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Elijah Wood: Hollywood "Probably" Hiding Child Sex Epidemic

Not news for those familiar with Hollywood's history of pedophilia and rape, but interesting in that a major actor has come out to say that these things are "probably" still going on, and implies he's had some exposure to it. From the Daily Mail:

Lord of the Rings star Elijah Wood claims that Hollywood has its own Jimmy Savile scandal and believes young actors are being sexually abused by predatory 'vipers' in the industry.
The Hobbit actor, 35, told The Sunday Times that the child abuse is 'probably still happening'.
Shocking allegations that top Hollywood figures have been protecting child abusers have circulated widely in recent years.
Several industry figures have been convicted following claims of sex abuse and former child actors - including The Goonies actor Corey Feldman, 44 - claimed he was 'surrounded' by molesters when he was a teenager.
Anne Henry, co-founder of Bizparentz - a group to help young actors - said that Tinseltown is currently sheltering around '100 active abusers'.
Wood, who stars in his new film The Trust, sympathised with Savile's victims and said it much have been 'devastating'.
He told The Sunday Times that his mother had protected him from abuse when he first arrived in Hollywood aged eight.
But he said: 'I've been led down dark paths to realise that these things are probably still happening.'
The actor, who played Frodo Baggins in Lord of the Rings, believes that other actors remain in danger.
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  1. God's wrath will not be staved off forever. Just as it was time to judge sodom and gomorrah and His covenant people had to be removed first, the time is ripe. The signs are everywhere and if you are not sealed in the book of life, you will face His wrath. The moral collapse in this world should cause people to be very aware of God's impending judgement and come to Him in broken repentance. It won't be said that He did not provide plenty of warning.

    Sadly this news story is right out of the heart of this country and much too common in our time. Good find. Good warning.

  2. Hi Ken Here, The Aussie Believer. In the days of Noah it was genetic manipulation,cannabilism and gluttony but in lots time it was gender manipulation, rampant homosexuality and the most vile forms of Idolatry and child sacrifice.
    Today we have it all and the axe is poised to fall on this perverse generation . No one can say that our God has not been Merciful,and gracious. They will see the restrainer removed and then they will be free of us and rejoys. Its hard for me to accept that they can hate our Lord who gave his very life for them. One thing I have desired of the Lord. That will I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord, all the days of my life,To behold the beauty of the Lord and to enquirer in His Temple Palms 27,4. Soon and very soon we are going to be with the Lord. Ken



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