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The Day And Hour Revealed?

I've mentioned before how astonished I am at what seems to be a convergence of opinion among students of Bible prophecy regarding the Revelation 12 Sign and its significance.  I find this fascinating because I've never seen this sort of consensus among watchers before regarding specific signs and dates.  In times past, dates that were set have come and gone because it was usually lone rangers espousing them: Harold Camping, Edgar Whisenant, William Miller, Ellen G. White, and to a certain extent in recent times - John Hagee and Jonathan Cahn.  Dr. David Reagan had a very perceptive thing to say about these failed theories:

Two final observations. First, beware of Lone Ranger interpretations of prophecy that are not widely shared. God does not reveal the meaning of prophecy only to a person or two. 2 Peter 1:20 says, “no prophecy of Scripture is a matter of one’s own interpretation.” Private and peculiar interpretations like the recent “Pre-Wrath Rapture,” usually make a big initial splash and then fade quickly when submitted to critical review.

To be clear, Reagan was specifically addressing the new theory of an Islamic antichrist and revived Ottoman Empire espoused by Joel Richardson and Walid Shoebat, but his observations extend to other facets of Bible prophecy theories.

I certainly thought something significant could happen around the 2014 and 2015 blood moons, but there was little consensus or clarity in the watching community regarding what that something might be... the rapture?  The beginning of the Tribulation?  Psalm 83?  And which blood moon?  The first?  The second?  The third?  The fourth?

Many of us had a deep sense that God was trying to get our attention and sure enough He did.  Before the blood moons, only a very few in the Church were "looking up" at the heavens - some of this "looking up" was inspired by Rick Larson's 2007 documentary, The Star of Bethlehem.  Yet as the blood moons began occurring and similar lunar eclipse patterns were found around significant dates in Jewish history, Christians began to realize God wasn't joking when He said:

Let there be lights in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day from the night. And let them be for signs, and for appointed times, and for days and years. - Genesis 1:14


There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven. - Luke 21:11


There will be signs in the sun, moon and stars. On the earth, nations will be in anguish and perplexity at the roaring and tossing of the sea. - Luke 21:25

Christians watching for Jesus' return were now aware of the prophetic significance of the seven appointed times of the LORD (from Leviticus 23) and also that God was communicating prophetic events to us through the heavenly luminaries.  The blood moons served their purpose.  And don't forget all the crazy things that actually did happen in September of 2015 around the time of the final blood moon: a freak sandstorm in Israel, lightning striking Mecca and killing 111, huge earthquakes, Pope Francis at the U.N. and addressing the U.S. Congress, the 2030 Agenda coming to fruition, the Knife Intifada, and Russia invading Syria.  Prophetic events did indeed happen, which stunned those of us watching, and those events served as a template of sorts for what is still to come: a rapture like lightning, world-rending earthquakes, Ezekiel 38, a false prophet, and a covenant with many.

Scottie Clarke had discovered the September 2017 alignment back in 2011, and we at Unsealed confirmed its significance as a perfect and literal match with the sign described in the twelfth chapter of Revelation back in 2012.  So if indeed this is the sign John saw, God was not just revealing it to one person.  It was not the convoluted theory of any one person or sect.  A number of other watchers began seeing the same thing from a broad range of Evangelical backgrounds (and even a few Catholics).  Now, truth be told, we first thought this sign would find its fulfillment in the middle of the Tribulation per traditional commentaries on interpreting the symbols in Revelation 12, yet as I suspect Daniel 12:4 was alluding to - prophetic knowledge increased - and an abundance of material from early-Dispensationalist scholars in the 19th century came to light that had been neglected for a century showing that not only was Revelation 12 describing the rapture of the Church, but Revelation 12:5 was the chief proof text of the pre-tribulational rapture because of the enormous weight of contextual considerations and also the use of the Greek word for "rapture" as opposed to the Greek words used for Jesus' ascension.

Perhaps because of an averse reaction to the blood moons being perceived as a failed sign, or perhaps because of spiritual darkness or pride, or perhaps even because it doesn't neatly fit with some of the preconceived notions found in the post-tribulational, pre-wrath, or preterist views of Bible prophecy, a massive cacophony of arguments have been presented against its significance.  Not primarily by the secular crowd or the "no one knows" Christian crowd as in times past, but by the watching community itself.  We're living in strange and unprecedented times.

Perhaps this was God's plan to draw greater attention to the sign and its significance.  As watchmen have answered various objections raised against it we've mutually discovered a number of interesting things as a result:

1. The September 23rd alignment truly is unique in the history of mankind, with the exception of a similar alignment in 3915 BC.  Scottie Clarke, Mark Chiswell, and others have independently confirmed this.  Chiswell used an algorithm and found no matches going 6,000 years back and 1,000 years into the future.  Clarke literally took 7,000 screenshots (one for each Fall when the Sun is in the constellation Virgo) and found nothing.  I've been personally sent numerous supposed examples of matches in years past and not one of them held up to scrutiny: twelve stars, but no male child, or Jupiter in the womb, but no crown of twelve stars, or Jupiter far outside the womb and only in the womb for a month or two, or that the moon was far from Virgo's feet or not under her feet at all.  As I've weeded through all these supposed examples, it has only increased my confidence in the incredible precision of the alignment on September 23rd.  You can read about some of these other supposed alignments here under the Claims And Critiques section or just open up any astronomy software and look at the next closest matches yourself:

1827 AD - 1.5 month gestation, 10 stars in crown, the moon is in Libra (too far away), and Jupiter is still in the womb 

1483 AD - 1.5 month gestation, 10-12 stars in obscure crown, the moon is far away and separated by Saturn, and Jupiter is still in the womb

1293 AD - 1.25 month gestation, 12 star crown + Uranus, shows conception, but not the birth of Jupiter

1056 AD - 1.25 month gestation, 12 star crown, but Venus obscures Regulus, and the moon is very far away

70 AD - No male child, and Venus and Jupiter are nearly indistinguishable in the crown

3 BC - No crown of 12 stars, no male child, and the moon is very far from Virgo's feet

2. The sign finally makes sense of the prophetic image of the woman in labor found all throughout Scripture and connects the dots in Genesis 3:15-16, Jeremiah 4:31, Jeremiah 30:4-11, Isaiah 26:17-21, Isaiah 66:7-11, Micah 5:3, Matthew 24:8, Mark 13:8, John 16:19-22, Galatians 4:24-31, 1 Thessalonians 5:3, and Revelation 12.  It has been right under our noses for two millennia.  The woman consistently represents Jerusalem and/or Israel and her Son of Promise is Christ and the Church.

3. The contextual evidence for the male child being the Church (with Christ as its head) is surprisingly powerful.  In fact I now see the evidence as overwhelming and have yet to be presented with a successful rebuttal.  You can see for yourself here under the sections The Significance and Claims And Critiques.  You can also explore this evidence further here, here, and here.

For example, the claim that the Church is never identified as a man and only as a bride is oft repeated, but completely false.  The Church is twice called a man in Ephesians (2:15 and 4:13) and a bride is actually a lesser used symbol compared to the analogies of Christ's body and the spiritual temple.  As a matter of fact, the only explicit reference to Christ's actual bride is found twice in Revelation 21.  His bride is New Jerusalem, a city with equal aspects of Israel and the Church (twelve gates named after the twelve sons of Jacob and twelve foundations named after the Twelve Apostles).

Old Testament passages make pretty clear that Israel and Judah were also God's bride (Jeremiah 3, 31:31-33, Isaiah 54:5, 62:5, Hosea 2:14-20) and though they were spiritually divorced for a time, they will again be married forever.  I don't personally see Scriptural support for the Church as the exclusive bride and Israel as only "friends of the Groom" or "wedding guests".  As far as I know, only the Parable of the Wise and Foolish Virgins in Matthew 25 can be offered as support and that is, after all, a parable.  Some believe that parable has modern applicability to the Church, as well.

Sometimes these biblical symbols overlap and even have layers of meaning, but if you were to ask me, I would say the simplest and clearest way to describe these terms would be that the Bride of Christ is the city of New Jerusalem containing both the Gentile Church, the Old Testament saints who had faith in the coming Messiah, and those in post-rapture Israel who will ultimately place their faith in Messiah.  The Messiah is their Husband as well as ours.  We are the wild branches grafted in after all.  In other words, the Bride is the eternal collective of those saved by grace through faith in the Messiah.  Yet we are individually called the children of God.  Therefore as far as analogies go, the collective is the Body or Bride of Christ and the individuals are the children of God.

4. The sign occurs in a year filled with an incredible abundance of biblically-significant date markers: 120 years since the First Zionist Congress, 100 years since the Balfour Declaration, 70 years since the U.N. mandate to establish a Jewish state, 70 prophetic years of 360-days each since the rebirth of Israel, 50 years since the Israeli conquest of Jerusalem, and 40 years since the modern peace process began.  It's also a year filled to the brim with "sevens" - the very number of most prophetic significance in the books of Daniel and Revelation.

As I've said before, it amazes me that so many of our brothers and sisters are seeing the same thing even down to the minute details.  I've never seen this kind of convergence among watchers before.  Some believe the rapture will occur on September 23rd.  Others on the 22nd or 21st or anytime between now and then.  Others say it could happen at any of a few remaining conjunctions following the sign in October or November.  I personally choose not to set a date, but I believe we are getting closer and I believe this sign is the great sign in the sun, moon, and stars spoken of in Revelation 12 and Luke 21:11 and 21:25.

Look up, for your redemption draws near!  I leave you with this video from Jaco Prinsloo called "The Day and the Hour Revealed":

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  1. This occurs at the same time as the "dragon" appears in the heavens....the brown dwarf star known to the ancient Sumerians as "Niburu"....the dragon's tail is the debris field that accompanies it...we are in for a rough time of it unless the Almighty intervenes to hold that in abeyance....and that's going to take some tall praying

    Robbins Mitchell

    1. We definitely need to pray. Now more than ever. I'm asking Believers everywhere to be praying together for 1. Biblical discernment regarding the upcoming sign(s), 2. true humility, so that we can learn from one another, and 3. confirmations and enduring faith.

    2. Let's not pray for things that oppose the word of God.. The revalation is going to take place no matter what.. Its "Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven" not our will.. So let's pray for others and for Gods presence in our lives.. Not for him to change his actions.. His will is what we want to live out.

    3. I doubt that Niburu exists. Anything that big would have been spotted by our advanced telescopes on land and in space. Smaller bodies about the size of Pluto are being discovered every day, but these would have minimal effect passing through the inner Solar System.

    4. I have 1000 Photographs of Nibiru, and it is a planet, not a brown dwarf star. The star is called Nemesis, it may not be much larger than our Earth, but it's mass (weight) may be several hundred times that of our Earth. Nibiru is populated with the fallen angels who sided with Satan against God. The planet is so large it covers our entire sky, but is far enough away that it can not compete with ours Sun's rays hitting our atmosphere during the day so it is basically invisible, yet huge in size. Wormwood is and iron comet hybrid, and it or part of it will hit the Earth, likely the Americas or the Pacific Ocean. Europe , Russia , the Middle East and parts of Africa will be the theater for Armageddon. I do not believe we will exist as a world power at the time of Christ's return. The falllen ones are now here on Earth, They are in our skies and putting up messages and illusions in the sky. I have photos of them sitting on the tops of clouds waiting for the moon to come out. I personally agree with the host of this blog that the events that are coming will be within. The time frame of Rosh Hashanah Sept 21st until the end of the Feast of Tabernacles, or anytime jbetween now and then. That is my personal belief but God is in charge of the timing. I do think he has given us a specific date for the Tribulation to start but it truly had been going on for at least 17 years now, working up to the official start.. I believe it makes sense that the Raptrure would occur at the time the Woman gives birth to Jupiter the star of the Messiah , under the sign of Leo the lion, as Jesus is the lion of the tribe of Judah, and under its 9 stars plus 3 planets in alignment, Venus, Mercury, and Mars, making 12 stars, one for each of the 12 tribes of Isreal. Everything is converging. I don't know how much of the church is aware of this increditble conversion of events coming forward in the next 2-4 weeks. We should all pray for every soul on this planet.

  2. The other major event (perhaps the most significant?) of September 2015 was Russia's invasion of Syria setting the stage for Ezekiel 38. It happened barely 2 days after the final eclipse of the Tetrad.

  3. Wow, you're right! Totally forgot the big one.

  4. It's worth noting there are TWO signs, the "great sign" = alignment that occurs on Sept 23.

    The second sign is the Red Dragon, which I also believe is represented by a real celestial body(bodies) as well, and will be the physical/tangible means of the judgements that unfold during the tribulation period. Someone mentioned Nibiru, and this is the name you can research if interested in more (also Planet X, 7x, wyrmwood, and others). It primarily only existed in the conspiracy community, but governments worldwide have known about this since at least the 1980s. This is why they have been building the seed shelters, underground bunkers, etc over the last several decades, in addition to the Vatican ran "L.U.C.I.F.E.R." telescope that views in the Infrared (IR) spectrum. These frozen dead stars are shrouded, but will be revealed as they get closer.

    Here's some places you can look up on your own to see more info:

    Google Sky:

    1) at the bottom, click on Constellations and then Virgo
    2) turn on the IR filter at the top right
    3) you will see semi-blacked out square near the womb of the virgin

    Now goto NASAs Skyview virtual telescope:

    1) Use these coordinates: 13 50 44 -8 13 59.7
    2) Select ALL filters in the IR: IRAS option (shift+click)
    3) also select the 0408MHz option in the Radio: MHz section
    4) change the Image Size to something larger, around 600 is good
    5) you will notice that most of the IRAS images ALSO HAVE THE CENSORED BOX around them (using different styles) Although the last one does not for whatever reason (they're bad at covering up the truth?)
    6) compare this to what you see in Google Sky and you will clearly see it is the same objects

    1. I followed your directions, and this is about the best shot I got (I bumped up the contrast a tad):


      OK, my freaked-out-ometer is officially pegged at this point.

    2. Thanks for posting a link, Greg. Super-creepy-eerie, indeed.

    3. I'll try to publish an image collage of them later for this if there are those interested, but I would encourage you to use the query form and play with the settings to see for yourself. Most interesting to me is the 0408MHz option which shows the objects shrouded in dust, but themselves are visually absent in that spectrum (since this is not an IR image).

  5. First off, "that no prophecy of scripture is of any private interpretation" has nothing to do with not interpreting scripture individually and rather instead following after the consensus of a multitude of mere men! Talk about taking scripture out of context! For the scripture goes on to say "For the prophecy came NOT in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Ghost." Thus it is a prohibition against doing exactly what you and your cohorts have been doing, that is attempting to interpret spiritual revelation through the exercise of your own human intellect. Spiritual things are to be interpretted spiritually, by those to whom God has chosen to reveal His secret and hidden things in their entirety. Thus if you aren't privy to the meaning of each component or aspect of a revelation, nor to the meaning of the spiritual revelation as a whole, then you should keep quite, and either seek to the Lord in humility recognizing that in truth you understand next to nothing, or listen to those to whom He has revealed those things in their totality, or who at least understand the orderly nature of His heavenly things in their perfection. What you should not do is to continue to afflict God's people with your own fleshy understanding like a scorpion, whose burning bite makes the people it stings numb (spiritually) and focused on the things of the flesh (or earth) as well. "For to be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritual minded is life and peace. Because the carnal mind is at enmity with God..." so how can you think you can understand prophecy through the exercise of the human mind? That is a greek idea which crept into the church to distance it from it's Hebrew understanding and roots as result of God's judgment. Spiritual understanding is neither earthly nor intellectual. As if it were, you should be enabled after some study to open up a prophetic book like Isaiah and understand every word, but you can't. As a matter of fact, if your honest, you'll admit that you can't even understand everyword in the NT. Not with anykind of equity or specificity anyway. That is because the same Spirit that spoke through the OT prophets spoke through Peter, Paul, John and Jude, having its own kind of speech and pure language that we cannot even begin to fully comprehend with our earthly perspective or minds. Now during the first half of this Day of the Lord you had some excuse for continuing to heed and contribute to such fleshy notions when it came to discerning God's spiritual revelation, but since at this point Mars is no longer in or looping around the head of the scorpian, those of you who continue to divert the eyes of God's people from seeking those things which are above (or spiritual) by humbling their hearts and minds and crying out the Lord for a more perfect and orderly understanding (so as they might actually be able to grasp those things which have come and will soon come upon them) will be held accountable. As you are neither ushering in revelation nor are you announcing those things which have now been "unsealed" so as God's people might understand them, but rather you are only further continuing to blind them from perceiving those things which the Lord Himself desires them to see and receive in this Day of the Lord which again, we are living in! How dare you set aside or minimize the meaning of the LORD's heavenly signs, which announced the onset of this Day, simply because you can't understand them with your finite earthly mind!

  6. I don't see a point in answering your entire post because of how it's delivered. If the Apostles themselves could deliver their Epistles, even when rebuking, in a consistently gracious way, I fail to see why you do not and expect me or other Believers to listen to you. Sadly, if I were to summarize your post in three words they would be: anger, self-righteousness, and gnosis - three things Christ and the Apostles spoke frequently against. Also, there is no clear conclusion, so what can I take from your post except that kguynn17 is angry and he thinks he has a special insight into God's Word that other Holy Spirit-indwelt Believers can't or don't have?

    So, again, I won't answer everything, but a couple points:

    1. "First off, "that no prophecy of scripture is of any private interpretation" has nothing to do with not interpreting scripture individually"

    Your first sentence is mistaken. If I look up the Greek in 2 Peter 1:20 directly I see that the word used for private or personal is ἰδίας. Every commentary or concordance I can find is in agreement regarding the meaning of ἰδίας.

    Strong's - one's own, belonging to one, private, personal

    HELPS - uniquely one's own, peculiar to the individual (in fact a stronger way of saying "own")

    NAS - one's own, distinct (translated "own", "privately", "private", "individually", etc)

    Thayer's - pertaining to oneself, one's own; used a. universally, of what is one's own as opposed to belonging to another

    As a matter of fact, it is this word that was used to describe Jesus going off to be by Himself in the wilderness.

    Regarding 2 Peter 1:20, Proverbs 18:1-2 come instantly to mind:

    "A man who isolates himself seeks his own desire;
    He rages against all wise judgment.
    A fool has no delight in understanding,
    But in expressing his own heart."

    1. 2. " 'For the prophecy came NOT in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.' Thus it is a prohibition against doing exactly what you and your cohorts have been doing, that is attempting to interpret spiritual revelation through the exercise of your own human intellect."

      You make a critical mistake here by misinterpreting/mistranslating "will" in 2 Peter 1:20. The word θελήματι does not mean "intellect". It means to desire or wish. Jesus and all the Apostles and disciples were intellectual. Man is made in the image of our perfect and wise God and is intellectual by nature. The Bible has plenty to say about those reject knowledge and wisdom.

      The idea in 2 Peter 1:20 is not that men shouldn't study God's Word and try to discern it (of course they should as many Scriptures say). The idea is that the truth in God's Word is hidden in plain sight and revealed when the Holy Spirit reveals it. In other words, Believers can study it and comprehend it using wisdom and [drum roll] INTELLECT, but unbelievers cannot. The key is the Holy Spirit. An example:

      Isaiah 53 clearly and unequivocally describes Christ and His sacrifice for sins. It takes no guesswork. There is no "hidden code" in the text, it simply says what it means. Yet most Jews cannot see it. It is there in plain sight yet they are blind to it because of the veil of spiritual darkness over every unbelieving heart. The reason I and other Believers can see it is because God in His great mercy decided to reveal it to us.

      The idea that the Holy Spirit or spiritual truth is at odds with wisdom and intellect is just plain foolish. We can agree the Holy Spirit has to reveal it to someone though - of course that's true.

      I believe it is very possibly the Holy Spirit is revealing a great amount of prophetic knowledge to a great number of Believers as we speak. Some of those Believers may be Scottie Clarke and the dozens and dozens of others who through their own study of Scriptures are coming to the same conclusions.

      "Now the Berean Jews were of more noble character than those in Thessalonica, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true." - Acts 17:11

      "And it is my prayer that your love may abound more and more, with knowledge and all discernment, so that you may approve what is excellent, and so be pure and blameless for the day of Christ," - Phil. 1:9-10

      "But solid food is for the mature, for those who have their powers of discernment trained by constant practice to distinguish good from evil." - Hebrews 5:14

      "If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him." - James 1:5

      "For God is not a God of confusion but of peace. As in all the churches of the saints," - 1 Cor. 14:33

      "Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect." - Romans 12:2

      "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding." - Proverbs 3:5

      When we humbly submit ourselves to God's Word and pray for spiritual discernment and the Holy Spirit to reveal truth to us we are by very nature not leaning on our own understanding.

      I am frequently praying for God's wisdom and discernment. I am trying hard to trust the Scriptures as they are written without adding in my own biases and emotions as are many of these Believers. And by pointing people to the soon appearing of Christ and Heaven, we are by very NATURE setting our hearts above, as commanded by the Scriptures. That is not carnal or fleshly my friend.

  7. Excellent reply. Keep up the great work.
    This passage in Mr. Guynn's post was a red warning light for gnosis, as Gary astutely recognized.
    "Thus if you aren't privy to the meaning of each component or aspect of a revelation, nor to the meaning of the spiritual revelation as a whole, then you should keep quite, and either seek to the Lord in humility recognizing that in truth you understand next to nothing, or listen to those to whom He has revealed those things in their totality,"
    Sorry to post as Anonymous, but I don't have an account. - Duncan

  8. I like to respond with something I have already wrote. However, it most certainly applies with the narrative of K-Guy-NN17 and the plethora of accusations directed toward articles that suggest we should be viewing God's celestial upcoming events with enthusiasm.

    My overall question is would the wise men from the East (in the time of Jesus' birth) take notice in this wonderful layout of "signs" in our time? Genesis 1:14 "...Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs..."

    Knowing a little about the field of Astronomy, since I have taught it for nearly two decades, I am truly fascinated about the solar eclipse this year on August 21st. I marvel at the majestic pattern that will conjunction themselves in Leo and Virgo in September. As a "backyard astronomer" you can guarantee my excitement with these celestial events regardless if Jesus our redeemer comes forth.

    Psalm 19:4-5 "...In them hath he set a tabernacle for the sun, which is as a bridgegroom coming out of his chamber..."

    I find it also fascinating that youtube channels are also issuing their warnings on this event. Like Dahboo7 with his infrared dragon in the background of Virgo.

    No doubt youtube channel hosts want as many viewers as follows for the monetized kickbacks, however I am reminded that once a "Poor wise man, and he by his wisdom delivered the city; yet no man remembered that same poor man." What I am trying to interject here is that even God used "money-seeking" Balaam to give us a warning.

    Numbers 24:17 "...there shall come a Star out of Jacob, and a Sceptre shall rise out of Israel, and shall smite the corners of Moab, and destroy all the children of Sheth."

    Hmmm lets see where have I heard that word Moab lately? Mother of all bombs! My God can even use the news, websites or even Presidents to tell us something significant in even present days.

    It doesn't take a wise man from the east to figure this out.

    God bless.

    1. Since you are a teacher of astronomy, what is your take on these images:
      (The red dragon image you mention comes from the skyview query form listed below, using a red filter option. You can completely tweak the query yourself to get all sorts of fantastic views of whatever this is.)

      Google Sky:

      1) at the bottom, click on Constellations and then Virgo
      2) turn on the IR filter at the top right
      3) you will see semi-blacked out square near the womb of the virgin

      Now goto NASAs Skyview virtual telescope:

      1) Use these coordinates: 13 50 44 -8 13 59.7
      2) Select ALL filters in the IR: IRAS option (shift+click)
      3) also select the 0408MHz option in the Radio: MHz section
      4) change the Image Size to something larger, around 600 is good
      5) you will notice that most of the IRAS images ALSO HAVE THE CENSORED BOX around them (using different styles) Although the last one does not for whatever reason (they're bad at covering up the truth?)
      6) compare this to what you see in Google Sky and you will clearly see it is the same objects

  9. Sorry for the repetitiveness... :)

  10. Mother of all bombs and Virgo the mother of all Signs! Sounds like a bunch of silly nonsense to me...Where is "Willy-Wonka" when you need him. Strike that reverse that...

    1. And don't forget "the mother of all prostitutes" is coming too (Rev. 17:5)!

  11. Its better for you to encounter my indignation and turn to receive illumination from the LORD's hand, than to continue to trust in the doctrines of men and encounter the LORD's wrath. You think it would be more loving of me to just let you and readers continue to stumble around in the darkness to no avail until "the fierce anger of the LORD come upon you"? No, it would not, and further, then I would lose my own soul also. Those things which I have written to you are designed to shake you up (its called an earthquake) to wake you from your slumber, and from the deep sleep of the long dark night that all believers have been laboring under since the great affliction began. Now what I see in your response is just more of the same: the continued quoting of man made definitions and commentaries and the throwing about of men's names in whose intellectual inventions you rest. Concerning which I am not going to debate you as I put no confidence in the flesh, as even of my own past intellectual musing I am ashamed. What I will say is this, the point Peter was making in the verse in question was that not all believers are prophets or possess the same gift, thus the interpretation of prophecy is to be left to those who understand it. As there are not many ways to interpret prophetic things but only one way, and that way has been revealed to those who God has chosen to reveal such things. For as the LORD stated in Numbers 12:14 "Hear now my words: If there be a prophet among you, I the LORD will make myself known to him in a vision and will speak to him in a dream". Then the LORD goes on to distinguish Moses from any other prophet by saying He will speak to Moses apparently "not in dark speeches and the similitude of the Lord". This is because it is by similitudes and the opening up of dark sentences the LORD communicates His spiritual truths (as we also find in Hosea 12:10). So, no, you cannot understand prophecy even as a believer through the exercise of human intellect. As a matter of fact, I would suggest that you use that great intellection prowess of yours to do a study of the words "secret" and "hidden" in scripture and then tell me again how everything in God's word is meant to be understood "plainly"! As it is a great arrogance to think we can understand the things of the Most High with our puny little earthly minds. For we are no more able to understand His most high and heavenly things than a worm is able to understand the theory of relativity! It is like a bunch of children trying to understand a quadratic equation written on the board before them; while they may be able to indentify the numbers, they have no idea why they are ordered such, or of the meaning of the formula. Now as long as no one in the room can understand the equation its fine to suggest this or that or opine, but once a physicist enters the room, well if they still continued on that way they would look pretty foolish. Or worse yet, by contiuing on in your own pride you could perish, as Miriam nearly did, simply because you are unwilling to admit your own ignorance. Finally, there are several diff words for "wisdom" "understanding" and "knowledge" in God's word and the ones to which you were referring are spiritual, having nothing to do with the intellect, concerning which you do not yet possess. For such wisdom and understanding which leads to the knowledge of the LORD can only be received by the meek and humble man who bows his head (that is to say his understanding) that he might receive heavenly wisdom at God's own hand. And when I say "hand" I mean in the Hebrew: the beholding of God's leading to uprightness which He only gives to the needy.

  12. In order to understand the quadratic formula you have to start out with the correct equation. ax2 + bx + c = 0 Mathematics are based on rules and truths. You can not claim that 2 is puny and therefore should not be 2 but rather 3 based on your interpretation of 2 from your perspective because you are wrong. I'm not a big common core mathematics fan nor your approach to sway your readers.

    Proverbs 1:7 Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the Lord, and depart from evil.

    The word of God needs no interpreters. Moses, Isaiah, Elijah told Israel straight up to repent or else. Balaam, Korah and Gehazi learned how puny their self righteousness was when they did not heed the Almighty's word from the prophets. They clearly were warned but instead decided otherwise; they scoffed and did what they wanted.

    Proverbs 1:7 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction.

  13. Some other things I meant to address: you are not causing God's people to look upward, but to look to those things happening on earth. Which have little to do with us, as we are God's heavenly people, not His earthly people! Thus the signs which pertain to us are heavenly, but even in this you err, as the Lord's admonition to us to "look up" as we see things coming to pass is not in reference to the using our fleshly eyes, it is an admonition to lift up our understanding that we might see spiritual things rather than earthly; You know "that the eyes of your understanding might be enlightened". Now as far as sounding like a gnostic, I've read the gnostics and they make no sense. So I just have to ask what it is I'v said that you find nonsensical? As the things I know are quite orderly and resonable. That being said, nothing comes from nothing. As the scripture is filled with admonitions to grow in spiritual understanding that you might come into the knowledge of God or to "know the LORD". Which teaching later became perverted (as all doctrine) when the LORD rolled up His words pertaining to heavenly things like a scroll and let go the curse which darkened men's understanding. Also I must address that I sound "self-righteous": As the main thing that I've tried to get across in my posts is that just as we do not possess any earthly righteousness of our own before the Lord, neither do we possess any of our own spiritual rightness (of mind.) My point has always been that we must humble ourselves that God might renew a right spirit in our minds, so as we might escape our captivity to this world's knowledge of good and evil, cleaving instead to what is right in God's sight! For we learn through the offerings of Cain and Able that we do well to offer unto the LORD His sacrifices and offerings and we do evil to offer anything of our own. This is why Cain was not accepted by the LORD. For we do well to believe the LORD's cleansing doctrines and trust in the promises, all else is evil. This is the beginning of knowledge from which we go on to know the Lord and come to begin understand prophecy. For if the earthly knowledge of good and evil is seared into our consciences we are unable to grasp spiritual things because it makes our preconceptions fleshy. However there is a path to getting there that begins by recognizing that Christ was not the Son of God in His outer or fleshly man, but in His inner or spiritual man. As God, being a spirit, occupies the unseen realms of the spirit or mind, not the flesh. Thus Jesus was the Son of man, born of the seed of David through Mary, in His flesh. This is how He was fully God and fully man. Believe me when I say that there is nothing left of self inwhich to glory for those who go on to partake of the knowledge of God, and by such knowledge I understand prophecy. Which probably is in truth what you were referring too, not self-righteousness but confidence that the things I know are true, which again has nothing to do with self as they did not originate with me. Rather they came by a continual process of crying out to the Lord for a more perfect understanding while denying my own ideas and tearing down all the standing images that men had stood up in the chambers of my imagination. Further, I am not confident they are true because I possess them, I am confident they are true because they allow one to understand the entire word of God perfectly with no contradiction. If they didn't bring every word of scripture into perfect continuity and explain all things I wouldn't be confident as I would have no assurance they came from God who is perfect! Which begs the question, how can you be so confident to make proclaimations concerning heavenly things when the things you claim to know neither lead to perfect understanding nor can fully explain prophecy?

  14. "Its better for you to encounter my indignation and turn to receive illumination from the LORD's hand, than to continue to trust in the doctrines of men and encounter the LORD's wrath."

    No, indeed not. Your indignation is nothing. When I compare your delivery and interpretations with various Scriptures and commands in the Bible, in so far as God has revealed them to me through His Word, they simply don't match up as several other Believers here have already pointed out.

    You preach vitriol and fear within the Church of God, causing divisions and quarrels in violation of a number of Scriptures - and not over core doctrines like the Oneness of God, the Incarnation, or the Gospel, but over periphery issues like whether Christians should watch for God-given signs or not. Your approach is not Christ-like. You reject the Holy Spirit in me and many other Believers. You insert your own words into the Scriptures thus changing their basic meaning (for example "intellect" instead of "will" in 2 Peter 1:20). You claim special prophetic knowledge and insight that you supposedly have, but other Holy Spirit-indwelt Believers do not. And you bring a number of false accusations.

    Here are two examples of false accusations you've brought:

    1. "Thus if you aren't privy to the meaning of each component or aspect of a revelation, nor to the meaning of the spiritual revelation as a whole, then you should keep quite, and either seek to the Lord in humility recognizing that in truth you understand next to nothing,"

    In the second post, at the very top of this thread, I had already said Believers everywhere should be praying for discernment and humility. I pray this myself frequently, and for God to reveal knowledge to me through His Word and through other Believers. Your accusation is false and ignorant.

    2. "Thus it is a prohibition against doing exactly what you and your cohorts have been doing, that is attempting to interpret spiritual revelation through the exercise of your own human intellect."

    The accusation here is that I am, or am claiming to, interpret Scripture through intellect APART FROM spiritual revelation. I've never claimed to do this apart from the Holy Spirit's revelation. In fact in my first reply to you I made abundantly clear that God's Word indeed IS hidden to the unbelieving person. So intellect does play its part, but never separate from the Holy Spirit. Intellect is not the enemy, unbelief is. God is intellectual as are those made in His image. If God has granted you belief and revelation, then not exercising your intellect through Scriptural discernment and study is foolish and downright disobedient to dozens of Scriptures.

    "So I just have to ask what it is I'v said that you find nonsensical?"

    Everything you're saying. It's full of accusations and what to me and others here appears to be gnostic and self-righteous. The very points you seem to be making are false and as far as I can tell you provide no evidence Scriptural or otherwise: 1. That I claim spiritual knowledge can be gained through intellect alone, 2. That watching for the soon appearing of Christ and the accompanying signs that He Himself and His Apostles recorded in the Scriptures is carnal and causes an earthly or fleshly focus.

    1. Lastly, based on the following quote from you, I'm going to end this debate:

      "Now what I see in your response is just more of the same: the continued quoting of man made definitions and commentaries and the throwing about of men's names in whose intellectual inventions you rest."

      I'm trying my best to rest in God's Word and listen discerningly to other Believers, but I certainly don't rest in yours. Since you seemingly reject the ability for other Believers to communicate with you anything here, all the while you do exactly the same things you accuse me of (i.e. communicate your Scriptural interpretations), then it is unwise for us to continue this conversation. I mean it when I say that I will pray that God grants you discernment, wisdom, humility, a knowledge of the Grace of God, and a change of heart so that you no longer isolate yourself from the Believing community, rejecting "all sound wisdom" and claiming a special prophetic corner on truth unsubstantiated by any other Believers.

    2. Well said, Gary.

  15. 1 Cor 2:6 "Howbiet we speak wisdom among them that our perfect: yet not the wisdom of this world, nor of the princes of this world, that come to nought: But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, even the hidden wisdom, which God ordained before the world unto our glory...But as it is written, eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither has entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for those who love Him. But God has revealed them to us by His Spirit, yea for the Spirit searches all the deep things of God. For what man knoweth the things of man, save the spirit of man which is in him? Even so, the things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God. Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God, that we might know the things which are freely given us of God. Which things also we speak, NOT IN THE WORDS WHICH MAN'S WISDOM TEACHES (I'm not yelling by the way-just highlighting) but which the Holy Ghost teaches: COMPARING SPIRITUAL THINGS WITH SPIRITUAL. But the natural man receiveth not the things of the of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them because they are spiritually discerned. But he that is spiritual judgeth all things, yet he himself is judged of no man. For who hath known the mind of the LORD, that he may intruct him? But we have the mind of Christ." Do not make the fatal mistake of assuming that every thing the LORD's servants preached applies equally to all believers in subsequent generations as what wisdom do you understand that couldn't be intellectually explained to any athiest (though he chooses not to believe in Jesus)? And what "deep things of God" have you by His Spirit perceived? Further, what do you know that "no eye hath seen, nor ear heard" as was not Christ crucified openly? Was not His profession made so all could hear?

  16. The truth is that up until now we have only been able to comprehend that thing which Christ did for us physically in sacrificing His body. But now the LORD has returned to rebuild His Temple and gather His elect as He promised, bringing hidden things to light. So don't discount my words based on things that you've learned previously as doctrine, but check them against the scriptures. Look at Isaiah 53 again and scrutinize it, tell me if everything written there in pertains to one singular sacrifice. You see the things which we have recoginized up until now as prophecy have pertained only to those events which fufilled the Old Covenant promises, those things which are earthly and thus can be readily seen. That is why we tend to think of prophecy as only future telling rather than as spiritual instruction for those who already believe. But as Paul taught, prophecy as the NT saints knew it was not for unbelievers to prove Christ was the Christ, but for believers to grow there in. As prophecy is much more than future telling, it is the entire revelation of God's spiritual things which gives us a higher understanding. So while the prophecies which relate to the things by which God fulfilled His OC earthly promises are apparent, as they occured in the flesh, the rest of prophecy (which relates to new covenant promises) has been closed to us. As the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy, not the earthly fufilment of the OC (which also mediated between God and us through the sacrifice and offerings of the Son of man that we might also be elligible to receive God's spiritual promises) but the spiritual testimony of the sacrifices and offerings of the Son of God which brings us into a deeper spiritual knowledge and allows us to receive His promises.

    1. I could be wrong, but something tells me nobody is listening to your invective anymore. And after reading just a few sentences of it, I frankly don't see any reason they should.

      I only wish I could deal with people with as much Christ-honoring patience as Gary has shown you, but I still struggle with that.

      That's one reason why my website has no comment section.

    2. BTW, kguynn17, they have these things called "paragraph breaks."

      Try 'em--they're great.

  17. Rapture is nearer and nearer and its the blessed hope ... Lets show love and encourage each other and look forward to this blessed hope which is the rapture

  18. I always enjoy reading your posts, Gary. Well written and easy to understand. I concur! It really is quite interesting how so many are seeing what we see. Thank you always for the links to my work.

    1. Thank you Scott! My hope is that they are truthful and encouraging to the Body!

  19. I agree except I believe new Jerusalem is not the Bride If you read Rev. 21:2 And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. "prepared AS a bride" not the bride.

    1. It wasn't written in English. "As a Bride." Its like saying your George was dressed up as a Groom, at his wedding. A woman is only adorned as a bride on the wedding day...any other time she is just a woman.

  20. Ok, all of you sound so scholarly. I am not. I have been watching and waiting since I read Hal Lindsey's book, The Late Great Planet Earth, back in the 70's. I am so waiting and hoping for the rapture. Guestion: After the Rev 12 sign appears in Sept., what other signs need to occur before the rapture of the church ? Also, what event is happening in October?

    1. Thank you for the question. If you get a few minutes, take a look at our article "The Revelation 12 Sign Compendium" here: http://www.unsealed.org/2017/01/the-revelation-12-sign-compendium.html

      We talk about October in that article because on the 13th, I believe, Jupiter actually exits the constellation itself, which could arguably be a birth. November has a conjunction between Jupiter and Venus similar to the Star of Bethlehem in 3/2BC.

      I don't personally think any other signs need to occur before the rapture, but there is some debate on that. Some Christians are very fervent proponents to the doctrine of Imminency, which teaches that there can be no signs before the rapture. I think there some truth to that doctrine, but I also think it has been taken to unbiblical extremes.

    2. I am new to this site, but not to the study of God's prophetic word. I concur with much of what Gary says. I agree that the heavenly signs are in line with Revelation 12. But would add that the signs in the heavens may appear before the events actually take place, perhaps months or even years before. There is no real way of knowing when the rapture will happen, we can only speculate. In the meantime we as believers, knowing how late the hour is, need to let our light shine! Thank you Gary for your insights, I appreciate the time and effort you put into what you do.

  21. this is Nibiru on skyview: https://skyview.gsfc.nasa.gov/current/cgi/runquery.pl?float=on&Interface=quick&Position=13+47+50.89+-8+59+42.0&SURVEY=IRAS+100+micron

  22. Thanks Gary. I will share your excellent article accordingly.

    1. Thank you Daniel! We all really appreciate your research as we watch this unfold together.

  23. Makes Sense - September 21-22= Rosh Hashanah/ Celebrates the Creation of Adam ---Yeshua = "The Last Adam." Blowing of the Shofars --- The "Last Trumpets" ...Celebrates the day of Enthronement and Kingship of YHWH. Perfect timing for the return of a King...Also starts the Ten Days of Repentance for Yom Kippur or Day of Atonement on Sept. 30. Cool.

  24. Excellent Article!! I will add my 5cents in... I believe that the 23rd September 2017 is just the beginning of the signs from Revelation 12. I believe that the sign of the Dragon from v 3-4 appears on December 17th 2017 on the first day of Hanukkah, and I believe that the sign of the child being lifted up happens from March-June 2018...

  25. Okay, I can take a hint. But before I exit this site for the last time I have both an apology for Gary and a comment I must make. First the comment: the thing that I find most astounding in all of these past communications is that though I have repeatedly claimed to understand in great detail all prophecy, to include the meanings of the heavenly signs which you have all been pondering, not one of you has ever responded "show me". As no one in their right mind would ever make such a claim if they weren't fully prepared to back it up to the complete satisfaction of any who have ears to hear or were listening. I've even gone as far as to invite you to ask me to prove it in earlier postings and still no one did, even though you considered my claim enough to quote it back to me. Which makes me very sad, as all such knowledge was yours to be had. You could have known the true spiritual meaning not only of the virgin and her delivery, but of the blood moons and solar eclipses (to include the great one coming!) and with great certainty: As the same prophetic understanding which confirms their meaning makes clear the the LORD's similitudes, so as those earthly occurances already testified to in God's word confirm their meaning by their very pattern. But this wasn't all, as the LORD was ready to reveal unto you His hidden language, which is based on the ancient Hebrew, from which our own language is also derived, so as I might have quite literally spelled all these things out for you. In which event there would have remained no question as to the signs meanings nor to the authenticity of the things I have claimed. But you would not ask, so you will not eat. As the LORD has not called me to force feed the full, but to feed the hungry with understanding. "And this is condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds (or doings of their own righteousness) were evil." And yes Gary I add the word's meaning with in parathesis because I know with great certainty both its meaning and intent. For as I said earlier, the time for debating and considering the interpretations of men are over; As the Day of the LORD of which it was promised that He would reveal all things has indeed come upon us!

  26. And finally my apology: I want to apologize to Gary for the comment I made in regards to your intellectual prowess. As despite the many false accusations and condenscending remarks that have been thrown my way in these communications, there was no need for me to reply in kind with such a snarky comment. Though to be truthful, it was really more of a gut reaction after reading your previous post; As there is nothing more abominable to the Spirit which dwells within me than men seeking the knowledge of men who have no more spiritual wisdom than them, in the time when He is near and ready and willing to answer them. As a matter of fact, I am sorry to say this, but in the spirit doing such is tantamount to spiritual sodomy. Which is why the NT writers referred to those who regurgitated up the keeping of the fleshly commands and righteousness of the Old Covenant at the behest of other men as "dogs", as this is a Jewish euphemism of the same meaning. Further, it is also why the Lord said that those who refused to hear the words of His apostles (which are the same words which I've been speaking) would find it less tolerable in the day of judgment than Sodom and Gomorrah particularly. As the only reason why one of God's people would reject such a message is because they have been led away to return to the keeping of the fleshy commands of the Old Covenant as a means to stay clean, and to preforming the righteous deeds (or doings) of the old law for righteousness through seeking the knowledge of other similairly motivated men. Please believe me when I say that am not saying this to further insult you, but rather that you might consider what a serious error you make in doing so. As in truth, those who commit such unspeakable acts in their flesh are better off than those who do so spiritually, for they have only this life to lose, which was the point the Lord was making. As no such filthy unbeliever will ever get out of their grave or have a chance to stand before the Son of man. For there is no resurrection outside of believing in Jesus. Neither can one "go down to the pit alive" if they have no perpetual life in them to begin with, nor find themselves body and soul in hell if their soul is dead and their body has never been resurrected. For the LORD has come to judge His people, just as He spoke to the children of Israel (in whose olive tree we have been spiritually grafted into), "You only have I known of all the families of the earth: therefore I will punish you for your iniquities. Can two walk together except they be agreed?..Shall a trumpet be blown in the city, and the people not be afraid? Shall there be evil in a city and the LORD hath not done it? Surely the Lord GOD will doing nothing but He revealeth His secret unto His servants the prophets." And in another place, "He shall call to the heavens from above, and to the earth that He may judge His people". That being said, if any who have ears to hear find this post and hunger for understanding they can contact me, as my user name is my msn email address. As for the rest, I am sorry to say that the time has come for me to shake off the "dust", which is to say: your need to spiritually consider His name, which is His saving testimony...only know with certainty that the kingdom of heaven and of God has come near to you

    1. Dear Kguy, I realize that you feel that you are doing a service to God by refuting what you believe is spiritual error. I also hope that you are sincere in saying that you won't be posting any longer. I do not say this to upset you, but your words do not edify and honestly I believe that you yourself are the subject of a spirit of error. I have found that posting online such strong accusations against others who are believers can often land one in hot water so to speak. We do not know each other, we cannot possibly know one another's heart or judge how "spiritual" the other is. If you disagree, that is fine, then say how you do and give scriptural support for it. Don't act spiritually superior, that is exactly what the pharisees were guilty of. When you respond in that way, you must understand that those who read your posts are inclined not to take anything you say seriously precisely because you claim to have special spiritual insight that others do not have, you sound like a Pharisee. I would suggest that if you want others to listen to what you have to say, drop the spiritual superiority act and just state your views.

      The very nature of prophecy makes it difficult to interpret with any precision. You speculate, I speculate, we all do, one cannot be dogmatic concerning the prophetic word. We all engage our intellect, including yourself. Our mind and our soul are connected, you cannot divorce the mind from the spirit. I must confess, that it really bothers me when well meaning brothers and sisters in Christ demean fellow believers when they engage their intellect,my own experience tells me that they do so because they are intimidated by those who can, so by saying intelligence is "of the world" and "not spiritual" they can feel better about themselves and justify their own beliefs and understanding concerning spiritual matters.

      I mean no disrespect, and truly I do believe that you are being sincere about your objections, however I think you need to figure out how to voice them in a way that garners respect.

      Rather than driving a wedge, build a bridge.

  27. It seems this post has been very popular as of lately so I will continue with and answer to this question.
    Since you are a teacher of astronomy, what is your take on these images:
    (The red dragon image you mention comes from the skyview query form listed below, using a red filter option. You can completely tweak the query yourself to get all sorts of fantastic views of whatever this is.)
    Google Sky:

    1) at the bottom, click on Constellations and then Virgo
    2) turn on the IR filter at the top right
    3) you will see semi-blacked out square near the womb of the virgin

    Now goto NASAs Skyview virtual telescope:

    1) Use these coordinates: 13 50 44 -8 13 59.7
    2) Select ALL filters in the IR: IRAS option (shift+click)
    3) also select the 0408MHz option in the Radio: MHz section
    4) change the Image Size to something larger, around 600 is good
    5) you will notice that most of the IRAS images ALSO HAVE THE CENSORED BOX around them (using different styles) Although the last one does not for whatever reason (they're bad at covering up the truth?)
    6) compare this to what you see in Google Sky and you will clearly see it is the same objects

    Over the years of teaching Astronomy I have had the privilege of use the GBT in Greenbank WV and the 40 ft radio telescope located their as well. We have several opportunities to study celestial objects in radio waves and other newer programs through the services of NRAO.

    I would love to be able to accurately explain those objects however, what you are looking at is something your really should not be able to see with your visual senses (eyes). Infrared technology/satellites are usually for select certified astronomers. I do know of an acquaintance that has used SOPIA(Stratospheric Observatory For Infrared Astronomy). Currently NASA is very interested in using this technology to look for Potentially Hazardous Asteroids (PHA).

    Of course, Tom Horn has also exploded the "Truth community," with "info" about the infrared telescope in Arizona nicknamed LUCIFER (LBT) by the Vatican Research Observatory Group.

    The question is why does it seem infrared is a top priority for our government agencies?

    My hypothesis is that our "elite" officials suspect to find a celestial object in the "firmament" that can not be easily seen through an optical telescopes. Clyde Tombaugh and Percival Lowell using the Titus Bode Law discovered a "perturbation." Thus, they began looking visual for this object in the 1930's. Since that discovery astronomers have been looking visually for "Planet-X." Since then we have visually discovered these planets; Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, ect. However, the "perturb-er" has remained uncloaked so to speak.

    Infrared enables to visualize phenomenon that are undetectable. If those websites are legitimate, then you are seeing "phenomenon" in infrared.

    1. What I am waiting for is any confirmation that the "smiley face" object hidden on Google Sky and seen in infrared at NASA will show itself larger anytime soon. In other words, as newer images of the sky are released, do the objects appear to "grow".

      If not, I'm tempted to think this might have been Jupiter. Someone mentioned the object is on the ecliptic, so maybe it was Jupiter or another planet moving back and forth in retrograde. I could be mistaken though.

  28. Three things we do know from the scripture and they may be linked. From scripture we can infer a catastrophic visual "sign." They include: 3 days of Darkness in Exodus, 3 hours of darkness at Christ Crucifixion and the sun becoming black after the sixth seal is opened.

    The Exodus Passover and Christ Crucifixion occurred on the 14th day of Nisan. That tells us that the Moon is full. Therefore what causes the Sun to darken for three days and 3 hours? Does something pass in front the sun or is there another explanation?

    Sunspot's do not usually cover the entire surface of the sun but if it did it would be catastrophic in terms of electromagnetic energy. This will effect the core of the Earth, atmosphere, tectonic plates, ect...bad news.

    If it is a large "perturb-er" as suggested from Claude Burghen and Gill Broussard,ect. then its return would cause global catastrophic weather, earthquakes, etc.

    If we can see this Dragon in the sky it would be too late to prepare...run to your nearest bunker or hope Jesus harpazo's you out. The trumpet judgments are really bad news.

    1. Interesting. I didn't consider the darkness in Moses' day. I think most put that around 1400 - 1500 BC. So let's say about 1,500 years before the crucifixion.

      Global Flood cataclysm --> 800 years --> Darkness in Exodus --> 1,500 years --> Darkness at crucifixion --> 2,000 years --> Darkness in Tribulation

      Perhaps there is some sort of object first encountered during Noah's Flood with a slowing orbital period. First 800 years, then 1,500 years, then 2,000 years.

  29. Just heard something cool listening to the weekly updates:

    At the cross there was 3 hours of darkness
    At the Revelation 12 - a 1/3rd of the stars are swept from heaven.

  30. First of all great article Gary! Brazen Laver- It may be Jesus and New Jerusalem coming for us. Jesus said he would prepare a place for us and when it is ready, return for us, so that wherever he was we would be with him. I have also pondered the darkness for 3 days in Exodus (probably not caused by the Dragon/Planet X), as well as the darkness during Jesus crucifixion (probably not caused by the Dragon/Planet X). The sun or the moon not giving it's light when it is supposed to (probably not caused by the Dragon/Planet X) is actually mentioned several times throughout the Bible, old and new testament. It may be that Planet X is a deception that could be used to deceive unbelievers concerning the rapture and other events in the Bible. It has been God all along. He does not need an orbital period. He moves without impunity. He can show up wherever and whenever he wants, but people refuse to believe in Him. Sadly they are looking for Planet X. The Dragon is none other than literally satan. It is possible that some of the astronomical events that take place during tribulation mentioned in Revelation that strike fear into earth dwellers hearts could be attributed to Planet X. But it is not Planet X. It is Jesus and New Jerusalem slowly descending on earth for possibly 7 years. Those who are deceived will be terrified, but ready to do battle, not realizing they are combating against Jesus and his Saints. Just a theory. :)

  31. This might be a good place to mention that scientists predict a rare red nova in Cygnus near Draco in early 2022 or thereabouts. (There is a considerable amount of uncertainty given that it's the first such prediction. Red novas as a class were only discovered in 2007.) The new red star will be well visible to the naked eye and appear as a continuation of the Draco-ward arm of the Northern Cross.

  32. There are meaning great possibilities. We know the elite, the military and the rulers know that after the sixth seal they must "hide in the mountains." Why?

    They know a catastrophic event is about to happen and they know "why." They call it the "Wrath of the Lamb." There is know doubt the Creator-King-Savior is on his way even now.

    Look at some evidence from this site.

    Volcanic activity is at an all-time high. Over the years that I have been monitoring tectonic activity I have never seen this type of caldera violence at one time.
    Also check this one out.

    lol, whether you are a "flat-earther" or geocentric, heliocentric or super-terrific like me, the core of the Earth is not a happy camper. The oldest book in the bible may also give us some amazing clues. The book of Job, talks about whirlwinds, fire, war and pestilence that greatly effected a very great man of the middle east. The first two chapters, reminds me of "Signs of the Times" from Matt.24:6-7."

    Not only was Job family crushed by a powerful catastrophic windstorm but in Job 4 it tells us that homes were pulverized into dust.

    Job 4:19-20 How much less in them that dwell in houses of clay, whose foundation is in the dust, which are crushed before the moth? They are destroyed from morning to evening: they perish for ever without any regarding it.

    From Noah's flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, the Exodus Mt. Sinai, Job, the great earthquake of Uzziah, the Crucifixion...we see powerful tectonic activity. I suggest it is related to the Shadow of Death.

    Job mentions the Shadow of Death more times than any book. Job mentions the "Terrors of the Shadow of Death."

    Job 24:17 For the morning is to them even as the shadow of death: if one know them, they are in the terrors of the shadow of death.

    The Hebrew is just one word tsalmaveth. This tsalmaveth brought terror.
    I believe the elite, the government have been ringing the bell of climate change. NASA will continue to explain newly discovering solar system objects and will constantly keep up the suspense with (PHA) Potentially Hazardous Asteroids. It is my assumption based on some JPL research that "Wormwood" is coming because of what NASA is reporting. It will be here in less than 3 years and they know it will be an ELE.

    No doubt this "tsalmaveth" is very much related and from the bible we know it can cast a shadow of darkness, it brought, earthquakes, death, storms and terror. The Eliphaz in Job 4 blames these events angles and their folly.

    Job 4:17-18 Shall mortal man be more just than God? shall a man be more pure than his maker? Behold, he put no trust in his servants; and his angels he charged with folly:

    In Revelation we see the angels that caused this folly cast out in Revelation 12.
    Rev. 12:7-9 And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels, And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven. And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.

    Regardless if you believe there is any relationship with this biblical events or not the Sun was turned into darkness twice during Passover (3 days and 3 hours). Joel prophesied that it would happen again and Peter clarified this prophecy during Pentecost when the Spirit of God came upon the Church.

    What I would like to suggest is that the Church age (The body of Christ, The man Child) will be complete after the six seal. Thus, the connection of the Dragon (Satan the accuser of Job) and our accuser of the brethren being cast out in Rev. 12.

    Bring on the Lamb!
    Even so come Lord Jesus!

  33. What I am suggesting is the sign of the 6th seal in Revelation chapter 6 and the sign of Revelation 12 may be related.

    But sometimes I like to ramble...

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Yes I also see parallels in Ezekiel 38 & 39, especially the hailstones, fire and brimestone mentioned in 38:22

      Ezek. 38:22 And I will plead against him with pestilence and with blood; and I will rain upon him, and upon his bands, and upon the many people that are with him, an overflowing rain, and great hailstones, fire, and brimstone.

      Sounds very catastrophic.

      However, I am perplexed with Ezek. 38 & 39. It sounds a lot like the battle of Armageddon. We also know that when Satan is loosed at the end of the 1000 years of peace we have a battle of Gog and Magog in Revelation 20.

      Rev.20:8-9 And shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog, and Magog, to gather them together to battle: the number of whom is as the sand of the sea. And they went up on the breadth of the earth, and compassed the camp of the saints about, and the beloved city: and fire came down from God out of heaven, and devoured them.

      I've read many commentaries on Ezekiel 38 & 39. Some have suggested it is two battles. Some suggest it is Armageddon. Others have suggested it is the last battle of human history after 1,000 years of peace.

      However, regardless of its timing it is still a prophecy yet to happen.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Thanks for the link BRM I love a good investigation...

  34. Being a Christian and an astronomer I also had to check out all of these claims. My conclusions were that:

    1. John saw a sign in the "sky", it is not an allegorical vision. He sees the Sun, Moon, and stars.

    2. Because of today's technology we can see this, and it is as John advertised.

    3. It does happen on one of God's appointed "Feasts". Four were fulfilled by Christ to the day and this sign shows up on the fifth of the seven appointments (Trumpets).

    4. Jupiter does go into retrograde within the "womb" area of Virgo and is there for about nine months.

    5. There is an infrared object blocked out by NASA on infrared images between the legs of Virgo. I have downloaded the .fits image file from the IRAS satellite page and adjusted it. It does look the head of the dragon from the movie "Draco".

    Those are the facts that are there. All the controversy comes from people trying to interpret what exactly this sign means. Jesus said to John in Revelation these were the things that were about to happen. It does not take a rocket scientist to discern that we are very close to the return of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ based on Middle East news and now this sign. It concerns me that everyone is saying our Messiah will only come on this date. Christians need to know that our Lord could call for us at any time. Even Paul believed that Jesus would return in his lifetime. We all know we're a heart beat away for death. So here is my concern. What I'm not hearing in all of these comments is what we should do about it. Jesus gave us a commission and that was to share the Gospel, yet I have not read this in any of the above. Jesus told us not to be worried about what is coming because He does have it in His control. God bless and please share the Gospel in and among all of your theology. It is our only strength for those things coming on the earth and being shown in the heavens.

    Because if you confess the Lord Jesus, and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you shall be saved. (Romans 10:9) 

    1. Well said...Amen!

      Even so come Lord Jesus!

      It may be today!

  35. Unknown wrote: "So here is my concern. What I'm not hearing in all of these comments is what we should do about it. Jesus gave us a commission and that was to share the Gospel, yet I have not read this in any of the above."

    The point is well made. It is true that believers, especially the kind of believers who frequent websites like this where there is a heightened level of knowledge and awareness of prophetic events, tend to get focused on the "technical" aspects of prophetic fulfillment (for lack of a better word).

    Of course, we are all painfully aware that there is a world full of people out there who are on the highway to hell and who need Christ.

    On one hand, many of those people have so strenuously and persistently refused to even acknowledge the existence of God as Creator for so long that they have been given over to a reprobate mind as per Romans 1:18-32. (If you don't believe me, check out Quora sometime.)

    On the other hand, there are many who are on the fence. They are empty and hurting and searching for answers--and getting more frightened with each passing day.

    And some of these people wander into websites such as this and others of a similar nature, where Christ is honored and put first in all things and pointed to as the only way to spend eternity with a holy God who loves them.

    But at the same time, it is true that as we banter back and forth and chew on the sinewy details of prophecy, we sometimes fail to keep in mind that there are people reading this website and others who need Christ. And it's not as if we need to be like, "Hey Gary, did you know that Jesus died for your sins?" But it is true that we should be ever mindful of our primary goal in all things we do, and that is to take Christ and the gospel of His salvation to a lost and dying world.

    And I'm first in line for that.

    Thanks for a timely reminder.

  36. Guys last night after a dark storm of clouds passed I went outside I saw my favorite constellation Orion. In the western sky Mars seemed lined with Arcturus and Betelgeuse. I then spanned to the middle of the sky and Regulus of Leo seemed almost lined up with them, as well. I then looked to the east and spotted bright Jupiter that was right above Spica in Virgo.

    I thought in my mind, "Wow, my Lord is moving these celestial objects and I have such a sweet moment to see all of it." It was a truly beautiful sight.

    Romans 1:20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:

  37. Considering the 'day and the hour' and using the celestial clock hour of 18:45:56 - 19:45:26 (Jerusalem time on 09/23/017), you can use (timeanddate.com) https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converted.html to calculate the exact same time/hour period in hour own city/country. I live on the East Coast of the U.S. (Eastern Time Zone), as a result of converting Jerusalem time (18:45:26 on 9/23/2017), I found that my city/time zone is 7 hours behind Jerusalem time. If 'the great sign in revelation 12' does in fact represent the rapture, I can then expect to meet my lord and savior between 11:45:26 am and 12:45:26 pm on September 23, 2017. I have never been to a wedding that did not have a exact scheduled start date. Did any wedding start 'exactly' at the specified time? No, there was always a slight delay as the bride became ready. I believe this is why there is an hour between 18:45:26 and 19:45:26 when the rapture could occur. As for me, I will plan my Saturday accordingly. If the rapture event does not occur for me at the appointed hour my time zone, I will be greatly disappointed, however, I will continue to move forward as my Savior guides me. I don't see any evidence in the Bible that would indicate that the rapture would be 'rolling across the world, hour by hour', but will be instantaneous across all time zones. Therefore, it would be a blessing to know 'the hour' in your particular time zone so you can be ready to meet the Lord. This is both a spiritual and practical matter.

  38. The Iran nuclear deal or JPOA which Iran signed with many nations on 24 November 2013 was brought into effect or confirmed on January 20 2014.

    He shall confirm a covenant with many for a seven (Daniel 9:27)

    Iran confirmed its covenant with many on January 20 2014.

    Iran insisted that the deal must be for seven years. They could have agreed to the deal on their own terms (I.e. seven years) though not openly.

    Also it could mean that the final covenant will hold good only for seven years since it will be the last seven years of human government.

    The Rising of the Beast ( ISIS) also happened during January 2014. It started capturing places and declared itself as a caliphate in June 2014

    Revelation 13 shows
    1. The beast rising up
    2. Its wounded head revived (caliphate)
    3. The world marvels and follows the beast ( worldwide following)
    4. The beast continues for 42 months
    5. Then he blasphemes the tabernacle of God ( Rev 13:6)
    6. Tramples the holy city for 42 months ( Rev 11:2)

    So during January 2014 the covenant was confirmed and the beast rose up and the Tribulation period started.
    The blood moons of 2014 and 2015 highlights this.

    So August 2017 may be the mid tribulation point when the covenant may be broken and the abomination will sit in Jerusalem

  39. Also I believe that the rapture will be immediately after the abomination sits in Jerusalem

    Matthew 24:15-18
    When you see the abomination of desolation in th holy place
    Let him on the housetop not go down .......
    Let him in the field not go back........

    Here the verses 17 and 18 represent rapture

    This can be concluded fro reading Luke 17: 26-36 which explains the rapture day and where we can find the same verses (I.e. Matthew 24: 17,18) in Luke 17: 31

  40. Beast - ISIS
    Ten horns - The ten muslim nation organisation called ECO headed by Iran

    The ten horns gave their authority and power to the beast (Revelation 17:13)

    1. The Rapture is a "mystery" that was revealed to and through the Apostle Paul. (I Cor. 15:51) A "mystery" in the Bible is something that was previously unknown, but then revealed. (https://bible.org/article/mystery-truths-scripture) Since the Rapture was not revealed until Paul, the Lord Jesus Christ cannot be speaking of it in the Gospel accounts.

    2. To piggy back on Myrrh...I added some thoughts on the interpretation of Daniel 9 as it ties to Matt 24 elsewhere on this site. The abomination spoken of by Daniel occurred in 70 AD. Likewise much of the prophecy contained in Daniel has already happened save the last few verses of chapter 12.
      I would encourage others to read the commentaries (particularly Barnes Notes) contained on the BibleHub website. Not only do I not have a deeper appreciation and understanding of the Word but my faith was increased.

  41. So lets say we add the 42 weeks and then the 1260 days after the birth, we should see Virgo with wings in the sky. Is that going to happen? I don't know enough about astronomy to look that up.



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