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Catholic church declares Christ is not Returning

Catholic church declares Christ is not Returning

Stupidity and arrogance at a crescendo! Link He is coming alright.
Dr. Dwight Pentecost

Dr. Dwight Pentecost

There has been some discussion in various circles that Ariel Sharon and Billy Graham's deaths would proceed the rapture.  I don't ...
Israel drops peace talks

Israel drops peace talks

Peace talks
Vancouver Earthquake

Vancouver Earthquake

Link These are getting too common!
Time check

Time check

What we know: Israel is back in the land - May 14th, 1948 Jerusalem is recaptured - June 1967 This generations shall not pass until a...
Another Siberian meteor

Another Siberian meteor



7.0 and 7.8 in New Guinea!
More Huge Earthquakes!!!

More Huge Earthquakes!!!

7.0 in Papua New Guinea followed by a 7.5-7.8 in the same area! What's going on? Maybe the easter bunny is angry.
The price is paid

The price is paid

The price is paid!  Heaven and earth reunited. The curtain torn. We have confident access. It is a Good Friday indeed!


These are getting harder and closer together. Mexico City 7.2 Have you read about all of the earthquakes in Idaho?


Well... the first blood moon in the 2014-2015 tetrad occurred early this morning / late last night on the first day of Passover.  Amazingly,...
Video Video Acts 2 (NASB) When the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place. And suddenly there came from h...
Solomon Islands Earthquake 7.6 and 7.2

Solomon Islands Earthquake 7.6 and 7.2

Link Link
Nicaragua earthquake 6.1

Nicaragua earthquake 6.1

Big earthquakes are becoming the norm. Link The alignment and convergence is certainly quickening and getting louder. Maranatha!
The Oarfish are back

The Oarfish are back

Events that Occurred in April

Events that Occurred in April

The Exodus Christ's Triumphal Entry Christ's Crucifixion Christ's Resurrection Falkland Islands 1982 Martin Luther King sho...
Crimea... sign of Christ's return?

Crimea... sign of Christ's return?

http://www.jewsnews.co.il/2014/04/01/vilna-gaon-the-russian-invasion-of-crimea-is-a-sign-of-impending-redemption/ http://www.haaretz.com/b...
Meteor close call

Meteor close call

Don't see that everyday
Parallels types and shadows

Parallels types and shadows

The Bible is full of parallels, types and shadows.  I love when God reminds me that His is completely sovereign through these that He puts ...
50 million at risk for tornados

50 million at risk for tornados

7.8 Earthquake Chile-Peru

7.8 Earthquake Chile-Peru

Link For nation will rise up against nation, and kingdom against kingdom; there will be earthquakes in various places; there will also be ...
Animals fleeing Yellowstone

Animals fleeing Yellowstone

5.8 Earthquake - Panama

5.8 Earthquake - Panama

8.2 Earthquake-Chile

8.2 Earthquake-Chile

link Note: 188-day cycle proves fairly accurate yet again!
NISAN 1, In the Year of Our LORD 6000!

NISAN 1, In the Year of Our LORD 6000!

We've known that we were fairly close to the 6000th year since Creation (simply by adding up the ages of the patriarchs in the book of G...


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