Featured Articles
The Deal
Netanyahu declining. Signs aligning. 2015 may be it. 9 months left. Link
Rundown - December 2014
Herzog-Livni leading Likud... historic Israeli election coming very soon with high chance an Israeli government will be elected willing to s...
Mark Biltz
link (video) link (video) 6/19 - Presbyterian church votes to allow same-sex marriage (New York Times) 10 Plagues 1. (June/July...
Honey we've left the ledge
You know that moment when you're roller coaster finishes the long climb to the top, just before the next 90 seconds of your life turn i...
Read em and weap
How can you not read these stories and understand the time? Sinkholes - Hell Opening Isaiah 5:14 Weather Severe and Early - Luke 21:1...
Contractions restarting
It seems every year for the last few the tension and problems increase just at the Jewish fall feasts unfold (Leviticus 23). Then there is...
Mark Biltz Scott Clarke Mark Biltz Chuck Missler Grant Jeffrey Jonathan Cahn These men and many many others all know the same ...
Jordan recalls ambassador
Psalms 83 precursor? Republicans coming into office in January. Do Israel's enemies believe they need to attack now? Link
Imminent signs of Christ's return (Luke 21:8; 21:10-11; 21:25-28) - everything is here this week : v. 8: For many will come in my name...
All Religions Require Blood Sacrifice
Check out this blog post from Bill Randles. I think his thought is profound: https://billrandles.wordpress.com/2014/10/12/the-story-of-cai...
Feast of Tabernacles this week?
link link This is worth your time to read. Makes sense. They usually do. Maybe this week. Regardless tell someone, rest in Him, ...
What happened?
It's time. Time for another fall harvest, another Rosh, another day that no one knows. Not even the angels. A day that begins with a...
Most Famous Evangelist Family Seems to Think We're There
Anne Graham has come out swinging this past week saying JESUS IS ON THE WAY: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCA7pxWFHbRb9r3A5CtU5qUA
Just Jesus real clear
Lake Highlands church 8/24/2014
Let's review the math
March 2014 link If Jesus was crucified, dead, buried and raised on the weekend of April 3-5 33AD and you roll forward: 2000 years + 1...
Vocabulary words
Been thinking about vocabulary. How many words have I learned in the last few years? The Spirit is certainly revealing the plan for t...
Ebola will kill 5 million
Widely reported Link If this world famous virologist is right millions will die. Maybe more. If so is this not the pestilence of Rev...
Tonight, for the first time in over a hundred years, regular worship services will be held WITH many members of Congress AT THE U.S. Capitol...
Meteors and Asteroids
Definitely things are picking up as we near Rosh Hoshanna. It has been relatively quiet - no more. Link Unrelated - I don't ...
Every one will see Him!
Revelation 1:7 Behold, He is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see Him, even those who pierced Him; and all the tribes of the e...
Harvest Moon
Tonight at 8:38PM CST look outside to see the full phase of this year's "Harvest Moon". It also happens to be a "Supermo...
It's The End of the Age
Last hour
Last hour - J.D. Farag Franklin Graham - we're in the last moments J.D. Farag - last moments NOW! Ezekiel 38-39 aligned - Russia ...
Be encouraged. 2 Corinthians 1:21-22 Now He who establishes us with you in Christ and anointed us is God, who also sealed us and gave u...
Real Truth
Link Link One God One Lord One Faith One Baptism One Savior One Way One Intercessor One certain result without Him One certain ...
Stinky Fake Church Alert
http://christiannews.net/2014/08/28/do-good-for-your-own-self-osteen-says-obedience-worship-not-for-god-video/ http://christiannews.net/20...
Iceland quakes
Volcano may blow link Iceland, California, Chile and Peru are shaking. Both U.S. coasts have big waves breaking. In the east storms...
http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/aug/28/ukraine-accuses-russia-invading-south-east-help-rebels http://www.nytimes.com/2014/08/28/worl...
What else can I tell you.
I don't know the day or the hour, but the signs are pouring out. Peace deal in the works. Egypt suggest a 5 to 7 year treaty. lin...
Shaking - quaking - rocking and reeling
San Fran 6.0 earthquake - $100's millions in damage Chile Earthquake 6.6 Peru 6.9 Earthquake Mountains rising in the west Icela...
"No More Grace"
Taken from Rapture in the Air Now: And if by grace, then is it no more of works: otherwise grace is no more grace. But if it be of works,...
Our Brothers & Sisters Are Being Killed - PRAY!
From Iraq to Nigeria, our brothers and sisters in Christ are being tortured, killed, and enslaved. Throats cut, beheaded, shot, dismembered...
At Just The Right Time
These verses are on my mind. Galatians 4:4-5 (NASB) But when the fullness of the time came, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, bor...
The last pope?
I haven't put too much stock in the St. Malachy prophecy, although I find it interesting and seems to align with the scores of other en...
Nixon + 40
Is it just me or is it odd that the Ferguson Missouri shooting was 40 years to the day after President Nixon resigned? Now there is a Gover...
My Soul Thirsts - Scott Cunningham
V ideo No hope left in this world. Check mate. Collapse. Destruction. Persecution. Disease. Flooding. Drought. Fire. Radiation. ...
Historic flooding in Detroit
link It's not just another pleasant valley Sunday anymore Toto.
Many of our posts have been to highlight ecologic or economic disasters or pending disasters that emphasis the clear warning of Christ'...
Human Wisdom and God's Sovereign Omnipotence
Ann Coulter blasted Dr. Ken Brantley for his idiocy for going and staying in a third world Ebola infested west African nation and for Samar...
Called the greatest festival in Judaism, the "Valentine's Day" of Israel, the most mysterious Jewish holiday, and the "fe...
Congrats to Our Readers!
We have crossed the 300,000 visits mark ... all thanks to our readers! Onwards to half-a-million! Let's spread the word that Jesus is ...
Rise of the Empire of the Antichrist?
In light of what we see happening in Syria/Iraq, the "people of the prince who is to come" (Daniel 9:26-27), and Islamic end times...
7 weeks until the fall feasts begin 10 weeks since the ascension 9th of Av - right now 15th of Av - 1 week from now. article 1 - Av 15 ...
Toledo water unsafe - possible toxin 400,000
On top of the California to Texas and down into the deep south drought disaster link Life in the short term will not be sustainable on ...
Genesis 12
ERF video How much more before Israel or her King have had enough. #Psalms83 #Rapture #Tribulation
blown away this week by the dryness on some prophecy blogs I track and how my Facebook account and the news headlines had more news of God...
Acts 5:17-41 (NLT) The high priest and his officials, who were Sadducees, were filled with jealousy. 18 They arrested the apostles and pu...
Hell opens
Link Isaiah 5:14 (NLT) The grave is licking its lips in anticipation, opening its mouth wide. The great and the lowly an...
ISIS may have Serin gas
It is falling apart over there... link
Civility lost - beasts unleashed
Link from Carole Armageddon in Israel
Humpty Dumpty falls
smashed to bits and all the kings horses and all the kings men.....!!!!
Subway Sandwich - ISIS
Thought I'd grab a sandwich tonight on the way home. Debit machine broken. Credit not working. But ISIS is alive and well. ...
Israel and Hamas explosion
Link Birth pangs. The groom is coming.
Fukushima leak
Link Life on this planet is unsustainable. With three reactor cores melted into the ground water, enormous numbers of reactor rods perch...
Except those days be shortened no flesh would be saved
Puzzling. We're still here. We have been greatly intrigued by the Blood Moon Tetrads and the Revelation 12 woman with the new moon a...
1. The Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS) takes over half of Iraq out of nowhere. Interesting that ISIS is also the name of perhaps t...
Even the Catastrophe Insurers
Many see that something's up. Here
Hail big enough to kill you
These birth pangs are big enough to kill you. link This is where I grew up. Home of 3 Christian Colleges. Christians are everywhere....
Harvest Reno
I always am blessed by Steve Hadley at Harvest Family Church in Reno. He deeply gets where we are. His June 8th message is surprising,...
Birth pangs continue
Link - Yellowstone earthquakes and gas releases Link - Alaska earthquake This week: Anniversary of D-Day Anniversary of the 6 day ...
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Faith and works . Law and grace . This is the age-old battle between God and man-made religion that started not when Martin Luther nai...
Read the follow-up to this article right here . On August 21, 2017, a total solar eclipse will cross the entire contiguous United St...
I’m not sure how to convey to you both the seriousness and awesomeness of what may be transpiring in Israel. In short, the Jordania...
Following the death of a top commander of the Islamic Jihad, Israel has been under a massive rocket barrage from Gaza. Hundreds of rocke...
Deutsche Sprache | En Español LAST UPDATED: August 8th, 2017. By now you’ve probably heard about what a number of Christians ar...
This article has suddenly received a large amount of media attention with coverage from The Sun , L.A. Times , Daily Star, Metro , UNILAD, A...
Greetings brothers and sisters. In lieu of an article we wanted to do a video touching on all that's going on. I pray this blesses yo...
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