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What else?

Not sure what else to say.

My email and common searches are blown up with continued natural disaster and great tension in Syria.

The prophecies are about to be fulfilled.  The rapture of the church is imminent.

We have covered all of this in great detail.

If you are not ready, you are in the gravest of danger.

Damascus is about to be destroyed fulfilling Isaiah 17.

It appears Psalms 83 fulfillment is close behind.

Isaiah 19 and Jeremiah 49 are close as well.

It appears the rescue of the church is even more pressing.

If you're not ready and you wake up in a few days or weeks to Syria, Lebanon, Israel, America, Egypt, Russia and Iran all in great war and conflict, along with millions who have suddenly disappeared then what is coming for you if more horrible than you can possibly imagine.

2/3rds will die.

The 1/3rd who are left will have no cake walk.  Great trauma, pain and finally judgment before the One God.

We are right at the precipice.

If you are ready, won't you tell someone?

God's heart is for His children.  How can we be so calloused to that which breaks God's heart, that we care nothing for those who are perishing and walking around with a big smile at our good fortune as we prepare to leave this place?

When you see Him with a big grin on your face and God has tears on His, that more people didn't accept His incomprehensible gift, what will you say?

I for one hope to fall on my face, apologize, tell Him thank you for this gift of salvation.

When you have good news aren't you overwhelmed with a desire to tell it?

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