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Harry Styles' Sign Of The Times: Part 2

A few weeks ago we reported on Harry Styles' recently released song, Sign Of The Times, which quickly climbed to #1 on Billboard and reads almost like a Balaamic prophecy of sorts.  If you haven't read about this, I would encourage you to read it here.

Styles has just released the music video for this song, which is now #1 trending on Twitter and #9 trending on YouTube.  Remind you of anything?

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  1. And they shall see the son of man coming in the clouds with power and great glory...

  2. sooo sweeet,...truly!

  3. Around moment 440 there is a rapid show of a Jeremiah 30:6 moment.

  4. u guys can't be seriously promoting this nonsense?

    1. Why not? Is God sovereign or not? Does God communicate or not? Read Numbers 22, John 11:45-53, John 18:14, are a few examples of Balaamic prophecies - prophecies spoken through unbelievers, wicked men.

      I used to ignore these things, but then I learned three things:

      1. God is omniscient.
      2. God is omnipotent.
      3. Coincidences don't happen in a supernatural, God-directed universe. Only in a naturalistic, uniformitarian universe with no God.


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  5. After watching the Harry Styles song "Sign of the Times" on repeat more times than I want to admit... I went to the internet to see what Harry was thinking about when he wrote the song and found a rolling stones interview... here is a direct quote:

    “The song is written from a point of view as if a mother was giving birth to a child and there’s a complication,” he added. “The mother is told, ‘The child is fine, but you’re not going to make it.’ The mother has five minutes to tell the child, ‘Go forth and conquer.’”

    The Child is fine, but you're not going to make it...?

    Was this intentional??? There must be more to this story... We know that the Child will be fine, but most of the mother (Israel) is not going to make it through the tribulation...

    Was this Harry Styles coming out as a believer?
    Just a coincidence?
    Being used by God?

    What do you think?

    Read more: http://unsealed.boards.net/thread/160/sign-times-intentional#ixzz4ghHVRsXz

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  6. Just watch the video he rums on water and flies through the clouds. People should do what he's saying pay attention to the signs of these times. Timothy 3 is a great way to see we live in the times the bible describes. In a world where the children are our future they listen to confusing music while taking selfies. There is so much more potential to tap into if this generation would wake up to the propoganda being fed to them on a daily bases. Today most music and television can be construed as such. Simple propoganda brainwashing through idol worship. I do hope God is using harry but know in my heart it's prob something else. There are very few musicians with integrity left. Ed Sheeran seems to be one of the only people that hasn't sold out yet but who knows what will happen. Thing certainly are not getting better as we are now all heading into the final days when considering the acual signs of these times.

  7. After listening to it a few times and then watching the music video it reminded me of everything i was following. The rapture, revelation 12, the woman giving birth, the end is near. And then i read about what the meaning of this song was to him. Wayyyyy to coincidental. Look up revelation 12 heavenly sign 2017. Crazyyyyy



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