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Could 2017 Be A Jubilee Year?

Could 2017 Be A Jubilee Year?

The biblical year runs from Nisan to Adar.  It begins roughly in the month of April and ends in March.  In order to identify what year is th...
Key Fulfilled Prophecies In My Lifetime

Key Fulfilled Prophecies In My Lifetime

With last weekend's fulfillment of Revelation 12:1-2, I am reminded of other notable prophecies that have been fulfilled in the last few...
The Exodus - The Great Shaking - The Great Flip

The Exodus - The Great Shaking - The Great Flip

Matthew 20:16: So the last shall be first, and the first last. Isaiah 40:4: Let every valley be lifted up, And every mountain and h...
When September Ends

When September Ends

Hello, brothers and sisters. I pray that you are still awake and alert, longing for the appearing of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ ...
Putting The Pieces Together: Part 2

Putting The Pieces Together: Part 2

This article is a followup to an article I wrote earlier this year and will probably be a bit disorganized and I apologize for that.  We co...
Time Travel in the Book of Revelation

Time Travel in the Book of Revelation

Ground yourself today and contemplate this:  If at some point in the future you could speak a word of wisdom or rebuke to yourself, what wou...
Media "End Of The World" Meltdown

Media "End Of The World" Meltdown

If we've learned one thing about major media sources like Fox News , Newsweek , National Geographic , and others over the past coupl...
Some Doubted

Some Doubted

…but some doubted.  Three little words that stand out to me like a piece of pepper stuck in someone’s tooth.  The phrase is in Matthew 28:1...
9/23 Shown in Movies for Decades?

9/23 Shown in Movies for Decades?

The curious case of a previous date setter who found something interesting and botched it! Screen Shot from a Black Eyed Peas Video Showi...
The World Won't End For 1,000 Years, If Ever

The World Won't End For 1,000 Years, If Ever

Sorry to end your fun Fox News/NatGeo/Express/Newsweek/USA Today/MSM, but we do not believe the world will end on Saturday nor do we th...


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