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"Why Israel will rule the new Middle East" - Fox News

"Why Israel will rule the new Middle East" - Fox News

This article says it all, from a secular perspective.  Imagine the New Jersey-sized country of Israel, with the same quantity of oil reserve...
Close call Asteroid

Close call Asteroid

Asteroid very close
Israel attacked Syrian arms convoy

Israel attacked Syrian arms convoy

Syria and Iran vow retaliation.  Russian warships have been staged in the area as well. Here we go! Joel Rosenberg blog
Zimbabwe broke

Zimbabwe broke

$200 bucks
France is totally bankrupt

France is totally bankrupt

Broke French taxes
Israel war planes in the air

Israel war planes in the air

Attacking border positions in Syria and Lebanon Israel is very concerned about WMD's getting loose as Syria disintegrates. Egypt i...
Is Obama a candidate for the AC?

Is Obama a candidate for the AC?

This question is asked many times.  The short answer is "maybe".  No one knows. The Bible indicates one or two scenarios for the...
The News

The News

Gore: Current weather 'like a nature hike through Book of Revelation' Egypt could 'collapse,' army chief warns as violenc...
Another Iranian nuclear facility explosion

Another Iranian nuclear facility explosion

Jonathan Cahn - National Presidential Inaugural Prayer Breakfast 1/21

Jonathan Cahn - National Presidential Inaugural Prayer Breakfast 1/21

The Bricks have fallen This might be the most important sermon of the last two millennia!
Flies surround the President... no joke...

Flies surround the President... no joke...

1. Today a fly landed right on his forehead while he was giving a speech... INSIDE the White House: 2. June 23rd, 2010... fly land...
Russia and Iran sign a treaty

Russia and Iran sign a treaty

Lawless President hosts two nights of lawless partying at the White House

Lawless President hosts two nights of lawless partying at the White House

"I will win the war, even if Damascus is destroyed.” - Bashar Assad

"I will win the war, even if Damascus is destroyed.” - Bashar Assad

What does this indicate?

What does this indicate?

Prophecy is real.

Prophecy is real.

Let me give you two examples: 1. Daniel 9:25 - the prophecy says that there would be 69 weeks of years between the decree to restore and...
Prophecy in Hollywood

Prophecy in Hollywood

I don't go to the movie theater much any more, but was there recently and the movie posters caught my eye. God's more at work in ...
E.U. to propose another two state solution

E.U. to propose another two state solution

Another disaster in the making
Iran caught again

Iran caught again

Iran caught once again Ezekiel 38 (NASB) And the word of the Lord came to me saying, “Son of man, set your face toward Gog of the la...
Politics and Religion

Politics and Religion

Reading Genesis 11 this week and am reminded of some thoughts. Genesis 1:28 (NASB) God blessed them; and God said to them, “Be fruitful ...
Third Temple to have the OFFICIAL nod soon?

Third Temple to have the OFFICIAL nod soon?

http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/164007#.UO4CKG80WSq "Bkeirat claimed in the interview that an analysis of Jerusalem...
Massive storms in Israel

Massive storms in Israel

Israel massive storms
We Are Sodom

We Are Sodom

The National Cathedral... the Washington D.C. church that hosts inaugural services, Presidential funerals, and attended by Presidents, is no...
Chicago Snowless after 73 years

Chicago Snowless after 73 years

Chicago snowless for the first time in 73 years
Supreme Court refuses to stop embryonic stem cell research

Supreme Court refuses to stop embryonic stem cell research

Supreme Court refuses to stop embyonic stem cell research
2012 U.S. weather - hottest on record

2012 U.S. weather - hottest on record

2012 U.S. Weather - hottest on record
Prophecy News for 1/7/2013

Prophecy News for 1/7/2013

Today's headlines really make me think we are on the verge: The 3rd Intifada has begun:  http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-432...
Prophecy News for 1/3/2013

Prophecy News for 1/3/2013

The final secular date for the end of the world (2012) has come and gone with people arrogantly ignoring the LORD's words (Matthew 24:36...
Earthquakes: Yes, They ARE Increasing!

Earthquakes: Yes, They ARE Increasing!

See : Matthew 24:7 , Mark 13:8 , Luke 21:11 http://www.trackingbibleprophecy.com/birthpangs_earthquakes.php


Fascinating that the movies continue to echo the apocalyptic themes. Escape from planet earth Dark Skies The Host Oblivion The Pur...
Jack Graham - The Beginning of the End

Jack Graham - The Beginning of the End

The Beginning of the End Jack confirms that we are in the last days and encourages us to be less into the details and our own rescue and ...
Last days blog cast

Last days blog cast

Last days blog cast I read a few of these blog posts and found this blog helpful and well grounded.  Praying it blesses you as well.
The Last Trumpet

The Last Trumpet

Rosh Hashannah - Yom Teruah - The Feast of Trumpets 1 Corinthians 15:52 (NASB) in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last tr...


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