E.U.'s Top Leader Calls For Military Headquarters, Single Army
In the wake of Brexit and more talks of further splintering, E.U. leaders are pressing forward with a counter movement: full military integration. The European Union's top leader, Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker has now announced it publicly... a single E.U. army along with a military headquarters:
Jean-Claude Juncker’s plan for the European Union to create a “common military force”, including a command headquarters in Brussels, has rung alarm bells in countries on eastern Europe’s front line with Russia.
The European Commission president yesterday put a “Europe of defence” at the centre of his blueprint to relaunch the EU after Britain’s referendum vote to leave in June.
“Europe can no longer afford to piggy-back on the military might of others,” he told the European parliament during a 50-minute “state of the union” address in Strasbourg. “We have to take responsibility for protecting our interests and the European…
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