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GET READY: Major Documentary On The Revelation 12 Sign Airs On September 14th

A 90-minute documentary about the Revelation 12 Sign called The Sign will air on the Audience Network on DirectTV and U-Verse on September 14th at 8:00 PM EDT.  Mark your calendars and tune in.

DirecTV: 101, 239, 334 and 500 (SD/HD); 1239 (VOD)

AT&T U-verse: 114 and 599 (SD); 1114 and 1599 (HD)

Could this be the last major wake up call the world will hear before the event itself?

The documentary will share opposing views, but from what I understand will give proponents a pretty good amount of screen time.

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  1. Interesting that it comes out 7 days before Israel will be celebrating Rosh Hashanah on the 21st. Coincidence? Certainly makes one think.

    1. The saints entering Noahs ark 7 days prior to "departure" (like he did) and end of public preaching of Rev12-sign? LOL :)) would be a good God-incidence too... MARANATHA!

    2. What if God uses the exact Fall Feast dates too fulfill His promises for Yeshua's second coming?
      There are 7 Feasts or Holy Days commanded in the Bible - 4 in the spring and 3 in the Fall.
      Passover - Yeshua was crucified - Matt. 26:19-21
      Feast of Unleavened /bread - Yeshua died
      Feast of First Fruits - Yeshua rose from the dead (Resurrection) Matt. 27:62-28:6
      Pentecost - Yeshua poured out His Holy Spirit - Acts 21
      Now Coming up this Month September, 2017
      Feast of the Trumpets - What do the scriptures say will accompany Yeshua's second coming? A Trumpet (Matt.24:29-31) Rosh Hashanah - The Rapture
      Day of Atonement - 10 days after the Feast of Trumpets - What will Yeshua do when he comes the second time? He will judge all mankind and assign to eternal life those who have taken His blood as their atonement, and eternal punishment for those who have not - Matt.25:31-46 - Tribulation
      Feast of Tabernacles - 5 days after the Day of Atonement and lasts seven days. What will happen after Yeshua judges the nations during His second coming? The Wedding Feast of the Lamb where Yeshua dwells/tabernacles with His People (Rev.19:6-9) This feast is celebrated during the millennium by all the nations, not just Jews (Zech.14:16-19) After 7 days of this Feast, the Eighth day is also designated as a Holy Sabbath.
      In scriptures, what comes after the Wedding Feast of the Lamb? The New Heaven and New Earth (Rev.21:1-5) The use of the number 8 in the Bible typically symbolizes new life. The Millennium

      The Spring Feasts perfectly set the stage and timing for the events of Yeshua's first coming.
      The Fall Feasts perfectly set the stage and timing for the events of Yeshua's second coming.
      The stretch between the Spring and Fall Feasts (108 days) symbolizes "The Last Days" which we are currently in!!
      These are the exact dates that we as Christians have placed all of our hope and upon which we completely base our faith - Lev. 23:2
      Mark your Calendar with the Lord's appointed festival dates and join Him in celebration and anticipation!!
      Grace to All

  2. Setting my DirectTV to record!

    Preview conversation on it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rn25z4bk32w

    1. The link is to: Scottie Clarke, Rex Bear, Paul Begley, Mike Kerr, And AT&T Film Crew discuss the Solar Eclipse

  3. Will you be in it, Gary?

    1. I don't believe so. It's possible that they mention Unsealed, but I wasn't interviewed. (:

  4. Wow, the sponsor's somewhat counter-alignment to the topic was noticed immediately and I simply cannot wait for Annabel to expound on Marianne's thoughts. The enemy has been mucking in the message since the garden. "The former preach Christ out of selfish ambition, not sincerely, supposing that they can stir up trouble for me while I am in chains. 18 But what does it matter? The important thing is that in every way, whether from false motives or true, Christ is preached. And because of this I rejoice." (PHIL 1:17) Maranatha1

    1. Marianne (a.k.a. Howard Ratcliffe) is our local troll. Claims to be a Christian, but every fruit he's ever demonstrated in comments has been from the enemy (hatred, anger, malice, deceit, prowling around like a roaring lion, disrespect, no self control, obsession, goading, self-righteousness, pride, unable to accept correction, and Gnosticism, etc).

      He's been kindly asked to leave several times, but because he can't take a hint his comments are deleted. The sad/funny thing is, his life seems to revolve around Unsealed seeing as he spends so much time commenting knowing full well that he is trespassing and his time and efforts are wasted.

      Howard has been in constant violation of our commenting policy yet for some reason he thinks his argumentative and goading persistence will change things. Nope. Again, he is just wasting his time. I'm a software engineer and have a full suite of tools at my disposal to deal with him up to and including auto-deletion, so in the end it's a much greater effort on his part then is the minor annoyance we must put up with.

      Alas, I share this because I want Howard to repent and recognize his dire need for the Savior and to bear fruit in keeping with repentance. I want him to act like a respectful man and not a deceitful and uncontrollable child.

      “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’ " - Matthew 7:21-23

      The time is short, Howard. The time is short. Believe it or not Howard, I really do want to see you repent and in a better place. That would bring me great joy. If you would like to know how to restore your privileges then you are more than welcome to email us at unsealed.org@gmail.com. Until then, don't expect anything from us nor any response to your unscholarly and elementary-level one liners.

    2. Wow, nice rebuke, good job Gary.

      Luke 17:3 (KJV) Take heed to yourselves: If thy brother trespass against thee, rebuke him; and if he repent, forgive him.

  5. My sincere concern here about this upcoming telecast is towards the unbelievers and luke warm Christians. If they have some come on saying the rapture is going to happen by September 23rd, 30th, or in October.....and there isn't a rapture..these unbelievers will have their non beliefs further set in stone, and many of the luke warm Christians will scoff and become even colder in their faith.

    I witnessed many people including some of my friends and even members of my family watch on the hoopla, date setting, rapture coming , etc over the blood moons a couple years ago. I sincerely believed they were a sign of trouble ahead, just like I believe this Rev 12 sign is announcing trouble ahead, and not a rapture. I will stick my neck out here and though I know there will be a rapture, its not going to during this Rev 12 sign. The ones here are predominantly pre trib and I am pre wrath....and no matter which way it works out, we all will be raptured at His timing.

    I hope the tv show presents this as a warning , and not as were being raptured out of here during that week. That will cause much harm to the thousands who will see nothing happening, and will be harder to convert later. My own wife became a skeptic after much of the blood moon hype never happened. Thank God I have tactfully got her back as this Rev 12 sign being a "warning ahead" instead of a "we are out of here now" sign.

    I as a Christian am voicing my strong felt opinion to help minimize people falling away.

    Again, I have said several times that I would be thrilled to be out of here during the Rev 12 sign.

    1. Yes it is a "warning" we are past "watch". It is a shame... I will follow Jesus "even if" he doesn't come as we figure out.

    2. So-called Christians who allow themselves to lose faith and/or unbelievers who harden their unbelief, just because nothing happens on a high watch date like 9/23/2017 are the same people that would be caught unaware (and possibly unsaved) anyway if no watch dates were announced.

    3. If they are a true believer they will know that the rapture will come in the blink of an eye and only one person knows who that is, our Father in heaven! I saw the trailer last night and can't wait for the documentary! God bless you all!

  6. IMHO, no matter what happens on 9/21 or 9/23 or 9/30 or any other date has no bearing on the reality that God Is. Jesus told the disciples to wait and so should we. In the most basic terms, may we wait fearfully in great expectation (as in with great reverence) to abide and endure in faith, hope and love because this is what Jesus asked us to do.

    The world has caused each to go their own way and in doing so we all, at one time, did not understand. Only by the blessing and grace of God's Holy Spirit were my eyes were opened that my heart can see. It's enough for me today as a servant-leader to guard my heart, dedicate myself in prayer and study of His Word to share what I know with those I meet.

    A world where focus is on self will fail to comprehend the Love that only comes from the LORD. In faith we strive for an external focus and that focus is God. This is humility, a quality the world is lacking; for the humble of spirit and contrite of heart are exactly who He came to speak a new word of the lips.

    The word is "Peace". (Isaiah 57:15-21 ESV)

    Love like there's no tomorrow!

    Pastor Rich

  7. I was interviewed last weekend. All they needed to finish it was the eclipse and myself, as Josh the director told me. The interview went well. This should prove to be interesting. It is NOT a hit piece. Josh is a trustworthy friend.

    1. That's good to hear that it's not a hit piece. People fear and attack what they don't understand.

    2. Does not Israel have to have some great conflagration or problem before or during this sign? If not, how then can anything happen? I read 'She is in travail'. Thus far, nothing of note is occurring there. Do you think the 'raptus' IS the great destruction of Thesallonicans?


    3. Thank you for being a true watchman, I appreciate all you have done.
      Titus 2:13

    4. Does he not have an answer to my questions?

    5. Scotty, I'm so glad you were interviewed. Olive tree ministries and our pal Pastor Hibbs reject the Rev 12 sign comparing it to past predictions and that it could really cause people to give up etc.

  8. For decades, shortly before the Feast of Trumpets, I have placed a lot of information on the coffee table for those left behind if we are taken. Bibles with highlighted verses, books, tapes, videos, letters, calendars (I write all over them with attached notes)and more. I have thought others would come into our homes when we are gone. This will leave a testimony to what had happened and what to do.

    One more thing, I have often wondered is something will happen 7 days before the rapture, God told Noah, Gen 7:4-For yet seven days, and I will cause it to rain upon the earth forty days and forty nights; and every living substance that I have made will I destroy from off the face of the earth.
    We are also told- Luke 17:26-And as it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man.

    Titus 2:13

    1. ***Correction***

      One more thing, I have often wondered ***if*** something will happen 7 days before the rapture
      Titus 2:13

    2. Dear Nana, wow "for decades before the FoT" you've done this... Now I have just learned some months ago about the Feasts from Scott Clarke and am myself saved only some 12 years now. ;-) But let me recommend one serious teaching to you on YouTube: it is from ROBERT BREAKER and deals with the "TRIBULATION GOSPEL" please have a look. You don't need to highlight anything or leave tracts from the grace period because the gospel will be DIFFERENT (see Revelation 14:6-11)! This is btw another strong argument for a pre-trib rapture as God will not confuse 2 gospel messages at one time (not a God of confusion). Blessings, MARANATHA looking forward to meet you soon! :)

    3. Yes, almost 3 decades.

      Tie/combine the FoT with a Jewish wedding, very eye opening to say the least.

      Yes, things will revert back to the way it was before Jesus came, the age of grace will be over. However I want those left behind to know what happened and why so that they may come and not be deceived. I believe God will direct who he wants into some homes too.

      Those who take the mark will be unredeemable and I personally believe the mark will change their DNA and they will become part nephilim. The bible says some will wish to die during the tribulation but cannot. Could it be that when the mark is offered they will say, you will live 500 years, you will never get sick, you will not die in that time. Many would rush to get the mark. Just something to think about.

      Titus 2:13

  9. I had two (or three, I am unsure) dreams this morning of a large freeway billboard sign.

    In the first dream, it was still being made. The face of it was being painted with the green reflective paint they use. It was being painted by hand with a roller of some sort, so the word on the sign was slowly revealed and it was Rapture... I was waiting for the distance number to be painted as well, but this dream ended and I woke up shortly after, which is why I remember it... Then I fell back asleep.

    The next time it was completely finished and standing beside a road. It clearly said Rapture, but there was no distance indicator... That spot was just blank. I wanted to ask someone what it meant, but there was no one around and I was already waking up because it was somewhat shocking to see.

    As I was about to get up, the road sign reappeared in my mind and I considered it. Compared it to other dreams I can remember and wondered what to do with it. I'm not even sure how to interpret this one. Is there no distance number because it is imminent or dependent upon some event we don't know?

    1. Interesting dream! Maybe the first dream was a way of saying the rapture was still forthcoming because the picture wasn't clear yet. The second dream was saying the picture is now complete and the rapture is imminent.

    2. But to have them within hours of each other? I'm still puzzling at this one...

    3. Kris Garrison it could be a sign for those left behind so they will know what has happened. I don't for sure of course, it's just what popped into my head.

  10. Will there be a youtube of same for those unable to watch the documentary otherwise?

  11. Kris, allow me to wade in after some prayer, having some experience and training n this area. Yes, twice in one night is significant and not unusual in the prophetic, quite the contrary.

    Just as in unpacking things in Scripture we look to things in prophetic dreams like pre-eminence (1st mention), prominence, repetition and much more. Think of this as a conversation with the Spirit, just using a different wavelength. Because of the way our brain/mind/spirit work we often get Words from the Spirit incrementally. When this happens in prayer settings it looks a certain way and can happen over an evening or much, much longer. Again, same dynamic in dreams, just looks different as it is a different setting and your incremental dreams are like that.

    As for your dream, itself, I see 2 ways to unpack it after mulling it over in prayer, although, most likely, it is some mix of both. 1st approach is seeing it as a personal working through of the days you are in and in this view it is helpful to remember that one key to unlocking dreams is that everything in the dream represents you in some way. Dream 1 is yours and all our efforts to dig into, understand, put into a frame of reference and digest the Revelations of our day, i.e. work in progress. 2nd dream similar vein only now you are settled with the Big Picture and still dealing with the huge missing piece and no clear direction of WHO will fill it in. Its not hard to noodle from here on this picture/tool of the dream in more detail.

    The other analysis is along the lines of this as Revealed Truth relevant for you and us all in our Wise Men's Journey. Again, your 1st dream speaks of the Body working to paint the LARGE billboard sign for all to clearly see what's ahead, and WORK-ing on the details dutifully. We know this is the Body working on the sign, not the Father's work on the sign, itself, as it is incomplete. In my spirit, I feel that the 2nd dream reminds us that He, ultimately, keeps His cards close to His vest on this one, by His Plan. That is how it IS and we are not to be unsettled by that. The 2nd sign was COMPLETELY FINISHED.

    So, yes, it is a SIGN. It is a finished work and it is good, in and of itself, without presenting anyone with a specific date. This is consistent with Scripture and worthy of thought as that message truly is a significant one, especially now. This is a very STRONG Word of Encouragement and Affirmation. I hear the Lord saying, "Look! at the fine Sign I gave you and which you have now seen! Well Done! " And in so doing He wants us to know that, yes, we have seen His sign and, yes, He has seen our work concerning His sign and, do not worry, there IS a space on that sign for a date ahead and, even though it makes sense that we have focused on this sign NOW, it is not His plan to include revealing that final card as part of his unfolding of THESE signs sought after thus far. If this sign is FINISHED then there is ANOTHER, a bit further ahead, for that detail to be on. (another section of Daniel's scroll we cannot even picture from here?) As we all wrestle with the passing of the eclipse without major incident or revelation, perhaps, this dream also affirms THAT as being consistent with Signs of the Times notwithstanding an apparent 'disconnect' from illuminating what's 'next'. Maranatha!


  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. We do not have att or direct tv, I hope it will be able to be seen by other means.

    Titus 2:13

  14. Amen. Has anyone found out how to watch by other means than Direct TV? I have Verizon. I am considering switching to ATnT now as this company has the guts to be involved with this Amazing Sign! Thank you. P.S. I may have to ask a friend who has Direct TV if we can come over to watch. Cannot wait!

  15. No man knows the day nor the hour, but Israel is truly a land of milk and honey today at the hand of the Jewish people. This a miracle that cannot be disputed. Israel has and will continue to defeat the enemies she faces. This is another miracle. The end of time comes to all of us as we pass into eternity. The question is, "How we we spend it?"

  16. God forgave who in the Bible?

  17. I have always wondered if the promise to Israel is still in effect due to the Jewish people in Israel reject Christ?



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