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US dollar collapse

US dollar collapse

Mount Fuki danger

Mount Fuki danger



blown away this week by the dryness on some prophecy blogs I track and how my Facebook account and the news headlines had more news of God...


Acts 5:17-41 (NLT) The high priest and his officials, who were Sadducees, were filled with jealousy. 18 They arrested the apostles and pu...
Hell opens

Hell opens

Link Isaiah 5:14 (NLT) The grave is licking its lips in anticipation,     opening its mouth wide. The great and the lowly     an...
ISIS may have Serin gas

ISIS may have Serin gas

It is falling apart over there... link
Civility lost - beasts unleashed

Civility lost - beasts unleashed

Link from Carole Armageddon in Israel
Humpty Dumpty falls

Humpty Dumpty falls

smashed to bits and all the kings horses and all the kings men.....!!!!
Subway Sandwich - ISIS

Subway Sandwich - ISIS

Thought I'd grab a sandwich tonight on the way home. Debit machine broken.  Credit not working. But ISIS is alive and well. ...
Israel and Hamas explosion

Israel and Hamas explosion

Link Birth pangs.  The groom is coming.
Israel loosing control in the powder keg

Israel loosing control in the powder keg

Israel threats from Hammas

Israel threats from Hammas

link The lid is coming off.
Fukushima problem - dangerous overheating - 9 days left to repair

Fukushima problem - dangerous overheating - 9 days left to repair

9 days
Fukushima leak

Fukushima leak

Link Life on this planet is unsustainable.  With three reactor cores melted into the ground water, enormous numbers of reactor rods perch...
7.1 Earthquake - Mexico

7.1 Earthquake - Mexico

Super Typhoon

Super Typhoon

6.9 Earthquake

6.9 Earthquake



Stunning - Begley
Except those days be shortened no flesh would be saved

Except those days be shortened no flesh would be saved

Puzzling.  We're still here. We have been greatly intrigued by the Blood Moon Tetrads and the Revelation 12 woman with the new moon a...
Recap-it is very very late

Recap-it is very very late

Link -/21 minute video


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