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Year of the sheep or the year of the goat?


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  1. I noticed that the timing of this year would be pretty perfect if all the sheep are gone!

  2. The Antichrist and the fake prophet haha I thought it would be Pope Francis and like bill gates.
    1) Francis is not catholic but somehow is in charge of the biggest religion
    2) bill gates is well loved, talks none sense, charming and no one cares about the bad shit he has done, he is very political with the vaccine. Obviously there are many factors to why he isn’t and it’s not quite the end times yet
    And we prob get a worse Pope than Francis yay me.

    Remember the antichrist is gonna seem good at first, charming only Christians and true believers will be able to see through his bs it’s prob fauci Imao 😂 we are all 💀 but then again you have Elon musk working on what could be the mark of the beast there is gonna be a one world order and religion. Idk bill gates is getting away with shit and is trying to spread his sterilization everywhere and no one seems offended by that well.

  3. The Antichrist and the fake prophet haha I thought it would be Pope Francis and like bill gates.
    1) Francis is not catholic but somehow is in charge of the biggest religion
    2) bill gates is well loved, talks none sense, charming and no one cares about the bad shit he has done, he is very political with the vaccine. Obviously there are many factors to why he isn’t and it’s not quite the end times yet
    And we prob get a worse Pope than Francis yay me.

    Remember the antichrist is gonna seem good at first, charming only Christians and true believers will be able to see through his bs it’s prob fauci Imao 😂 we are all 💀 but then again you have Elon musk working on what could be the mark of the beast there is gonna be a one world order and religion. Idk bill gates is getting away with shit and is trying to spread his sterilization everywhere and no one seems offended by that well.

  4. Oh yeah musk is working on shit that goes into your brain, Sweden is already putting chips in their hand, and I believe there are trackers in the experimental “vaccine” that only certain people even would need, if it was a real thing :/ Idk not trying to be right and grt murdered anyways

    The whole world will be warned at once i believe and everyone will understand it, like a legit explanation of what’s about to go down but then the Antichrist will have free rain and people will follow him I think idk I like conspiracies so it’s fun reading Bible interpretations that everyone messes up



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