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Pope Francis Reveals His True Beliefs Again: 'We are all children of the same God'

For at least the second time now, Pope Francis has diverged from traditional Christian belief, which teaches that there is one true God and many false gods, by saying directly that people of every faith are children of the same God.  This is quite literally apostasy and a direct offense to the Gospel, which teaches we were all alienated from God and enemies of His until Christ came, died, and rose again as our propitiation.  Only through faith in Christ's finished work are we made children of God (see 1 John 5:1-2, Hebrews 2:11, Matthew 12:50, Luke 8:21, Romans 12:5, 1 John 3:14, Philemon 1:16).  For this reason Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, and other religious people cannot, by definition, be children of God until they place their faith in Christ.  Through faith they are then adopted into God's family.

At this point I see no public figure who even comes close to filling the shoes of the False Prophet as Pope Francis does.  Especially if we are as close to the parousia as I, and many others, think we are.

Don't forget the Pope's apparent hatred for absolute truth and his Prayer Network video:

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