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The Final Prayer Of The Church

Our Father in Heaven,

We believe that in accord with your word the hour has come for Your children to be received into glory and it is plainly evident to those with eyes to see and ears to hear.  We ask that You would now glorify us that we may glorify You.  We have greatly desired to be with Your Son, our Lord, and now we will see Him face to face.  We have accepted Your Son and His message and have placed our faith in Him for the forgiveness of our sins.  We know that He rose again from the dead and ascended to Your right hand.  As surely as You live, we know He lives and reigns with You.  And as surely as He rose He will come again.  We have brought You glory on earth and have obeyed the commandment of Your Son to share the gospel of grace with every nation.

Your Holy Spirit within us has convicted the whole world of sin.  The world You love has rejected Your offer of forgiveness, but all of Your sheep have heeded the message and await the fulfillment of the promise You made to redeem our earthly bodies.  We know that You will not lose even one of us.  Free us from these bodies of sin and death and seat us with our Lord in the heavenly realms.  Hide us with Christ on high.  We accept Your irrevocable gifts of eternal life and the authority to reign over the nations.  Clothe us in incorruptible and immortal bodies.  Make us like Your perfect Son.  Let us walk with Him clothed in white with new names and as everlasting pillars in Your heavenly temple.

We have fought the good fight and kept our faith to the end.  We have overcome the world not by our works, but by our faith in Your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ.  And now our accuser and his accusing angels are preparing a cosmic assault to destroy us, yet we are not shaken.  We will overcome him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of our testimony.  We have loved not our lives unto death.  Together we cry "Abba! Father!"  Deliver us from the wrath that is to come and count us worthy to escape all the things coming on the earth and to stand before the Son of Man.  Purify and sanctify Your Church.  Remove everything that divides us.  Make us one just as You and Your Son are One.  Make us one in the Spirit and in the truth.  Keep us until the end.  Let us faithfully follow You and Your word, never flinching in the face of persecution and adversity.

For those who still refuse to come to Your Son to find life, we pray that You would now prepare them for the coming wrath.  When we go to You, open their eyes and bring them to repentance.  Let them finally recognize that You are the LORD of all the earth and no god was formed before You, neither will any god be formed after You.  Open their blind eyes and unstop their deaf ears.  Melt their hard hearts.  Please show them great mercy even in the midst of wrath.  Let them finally come to know You and let them hold fast to their faith in You even as great horror is unleashed upon the earth.  Surround them with people and Scriptural knowledge that will help direct their path in the midst of great opposition and deception.  Let them not be deceived.  Keep them from taking the beast's mark.

We pray also for protection for Your people Israel.  Please bless them with abundance and let not their enemies triumph over them.  Let them finally recognize that Jesus is their Messiah.  Help them to fervently seek the truth despite what will be the greatest opposition they have ever faced.  Protect the remnant and send on them provision for their every need.  Keep them in the palm of Your hand.

Finally, we pray that You would stir up our hearts with faith and courage, so that in these remaining days we would share the Good News and the lateness of the hour with a greater fervency and zeal than we ever have before.  Let us no longer just be fed ourselves, but let us go and feed Your sheep.  Make each brother and sister aware of what they can do to alert the Church and the world to what is coming.  Give them courage and provision to carry Your plans through to completion.  Help them to deliver the message boldly.  Help them to pray this prayer unceasingly.

Abba, we await Your Son from Heaven.  We long for deliverance.  Maranatha and AMEN.

The Spirit and the bride say, “Come!” - Revelation 22:17

Amen. Come, Lord Jesus. - Revelation 22:20

Blow The Trumpet In Zion!

Friends, we can no longer just be academic.  We need to begin moving our hearts and minds away from trying to figure out every little detail and instead begin applying our faith and conviction to sounding the alarm.  It's time to lift our eyes to Heaven and say in accord with the Spirit within us: "Come, Lord Jesus."  We need to get to work because there could be very little time left:

1. Pray for the Church unceasingly every day.  Pray for purity, sanctity, and faithfulness in the Church.  Pray that the whole Church would wake up and finally realize the lateness of the hour.

2. Pray for your family and friends.  Pray for their faith and readiness.

3. Print gospel tracts and Left Behind letters.  There is so much material online, but we can't expect that material to stay up indefinitely.  Print out as much as you can, so someone might stumble upon it later.  Some good materials to start with can be found here, here, and here.  You can find even more on our SignAnswers, and What's Happening pages.  Print and share and keep some on hand, as well.

4. Spread the message by starting a free website.  We can expect that many of the websites teaching on these things will eventually be taken down (ours included), so start a free website on Blogger, WordPress, Weebly, or Wix and share information there.  That might increase the chances that the information will stay online longer.

5. Prepare your heart to go home, but trust God with the details and timing.  We see in a mirror dimly.  If the rapture of God's children doesn't take place when many of us think it will, hold fast because the Great Sign is still fully legitimate and so many prophesied signs have converged.  No matter what happens, don't give up hope.  He is coming.

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  1. Do you have any advice for us Christians who have pets? I cried myself to sleep last night not knowing what to do about my dog. It kills me for her to be left alone and starving not knowing where our family is and why we left her. I am excited to see Jesus but devastated about my little dog. Please help advise:(

    1. I believe God will take care of them, how, I do not know.

      Matthew 6:26- Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they?

      Titus 2:13

    2. I feel the same way. It is hard to imagine their confusion. I do dog rescue and have seen it all. My answer has been to pray for them. I felt like God assured me that they would be okay. I am not sure what He was telling me would happen to them, but I know he answered that he would not let them suffer. After all, if God is performing the miracle of the rapture, it would be a simple thing for Him to either have them leave also, or let them just lay down and pass away painlessly. I feel like God is answering prayers very quickly right now, because of how short the time is. I have had several big prayers answered in miraculous ways the following day after I prayed them in the past week. So pray for your dog and trust that God will answer. After all there are animals in heaven, so why not our beloved ones?

    3. Maddie, we ordered 3 gallon self-refilling dog dishes on Amazon. They were only about 13 dollars each. Hoping and praying our puppy survives long enough for someone to have mercy on our little "Mercy". My kids are praying she's raptured with us, but with a God who has His eyes on the sparrows, entrust them to the Lord, who loves you.

    4. I understand your deep concern, Maddie. I have pets too and share a similar concern. I agree with Nana above. God is a good, good Father and we need to trust Him with the details. He has our very best at heart. In the meantime, just concern yourself with your own relationship with him and sharing the Gospel with those around you.

    5. Maddie one of the most comforting things I heard in regard to our beloved pets was from Billy Graham, and he said "that God created heaven and we will have eternal happiness there.... so if it takes my dog being there for me to be happy, then I'm sure God will do that."

      Our Father loves us more than we know and He will always take care of us and our needs.

      ......And with how many pets I've loved in my lifetime it's sure to a wonderful eternity.

    6. My husband and I were talking about this last night. We've decided to leave a letter in our home along with our Bibles in the event of the rapture. We're going to explain what has happened and ask that they please find good homes for our cats and guinea pig. I know it seems like a trivial thing to some in light of the wrath of God that is going to be poured out, but our animals have been a true Godsend for our disabled son who has been able to connect with them and express his love for them. I know that one way or another God will indeed care for them.

    7. Linda, I'm afraid people in tribulation period will have more severe problems than caring for pet's... There will be mourning for those of us disappeared (+ all the babies and toddlers) in first place, then complete chaos and disaster like Houston today combined with Yellowstone blown up plus civil war and looting on the streets... Don't you ever watch disasters movies? ;-) I think that's the reason why I always hesitated to have pets even if I love them. But God will take care. Blessings!

    8. Consider the arc and how God spared some animals , Jesus is the arc . I believe the Lord loves our pets even more than we do , and will graciously take them at the time of the rapture . If you're looking for a verse that plainly states that , it's not there . It's all about knowing the nature and promises of the Lord . I've wrestled with this dilemma for years , and finally , I have peace ..
      He will give us the desires of our hearts . I desire for my pets to be raptured alongside of me.
      But as it is written , eye has not seen, nor ear heard , neither have entered into the heart of man , the things which God has prepared for them who love Him !
      Don't worry about your dog , the Lord has it covered !! Blessings !

    9. I personally believe that, as we are saved through our love of Jesus Christ, our pets will be saved through their love of us. Many of us have pets who would give their lives for us, and according to Jesus, that is the ultimate act of love.

    10. Is it not sufficient to be in the glorious presence of the Infinite Creator of the Universe & ALL the unspeakable ecstasy that entails without worry over the family DOG?

    11. stop lying to people.Christianity is The Abomination that desolates the temple, pets will not be saved because they have no living Spirit.They will cease to exist period!J_esus is a false messiah who replaced Yahusha the Human Mediator.The First Beast was Created during The council of Nicaea by Constantine and He kept the same feasts.Yahusha is a zadokite and there is NO Trinity.Leave Christianity babylon.TYou are all warned.OCT 5th Is The opening of the Sixth Seal.Get Out of Babylon!

    12. I would remain anonymous, too, if I made such an unloving comment. Jesus said the world would know us by our love for one another.
      God is love and will care for all His creations.

    13. Nazarene - YOU ARE THE ONE WHO NEEDS THE WARNING! JESUS IS LORD! King of Kings and Lord of Lords...THE Messiah! There is no other. I pray you will see the truth, before it's too late.

    14. Yes, about our Animals years ago I know that Jack Van Impe wrote a book about our pets in Heaven he had just lost his cat after many years. I know for a fact that I had my dog for over 20 years and the Lord told me he would not let him die until I was ready to put him to sleep. Two years later he went home to Heaven and the night he went to sleep my angel music box started playing at midnight as to tell me Precious is with Jesus. He promised he would give us the desires of our hearts and mine was to have my dogs with me in Heaven and I believe with all my heart they are all there. To some people they are their children and who would want the children left behind. No more tears (All) our loved pets go with us in the Rapture. Our heavenly Father
      is love and he knows how much we love our pets.

  2. we surely are about to see the return of our Lord Jesus Christ. I pray for my family and neighbors so that they may not experience the coming judgements.

  3. I worry about my dog as well. He has been a blessing

    1. This makes me think of just after the supernatural healing of my broken back, when I had just started reading the bible. My Chocolate Labrador would just lay next to me on the couch. She was two years old, and had just been diagnosed with sever hip displacement, and it had gotten were she had a hard time walking.
      For a few days I started putting a hand on her hip but not move it, and just pray for a miracle as the one I received. That last day she lifted her head up, and just looked back at my hand on her hip, I knew she could feel the same heat I did when the Holy Spirit entered my back. That was five years ago now, and she hasn't missed a step sense that day....God is good....if He cared that much to heal her as He did me, they will be OK!

  4. Gary, I am in tears. THANK YOU. "Friends, we can no longer just be academic. We need to begin moving our hearts and minds away from trying to figure out every little detail and instead begin applying our faith and conviction to sounding the alarm." I've been unable to move forward with "figuring things out" and wasn't sure why but you articulated this perfectly. I'm going to read this over again but just wanted to say again, thank you.

    1. Thank you sis! Let's pray this prayer together.

    2. Yes. Done. And will continue to do so.

    3. thanks Gary for the New Jerusalem Song post!....what a great song.....posted in on FB....along with video The New Jerusalem - Jesus Christ's 1000 Year Reign - The Great White Throne Judgment.....

    4. I prayed this fervently and when I finished, I was in tears. Thanks Gary for this prayer. As you wrote, He will not lose even one of us. Not even a hair will fall down without His will. Let's run the race patiently and the eternal glory awaits at the other end when our Lord appears. His will be done. Maranatha. Amen.

    5. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

      Rejoice at all times.
      Pray without ceasing.
      Give thanks in every circumstance,
      for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.

  5. And the Church says Amen!

  6. I've been concerned about our pets as well and been assured they will be okay. Don't forget His comment on the sparrows-- he watches over them! He will certainly take care of all the details :)

  7. Some old worship songs that are favorites of mine since I was saved:

  8. Yes, thank you so much for this direction and encouragement as we enter the last 4 weeks prior to our exit to the wonderful place Christ has prepared for us. My spouse and I have been on board since the first time we read Daniel Matson's book 2 years ago. Have been learning more and sharing ever since. Now, we all need "to finish strong" and put extra effort as the day approaches! You and your fellow writers have been our primary source of learning and encouragement. God blessed you all richly with knowledge, courage and love for your fellow man. We do thank you so much! Maranatha !!

  9. With all the animal talk I am hoping:
    My son lost his beloved horse, Dozer, this summer. He was really grieving and I told him with God all things are possible.
    I said, wouldn't it be wonderful if God recreated Dozer and makes him white this time and he is the horse you are given when we ride back to earth with Yeshua?

    LA Marzulli had spoke about the horse he was going to ride back on and it came to mind.

    God always prepares a way and what to say. He does not give us information for nothing.

    Gary, thank you for the article.
    I have been leaving all the information on the coffee table every Feast of Trumpets for almost 30 years now. I have rewritten the letter a few times and added more information. Bibles, tracts, books, tapes, VCR tapes and dvd's, cassettes, calendars (I write all over them)the past few years. I believe God will send those who he chooses to go into certain homes.

    Titus 2:13

    1. You. Are. Awesome.


    2. Thank you for the Blessings.
      I am not awesome, just so very happy to read an article promoting to put information out for those left behind at the Feast of Trumpets.
      I guess I feel vindicated so to speak.
      I have been made fun of, looked at like I have 2 heads and even my sister thought I was teetotaling nuts.
      I am just so very happy, more than you will ever know.

      Titus 2:13

  10. afterdarkness8/28/2017 1:18 PM

    Lets all not forget to pray for each other as we get our houses in order, literally, physically, etc.

    And for you sweet folks who are concerned about your pets, I'm personally getting up the courage to ask an unbelieving friend to care for mine 'you know, if something happens to us here'. A lot of us have either indoor-only animals or animals fenced or in a pen outside who could not fend for themselves if they aren't cared for.

    That's all I can do. I got a shelter cat who's been a sweetheart, and at the end of the day I know I won't worry about it after all the stuff goes down and we go up, but she's in my care now and I am doing what I can to provide for her care. The Lord knows, and his mercies are over all his works.



  11. I actually was laid off work recently, and feel that it has been a gift from God to have this time to learn about the Rev 12 sign, and all the myriad of indications that this Feast of Trumpets is when we will go home. I cannot seem to get enough of learning about it all, and am also learning other important things as happens any time we study scripture. I am struggling a bit though, with deciding what action God wants me to take. I have several family members who say they are saved, but do not believe the Bible is God's word. They believe in Jesus, and say that they asked him into their heart as their Savior. They are all very intelligent, liberal thinking types. I cannot help but feel that they may be in danger because of not believing the Bible is The Word of God. I have told them about the sign, and sent them all several links. So far, they have either ignored them or told me about a debunking which they immediately looked up. I would love to hear your opinion on how to reach these people, and if you believe someone can be saved even if they do not believe the Bible is totally the Word of God. Also, is anyone else struggling with living life as if it were not almost time to go? Most of the time I feel like God is telling me not to concern myself with finding another job and to focus on Him and Bible study and getting ready to go. (My husband has a job and we will be fine financially for a while) But sometimes I tell myself that I should not base anything on counting on the rapture this September, and I am wrong for doing that. Ugh. I just wonder if anyone else is struggling like I am with these type of things. Thank you.

    1. I can relate. My husband left me and our two children 10 months ago for his affair partner. I was/am a stay at home, homeschooling mom. My obvious earthly worry is to find a way to support myself and my children long term. But God has repeatedly told me to be still. Is that because we won't be here much longer and that causes me so much anxiety thinking about all of my new responsibilities and worries. It's like he's telling me that none of it will be of concern soon. But at the same time, I don't want to be wasting time not preparing for times should he delay. It's hard to balance.

    2. If someone believes the Gospel alone, without knowing any other thing from the Bible, I believe that the Bible says they are saved. Even Paul admitted that he went to one church with only Christ and Him crucified and didn't want to discuss any other thing with those people because it would get away from the right message. The Gospel can be found in 1st Corinthians 15:1-4 and Romans 10:9. It's also found in John 3:16 and 6:29 if they don't like Paul. And with many of the odd and bad translations these days, I can't blame them for not trusting modern bibles so much.

      When we entered into this watch year, I was trying to build up a small home business... As the evidence grew that something big was going to happen this year, all interest in our projects vanished and study became one of my main focuses. Every time we were about to give up with the waiting, another thing would happen that would drag us forward. Though I have no doubt that something is about to happen, I keep thinking that 'If He hasn't come by this point, I'm going to go back to working again and just keep an eye on the skies every few days instead of watching it off and on all day.

      The older people in my family think I should be looking for a job or something, but I have physical and social disabilities they don't want to acknowledge. God has blessed us with a situation where we are covered though, something I'm thankful for. It's still a struggle sometimes, but I believe He is getting us through it. Until the day He comes or the world turns away from the path it's currently on. (Highly unlikely, I believe the hooks are in the jaws already and it's just a matter of time before someone snaps...)

    3. You may consider asking them this question:

      If you were to die today and stand before the Lord and he asked you why should I let you into my heavens, what you reply?

      The answers can be quite something at times.

      Then you can either explain the gospel or leave them with a tract and say if you have any questions I would be happy to answer them or call me after you have read it. If this keeps coming to mind ask them out or over to lunch/dinner.

      It is up to us to share the gospel, it is up to the Holy Spirit to dive it home, it is up to the person to accept or reject.

      Isa 55:11- it shall not return unto me void

      And some times it takes someone else to get thru to them, a friend, an acquaintance or even a stranger. I have prayed that God would send someone to others that brushed it off before.

      Titus 2:13

    4. Sheryl & Liz, that's awesome, TY for your testimonies! I myself quit my last job in Oct2016 after having shared the gospel at work for 3 years and then getting indicted for that by CEO. I took it as a sign from God to dust off my feet. My hsb had another job for a while but had to leave too. In the same month God provided with a legacy. :-) As I learned more about Rev12-sign God gave me complete peace about it and that we would not have to look for another job now. We are joking about to care for that after 9/24 LOL but deep inside I know we're not here then. It's good to know that God confirms the same thing to you too so I take this as a firm assurance now (by 2 or 3 witnesses a matter shall be established Deuteronomy 19:15)! Much love to you, MARANATHA

    5. Sheryl and Liz... I'm exactly the same. Got laid off at my job May 5. I've applied for several jobs and had 2 great interviews and didn't get either job.
      I can go out of state and work with no problem and make great money, but God is strictly forbidding it in my heart. I became a minimalist last year not long after I was saved and my rent and bills is very low. I get enough unemployment benefits to pay the bills and have food. Everything I try to do, I get a strong feeling from within to just stay in prayer, continue to study the Bible, witness when I can and I spend most of the free time watching Christian content on YouTube.
      My unemployment runs out in a couple of weeks. Normally, I would be in freak out mode right now considering I haven't found a job yet, but I just have a complete peace of mind and heart from God that really comforts me and tells me that I'm going home soon.

  12. Amen and Amen! Trusting in the Lord and asking for mercy for those who remain.

  13. some good practical advice there thanks Garry. When Christians go to be with Christ, the internet is likely going to crash to a certain extent, and the AC will be looking to quench any of these sites that warn of the Rev12 sign. Gotta get the leaflet drops going.

    1. We're already sort of seeing the internet clamp down on the free speech of many people. I have noticed that YouTube has been slowly making it harder and harder to have conversations over the last six months or so, and now they hiding certain videos from the subscription page. (Fortunately, they still show up if you go directly to a channel or in your notifications, but how much longer before they simply ban these channels?)

      If the war does go nuclear, I don't think much material is going to remain anyway, electronic or printed... I don't really want to think about the world in that state...

  14. Liz, I'm praying for you. God has a plan, we have to trust in him alone. My wife is a stay at home, home schooling mother. She isn't real happy I spend so much time seeking truth about the Rev12 sign, but that's another story. If someone happened to me she would loose everything. She has a rare form of MD that keeps here from working. My heart goes out to you. God will provide, he has for us. like Jesus told the wind, "be still." Much love sister.

    1. Thank you for the kind words and encouragement and especially, prayers. I'm sure we can all relate to the division even amongst our closest family that this kind of faith can cause. Some day soon...take care

  15. Thank you all for your answers and ideas for my pet. And thank you for this wonderful group of believers and this most informative website.

  16. If the rapture does not happen this year, after all of these signs, I will be overwhelming disappointed.

    1. Please don't be. I've been close-marking and tracking the coming of the Lord since 1981. Signs come and signs go, but the Lord will surely come one day. And I believe He will whisper the day to His Bride... She will know by revelation.

    2. Right but for me the blood moons were a "false alarm" and there is a point when a person's age becomes a factor especially when they find themselves living in a completely degenerate, unfamiliar world looking worse every day. There is NO joy endlessly waiting while watching one's once proud country swilling dope, killing babies, & bankrupting itself in endless wars & debt!

  17. "Final Prayer"? Why are you calling it that? What (and when) are you expecting to occur that would cause you to assign finality to this prayer? I've read some recent posts here, and as good as they are, I and don't see anything that would cause me to believe the 'end' is imminent.

  18. Today the Lord has begun softening my heart and my tear ducts. I am sad that this age is coming to a close since its all I've known. Sad that so many people are hurting. Interestingly enough I'm not broken up over those who will be left behind. They deserve the wrath for rejecting the Love and sacrifice of our King. I'm not as excited as I thought I would be...mostly sad and heavy hearted over the way things are now. It's like I'm looking at a sky filled with dark ominous clouds that are getting increasingly darker and even though the sun has been promised to shine and be visible it's almost like it feels too good to be true. This life hurts. It's been awful. I can't wait to escape those things that are very quickly coming upon this earth. I have glimmers of what it will be like to have my family and I robed in royalty and righteousness at the right hand of our King. To be consumed with pleasure and joy. To let our souls soak in the marrow and fatness and warmth of heavenly bliss in the very presence of our Father. To know that hardship and sorrow are forever a thing of the past. It's amazing. To be reunited with generations upon generations of faith filled family that will rejoice with us as we crown the Most Worthy. As the Day draws nearer I feel the pull on my soul much like a fish hooked on a line being drawn to the fisherman. This world has nothing for me. Hosanna in the Highest...Maranatha.

  19. I created a blog that's short and covers the basics. My name's not on it. No one's name is. Feel free to share it if it seems appropriate to you, please! It's...


    1. Awesome job! Now I pray that more people will follow suit.

    2. Awesome. Nice work!

  20. Scripturally speaking "The End" times started on the day that Pentecost was fully come. The Promise of the Father, the Holy Spirit, was given! in a measure though, an earnest - Christ in you the HOPE of glory. Father God is taking us from the carnal and natural to the spiritual and divine, in type from the outer court (Passover) thru the Holy Place (Pentecost) to The holy of Holies (Tabernacles). The fullness of this glory, Christ, will manifest during the Feast of Tabernacles. And Tabernacles 2017 is a must watch - It is the last great Day of the Feast, the 8th day!
    I pray for grace to keep watching and waiting and praying, to be ready at whatever watch He chooses to come!

    1. Ejimanze, great find about the feast parallele with the temple areas! You should watch the recent Scott Clarke video on the Watchmen's conference, it contains some stunning charts on feast parallels with the Menorah lampstand: Passover/Tabernacles (the outer candles) = Messiah rejected/accepted ## Unleavened/Atonement (middle candles) = Messiah buried/return ## Pentecost/Trumpets (inner candles) = head of church resurrected / body of church resurrected. Blessings to you!

  21. Should I be worried or should I have faith?
    I have decided not to take out travel insurance for my trip to Europe, even though I shall be there on the evening of 23-2 September. For me insurance makes no sense at all. Insurance can only be confidence inour faith in final salvation.

    1. Faith never equals foolishness in the bible. Why eat or drink??? Get the insurance and walk in wisdom.

  22. Scripturally speaking "The End" times started on the day that Pentecost was fully come. The Promise of the Father, the Holy Spirit, was given! in a measure though, an earnest - Christ in you the HOPE of glory. Father God is taking us from the carnal and natural to the spiritual and divine, in type from the outer court (Passover) thru the Holy Place (Pentecost) to The holy of Holies (Tabernacles). The fullness of this glory, Christ, will manifest during the Feast of Tabernacles. And Tabernacles 2017 is a must watch - It is the last great Day of the Feast, the 8th day!
    I pray for grace to keep watching and waiting and praying, to be ready at whatever watch He chooses to come!

  23. I just want to add: Most people today are John 3:12-ers. They don't even grasp the meaning of earthly warning so they won't catch any heavenly. In relation to the 'Harvey' disaster I heard some news reporter ask why FEMA didn't have Houston evacuated earlier. The responsible answered that if they had, people only had laughed at them. If they even don't catch a hurricane warning how can they respond to our warnings? Only God can open a door to their hearts.

  24. Son just called, he is a truck driver. Said they are hearing gas is going to $3.00 a gallon due to the Texas flooding.
    Friends child who lives in Texas said their plant will be under water tomorrow.
    The waves are roaring.

    Fill up your tanks if possible.

    Titus 2:13

  25. I pray that those expecting to be raptured by September 24th, or even October...
    that they not lose faith when they find themselves still here.
    As a devout Christian, I ask you to write down my e-mail address and contact me if you want to talk then

    We will be here, but tough times are coming and I am preparing.

    1. I just want to thank you, Stan, for your heart and your willingness to be of service and to be an encouragement. We need more of that kind of attitude.

    2. Maybe write a blog post or document in regards to your comment? I have seen you post this on several articles on this website.

      Unfortunately in this day and age, although your intentions seem pure of heart, I am not one who gives out my email address or emails someone I do not know. Maybe others here have the same feelings in regards to this. Your comments have gotten my curiosity at least and am interested. Maybe even a discussion board post? Just some thoughts.

    3. I think unsealed.org will be openly discussing 'what now' should we still be here come 24 Sept etc (as I, like you, believe we will be). Maybe we need to draft up a '10 reasons why we believe in a pre-wrath rapture, and how to prepare for the days ahead' in advance.

  26. Little Kimmy just fired a ballistic missile over the Sea of Japan that also went over northern Japan.

    Abba up, things may be fixing to go hot soon.

    Titus 2:13

  27. Amen brother, our focus needs to be on preparing the Bride to meet her Groom. Purify your heart and redirect your focus so you are ready and running toward Jesus to met Him in the air. The wedding gift of signs have been opened and it is now time to increase our worth by increasing our love for Jesus. Let your love for Him spill over onto your neighbors and wet their feet with His goodness. Come Maranatha Come http://the5993sign.com/

  28. Hello brothers and sisters. I am from Mexico. I have feeling the same things that you. Now is not time of bulit or think in work. we are in the last days. But I have one thing that say. The signal of september meaning birth pains. We can look this birth pains in Mateo 24. Well here say in the bible! Nation vs NAtion. the war will come it is sure.
    Now we have to be ready. For All!! Rapture!; War! everything.
    Our lives its of God. Be ready.
    Remember we dont know exactly how will be the fulfillment of the prophecy.

  29. The 7th Angel (Rev 10:7) blows the 7th Trumpet finishing the "mystery of God" spoken about by Paul in 1 Cor 15:51 with the body resurrection of believers in Jesus aka "Wedding of the Lamb" (Rev 19:7) Don't be fooled

  30. Awesome prayer! Thank you. I don't think there's ever been a time where we need the Lord's strength and wisdom more than right now. We can trust Him to lead us to do whatever He wants us to do and to empower us to do it. Time is fleeting quickly now. It's oh so surreal! Abba up!!

  31. What some of you are saying about seeking provision and being concerned how you will provide for families in the absence of a breadwinner, etc.... it is wonderful that you have peace, his voice in your spirit to just be still. He will take care of us. I am about to go a little into what might be taken for giving unsolicited advice. Please don't take my opinion as the exact word of God to you at this moment in your lives, and please don't hear my words as judgmental. My two cents are just that. They are meant to give another perspective and some encouragement, and maybe they'll be worth the time it takes to read through them. ;)

    I am in a season here where another member of my family is in the growing stages of a pretty good looking and profitable business venture. He has a track record of success and another member of my family is currently running and growing an offshoot of the business. They recently closed or are in the process of closing another offshoot the next town over. [If the Lord tarries] I will be in charge of the current setup when the one in the next town opens up, to free my other family member to manage and grow those units in the next town.
    This whole thing is a part of what constitutes the answer to years and years of prayer. We are seeing God answer those prayers over and over and over again, and it is just dance-in-the-streets amazing. I have current full-time, stable work until this opens up for me in the next month or so.
    But brothers and sisters, we are called to live in a peculiar manner anyhow. If we have a spouse, to live as though we did not have that attachment. If we have children, to live as though we did not. If having material things, jobs, riches, hopes, dreams, and yes even answers to prayer, we are called to live as though we did not have them because of what we have in Christ. Yes and amen, we are supposed to take care of those things we have. We are to steward well our time and energy and resources. We will be called to give account how we managed those things placed in our hands whether times, goods, gifts, or money. So how do we live, considering the lateness of the hour? With great gentleness and caution, I entreat you all not to start that trek up the mountain to sit idle and 'watch', but in the time that we have in these moments [which is all on earth we have, this moment] to present our bodies as living sacrifices, holy and acceptable to God, and to redeem the time for the days are evil.
    If in the ordinary course of time you would seek provision for your family by seeking employment, do so. But live as though you did not, and leave to the Lord all of your doings. It is in his hand to provide, and if it pleases him to do so even in the interim, he will. Your getting or not getting a job does not mean the delay or hastening of his return. If it is for you to do, then do so.
    If in the ordinary course of time, you would do a thing, do so. I leave this to each of your consciences before the Lord, not binding anyone with words other than what the Lord has spoken. I would not by any means constrain anothers conscience by speaking if the Spirit does not. I only invite you to consider, and if it seems good to you to do or not to do, then the Lord bless you.

    We gentiles are constrained by so little. It is wonderful freedom to live in these days, or in any days, doing all as an offering to the Lord, and being at peace that his pleasure will be done.

    Grace and peace,

    1. In Luke 19 the ten servants are told to 'occupy till I come'. We are not to fret or stop living, we are to be active about our business AND keep watch...


    2. The question is do we want to be storing up treasures in Heaven or on earth? I can't imagine anyone, who is convinced of the Revelation 12 sign, is sitting idly by. Our “occupying until He comes” is in urgency mode... Warning others of the lateness of the hour. Preparing our hearts and minds and focusing on the Lord and His directions for us, step by step, moment by moment.

    3. Dear AD my friend appreciate your thoughts. Of course not all of us are laid off work you know. But IF you are like me and others and IF we have asked the LORD and He said 'don't care about this NOW' then this has to mean something. Look into scriptures what Israel did in Joshua 3:1+5 when shortly crossing Jordan. Ponder Revelation 22:11 there are two groups of saints one is called to "DO righteous" the other to "STAY holy" so in either of groups you are you can be busy at work or keeping from the world both is according to the LORDs command. As we have stated here, if none of us unemployed struggles with lack of money until 9/23 so in fact there is no need to bother Matthew 6:33 / 1 Timothy 6:8. Much blessings to you!

  32. I think those who have websites where they share your articles should also consider paying for the domain name and hosting 7 years in advance.If possible. This will give some time for the left behind to get to know what has been provided in these posts and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. I have been sharing these articles on lordsbook.org with the source link always. God bless all authors and other Christians who preach the Second Coming of the Lord Jesus.

  33. I just wanted to let everyone who is concerned about their pets know, my brother,who is not only a great friend,but also an amazing brother in Christ,had two rapture visions a couple of days ago. The first one he saw himself and I going up with many of our family members. The second one he saw all of our pets going up with such joyful looks on their faces. He was in tears as he told me about these visions. Brothers and sisters,you can be sure, loved ones( pets ) will be going home with you ! Love you all. Praise Jesus and God bless !

  34. There it is.

    Amen and amen.

  35. Just to mention, regarding pets, I had a near death experience when I was 28 years old. I was taken to the most beautiful place - I can not describe it. There were animals all over the place, domestic pets too. I am reminded of 'Just as in the days of Noah....' Animals are part of God's creation - I often say to my beautiful little cat 'You are wonderfully made...'.
    I believe my experience was similar to what Paul the apostle describes in referring to the man who was taken away to the third heaven - paradise (2 Corinthians 12,2). I was told 'It's not time yet, you must go back'. Seven years later I was led to being born again of God's Holy Spirit. Every thing is for a purpose.

  36. AD, Joe, Dave and Annabel you're showing us the two sides of the Lord's coin - both very valid Word.
    Love the spirit of speaking the Truth in love in your posts.

  37. Right on Gary! Love like there is no tomorrow. We are not promised another day in this place but we are promised the place that was made for us. Let us boldly go forth daily, praying the LORD to use us as instruments of His grace to speak His Word in clarity to those who need to hear it the most. Give them hearts to hear and eyes to see, oh God we pray. Until the coming of the Day, empower us so that we may be the embodiment of your Word when You said:

    24 And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, 25 not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near. (Hebrews 10:24-25)

    Glory to God in the Highest,

    Pastor Rich

  38. Can someone please explain to me why it is believed here that Rev. 12 and Isaiah 66 are speaking of the same woman giving birth scenario? I see a woman giving birth before labor begins in Isaiah, and I see a woman giving birth after labor begins in Revelation 12. Thank you in advance.

    1. This is a pretty good summary: Where is the dragon?

      In short, there a number of contextual and grammatical connections between the two passages a number of scholars recognize that John is pulling from imagery found in Isaiah.

  39. How about this one......

    Peter the disciple when fishing in Galilee once brought up 153 fish in the net.

    How many days from the LAST day of Rev 15 Seven Stars alignment (May 2024) until October's Yom Kippur of 2024?

    153 days (number of harvest)

    Coincidence be damned.

  40. How many days between the April 2 2024 eclipse and the Rev 15 Seven Star Sign in May of 2024?

    You guessed it. 33 days. Just as this year's eclipse is 33 days before the Rev 12 Sign.

    Mamma mia.

    1. April 8 is the eclipse, pardon me.

  41. Thank you, I read that. I feel personally after reading Revelation 12 again, that it would be quite odd to interpret it as written backwards, so to speak. It states clearly that she gives birth, not to nothing, but to a male child who is caught up. And this is very clearly after she is in a state of labor pains. I believe with all my heart that we are not appointed to wrath, and pray daily that the Lord removes his church before the tribulation begins. That being said, I can only personally read Revelation 12 and take away that it seems to imply another rapture of someone, but possibly a mid tribulation rapture of believers. Possibly saints(could these possibly be messianic Jews?) who are spared in the tribulation who did not get taken at the first rapture pretrib. Thoughts?

  42. A concern I also have is this- the Lord recently pulled myself as well as my family out of the error of pentecostalism. This has caused me to learn of many of those who were/ are teaching falsely. My point is this...Kenneth Hagan started Rhema ministries. This man was very clearly possessed by demonic forces and deceived many. Steve Cioccolanti ministers through Rhema, and is also one of the largest promoters of the Revelation 12 sign. This continues to raises red flags to me every time someone mentions his work. Is he also being used to deceive?

    1. We can only guess what side anyone is on, because we only truly know ourselves. But, I am hopeful because of the many unlikely characters that God has used in history to spread His message. Even a donkey spoke at one point. We must ask for discernment and pray for the Truth to be known.

      As for the Revelation 12 sign, I believe enough people have proved this to be the Sign of the Son of Man talked about in Matthew 24, and I have looked at it carefully myself as well. Everything seems to line up, and every challenge to it is pretty easy to refute... It's not astrology, it's unique, it lines up with a number of other things historically, and the state of the world matches closely with the other things Jesus was talking about in the passage. So we should be looking up, for our redemption is drawing near. Maranatha! (Come Lord Jesus)

  43. First, beautiful prayer, thank you. Our Lord's prayers are clearly interwoven in there and other memes from Scripture and His desires for us, very lovely and Spirit led and filled, Maranatha! The love for Abba being our primary everything is written all over this prayer and nicely serves to illuminate that the lack of that, as a primary focus, is also written all over the ire we endure from scoffers at large.

    Second, I often tell my cat that our Father was showing off when he painted her calico colors. EVERYTHING in creation points to the love of the Father and our pets and our relationship with them is a picture of that and we can be sure that our Abba is not shallow or flighty and He will not wantonly abandon the huge love dynamic which was His gift to us in the first place. Heaven without or beloved pets? Getouttahere!

    Third, go check out Alan Horvath's unpacking of Rev12 and related verses concerning the birth with/without labor. In the original texts there are TWO births spoken of, one singular and the other plural. In the manner we all know of, where parallels arise for multiple fulfillments or perspectives from a single prophecy, Rev12 and corresponding verses tell of BOTH the birth of the Body of Christ to be joined with the head BEFORE the labor AS WELL AS the birth, to come, of Israel into the family of Jesus AFTER the tribulation labor. Alan does a fine job of teaching this to us in his monthly prophecy update for July, I think it was, maybe June?


  44. Yes Gary, real nice article. You folks on this site usually add alot of interesting and inspirational comments to. I am convinced that the Lord is going to take us out of this unbearable place september 21-24. I'll tell you though, if we're still here on september 25/2017, I am done thinking about the rapture. It will all be 'he's coming like a thief in the night' to me. I'm sorry for being a downer but please Lord Jesus, help your people to get out of this world.

  45. "Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition" 2 Thess 2:3

  46. Has anyone here ever considered the possibility that Revelation 12 is a sign signaling the rapture midtribulation of the 144,000 male, undefiled, virgin redeemed Jews? They represent the first fruits from their respective tribes. This is something I have pondered for over a year now. I realize it's not likely a popular suggestion here.

    1. I have come to understand that the book of Revelation is primarily about the revelation of Jesus Christ. Not in the skies, not in the constellation of Leo or Virgo, but IN you, IN me, His Church, His body. Our Lord Jesus is Coming to be revealed and glorified in His saints. Amen!

      The Lord is revealed in 3 main stages, each with 7 or multiple of 7 sub-stages. Each major stage is got into by an ascencion, a translation. Wherever you see a command to, "Come up hither!" in the book of Revelation it is a translation.

      The 1st Stage is Lord Jesus revealed as one like unto the Son of man in the midst of the 7 golden candlesticks, the Church. Seven Church stages/ages of the Lord dealing with His people from Ephesus to Laodicea in this realm (which I consider as the 1st heaven). The overcomers of this realm, 'Come up hither' to the Throne, the summit of this realm. Rev. 4 - 5.

      Next Jesus is revealed as the Lamb that is worthy to break the seals and to open the book (of life). Thru 7 seals and 7 trumpets experiences those in this realm ascend to Mount Zion with the Lamb as the 144000 redeemed from the earth.Rev.14. Again another translation occurs as the two witnesses are commanded to, "Come up hither!" Rev.11.
      This is the 2nd heaven.

      7 last vials bring us to the Bride, the New Jerusalem revelation of Jesus Christ. And to the Tree of Life. Again there's another translation as John was commanded to, "Come up hither and I will show you the bride, the Lamb's wife!"
      This is the 3rd heaven. This is the final bus stop, God's goal. Very few have gotten here in their revelation experience of Christ in you the HOPE of glory.

      This in brief is the substance of all the signs and symbols in the book of Revelation. At what stage in this transformation journey are you? Are you moving from faith to faith and being changed from glory to glory? That's all that matters, my brother, my sister.

    2. The 7 Vials of God's Wrath are reserved for unbelievers destined for Hell. New Jerusalem arrives at the end of the Millennium 1000 Years later

  47. Gary, thank you for this prayer, songs and suggestions. This has been heavy on my heart (probably on many other as well), what should one be doing in this pre-Revelation 12 sign fulfillment time period. This post is powerful and helpful. Maranatha and Amen.


    1. WE WORSHIP HIM AS THE MOST HIGH BECAUSE HE IS the most High! I don't know who you're worshiping, but it's not the Lord of Lords. I'm sorry you are believing in lies. It's surely not from His Holy Word. I pray you find the truth, while there's still time.

  49. Can I share some blessed hope for those that love their animals as we should. Romans 8 tells us that they are in great anticipation for the Lords return. They are looking forward to be delivered from the bondage of corruption into a "glorious liberty." My poor little Max is ageing so quickly with a heart murmur. I do not look forward to the day my wonderful Boston Terrier passes. It will be such a sorrow to not only myself but my wife and four grown children. We love Max.

    I have a blessed hope that Max is looking forward in being delivered from his bondage of corruption just like the children of God. As a matter of fact all of creation groans and travaileth in pain together until the redemption of our bodies in Christ.

    If our blessed words from Romans 8 tells us the creature will be delivered from bondage then I believe my little Max will be also. I not sure what that entails but rest assured at the battle of Armageddon I will be riding a white horse.

    God cares for all the animals. Isaiah 11:6

    Romans 8:20-23
    For the creature was made subject to vanity, not willingly, but by reason of him who hath subjected the same in hope,
    Because the creature itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God.

    For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now.

    And not only they, but ourselves also, which have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body.

  50. Yes and Amen about our pets going up with us. There is a scripture in Proverbs (I don't know the verse off hand right now) that says the man is blessed who takes care of his animals. So, we see that God holds our animals very importantly in His estimation - as to how we care for them. I think animalsre very dear to Him. That's why we love them so much- because He does, and we are made in His image. We reflect God's love for animals. Therefore, let us rest assured that He will do right by them and us. Thank you Father. You're a good, good Father, and I'm loved by You.

  51. Here's a real good read on signs of His Appearing, written over 300 years ago -


  52. Bro Gary and others, will God still rapture a mostly sleeping church? I believe the rapture truly is at hand, but as I look around me, I notice most believers are not listening and looking at what is right before them. They still seem unaware of what time it is! What are our thoughts on this? Much appreciated!

  53. While I too have 3 furry family members that I worry about, my heart is breaking for two grown children who were saved and baptized as young teenagers but have been away from the Lord and living very sinful lives in their adulthood. I've tried talking with them about the imminence of His return, but both just laugh and say "Oh Mom, don't even say that. Remember how Grandma always used to say the same thing?" They repeatedly tell me they just don't want to hear it. All I can do at this point is try to be an example of love and righteousness and pray, pray, pray for them. I can't stand the thought of leaving them behind.

  54. While reading these comments there is a thunderstorm outside. Pretty eeeerie!
    I am fortunate to be in a beautiful place where I have been working during the summer. I have often wondered about loved ones and friends who will still be here on earth to fend for themselves. I just wish I would have been more assertive in my ministry.



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