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Update On Temple Mount Situation

Friday (7/21): The moment of truth has come and the Israeli government has decided to leave the metal detectors at the Temple Mount in place indefinitely.  No compromise was agreed to.  An unprecedented number of Israeli police have surrounded the Old City and massive riots have broken out following Friday prayers.  Up to 200 people have been wounded in the clashes, including Israeli police, and two rioting Palestinians have been killed.

And now a second top official in the Israeli government has come out saying that the Temple Mount is now in the hands of Israel:

Israeli Transportation and Intelligence Minister Yisrael Katz (Likud), who serves as a member of Israel's Security Cabinet, on Friday said that the Cabinet decided to keep magnetometers on the Temple Mount and did not leave the decision up to the police.

'The Temple Mount is in our hands,' Katz said, quoting the soldiers who liberated Jerusalem's Old City during the Six Day War. 'We will not cede sovereignty. The State of Israel is responsible for preserving law and order on the Temple Mount... Contrary to reports, the Security Cabinet decided to continue using every security precaution which was begun immediately following the despicable terror attack, including the use of metal detectors. The State of Israel is responsible for implementing this policy.'

If you don't understand the prophetic significance behind what is currently happening in Jerusalem, please go back and read our original article.  In summary:

On Friday, July 14th, two Israeli police were gunned down by a Palestinian terrorist.  The Israeli government responded by temporarily taking control of the Temple Mount and kicking out the Jordanian Waqf.  The Waqf has controlled the Temple Mount since 1967, shortly after the Six-Day War.

After Israeli police took control of the Mount they did a full sweep of the area and found a number of weapons.  Following the sweep they installed metal fencing, additional security cameras, and metal detectors at all entrances to the Mount.  When the police reopened the Mount the Waqf immediately protested the installation of the metal detectors and called for a boycott until the metal detectors are removed.

As the week continued, news was circulating about the possibility that the Israeli government might back down and remove the metal detectors, but a decision was reached to leave them in place, which effectively (de facto) leaves the Israeli police in control of the Temple Mount because the Waqf is refusing to return.

As of today Israel has controlled the Temple Mount for seven days.

May 14, 1948: The Jews get their country back.

June 7, 1967: The Jews get Jerusalem back.

July 14, 2017: The Jews get back the Temple Mount?

 For your own sake I hope you are paying attention to the many prophetic things going on in 2017 (see here, here, and here).  And I also hope you are right with the LORD.

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  1. Thousands protest against Israel in Amman, Istanbul, Beirut

    Some 8,000 gather in Jordanian capital vowing to become ‘martyrs’ for Al-Aqsa, burn Israeli flag, denounce security measures at Temple Mount following terror attack

    By Times of Israel staff and AFP July 21, 2017, 5:02 pm

    It eventually has to kick off.
    And people think Psalm 83 happened 50 years ago?

    1. You could be right, we'll see what happens. Or it could be the perfect scenario for the man of lawlessness to step in with a peace agreement.

    2. I don't think that Psalm 83 is a war however there has been a lot of threats made lately. Leading up to Ezekiel 38? Russia is getting closer and closer....

  2. Yes, yes, YES! This is great! Go Israel!

  3. what are people's thoughts regarding the truthful location of where the 1st and 2nd temple were? there's videos and articles saying that the location was actually right near the gihon spring.

    would that change the significance of what's going on at the temple mount if the temple is supposed to be located somewhere else in jerusalem?

    1. Hi Dan, I think the location is not really relevant as it will be an abomination either way in Gods eyes. The temple of Ezechiel will not be built anyway until the great instructor Jesus Christ surveys the building as the altitude indications are missing in the bible. So even if they try to build this now, they cannot accomplish without these dates given. They NEED Christ to do it. And the right place has to be where Al-Aqsa mosque sits upon right now. Much blessings to you!

    2. Ya know, Jesus said there wouldn't be one stone left upon another. I can't help but believe they've got the wrong place, or Jesus' words wouldn't be true. There is a book or article out I read some time ago by an American cop turned investigative writer who, simply by using the Word of God and some history by Josephus, proves the temple was in the part of Jerusalem that is currently Israeli controlled, by the Gihon Spring as you said. I think he is right.

  4. All I have to say now is...Revelation 10 And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, :)~Now is come salvation...~:), and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night.
    NOW IS COME SALVATION...and then still my favorite verse ever sense I first read the bible seven years ago... And they (I) overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they (I)loved not their (my)lives unto the death.

    1. "for the accuser of our brethren is cast down"

      You mean Satan? I don't understand.

  5. good question Dan! it that were true then this whole unfoldment would seem like an orchestrated, ''Armageddon Script'' ! tony/ vt. ....just sayin'...???? Shalom people*

  6. This is such good news as I honestly expected them to succumb to the demands to stand down. Prophetic alarm bells are sounding everywhere!

    1. Let us be cautious and wait until something really concrete emerges. I want to hear or read a script from Netanyahu with certainty. It is interesting that just this month of this year we have this news.

  7. barbiosheepgirl7/21/2017 11:12 AM

    I only have Fox News on for tv news. Not a word mentioned. Not even on Breitbart! Very small mention on Drudge... THAT to me is also a sign. However, maybe it is on the MSM, in a pro-muslim slant...anybody know? MARANATHA!!!!!!!!!

  8. Absolutely INCREDIBLE time to be alive to witness these events!
    This is truly going to be an interesting summer!

    1. It's two months from today.

  9. As with many precipitous things people naively believe that life can just continue. This has to come to a head. There has to be some tipping point and some disaster to follow.

    My wild guess is as follows: The middle East is on fire with anger over Israel and now the hatred is amped to unimaginable levels. Ezekiel 38-39 could easily break out,if not for concern that the U.S. would back Israel. What is the U.S. was in the middle of her own crisis and unable/unwilling to help and defend? That could be the spark.

    1. as in...chaos w/ respect to the Eclipse Gary...? Tony/ vt. Shalom

    2. you have got it Tony! Quite possibly.


    3. whoops, i meant Greg. tony/vt. /// one never knows RD...sun eclipse'n and earth quake'n to beat the dickens?!!! but i hope not

  10. I suspect this crisis will grow and then with the disappearance of the righteous and the appearance of the Sign, Israel will be confronted with Ezekiel's War that quickly follows (I also think PS 83 fits in there, but we will have to see from heaven!) and many will realize that God's Plan is shifting. As for the USA, from the hints in Scripture, I would not want to be here...

    1. "It is appointed unto man once to die but after this the judgment" Her 9:27 Daniel, can you explain how a Rapture of the Christian Church does not violate this scripture?

    2. Two have already been taken without dying. Enoch and Elijah. Maybe others who weren't recorded as well, but only God would know that. Moses is one of these 'question mark' people, since no one could find his body. Yet we see him alive on the mount of transfiguration. (And Jude says Michael came for his body...)

      It's possible that every Christian will drop dead in the flesh when the Lord comes, to rise from the dead a moment later. Paul just tells us that we will be changed at that moment, not going into specifics of how it is accomplished. We just have to wait and see what happens.

    3. The 2 Witnesses are killed and lie in the streets of Jerusalem 3 days, rising just before Jesus returns at the end of the Great Tribulation Rev 11:1-15. The 7th Trumpet is Rev 11:15.

    4. Lazarus died twice, not once. Hundreds more were raised from the dead when Christ rose also, but they also died...twice. Its a general statement about the condition of man and judgement post death.


    5. Lazarus was an example of Jesus' ability to resurrect the dead. He only died once. The resurrected at Jesus' Crucifixion were the dead of the Old Covenant. They only died once.

    6. Correction: Lazarus must have died twice; but his death does not violate Paul's statement in Her 9:27

    7. @Kris Garrison: if the living Christians will be "changed" according to Paul in 1 Corinthians 15 they logically will NOT drop dead beforehand. MARANATHA! ;-)

    8. I agree Annabel. A Rapture without death beforehand violates Heb 9:27

    9. We have died.. every believer has died to sin and lives unto God, when they believe in the Lord Jesus Death and resurrection and submit to His Lordship. Romans 8, and 10. The dead in Christ will rise first, and then we who are left will meet Christ in the sky with them. There is an exception to that verse being the end of the age of grace. Our bodies will be changed- like Christ's when He rose. He didn't leave a dead body behind, and we won't either. I think people will see us rise in the air during the rapture too. We might be bright with light, or just look like Jesus did when he ascended- though Angels might be taking us up probably- the reapers as pictured in Revelation 14:16.

    10. barbiosheepgirl7/24/2017 8:54 AM

      Must read Hebrews 9:24 all the way thru to 9:28 to gather the context. This verse is to clarify that Christ was the final sacrifice. "For Christ did not enter a sanctuary made with human hands that was only a copy of the true one; he entered heaven itself, now to appear for us in God's presence. Nor did he enter heaven to offer himself again and again, the way the high priest enters the Most Holy Place every year with blood that is not his own. Otherwise Christ would have had to suffer many times since the creation of the world. But he has appeared once for all at the culmination of the ages to do away with sin by the sacrifice of himself. Just as people are destined to die once, and after that to face judgment, so Christ was sacrificed once to take away the sins of many; and he will appear a second time, not to bear sin, but to bring salvation to those who are waiting for him.

      The word "destined" in Greek is apokeitai, which means appointed, (what is) reserved for one, (what is) awaiting him.

      It would appear to me if someone, ie Lazarus had two deaths, it was because it was appointed to him that way... And, were people who died in Faith prior to Christ's resurrection able to go to heaven? I think it was Christ who cleared the way for our souls to see Jesus upon our deaths. If so, Laz's first death was not the same death as his second one...What I find beautiful is that 9:28 is a rapture verse!

  11. Does anyone think Yellowstone is likely to blow prior to the Rev. 12 sign?

    1. Naa. It might create a gigantic sink hole. I don't think it's under pressure like most volcanoes. Though It might blot out the sun and moon with ash.
      Wait and see...

  12. It feels like things are rapidly converging. Watching these current events with bated breath. As was mentioned in another blog, God is calling to His children. He's trying to get our attention to what is going on and what's to come.

  13. Praise God. His Word is true. Blessed be the Name of the Lord who is Faithful to bring about His promises to Israel, and the world. Our God reigns! Hallelujah! Come Lord Jesus!

  14. There is interesting pattern in numbers: 3 killed, 30 arrested, 300 wounded and 3,000 Palestinians participated. (http://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/LIVE-1.802668)
    Is this a sign of coming Lord's judgement on the enemies of His people?

    1. [2Th 2:3-4 KJV] 3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for [that day shall not come], except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; 4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.

  15. This is such exciting news to read. I was a little worried myself that Israel 🇮🇱 would stand down and remove the metal detectors. By them continuing to mandate them, I'm feeling more and more confident that we are going home soon! Praise God!
    Ball is in your court now, Muslims. Israel just drew a line in sand.

    1. WWIII was planned in writing on Aug 15, 1871 in a letter from Scottish Rite Mason Albert Pike to Italian Revolutionary Giuseppe Mazzini; "WWIII will pit forces of political Zionism against Islam to the point of physical, moral and economic exhaustion, at which point the doctrine of Lucifer will be accepted by the world" Christian and Jewish Zionists against Islam (Sunni and Shia) is exactly what we have at the Temple Mount

    2. yes anom 3:09,...how interesting is that! indeed!!! Tony/ vt. Peace n Grace to you

    3. I can hardly contain the joy in my heart as we see God's Hand in today's news. Not joy at the suffering we are witnessing and the terrible bloodshed taking place, but oh, we have waited and waited for our God, trusting in Him and believing that He will fulfill all. But to be seeing it happen . . . He is coming soon and He will wipe away all the tears of His beloved followers who have trusted Him before men. Our God is in control. He will give us strength til the very end.

  16. I struggle understanding this in it's entirety. Atleast the idea of it being rebuilt prior to the return of Christ. Being that Christ rebuilt the 3rd temple and it is a spiritual one. Secondly the idea of it being rebuilt would require the ark of the covenant , God's law to be present. I find it hard to believe that the true physical ark of the covenant would exist after Christ. To me all of this points towards fulfillment but any building of a 3rd physical temple can only be done in rejection of Christ. Correct me if I'm wrong

    1. The start of building the Temple could be the apostasy that must happen first before the man of sin is revealed.

    2. "And the temple of God was opened in heaven, and there was seen in his temple the ark of his testament..." Rev 11:19 A true physical Ark does not exist any longer on earth. Building of the 3rd Temple is rejection of Jesus; the Throne of Pergamon aka Satan's Seat is the Throne of Zeus/Jupiter currently in the Berlin Museum that will sit in the Temple with the Abomination of Desolation.

    3. Unknown, I am not certain if I am 100% correct with my understanding, but I am seeing more and more that the prophecies concerning Israel will all be fulfilled in the NATURAL (nation of Israel). The 'kingdom of God' will culminate with a physical Israel, and Jesus Christ ascending the throne of a physical Jerusalem during the millenium. [Acts 1:6,7]

      I also believe that much of our misunderstanding comes from the Church trying to adopt the covenant promises made by YHWH to the people of Israel.
      We have a different covenant of Faith/Grace mediated to us through the blood of Jesus Christ, which is a spiritual covenant and of the kingdom of heaven.

      1Cor 15:46 Howbeit that [was] not first which is spiritual, but that which is natural; and afterward that which is spiritual.

    4. There is no Millennial Temple; the Temple of God comes down to New Jerusalem at the end of the Millennium

    5. barbiosheepgirl7/24/2017 10:20 PM

      I would like a word study on the word Apostasy. It gets thrown around a lot. How will one KNOW or RECOGNIZE this "apostacy"? People have been denying God for eons and Christ even while he walked the earth. People have been coming and going in & out of "revivals" for centuries...This word Apostasy has to refer to a major shift from God the Almighty in general, not some denomination denying the relevance of Israel, or making people believe Jesus was just a regular prophet. Name whatever reason causes groups of people to stray away from the true Word of God...

      Like the "great" sign in Rev 12, Apostasy is a implied as a rather great event, don't you think? It is part of the time frame Paul uses in Thes 2:2... either apostasy means A) people choosing Satan over God en masse (ie, the great deception) OR B) Apostasy means the Rapture...the "falling away", the "being removed from", relating in the spatial sense...

  17. Tension is definitely rising quickly. Abbas did now "freeze all relations to Israel" after he had already openly declared to agree to US peace intervention just some weeks ago. Forbes magazine suddenly publishes world doomsday map and talks about elites prepping for cataclysms in a recent article. Everything is just on the edge of disaster, politically, socially, militarily, weather-related, financially, spiritually. I have never before seen or heard / read of a GLOBAL(!) upset in all human history like this. Local yes OK, but GLOBAL?! I just cannot believe 9/23 will come and go and nothing happens. Matthew 11,3???! No, cannot be. Not NOW. MARANATHA!

  18. The family that were killed by the terrorist in Israel were called Elad, yosef and Haya Salomon, the names of which mean "God is eternal, he will add, life and peace". An amazing reminder/ref to Romans 8.


  19. The next major date to keep an eye out for is 9th Av (31 July/1 Aug) in a weeks time.

    Both the first and the 70ad temples were destroyed on the 9th Av in history.

    With the end times sometimes doing things 'in reverse' from important historical events, will we see an announcement of significance regarding the establishment of the Israeli temple. Or will we see a continuation of the 'destruction' theme, this time regarding Israel, or even the 'temple of God', his Church.

    Fascinating times.

    Ryan D

    1. 9 Av: 12 Spies report rejected after the Exodus; Solomon's and Zorobbabel's Temples destroyed; Usury Bankers expelled from England; Spanish Inquisition begins; Chielminicki Massacre, Hebron Massacre; Holocaust begins; Gulf Wars begin; Lebanon War begins.

    2. Awesome additions! Interesting article, where 9 Av is aligned with the 'birth of the messiah'. Plenty of guesses as to what might take place if Israel is expecting its 'messiah'. https://www.breakingisraelnews.com/92006/will-shabbat-massacre-usher-final-war-third-temple/#BiePQGwZySHYKoxe.97

      Ryan D

  20. http://m.jpost.com/middle-east/israeli-security-guard-stabbed-in-attack-at-israels-jordan-embassy-500536

    More pressure is building on Israel.


  21. Here is another update:

    Quote, "Israel’s cabinet convened last night, but it did not decide to change its Temple Mount policy. It was too busy dealing with ongoing developments in Jordan, where the Israeli embassy is under some kind of siege. It is all but certain that Israel cannot make any meaningful decisions before the crisis with Jordan – over the shooting of an attacker by an Israeli security guard – is over. Two Jordanians were killed in this incident, and the Jordanians, as I write this, refuse to let the Israeli guard leave the country (Israel wants him out and claims diplomatic immunity). The government is also waiting to see if the American emissary, Jason Greenblatt, can find a way to defuse the tension in both Jordan and Jerusalem.

    As the situation is fluid and things change from day to day (and sometimes from hour to hour), here are a few points that merit attention:"

  22. Replies
    1. 9th of Av is one week from tomorrow...

    2. Oh dear, something always happens on 9th of Av!

    3. Gary, please give us an update on the latest news with regard to Israeli control of the Temple Mount. Do they still have control?

  23. I heard some news sites are reporting the metal detectors have been taken down. Any confirmations on this?

    1. Yip - they have been (or are going to be) replaced with high tech video surveillance equipment. Jordan gave up its illegal possession of the embassy staff in exchange for removal of the detectors. Now the waqf is giving them grief about the camera equipment and continues to call for a boycott.

      Lets hope the surrounding nations get so concerned, that they finally let Israel build its temple. I say that with a little bit of trepidation, as we know what that will bring...both good and bad.


  24. Please Lord Jesus, come back soon. I can't stand another day at this boring dead-end idiotic job!!!!!!!! I would much rather be at a wedding party.

    1. ha I know how you feel...sorry not the dead-end idiotic job bit, as I love my job. Its the motivation to plan 6 months ahead for the job, when I want to be planning for the end of the world.

      However now is a good time to witness to our colleagues, if not already.


  25. As an African in Africa, where nothing and everything happens simultaneously, I can only watch and listen to what is happening in Israel with bated breath. The odd thing is, most mainstream media houses are steering clear of the stalemate, as if afraid of igniting, or extinguishing, some already-set spark.

    Fellow Christians, remember; we are very miniscule, we are not as strong as we may wish to believe, we can never control preordained events, already set on on course by the Almighty God, with our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ as the Executor of his (God's) will.

    Be very wary of everything that is taking place in that piece of land, wherever you are. The final outcome will be wide felt, worldwide.



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