What happened?
It's time. Time for another fall harvest, another Rosh, another day that no one knows. Not even the angels. A day that begins with a shout and with the trumpet.
Will this be the year?
Don't know.
Certainly many many signs say a resounding yes, but they have been loud before.
More aligned this year. More ripe this year.
Israel well surrounded.
Syria being bombed. Is Damascus about to fall? It was predicted - Isaiah 17.
A coalition surrounds Israel. Is this the conspiracy of Psalms 83?
If so, then I'm writing to someone who waited too long. From all indications there is still hope, though difficult, very difficult. 2/3rds of the planet will be killed within the next 7 years.
There's not much time.
Persecution, famine, martyrdom is all but certain.
Acknowledge Father, Son and HOLY Spirit as God, trust Him with your life (decisions, actions, thoughts) and pray.
If it's 2014, then my best guess is Friday morning, but I certainly don't know. God is exceedingly slow to anger, abounding in love, not wishing that anyone would be lost, but all would come to repentance and a saving faith.
I love your passion and desire to be with Christ which is FAR better than anything this world can ever offer us brother but my heart hurts as I watch {in agony } how so many lives are devastated as another Rosh Hashanah comes and goes with no rapture of the church.My prayer is that when this one passes that you will continue to stand fast and be willing to face the horror's of the time we are in. This is nothing in comparison to what we will be facing - soon!
ReplyDeleteLately I've been witnessing so many that once walked this path in truth have now succumbed to the pressure of joining this wave of compromise ruled by RCC spirit and have aligned themselves with another jesus, another spirit and another gospel. So sad!
May the Lord continue to lead and guide you and Gary as the day's grow diabolically darker.
Love in Christ as always,
I do not believe that Rosh Hashanah is linked to the Rapture.
ReplyDeleteIn my opinion Rosh Hashanah is linked to the Second Coming.
The 3 remaining Fall feasts will be fulfilled in short order, one right after another within weeks during a certain year in the near future, as was the case for the Spring feasts during the First Coming.
The Rapture could take place on any ordinary day.
Agony for another brother in Christ over what he thinks about the rapture of the church?
ReplyDeleteThat is a bit much.
That is wasted emotion because agony is better spent for the perishing isn't it?
Why are some so focused on another persons walk on the path of truth instead of looking at the condition of those not on the path to Jesus?
Is everyone supposed to be lock step to those who hold views supposedly more correct about the rapture?
I appreciate brother Greg's passion here on his page.
Good job for keeping it about what it should be in the first place.
All about the Gospel.
The Holy Spirit can do His job keeping the Lord's genuinely saved people from being deceived without those who worry in agony and needlessly about that.