers say must be built is just as likely to refer to the spiritual temple as the veil of the last physical temple was rent, signifying the end of blood sacrifices. Christ spoke of spiritual words and our bodies are referred to as a temple of the spirit.

    While these clues may be interesting and even pertinent to what's coming, we should always turn our gaze inward first, to the spirit, as that is what God is interested in--not the physical, not the temple made with hands, not signs and wonders in the heavens... which, by the way, can and will be faked by the darker powers as foretold in Revelation, as well.

    Take care.

    1. I agree that our heart, mind and body must be in align with the relationship but you error in that Satan has power or control over the sun, moon, or stars. This in not correct. When this earth was created the Creators gave the trust deed to Adam and Eve. They lost is when they fell. The Prince (Satin) has much control over this world, but does not control the Sun, Moon or Stars. Anyone who would take the time to come to a web site like this looking for when their Messiah might come, it would be very dangerous to judge their motives stating or questioning if their heart was not right. They are not at the movies, or watching TV or doing some other mind numbing activity. Try a to be encouraging to the body of believers and let the Spirit of Truth correct them. Giving your testimony is more beneficial to the body of the Messiah then getting into other peoples business unless you see your brother in error. I see no error in not being asleep like most of the world.

    2. What do you make then of the re-establishment of Shabat, Feast days, and sacrifices in God's Millennial Kingdom? Ref Isa 56:6-8; Zech 14:16; Jer 33:15-18; Ezek 43:18-46:24 (the context of which begins at Ezek 40)...
      It is an error to over-spiritualise the Word. The prophecies of the Messiah's First Advent were literally fulfilled, why would eschatological prophecies not be?

    3. It states "IF it were possible that even the Elect would be fooled". so i don't think the elect will be fooled. They are called the Elect for a reason. GBY

    4. I've been thirsty for truth for over five years now and in 2017 I had discovered (through my own research) that Sept 2017 was going to be a foretold astronomical event but when I took it to the pasture of the church I was attending, he looked at me like I was crazy. It was at that time I stopped going to church and realized that all this is about the Holy Spirit and the knowledge of his elect. It is the ones who will seek through Yashua (God's Word) and ask for the anointing of His Spirits that will be the Third Temple. I was so frustrated with Religion and I still am, that I have denounced all of it and turned to the Father, Son and Holy Ghost...Not Man! This is not to put anyone down for their religious belief but there will be so many in the churches lost and it saddens me to see it. I love the story of Job but many fear that story but if you have had a Job experience with the Father and came out with him giving you wondrous signs and assurance...it will make you renewed in a way that only can be through Him. This means I do not fear loss of any kind in this world....not money, not materialistic hog-wash, and not my kids because I know that the Lord holds my son in his arms as he gave me three witnesses to the abundance of signs on a night and seven nights following that I would love to share with believers who understand that YHWH works mysteriously and shows himself to the faithful. He is not hidden and never has been but we have become a nation refusing to seek him. It's all there in his Word we just have to ask him to show us. Not in the repetitive, robotic way religion has conditioned us to do but in His way.

  16. Great work! I have also been studying this in detail.

    I believe the main purpose of Rev 12 is to show how Israel(woman) gave birth to Christ(child) and how God is and has protected them from Satan(dragon). Which is why it's really awesome that the constellations aligned this way when Christ was born.

    I have a more historical view of Revelation.. believing much of it has been fulfilled, such as this chapter. I view the 1260 days as prophetic, not literal. Similar to the way most Bible scholars interpret Daniel's 70 weeks. I believe we will be caught up to meet Christ in the air at His 2nd coming like the Bible says.. not a secret pre-trib or mid-trib rapture. But we should definitely be watching in 2017 and be living for Christ in the meantime!

  17. I would like to point out actually that Jesus Christ was crucified on April 17, 33 A.D because I used the Stellarium software, and it showed an eclipse that happened that day right around 3pm and stayed dark till sunset. The Moon was over the sun all that time.

    1. Jesus died at Passover. Passover occurs half way through the month when the moon is full and on the other side of earth to the sun. The moon could *not* therefore have been over the sun.

    2. Has anyone seen a 3 hour eclipse of the moon? The ones I have seen do not last that long. Just wondering...

  18. Hi All,

    The 23 September 2017 Revelation 12 Heavenly Sign occurs only once in 7,000 years. I have checked all of man's history; 6,200 years into the past and 1,200 years into the future and not found a repetition of the sign.

    The crucial part of the sign is the pregnancy of the constellation in the 42 weeks leading up to Sep 23. Jupiter only does this every 83 years which is a little under a 100 times in the 7,400 years. Further the moon is only at the feet of the constellation once every 19 years.

    All of these cycles combine to make the Sept 23 sign very unique.

    Interestingly the 1335 days spoken of in Daniel 12v12 regularly occurs between the Feast of Trumpets (FOT) and the Feast of Pentecost except for intercalary months. FOT 2017 to Pentecost 2021 has 1335 days. Additionally FOT 2017 to Day of Atonement (DOA) 2024 has 2550 days (i.e. 1260 + 1290). Hebcal and Torahcalendar differ on the DOA 2024 by a month so make sure you verify with Torahcalendar.

    Further the book of revelation should be read *not* from chapters 1 to 22 in chronological order but rather from chapters 1 to 11 in chronological order and then beginning again in parallel from chapters 12 to 22 in chronological order. This makes Ch.12 *not* a mid-tribulation event but rather the beginning of the tribulation. When the book of Revelation is read in this order we see matches to chapters 6&13 (tribulation), chapters 7&14 (rapture & 144,000), chapters 8&16 (God’s Wrath) and chapters 11&19 (End of man ruling himself). This parallel timeline provides a double witness to the book of revelation.

    Here is a you-tube video I have done demonstrating the rarity of Rev 12 sign.... http://bit.ly/1qTwrLs

    God Bless

    1. Hello Mark,
      Just a note to share what I came across about trying to find out what time the prophecy falls on. First let me state this me my testimony and I do not push it upon anyone the Spirit must teach you and I truth. I share so you can test everything I say. Many will not test something because they are stuck in man's traditions. I still trying to get unstuck with our Father's help. So you are using a Solar only calendar that is not a biblical calendar. What is a biblical calendar? It it Jewish? Answer No.
      The Jewish are partly right but they mix two different calendars. One calendar is the time keeping system the Creator placed in the heavens at creation week. It uses the sun, moon and stars. The modern Jewish Calendar uses a Lunar Calendar that counts from the beginning of each month from New Moon. They use this Lunar Calendar to find their Feasts which fall in the Spring, Summer and Fall.
      Where they error is mixing the Holy Creation Calendar with the Solar Only Calendar which hangs on the wall of must homes and controls every aspect of our life. This Solar only Calendar does not use the moon or stars. So man's problem is that he thinks he is smarter than the Creator. Before Israel left Egypt the Father gave the correct time to Moses and Aaron in Exodus chapter 12. This is not Jewish time keeping. Since the Creator gave Moses the correct time based upon a count from New Moon Day should we not question our current pagan, Roman, Catholic calendar? On the Creation Calendar Sunday is not the first day of the week or Saturday is not the 7th day of the week. So as the Sunday and Saturday keepers keep at odds with each other. Now we are learning that they both were on counterfeit calendars. Until you get on the correct biblical calendar your counting of days will not be correct. The early Bible records of Moses make clear there are only 30 days in a month and 360 days in a normal lunar year. This is shorter than the Civil Calendar and Israel had to add a 13 month about every 3 years so the Barley was always ready to harvest in the month of Passover.
      google search- Lunar-solar Calendar, luni-solar calendar. Today we see traces of this calendar in several old cultures. But mixing the Civil and Biblical Calendar is two different time keeping systems. They don't fit together. The Jews caved in on keeping their feasts and lunar-solar calendar after the days of the Messiah due to persecution. Laws were set up by Roman in 321 AD against the Jews keeping the calendar given to Israel. Rome even changed their calendar to give a 7 day weekly cycle so allow the Jews to move to Rome's Saturday. By about 358 AD most Jews were keeping Saturday. Today, modern Israel does not call out the pagan names of Sunday, Monday ect. which are assigned days for pagans to worship the planets through the week. May the Father bless you and lead you in your studies.

    2. Hi,

      Using Stellarium the sign also appears August 4, 3914 BC.

    3. Dear Friend,

      Re: "Using Stellarium the sign also appears August 4, 3914 BC."

      No... that is not accurate.

      Firstly the year is -3914 which is the equivalent to 3915 BC
      REF: http://j.mp/Astro-Year

      According to Jaco Prinsloo in his video "God's Roadmap to the End - Unlocking Daniel's Sealed Prophecies" at the 19:49 minute mark the sign occurs.

      But if you look into it further you will find it is not true.

      For the year 3915 BC Jupiter is inside and outside the womb as follows...

      Jupiter enters womb...
      41 days inside womb then...
      Jupiter exits womb...
      125 outside womb then...
      Jupiter re-enters womb...
      100 inside womb
      Jupiter exits womb.

      In 2017 AD Jupiter is only outside the womb for 56 days whereas in 3915 BC it is outside the womb for 125 days and consequentially is at some distance from the quadrangle. I reason that the 56 days Jupiter is outside the womb in 2017 AD and the relatively short distance outside the quadrangle can be paralleled to the extra distance a real baby may impose on the womb of a real mother. In other words a real mother's womb is enlarged but not to the extent we would see in the "so called original event" in the year 3915 BC where Jupiter is near to the bicep of the constellation. By comparison when zoomed out with the entirety of the constellation in view the maximum range Jupiter is outside the quadrangle is only the diameter of the planet for the year 2017 AD.

      I believe that Jaco got his information for the year 3915 BC from my video as seen here...

      In that video (that is now nearly 2 years old) between the 9:00 to 10:00 minute mark I explicitly state why 3915 BC is not a fulfilment of Revelation 12v1&2

      God Bless

  19. In Revelation 12:1... she is transfigured; the moon is under her feet. The pictures of the alignments in the stars show the moon clearly under her feet... and she has the crown on her head... clothed with the sun... 9/28/2015 alignment matches that.

    9/23/2017 does NOT correspond to Revelation 12:1. The moon is NOT under her feet but to the side of her foot.

    Therefore, what the scripture is saying when matched up (this way at least) to what you are bringing out and what Mark Chiswell brought out in his tape... is that the date of the woman arising in the full measure of the full stature of Christ is 9/28/2015 at the beginning of tribulation.

    Then, LATER, John the Beloved "the manchild"... arises following her. Because when we look at the alignment of the birthing... in 9/23/2017... it matches the birthing. But 9/28/2015 matches Mary herself first arising in the greater measure of glory in ministration.

    When I re-read Revelation 12 seeing the two different alignments... and how 9/23/2017 didn't match Revelation 12:1 as that scripture stood alone (because the moon is not UNDER her feet there but to the side) and how 9/28/2015 doesn't match birthing of the manchild because the manchild is not birthing in that alignmetn (but is in 9/23/2017)... I could see staggered dates in the scripture... POSSIBLY.

    It would read like this:

    At the beginning of the tribulation period, 9/28/2015 (possibly 9/29 or 9/30 or so because the 9/28/2015 may be the last day of the 7 years of preparation; or the first day of the 7 year tribulation... ???) Mary the apostle of the Church of Philadelphia arises in the full measure of the full stature of Christ and begins to minister. She immediately flees into the wilderness for 1260 days. She labors in travail in Christ that Christ would be fully formed in the church. The UN NWO One world government has been established (this is represented by the devils cast to earth.. and the full formation of the UN beast system appearing in the scripture right after she arises and is seen having arisen in the full measure of the full stature of Christ.) AFTER THIS... on 9/23/2017... John the Beloved himself arises in the full measure of the full stature of Christ.

    (Then, at mid-trib point... which would be 1260 days give a day or a couple... or so... after 9/28/2015 time frame... the entire Church of Philadelphia transfigures at time of abomination of desolations... the fires of Revelation 18 go forth.... and the door opens, the transfigured Church of Philadelphia enters Eden... and the door closes behind them.) They have escaped the hour of temptation.

    This is the case scenario I am "looking at". I have to see if the "time frames" moving from 9/23/2017 REALLY DO match "start time of a 7 year period" really well.

    Right now, I cannot logically rule out staggered dates:

    1. Tribulation begins 9/28/2015; Mary transfigures and ministers.
    2. One World Government via UN manifests then.
    3. Mary (apostle of the Church of Philadelphia) flees into the wilderness for 1260 days.
    4. LATER - on 9/23/2017 - John the Beloved "manchild" hits full spiritual maturity as well (first time in 7000 years a couple has been in the Adam and Eve anointing together).
    5. Midpoint of tribulation is 1260 days after 9/28/2015 (give one two... or so... days)... and that is when the Church of Philadelphia transfigures, fires of Revelation 18 go forth, and the Church of Philadelphia goes through the open door to Eden and the door shuts behind them.

    OK, I really would sincerely appreciate any alignment of the stars response... to see if this case scenario "fits" the stars and their alignments from 9/28/2015 and 9/23/2017 forward.

    1. It is obvious by now (September, 2016) that your entire explanation is now incorrect.

      From the beginning, you stumble out of the gate by misinterpreting the Greek word "hupokato". You state that the scripture identifies the moon as being "under" her feet, and therefore, since the moon is clearly not "under" her feet, the 9/23/2017 alignment cannot be the alignment described in Revelation 12:1. However, the Greek word used in this verse is the combination of two Greek words...it is because of this combination that the meaning is "by her feet", as in "downwards" or literally "in an inferior position." Clearly, the moon is in an inferior position in that it is "by (beside) her foot."

    2. You are right!!!! Read jermiah 33 to know more about the woman. Not a new translation but king James or king James 1611.

    3. I made another comment but it's in the wrong place. I left it there though it's below if u want to look at it I feel you will agree

  20. :) ~~ You did an AWESOME job on this article in showing the alignment, etc. Except, I see an error in your statements. So, I did a tape to challenge everyone who is making a logical error. Cuz, tribulation MAY BEGIN in the date range of 9/28-30/2015... so it's pretty important. (We'll find out if it does... soon enough... but let's put it out there for a watch date as I challenge your vid on a logical fallacy through it's false assumption.... :)... appreciating the great work you did... but calling you on a "fatal flaw" in your line of logic.... :)

    My vid link (please check it out)... http://youtu.be/hvwOGyzTs04

    This is my vid title: Everyone is WRONG who says Rev 12:1-6 fulfills 9/23/2017...
    Here's my description: Tribulation appears to begin 9/28-30/2015 when WOMAN ARISES of Revelation 12. Here is why on this tape. Revelation 12:1-2 is a SEPARATE WONDER... a DIFFERENT ALIGNMENT... a DIFFERENT/SEPARATE DATE... from the Revelation 12:3-5 WONDER, ALIGNMENT, AND DATE. Therefore... Revelation 12:3-5 (or maybe only Revelation 12:5... takes more study) fulfills 9/9-26/17 date range. Calling y'all on it! :) Please listen to my tape... to answer the objections I am raising.

    *** I misspoke and said "October 2017" in a couple spots on my tape. Just did an annotation to make correction to SEPTEMBER 2017.

    Anyway, my point is very clear... you've made an error and missed the proper interpretation of timing and star alignments of Revelation 12. You have to see TWO different snapshots in Revelation 12... TWO different alignments... TWO different dates... 1 in Revelation 12:1-2 (starts tribulation) and 1 in Revelation 12:3-5 "later" in the first half of tribulation.

    Well, hey... if tribulation does not begin September 28-30, 2015 date range... gotta hand it to ya... I'm wrong. BUT... I think you ruled it out... and you're wrong to do that from what I see... at this time. :)

    So, we're all on the same team in Christ... sharing my view for mutual edification and iron sharpens iron.

    God bless y'all and thanks for the article and it's info I COULD use. :) !!

    1. It now appears the error, "Apostle" Laura Lee, has been made by you. You may want to take down your now embarrassingly flawed youtube to save yourself from anymore embarrassment, unless you have already removed it.

  21. I think you have a strong scriptural case. Thanks for sticking to the King James. Your dividing of scripture makes more sense than the original case.

  22. Η ίδια θα περιμένω να δω την εκπληρώση των γραφόμενων καθώς λαμβάνουν χώρα στην Ελλαδα. Σε αναμονή λοιπόν για την ημερομηνία 23 Σεπτεμβρίου. Μόνο εν Κυρίω είμαστε ασφαλείς. Ο Κύριος να σας ευλογει όλους για το κόπο σας. Αμην

  23. This is truly incredible. God's timing and ways are perfect.

  24. The problem I have with a Friday Crucifixion is the simple fact that Jesus wasn't resurrected on Sunday--He was resurrected on Saturday night. The women went to the tomb at the crack of dawn on Sunday morning and it was all over. He had clearly already risen at some point earlier. Before dawn Sunday counts as Saturday night. That's why I am inclined to think He was crucified on Thursday.

    1. In the Jewish tradition, after sunset is the next day, not the way you have it. So after sunset on Saturday would be Sunday.

  25. Interesting data.
    But I disagree that Yahshua was killed on a Friday. The Scripture clearly tells us it was the day before a High Shabat not a weekly Shabat (ie, the next day was the Feast of Unleavened Bread = His time without sin/leaven in the tomb). Scripture also tells us (Yahshua's own words) that the sign of Jonah was pivotal... 3 days and 3 nights. In that case you can't get a post-Sabbath resurrection (remembering that the Sabbath ends at sundown), and a "First Fruits" shewing to Mary on the first day of the week, unless He was crucified on a Wednesday!!

    1. I agree.Wednesday. also,no rapture until the 7th seal. Jacob's Trouble begins at the 1st blood moon. Revelation 12 is the pouring out of the Holy Spirit. The White Horse is Yashua...the bow means "a cloth holding seed"...he/in us, spread the word/seed till His return and into the 1000 year reign.
      Must translate from Hebrew.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. This is awesome and a confirmation to many things. The way the planet is going now I'd say you are correct.

  27. I have been watching all of this develop for the past year or so. It is amazing. Speaking of the Tetrad of Blood Moons that occurred, it appears that the first one began 1258 (1260) days before this date of 23 Sep 2017. That is a pretty amazing occurrence as well.
    I am pretty much convinced that Virgo in labor, clothed with the sun and the moon beneath her feet and a crown of twelve stars is exactly what Revelations 12:1-2 refers to, and the description of what is to come is also metaphor for the growing conflict between good and evil that is playing out on the planet in this current day. I have read other sites that say that the uniqueness of this sign is insignificant, but I don't think so. There are other passages in the Bible of "the sun shall be dark and the moon shall turn blood red" which refer to solar and lunar eclipses; their rather frequent occurrence is insignificant but not so with this sign. It is important, because this is the hook that Christianity has hung it's eschatological cloak on for nearly two millennium. Like it or not, the passing of this event will either qualify or disqualify the Book of Revelations as being a valid indication of what is to come or a book written in antiquity that embellished this vision of the future or at least the end of the age of Pisces and dawn of Aquarius.
    I have learned so such by taking some time to do the research. The history of the empires back to Samaria, Babylon, Egypt, Greece, Rome etc. This is where they developed their knowledge of what we know as the Zodiac, the Grand Procession of the Equinoxes, and the Lunar clock. This knowledge of the solar and lunar clock were essential for running empires, and mankind figured out this stuff five thousand years ago.
    The Bible was put together in 330 AD by the Council of Nicaea for Emperor Constantine, who moved the capital of the Roman Empire to Constantinople to begin the Byzantine Empire. It was a Christian Empire that reigned for 1,000 years. The Roman Empire and it's Catholic Church forced Europe to convert to Christendom at the edge of the sword and forbid anything else. They plunged Europe into the dark ages with their insane literal interpretation of the Bible and the insistence that the earth was the center of the universe. At the Council of Nicea they took 1,000 documents that were in wide circulation in the Roman Empire and chose the 22 that they made the new testament of the bible. They order the rest burned. They labored over every word and every creed and every dot until they formed a framework they could use to control the masses. They built this religion to unify Europe and overlay it on top of all the pagan religions. One morning there was a statue of Mercury. The next day it had been renamed a statue of David. This was all well documented by the Catholic Church.

  28. I have been watching all of this develop for the past year or so. It is amazing. Speaking of the Tetrad of Blood Moons that occurred, it appears that the first one began 1258 (1260) days before this date of 23 Sep 2017. That is a pretty amazing occurrence as well.
    I am pretty much convinced that Virgo in labor, clothed with the sun and the moon beneath her feet and a crown of twelve stars is exactly what Revelations 12:1-2 refers to, and the description of what is to come is also metaphor for the growing conflict between good and evil that is playing out on the planet in this current day. I have read other sites that say that the uniqueness of this sign is insignificant, but I don't think so. There are other passages in the Bible of "the sun shall be dark and the moon shall turn blood red" which refer to solar and lunar eclipses; their rather frequent occurrence is insignificant but not so with this sign. It is important, because this is the hook that Christianity has hung it's eschatological cloak on for nearly two millennium. Like it or not, the passing of this event will either qualify or disqualify the Book of Revelations as being a valid indication of what is to come or a book written in antiquity that embellished this vision of the future or at least the end of the age of Pisces and dawn of Aquarius.
    I have learned so such by taking some time to do the research. The history of the empires back to Samaria, Babylon, Egypt, Greece, Rome etc. This is where they developed their knowledge of what we know as the Zodiac, the Grand Procession of the Equinoxes, and the Lunar clock. This knowledge of the solar and lunar clock were essential for running empires, and mankind figured out this stuff five thousand years ago.
    The Bible was put together in 330 AD by the Council of Nicaea for Emperor Constantine, who moved the capital of the Roman Empire to Constantinople to begin the Byzantine Empire. It was a Christian Empire that reigned for 1,000 years. The Roman Empire and it's Catholic Church forced Europe to convert to Christendom at the edge of the sword and forbid anything else. They plunged Europe into the dark ages with their insane literal interpretation of the Bible and the insistence that the earth was the center of the universe. At the Council of Nicea they took 1,000 documents that were in wide circulation in the Roman Empire and chose the 22 that they made the new testament of the bible. They order the rest burned. They labored over every word and every creed and every dot until they formed a framework they could use to control the masses. They built this religion to unify Europe and overlay it on top of all the pagan religions. One morning there was a statue of Mercury. The next day it had been renamed a statue of David. This was all well documented by the Catholic Church.

    1. Prince Harry's name equals 666

    2. Maybe you can help me I've been looking for someone to help me decide this since...The Lord told me I would bear a son and I should call him Levi or Libra he was born on 4/14/14 the Passover between the hours of 9:30 and 12:30 a.m. the hours of the crucifixion with a Blood Moon Rising! I named him Levi Bear not knowing that the Great Bear constellation was high in the sky that day. That's been revealing many things to me not sure what to make of this family of my husband is an Aquarius. Can someone please help me discern this?! thank you

    3. Dear Erin, You have posted this request twice, so I think you are very genuine in seeking an answer as to what it means that the Lord told you to name your son either "Levi" or "Libra." My advice to you would be to pray about the matter, and seek the Lord's answer. As a Christian, the Lord has always been faithful to answer my questions when I come to him in prayer. Perhaps this child has a special purpose. Also, I would remind you not to confuse the world's system of astrology, with the Biblical/Jewish tradition of mazzaroth. Astrology assigns personal/ individual meaning to the positions of the stars and/or planets. In my opinion, astrology is hog wash. That your husband is an Aquarius means nothing more than that it might snow on his birthday. What the mazzaroth (and this page) tries to do is study the heavens/ stars/ planets in order to understand God's "appointed times" as we believe they were created to do(Genesis 1:14). Many believe that the return of Christ is imminent. If you do not know Christ as your savior, please check out this link: http://www.unsealed.org/2015/04/the-gospel.html

  29. I don't believe the majority of experts are correct regarding the birth of Christ being only a few years different from what the Gregorian calendar says it should be. In searching for answers on this question, I came across a website www.biblicalchronology.com by a Catholic researcher, who has discovered that Jesus was born in around 15 BC. This fits perfectly with the convergence of signs in 2017-18, as it means that we are currently in the year 2031 since the birth of Christ, and therefore the 2nd millennial week of the church age is about to end. Early church writers did not believe Christ's ministry was 3 years, rather it was "about 1 year", so the culmination of the church age could be in 2017. Not sure how that fits in with the Revelation 12 sign, as I tend to believe that the rapture is more likely to coincide with either the Ascension or Pentecost rather than Rosh Hashanah, but I'm not a date setter, so am happy to be vague about the actual month of the rapture. No man knows the day or the hour, but I believe we can be fairly sure about the year, and perhaps narrow it down to a 5 month period (May - September 2017).

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. Birth of Christ Jesus according to some scholars is August 21,1BC... First solar eclipse happens just on that date of August 21, 2017... Next one in April of 2024... Seven years to get things right 👉... See you in Hopkinsville, Kentucky on both eclipses if your there...

    1. Mark...I like your dates and believed before Sept 2017 and still do that that is a very significant date for YHWH's timing. I also think that the saved (meaning the ones who truly hold YHWH's Covenant) will go through the full tribulation. I am not a believer of a pre-trib rapture nor mid-trib rapture. I believe that if we are called to be a pillar for our Lord and be his Church then we are here to do his work and that is lost on many people who think we will be raptured. We will be protected but we are his church and we are called to do his work and we need to focus on what we should be doing to help in that way not trying to predict the second coming. This begins to become a distraction. The info is great and it is good to see people posting information on it but why are we not talking about what we can be doing? This is heart-breaking to me. Most people are so caught up in their own self-seeking reasoning and they forget their are people who need our help. Yes we should walk in His Righteousness but if we're all becoming Monks that won't venture out to get the Heavenly Fathers work done....what good are we? Just a bunch of couch potatoes on the computer, playing guessing games?

  32. Please read Matthew 24:9 ..they shall delivery you up and kill you for my namesake..24:13...but he that shall endure till the END, the same shall be saved.
    Where were we raptured? Don't be deceived, you may be the ones who fall away after it doesn't happen. Look at the responses above when people thought it would've happened already...all wrong. No one knows the day or hour. Keep your eyes on Him and be ready when you get the knock on the door at 3am.
    Pre-Trib theory is a deception. He will put us through the fire to purify us.
    Don't read others opinions, stay in His word..period

    1. By rightly dividing the word, we discover that Jesus was actually talking to Israel. His ministry was to Israel first. Gentiles were not included until after His death and resurrection, and even then, not until after they stoned Stephen. In fact, they did deliver many of them up and kill them and still will during the tribulation when God is back to dealing with Israel and the church body has been removed (rapture).

    2. Engineer,Put us through the fire to purify us? From what? A believer is already Blood washed from sin, therefore already pure. You can volunteer but you won't achieve anything,except needless suffering.

    3. Jonny, you da man bro! this is tony in vt. Blessings ....*

  33. I believe the two Sabbaths in the week that Jesus was crucified are very significant. The feast of the unleavened
    bread - no rise - is significant. So Crucified on Wednesday at 3 pm. Special Shabbat starts at 6 pm and runs until 6 pm on Thursday eveniing which is then the preparation day for the Sabbath on Saturday - the feast of the first fruits given as a gift to God - This is God's gift to us - the ultimate sacrifice. Jesus has now spent Wednesday night and Thursday night and Friday night and Thursday day, Friday day, and Saturday day and rises after 6 pm which is the first day of the week being Sunday. This fulfils Jonah completely and fulfils the Crucifixion. It also confirms Saturday as Shabbat or the Sabbath. I worship on the Sabbath and I honour the 3 angels messages which are telling us to move back to the lifestyle of the Garden of Eden, Vegan eating and not eating Meat Fish or Chicken. Now that the Fukishima explosion after the Tsunami has erupted twice literally the whole worlds oceans are being polluted with mercury. Deformations in fish on the west coast of America are showing up - due to Genetically modified grain being fed to Chickens and animals, children in USA are becoming woman at age 9years. I know of people being miraculously healed of serious diseases after going onto a Vegan lifestyle. Nuclear war, Monsanto GMO and Fukushima are 3 world tragedies which are causeing havoc in our lives.

  34. garland of stars

    Rev 12:1 And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars:

    The astronomer, Professor Thorley, has shown that there are exactly twelve stars surrounding the head of Virgo as we view them from the earth. If one will look at Norton's Star Atlas, twelve visible stars will be seen around Virgo's head. They are, according to astronomical terminology: (1) Pi, (2) Nu, (3) Beta, (4) Sigma, (5) Chi, (6) Iota - these six stars form the southern hemisphere around the head of Virgo. Then there are (7) Theta, (8) Star 60, (9) Delta, (10) Star 93, (11) Beta, (12) Omicron - these last six form the northern hemisphere around the head of Virgo.

    Have you thought that's its talks of the birth of christ? Where the sun actucally at her torso?http://trackingbibleprophecy.com/images/coma_berenices.jpg

    In 2017 it by her head, more closer than a crown than clothing https://i0.wp.com/www.vofoundation.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/SeptVirgo1-2017.jpg
    Leo can have 10 stars in their contellions that could makes 2017 13stars instead of 12.

    The Lord said he was the Morning star, that's Venus.
    Can you count Leo just as stars? Would you just count virgo as stars instead of saying the Virgin. Is Leo not the tribe of Judah- but just stars as a crown- worthless to it's original meaning?

  35. Also the king star was seen (star of Bethlehem) in the sky right after her transfiguration in 2015. This time it shined in the West instead of the east. She is not the messiah. BUT a forerunner. Woman being the lest of the two man, and woman. Jesus will come from the east the matrix of this world will roll like a scroll and the messiah will come with a great army of heavenly host. His coming is very soon but after the working of satan. The apostasy has already happened and he can rise up in his own time now. 2ed thessalonians chapter 2. Apostasy definition is desaster of faith or disaperiance of faith not people. The rapture will happen at the comeing of christ. Please excuse any of my spelling errors I'm dislexic autobaly and visually.

  36. I can't believe some of these comments. The sign is so clear, but man's imagination in interpretation is so apparently complicating this greatest event God is ever going to perform outside of Jesus' virgin birth. Great work on the part of you researchers on this Heavenly sign; however, one piece of the picture is missing - the most important one - who is the Woman? Although looking back, it reflects Mary, the virgin, giving birth to the Messiah - yet looking to the future fulfillment it is not Mary, which is what the Catholic Church teaches is what the Sign only stands for. According to all Scripture, both Old and New Testament, the Woman is the Third Person of the Blessed Trinity - the Holy Spirit. Research the gender of the Holy Spirit. This is "thus sayeth the Lord" undeniable truth. The Woman, the beautiful One clothed with the sun, moon and stars is the only One deserving of this glory. No other meaning - not Israel (who is always called a "he") which is composed of human beings, not the church- no one but the Holy Spirit gives birth to the Manchild (who is the church, preceded by Jesus, the first fruits, looking back to the sign). Until this truth is realized by the watchmen (of which I am also one, and who loves and appreciates all of you other watchmen), the whole interpretation of The Great Sign will not be properly understood, and, therefore, not properly taught. Maranatha!

  37. The sun is in Virgo every September & there is always at least one day in
    that September when the moon is just to the east of Virgo past the “feet” .

    Jupiter is in Virgo with the moon at the feet & the sun near the head every 11 or 12 years because it’s orbital period is a little less than 12 years

    The last time this happened was in 2005

    when astronomy telescopes & science has shown that virgo has 29 stars with planets why say Virgo has a crown of 12 “stars,” from leo they are not part of virgo or near it!

    why use ONLY the 9 brightest stars of Leo when so many more were individually identified by the ancients as Some outlined Leo as 10 stars & when astronomy telescopes & science has shown that Leo has 13 stars with planets.

    depending on how you CHOOSE to count them That would give Virgo a crown of 13 stars

    Jupiter is not in her belly & the "stars" planets! are not at her head/crown 2017

    when the sun is in Virgo at the time, none of the stars or planets will be visible ,to truly be a sign, shouldn’t such things be obvious or is it only for the special elites to know!

    this “unique in human history” “once in 7,000 years” September 2017
    fact happened in 1827 1483 1293 & 1056, SEO it has a 240 year average?!

    you are doing astrology, reading the heavens for signs & this was something astronomers used to say they believed was valid BUT it was, will & cannot be

    this “unique in human history” “once in 7,000 years” September 2017
    fact happened in 1827 1483 1293 & 1056, SEO it has a 240 year average?!
    using this in the face of facts we gather from astronomy telescopes & science
    is false teaching

    1. I would encourage you to do a little more research before you jump to conclusions. Each of your criticisms have been abundantly dealt with.

      Each of the dates you mention: http://www.unsealed.org/2017/05/the-celestial-c-section-defense-of.html

      Leo's 9 stars: http://www.unsealed.org/2017/04/ten-questions-to-ask-yourself-about.html

      Astrology: http://www.unsealed.org/2017/05/studying-revelation-12-sign-is-not.html

  38. For the conception and projected date of Messiahs birth, read Luke Chapter 1. For all prophetic speculation, you must use the correct Calendar - which NO ONE currently knows.
    The 'Jewish' Calendar is error.
    The Full Moon is the New Moon - returned to as it was when made one of the two GREAT LIGHTS given for signs, appointed times, days and years.
    The 3 days from dark moon on 9/23 is no sign of anything.
    The Full Blood Moons are like big STOP signs and are the beginning of the month.

  39. The freemasons have shown you everything you need to know hidden in media throughout your entire lives. Go back and watch and pay very close attention to everything you're shown, numbers, symbolism, especially things hidden at the side or back of shot...start with Back to the Future!

    1. Future is back, as back is forth. Seeing both past and future is time in itself. All things in time and on time. Love.

  40. Christians have painted themselves into a corner and deceived themselves about the date of Christ’s birth and hence supposed connections to and coincidences re end times because of a refusal to take any principles of ancient or modern astrology into account. You are ignoring what ancient Israel knew and understood. Whether it was Israel’s Hasmonean dynasty or the role of Bar Kochba, Israel emphasized Jupiter/Saturn conjunctions. However especially In the case of Jesus, Jupiter/Saturn would have to be involved because he was not fortunate during his lifetime. Jupiter/Venus contacts are believed to align with worldly good fortune and wealth, not someone with nowhere to lay their head and a victim of crucifixion.

    As per the famous Hughes/D’Occhieppo thesis, Jesus was born in 7 BC. Jupiter, the Bethlehem Star was in Pisces, sign of the incoming era (now at its end) in a sector of the heavens associated with Israel And it is possible according to new research that could explain some things, that the Jupiter was highlighted by the now so-called Great Christ Comet. Whatever, Jesus died under dramatically severe aspects in 30 AD at 36 years of age. He was “about thirty” at the beginning of the ministry because ages were counted in five year segments.

    Can any of this be proved and is any of it relevant to any end times? Absolutely and to the extreme if Christians would onlyl stop cursing and demonizing astrology as paganism, Torah verboten “divination” (which works by chance, not cycles) such as the Talmudic rabbis and the Essenes did not consider it to be. The Magi were pagans; you must have the humility to pay heed to their gentile pagan wisdom to some extent. And also to the new astrology which includes such as name, place and concept asteroids (not seen or named in Jesus’ time but dramatically accurate to describe him and his situations.

    When Jesus was born on 15th Sept 7 BC (i.e. under Virgo) his Joshua name was on his destiny and reputation Midheaven angle, the names of his main ancestors were in his house of origins (along with asteroid Paradise), there was a superconjunction of asteroids joining his names and titles like Masi (Messiah) and Davidsson. The telling information works across numerous instances of the birth chart, the asteroids James even conjuncts the Part of Brothers. The level of coincidence passes all levels of statistical probability. It is an open scandal that prejudice and ignorance among Christians has helped this information getting out even from a doctor of religious studies, a published author and qualified astrologer. If you want to know more go to this address at Amazon where you can either buy or at least look in and get the idea, https://goo.gl/I28aCm

  41. It is now September 23,2017. It is just a little past noon in Missouri (CST). This would make it just past 8pm in Jerusalem. Given the fact that the Jewish people observe days as starting at sundown the day before shouldn't this sign have taken place in the sky already? I keep tuning into the online news sites and nothing seems to be in the headlines about this star sign yet today. This seems really strange since the internet has been full of speculations about this date for years. So far no rapture.No Nibiru. My greatest concern about this date is the threats of nuclear war between US and North Korea.

  42. I tell you guys and gals I have thought for the last 2-3 years Jesus return was close but now I believe it is really at the door. I believe in mere days or weeks our Lord is coming for us. I just wanted to share that and I hope it comforts you

  43. You don't say why you have this sudden intense conviction. It would be interesting to know. To the extent one can judge of time frames somewhat objectively, I do suggest that in relation to youe "close" in terms of possibly even "days", you read the article "Peace and Security and the Antichrist Maybe" at https://wp.me/p2v96G-ZR This has facts and perspectives you are unlikely to know but that are relevant and even though this article doesn't speculate on the period around 23-25th of this month - it stands between the two dates given for Pentecost - which involves the NK denuclearization ceremony. This could be expected to put many in a peace and security mode of thinking whatever else might happen then or shortly after.

  44. Herod died in 4 B.C. so Jesus would have had to be born before then

  45. If Jesus died on a Friday how can one get 3 days and 3 nights in the grave? (Sign of Jonah)

    Jesus died on a Wednesday, just before sunset. He rose on a Saturday, the Sabbath, just before sunset. 3 days, 3 nights.

    Mary went to the grave before the ending of the Sabbath, (before sunset on Saturday). He specifically said he had NOT yet gone to the Father. After sunset, he visited the Father for First Fruits.

    Passover is a Sabbath, a rest day. Not a Saturday. All Saturday's are sabbaths, but not all sabbaths are Saturdays...

    The tradition of "Good Friday" is false...

  46. It’s true there was no “Good Friday”. I don’t know how or why my email box has received a message to reply about this to what looks like some years old correspondence being revived. Presumably Anonymous assumes I can answer. Actually I can and will but briefly on a subject which could fill whole books and articles. Having gone so far I will also be commenting on the latest article re 2020 which I see Anonymous as also questioning. I am guessing this person of the shadows regards me as some ally or devil’s advocate against the over-confidence of some Christian astronomy buffs … and it’s true that with celestial signs one has to be critically wary. Work with them enough and you realize how easy it is to turn up a few flukes suggestive in these areas. Anyway….

    There was no Good Friday because there was no Friday (nor Wednesday) Passover but a Thursday one as I first realized many years ago from a Jewish history which said Jesus could not have died in AD 30 as Passover sacrifice fell then on a Thursday. Quite so. But Jesus did die in AD 30, which is also a complete generation before the Temple fell – Josephus suitably records the temple sacrifices weren’t accepted from forty years before the temple fell. A Thursday crucifixion and death with three days and three nights in the tomb is possible because as Jesus himself says: “Are there not twelve hours in a day?” (Joh 11:9). Depending on your emphasis and custom, a day could signify 24 or 12 hours, so I suggest we are looking at two and a half days getting called three days and nights. In paganism the Eleusis mysteries had a three days rite that involved two and a half days in fact.

    The resurrection occurred around 3am on the Sunday, two and a half days from the death at 3pm on the Thursday. Helped, including not least by name place and idea asteroids unnamed and unseen before modern times (everything from Rise, Angel and Stone to Magdalena, Centenarius etc that interact with the planetary patterns) the matter is provable in intricate, almost photographic detail, but detail few are willing to look into or even acknowledge as possible, namely the astrological. See Chapter 6 of my “Testament of the Magi” (available Amazon). But as I’m not self-promoting and commercial, for a rapid intro to this subject see my “The Magi at Era’s End”, especially the proposed op-ed section “Proving an historic discovery and answering Pope Benedict’s Question” https://wp.me/p2v96G-ip



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