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Gimme Shelter

"Ooh, a storm is threatnin'
My very life today
If I don't get some shelter
Oh yeah, I'm gonna fade away

War, children
It's just a shot away, it's just a shot away
War, children
It's just a shot away, it's just a shot away..."

In an interview on NPR's All Things Considered, Mick Jagger was asked to choose one standout song during the band's illustrious 50-year career. The Rolling Stone's frontman singled-out "Gimme Shelter" from the band's album Let It Bleed (1969). 

He commented:

It was a very moody piece about the world closing in on you a bit...[w]hen it was recorded, early '69 or something, it was a time of war and tension, so that's reflected in this tune. It's still wheeled out when big storms happen..."

And in a prior Rolling Stone magazine interview, Jagger said:

That's a kind of end-of-the-world song, really. It's apocalypse; the whole record's like that."

Well, Mick. It's time to wheel out the song again. Once more, an encore, and this time with a little more feeling. In the headlines of today, I see the tremors of a greater Tribulation tomorrow. Where can we go to hide from it all? Is there a shelter from the coming storm?

You might be able to escape the flood, but the fire will find you. You might be able to escape the flames, but then war is just shot away. Regarding the true apocalypse, the red rider of the second seal is just a shout away (Rev. 6:3-4). So then, where can we go to escape and find shelter from the coming storm?

I have asked one thing from the LORD; it is what I desire: to dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, gazing on the beauty of the LORD and seeking Him in His temple. For He will conceal me in His shelter in the day of adversity; He will hide me under the cover of His tent [tabernacle]; He will set me high on a rock" (Ps. 27:4-5, HCSB).

Yes! If I had one thing to ask for in this post-9/23 season, it would be to tabernacle with the LORD in His temple on high. The pillars of God's temple will never be shaken (Rev. 3:12), and there is true peace and security within the confines of the Father's house (Isa. 26:20; Jn. 14:1-3; 1 Thess. 5:3-5, 9).

All we've got is right now. Every minute, every breath, a gift from God. Even so, we should continue to watch expectantly for the Master to return any day now. The last verse of Psalm 27 cited above exhorts us "to be strong and courageous," and this is book-ended by "wait for the LORD."

And so we wait...

Just Build the Third Temple...Is It Really That Simple?

During this waiting period until our sudden rescue, redemption, and transfer to God's heavenly temple, I finally ordered a copy of Arnold Fruchtenbaum's systematic treatment of end-time events entitled The Footsteps of the Messiah (revised edition, 2004). I had been meaning to read his work for a while now, but there were always other pressing matters at hand.

Fresh out of the packaging, I immediately turned to the "Scripture Index" in the back of the book to find all citations of Isaiah 66. Much to my delight, not only does Fruchtenbaum associate Isa. 66:7 with Rev. 12:5 (Appendix XI, "Old Testament References in the Book of Revelation," pg. 796), he also includes some perceptive insight about Isa. 66:1-6 that I had never considered before.

Coming from a messianic-Jewish perspective, Fruchtenbaum offers the Gentile-dominant body of Christ a unique perspective on this crucial eschatological passage. In a section of the book on the Third Temple, he provides a verse-by-verse commentary and analysis of Isaiah 66:1-6. This adds to our overall understanding of the prophetic sequence of events during the Tribulation period, including the birth of the male-child of Isa. 66:7-8 before Israel's hour of trial.

Fruchtenbaum's summary of Isaiah 66:1-6:

Isaiah speaks of a house or temple being built for God which He does not sanction [in the sense of "approve" or "authorize"]. It cannot refer to Solomon's Temple or the Temple built by Zerubbabel, because God did sanction both of them. Nor can it refer to the Millennial Temple. That one will be built by Messiah, and God will certainly sanction it. Therefore, the only temple that this could refer to is the Tribulation Temple. So Isaiah the Prophet foresees the building of a temple that God will not sanction. What God wants Israel to do at this time is to return to Him in faith, not merely to build Him a house" (pg. 136, emphasis mine).

Fruchtenbaum's verse-by-verse rundown of Isaiah 66:1-6:

This passage begins with a protest from God, Who makes it clear that no temple built by Israel at this time will be acceptable, for God will not come and reside in this one (v. 1) as He did in the first temple. What God will require at this time is not a new temple, but faith (v. 2). He will not accept these re-instituted Levitical sacrifices any more than He would accept human sacrifices, swine, or idolatry in the Old Testament (v. 3). The very fact that they will build this temple shows their failure to listen to God's word (v. 4) and come to God by faith in Jesus the Messiah. Then Isaiah has a word of encouragement to those faithful Jews who will not participate in the rebuilding of the Temple (v. 5), but are seeking to do God's will. So there will be a faithful remnant who will not participate in the rebuilding of the Jewish Temple for the Tribulation. Finally, Isaiah states that this new Temple will only end in judgment (v. 6) and not in forgiveness of sin or acceptable worship" (pgs. 136–37, emphasis mine).

If you were wondering what the LORD thinks about the current push for a Third Temple in Jerusalem, there's your answer. After Israel achieves the "mother of all deals" with the help of her Gentile neighbors, one aspect of the self-assured cry of "peace and security" (1 Thess. 5:3) involves constructing the temple and re-instituting the Mosaic sacrifices.

Fruchtenbaum also notes the difference between the Tribulation temple and Messiah's Millennial Temple. They are not the same, and the location + dimensions will be radically different as well. Check out John Schmitt's full-scale model of the Millennial Temple as seen by the prophet Ezekiel (here).

When Israel begins construction of the Third Temple, there will be one major element missing from their blueprints:

...the LORD God said: 'Look, I have laid a stone in Zion, a tested stone, a precious cornerstone, a sure foundation; the one who believes will be unshakable" (Isa. 28:16, HCSB).

And the apostle Peter agrees:

"This Jesus is the stone that was rejected by you, the builders [the people of Israel - v. 10], which has become the cornerstone...and 'a stone of stumbling, and a rock of offense.' They [Israel] stumble because they disobey the word, as they were destined to do" (Acts 4:11 + 1 Peter 2:8, ESV).

Isaiah's implicit depiction of a hardened Israel's choice to build the Third Temple aligns with Paul's words in 1 Thess. 5:3. The unbelievers rejoice "Let the LORD be glorified...," and as a result of their zeal without knowledge (Rom. 10:2-3), they persecute their faithful brethren for choosing not to participate in temple activities (Isa. 66:5). It's the first century all over again, and faithful Jews must heed the words long written down:

"For it is impossible for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sins...[f]or by one offering He [Jesus] has perfected forever those who are sanctified" (Heb. 10:4, 14, HCSB).

Paul writes, "When they say 'peace and security,' then sudden destruction comes...," and Isaiah recorded the LORD's own words, "...I will bring on them what they dread..." (Isa. 66:4). What they dread: The Gentile armies are going to lay siege to Jerusalem once again until the Times of the Gentiles are complete (Lk. 21:24).

Israel's deal with Death (Isa. 28:14-15) and the covenant of Dan. 9:27 provokes the LORD to wrath and begins the 70th week—it is the proverbial straw that breaks the camel's back. The Lion roars from His temple in heaven, not from Jerusalem on earth (Isa. 66:6). The LORD will stay silent no longer (Isa. 65:6).

However, there is good news for the Church, the body of Christ, and the "foolish nation" saved by His grace. At the LORD's call, we answered (Isa. 65:1; contrary to those of Isa. 66:4). At the sound of the LORD's voice, there is both judgment and deliverance, because 66:6 turns into 66:7:

Before she was in labor, she gave birth; before her pain came, she delivered a male child" (NKJV).

So, brothers and sisters in Christ, take heart. Last time I checked, the Tribulation hadn't started yet. Yes, Revelation 12:1-2, the "great sign" of the end has been fulfilled. But the actual events that it signifies has yet to occur, including the pre-Tribulation Resurrection and Rapture of the Church (Rev. 12:5).

Keep waiting for Him. Waiting for the shout. Waiting to take shelter in His heavenly temple.


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  1. Thank you for sharing that, I love Dr. Fruchtenbaum's work. I'll be waiting! Blessings - Sherry

  2. 38 Taken by Herod the Great a cruel ruler who was a ruthless murderer. It was he who ordered the slaughter of the innocents at Bethlehem. (Matt. 2). Herod ordered the Temple enlarged. A new Temple is rebuilt over the sight of Zerubbabel's Temple. Temple and courts rebuilt until A.D. 63. City and walls under construction for 46 years (John 2).

    20 They replied, “It has taken forty-six years to build this temple, and you are going to raise it in three days?” 21 But the temple he had spoken of was his body. 22 After he was raised from the dead, his disciples recalled what he had said. Then they believed the scripture and the words that Jesus had spoken.

    Be careful to make sure what you are saying is the truth.

  3. awesome that you have 'discovered' Arnold's teaching (and his FOTM is one of the best I have read on the subject). I used to refer to his 'FOTM and 'Israelology' when discussing with roman catholics which temple God was referring to in the end-times (they thought it was Hagia Sophia...go figure). I remember Arnold also stating quite clearly two things that really struck a chord with me (paraphrasing as it was a while ago):
    - Well intentioned Christians donating money to the temple institute (for temple building preps) were actually supporting something that was seen to be an abomination to God.
    - Christians should not support the Jewish people returning to Israel, as the Jews will be slaughtered and taken from Israel during the tribulation.

    Powerful and challenging words.


    1. Fruchtenbaum is generally good, but on the issue of Jews returning to Israel his logic seems shaky at best. Why should we suppose that the situation for Jews in the rest of the post-Rapture world will be any better than it will be for Jews in Israel? Plus, in order for prophecy to be fulfilled, there MUST BE Jews in Israel.

      Seems like another case of second-guessing God.

    2. There are Jews in Israel. The United States of America is the end-time House of Israel as prophesied by God, when He told Jeremiah to go down to the potter's house where He, God, would remake the Houseof Israel ( not the separate kingdom called Judah, which consisted of the tribe of Judah only) from the dry bones, give them a new land, call them by a new name, give them a new language, and that when they entered that land, they would have God's law written in their hearts (they would be born-again believers, descendants of the 10 lost tribes of Israel). According to the prophecy given to Balaam in Numbers 24 and 25 regarding end-time Israel's condition and geographical location, they would be a people living in absolute freedom and safety, a land without walls. Israel in the Middle East, which is still the land of Judah only, has always had walls around Jerusalem, and they have recently built a wall of safety from Palestians near Gaza, I believe. God goes on to describe end-time Israel as a land surrounded by many waters. Look at the map of the US - the Great Lakes, Niagara Falls, the Atlantic Ocean, the Gulf of Mexico, the Pacific Ocean. Israel in the Middle East does not fit, in any way, God's physical description of what He calls"Israel". He goes on to say that their "king" would be "higher than Agag"- meaning that Israel's leader would be the most powerful leader in the world, hence the office of the Presidency of the United States. This Israel would be totally independent, the richest nation on earth, and land separated from the rest of the world, living in peace and safety. They would have Jesus as their King. (The Committees of Correspondence during the Rev. War, had as their motto: "No King But King Jesus). When the Pilgrims arrived at Plymouth, they came with God'sword written in their hearts,as they were "sent" by Pastor John Robinson to plant The Gospel. God goes on to say in Numbers that His end-time Israel would "be rich in treasures". Why have not the Ministers of the Gospel in America addressed this amazing prophecy given by God? As just a largely overlooked fact - does anyone ever consider and take into consideration the fact that the Father of Our Country the first President of the United States, George Washington, no less, believed that we were end-time Israel when He displayed on his personal flag of the General of the Continental Army, 13 six-pointed stars, which flag is still displayed at his tomb in Mt. Vernon? There is also a flag called the Philip Schuyler Flag which shows 12 stars in a row of six-points and the 13th star separated to the right, of six-points. Symbols don't lie, and neither does God's word. We are that people, and we are that land- the re-made dry bones of the House of Israel.

    3. Hi Carol - considering the USA to be the end-times 'house of Israel' is purely speculation using faulty exegesis at best. Israel is Israel - the land that God declared an unconditional covenant to Abraham to belong to Israel (which hasn't been fulfilled...geographical boundaries and all). It is only be twisting and misapplying scripture can one declare that the good ol (evil) U S of A is the 'House of Israel'.

    4. One of the things that amazes me is the increasing urge by some to make the USA either "the real Israel" or "the real Babylon". More noise in the prophetic picture.

    5. This has been eye opening for me, as well. The Third Temple is not from God, whereas the Millennial Temple most definitely is.

    6. Just read an Israeli article that many American Jews are moving to Israel... They are fulfilling the Word that God will bring them out of the nations back to their land.

  4. Patience, found 33 times in the Bible....all in the New Testament. Seven times...in Revelation.
    Maybe a good battle plan going forward. We continue with The Joy and Patience of Yeshua! Shalom

    1. What other choice we got? Deep sigh...

    2. But everyday I wake up, I know we are one day closer to being with the Lord. And I think part of the reason Jesus said to look up and lift up your heads was so we could see all the signs He would be putting in the Heavens, like the total solar eclipse, the blood red moons on Labor Day, the Rev 12 sign, even the Star of Bethlehem. Now, please forgive my astronomical ignorance, but I am not sure of the Biblical significance of the gravitational waves/black holes they will be discussing on Monday, but I am sure one of the writers here will surely be able to explain it. At the very least, it's something happening in the Heavens during this season of signs. When I woke up yesterday, I had no idea Hamas and Fatah had reconciled. I believe God split them up ten years ago to help Israel and now God brought them together to frankly, pulverize them.

    3. The giant pile of signs, in all forms, is so large that one would have to spend a week to work thru just the surface of each. I've never had a surprise ultimate vacation before and it's like one has been announced and we are about to depart....ready? Ready is how I will spend my days with prayer for those Yahweh may send my way. Joyful is how I will spend my days because I know The One who told me to Get Ready... for the Time of my life! Patient ....for all Good Things COME to those who..........for it. =0) Shalom

  5. Announcement coming soon from discovery in space....mentions red explanation and in the constellation of Hydra.....thoughts guys???



    1. Sorry...should have said "red exoplanet", not "explanation".

    2. I'm very curious to see what this ends up being!

    3. For the benefit of anyone reading this thread,


      Quoting the opening of the article:

      "Astronomers have made one of the biggest breakthroughs of the decade after detecting both gravitational waves and gamma rays from the merger of two neutron stars. Announced today at a co-ordinated set of media briefings in Washington DC, London, and elsewhere, the detection was made on 17 August, with the gravitational waves spotted by the LIGO–Virgo collaboration and the gamma rays picked up by the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope."

      It is widely held that the merger of these two neutron stars has created a black hole. This event is one which provides a wealth of observable data answering questions many thought would never be seen.

      A question that I am prayerfully asking is, "Is this a sign?" It is certainly a wonder.

      Glory to G-D in the highest!

      Pastor Rich

  6. This was a timely answer to a question for me.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Certainly you cannot building the final temple from Ezechiel without all the HEIGHT measurements given. This is obvious because they are missing. So anyway the true remnant has to wait for the LORD to be their master builder. Personally I do appreciate Fruchtenbaum but have always understood Isaiah 66 as pointing to 1 Peter 2:5 . From the official Temple Institute videos you can learn that there will be no temple needed but simply an altar. Check out THE "Holy Temple Myth Busters" series on YouTube https://youtu.be/E66BgO-9eGU

  9. "Israel's deal with Death (Isa. 28:14-15) and the covenant of Dan. 9:27 provokes the LORD to wrath and begins the 70th week—it is the proverbial straw that breaks the camel's back."

    I'm jumping up and down on my bed right now, because this confirms something I wrote about a year ago:


    Thanks for this article...this helped a piece or two of the puzzle fall into place for me.

    Greg L.

    1. Greg L, I just read that awesome article of yours. I am waiting for the sound of the Last Trump but I also (we also) have to wait for that death/hell covenant to be confirmed. I believe the Oslo Accords were 7 years in length. And it really hurt Israel. I always think of Daniel 9:27 in terms of the 7 year deal but now I know to also look to Isaiah 28. Thank you for your always enlightening articles. You really made my day. God bless you.

    2. Thanks. Obviously a few of the political references are dated, but the gist remains valid.

      Greg L.

    3. The Oslo Accord called for a five-year interim period during which negotiations over permanent details of the settlement were to be negotiated.

      Wanna hear a joke? Yassar Arafat shared the Nobel Peace Prize for this in 1994. =XD:::

      Greg L.

    4. Yes, the same Committee that gave the Nobel prize to the likes of Al Gore and Obama. And Bob Dylan. I wonder if the AC sits on that committee ?

    5. Greg - Im glad you referenced two things in your article (in particular): 1) the fact that there was an arab conscript helping sack Jerusalem in 70ad. People look at me sideways when I mention this as a reason why the AC may be Islamic (among many other things). It always interested me that Josephus and others noted that the blood-thirsty nature of the non-roman conscripts against the jews was so ferocious, that even the romans were 'surprised'. Even though Islam was not 'in play' 70ad, the babylonians beliefs that carried on into Islam were (and the same hatred for all things Jew/Israel). 2) That the AC will 'strengthen' the covenant, rather than make it in the first place. This can refer to either an enforcing of the covenant with surrounding nations (who are Islamic ironically enough)as you have mentioned, or it refers to the AC permitting the full reinstitution of the old mosaic 'covenant' sacrifices in a temple and all, withouit retribution from the muslims.

      A good read, thank you.


  10. Very interesting.... thanks for sharing.... I'll have to get that book & read it while we wait, as it seems our "flight" has been delayed

    I was watching a Chuck Missler teaching yesterday on the Rapture. In it, he mentioned that in the Holocaust, 1 of every 3 Jews was killed. He said that during the Trib, 2 of every 3 Jews will be killed. I'm not sure where he gets this number, but it was chilling to hear.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. 'Date setting' will prove faulty until the thing actually happens. All our speculation is acknowledged to be wholly, and only, speculation.
    Meantime, reading isn't so bad.

    Be blessed,

    1. Yes, that's the thing... eventually watchful Believers will be right. Matt. 24:48-51, Heb. 10:25, 1 Thess. 5:4, Rev. 3:3.

  13. So much food for thought! Thank you for sharing, Jeff!

  14. Surprised this site hasn't posted anything about the unprecedented celestial discovery that is going to be announced on Monday.


  15. By the way, the ESO's livecams are at https://www.eso.org/public/usa/outreach/webcams/

    in case you want to monitor them before the big announcement on Monday.

    The ESO is describing it as "groundbreaking observations of an astronomical phenomenon that has never been witnessed before"

    1. Hi, I think Annabel had briefly mentioned in on rev12daily, and we were awaiting the announcement itself prior to discussing further.


    2. Ok, thanks, I forgot about that site.

      Hopefully the discovery lives up the the hype : )

    3. Interesting! I wonder what this is all about!

    4. I think this is it:


    5. This seems to be it. Unless I'm missing something (very possible. I skimmed it quick) it doesn't appear to have prophetic significance


    6. This is a live stream of the announcement. I did hear from them that this is happened in Virgo. It was a huge collision leading to a massive explosion and the creation of many new elements like gold....

    7. They call it a "merger event" for what that's worth....

    8. In Virgo? I didn't catch that and may have spoke too soon : )

  16. BIZARRE??? READ THIS: http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-10-14/11-million-silicon-valley-shack-steal-theres-bizarre-catch

    Well, take it as confirmation from the world! MARANATHA :))

    1. Wow, that is a truly bizarre story... 7 years. And those real estate prices are astronomical.

  17. Hey everybody!

    As we continue to wait for the day of our Lord's return, we don't want to neglect to keep busy about his work. In light of this, I'd like to pass along a need within the body. My good friends are adopting a little girl who is soon to be born because the birth mother is single and doesn't have the ability to raise her daughter herself. When my friends learned about the situation, the wife said to her husband, "Should we start thinking about whether or not we should adopt?" And her husband replied, "No. God tells us in Scripture to take care of the orphans. There's nothing to think about."

    Now they have to raise $15,000 really quickly to pull this off. They're trusting God to provide, and they're already over half way there! I'm just passing this along in case any of you wonderful brothers and sisters feel led by God to help them out!


  18. Shalom! You can buy a SEARCHABLE PDF version of FOOTSTEPS OF THE MESSIAH by Arnold G. Fruchtenbaum, as a download at ariel.org. Getting it faster! I have both, it is such a great and big book that the search capability is very useful. Be all greatly blessed of YHWH.

  19. There will be no temple. The Final temple is OUR Bodies.You are blind as the Jews.

  20. Is it just me or does it drive anyone else crazy when I see that gold dome EVERYWHERE when you see a picture of Israel? I realize its just dirt now and the Shekinah departed long, long ago. I also realize that may not even be the actual temple site, but it just seems to me the gaudy thing stands out more than anything in Jerusalem photos. I suppose that is a perfect description of Satan - the gaudy thing. Blessings

    1. Lol, thank you Sherry. If I was skilled in Photoshop, I might be tempted to crop that ol' gaudy thing out!



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