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Scream At The Sky

In light of the three high watches coming up (October 31st, November 3rd, and November 13th - see here and here) I found the following news quite interesting: on the one-year anniversary of the 2016 election that saw Trump + Pence become the President and Vice President-elect, liberals across the nation plan to "scream helplessly at the sky".  No, this is not bad satire, but an actual planned event.  Could God's saving power be revealed around this time when the last trumpet sounds?

The physical world is a shadow of the supernatural.  We catch glimpses of this not only by people "screaming at the sky", but also in the present national anthem kneeling controversy.  The relevance is that soon and very soon:

...at the name of Jesus every knee will bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
- Philippians 2:10-11

The world has rejected Christ without reason, without knowledge, without any sense of rationality.  If you are someone who has personally rejected Christ, I would ask you to reconsider.  See why it simply makes no sense.

Other News

It was revealed yesterday that all of the most salacious allegations against the Trump administration regarding purported Russian collusion were fabricated in a tabloid-style dossier prepared by an ex-British intelligence officer.  Most importantly, the ex-agent was hired by Fusion GPS, which was funded by the Clinton campaign and the DNC.  The news is so undeniable and devastating to the MSM narrative that even The Washington Post and CNN have been forced to cover it.

The President has seized on the news:

The massive anti-Israel militia Hezbollah has formerly joined the Lebanese government as the Prime Minister submits to a governing coalition.  This is huge prophetic news considering that Hezbollah is essentially a paramilitary arm of Iran.  In just the last few weeks we've now seen two governments adjacent to Israel join forces with terrorists, first Fatah and Hamas, and now Lebanon and Hezbollah - precursors to Israel's own acquiescence to the "covenant with death".

I have to admit, the Psalm 83-axis certainly seems to be forming again.

The Crown Prince and heir to the throne in Saudi Arabia, Mohammed bin Salman, has announced he wants to transform Saudi Arabia into a place that welcomes all religions and he is planning for his country to begin building a $640 billion mega-city, tentatively called "NEOM" that will be at the north-end of the Red Sea, in close proximity to Israel, Egypt, and Jordan.  He is calling this massive city "humanity's next chapter" and it will be approximately 33 times larger than New York City in terms of geographical area.

The 32 year old prince has suddenly caught my attention with his religion-melding and Babylon-esque plans.  I would encourage us all to study this out further.  Whenever a literal prince starts making major noise on the world scene (see Daniel 9:26-27), it's important to pay attention, which is why I noticed Macron's rise to power this past summer.

Here is the proposed location for NEOM, just east of Sinai:

In Madagascar, health officials are in full-on panic as the Plague has apparently gone airborne.  The current death toll stands at 124, but at least 1,000 others are infected and nine other countries are in immediate risk of receiving the contagion.

Lastly, the prophetic theme of "walls" and the "handwriting on the wall" continues as Trump's border wall plans begin to take shape.  The prototypes were recently completed in San Diego and testing will soon begin as the Administration and Border Patrol decide which design(s) to go with:

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  1. Like a boulder running downhill, prophesy fulfillment seems to be coming faster and faster every month, day, hour. Excellent update!

  2. That's it? It was just getting interesting Gary, lol!

    Concerning "The massive anti-Israel militia";
    And the winepress was trodden without the city, and blood [enemy militia bodies] came out of the winepress, even unto the horse bridles [bodies stacked 5' deep], by the space of a thousand and six hundred furlongs. -Revelation 14:20

  3. Screaming at the sky??? You've got to be kidding?? Maybe they can blow some of Al Gore's greenhouse gases out to space? If that doesn't work, how about a "hold my breath till I get my way" day?
    Why are we still here? Sheesh

  4. What an exciting time to be alive! Glory to God in the highest!

  5. Maybe it's just me but there seems to be a sudden and solemn global shift towards heaviness and darkness over the last few days. As seriously as I've taken the last several months of studying prophecy, it feels like they were a light-hearted tease compared to the chilling events unfolding before our eyes. Thanks for continuing to bring these things to our awareness, Gary.

    1. Dear Hillary check out Gonz' new video on 'AI worship' on the FACE LIKE THE SUN youtube channel https://youtu.be/PEfnNDmBVI8 or some of his other videos about Satanic developments (very interesting, I like his kind of watching and interpreting current events very much)... Yes I totally agree with you about doomsday atmosphere globally increasing and intensifying (Luke 21:26 getting stronger on a daily basis!). That must be an indicator and good reason for us as Christians to feel quite the opposite and become even more happy than ever as were leaving the scene soon! :))

    2. I definitely agree. There has been an unveiling of sorts the past 2-3 years that is showing "who is who" much more clearly. The righteous are shining brighter than ever, but the wicked are darker than ever, as well. It seems like the wicked are essentially longing for a rapture-type event to take the righteous away - it's what they really want.

    3. Gary, think of Revelation 11:10 what people will do when the two witnesses will have been killed; I can imagine a similar reaction when we're gone... Except for all the missing babies and toddlers - if they weren't missing in rapture, people would probably rejoice the same about all the Christians vanishing. Oh, we must be sooo close! :))

  6. I needed this Gary, Thank you again. I've never met any of you, but I love all of you. The way the Holy Spirit brings us together is awesome.

    1. Agreed! You know, as I've grown in my faith I find that brothers and sisters in Christ feel as close as real kin.

  7. here is another link on the plague as the one noted above (from the Sun) has dodgy ads on the side. http://edition.cnn.com/2017/10/25/health/madagascar-pneumonic-plague-outbreak/index.html

    1. Thanks for sharing. I'll use this one instead.

  8. I would keep my eye on the young man just elected in Austria. Credit to Jeffrey Scanga of Rapture Ready.

    1) Kurz was born in Vienna, Austria. His first name, Sebastian comes from the Latin Sebastianus meaning “from Sebastia” which is now Sivas in Turkey. Both Vienna and Sebastia were once part of the Roman Empire. In fact Vienna was originally founded by the Romans as a military camp, and the Sivas province was part of the Eastern Leg of the Roman Empire. So both his name and his birthplace are from the Roman Empire, having representation from both legs of that ancient empire of iron.

    The prophet Daniel records what the Angel Gabriel revealed to him about the ruler who will set up an “abomination that causes desolation” in Daniel 9:26 he states: “…The people of the ruler who will come will destroy the city and the sanctuary…” As many watchers of prophecy know – the people who destroyed the city and sanctuary were none other than the Romans in 70AD, therefore the antichrist will have lineage connected to Rome. He will be “of that people”.

    2) The name “Kurz” means short in height (although Kurz himself appears to be at least six feet tall, probably about 6’ 2”).

    In Daniel 7:8, it is recorded: “While I was thinking about the horns, there before me was another horn, a little one, which came up among them; and three of the first horns were uprooted before it…” Currently, Austria is a small player on the world scene, so coupled with the name “Kurz” – could this be the future “little horn”?

    3) Some of Kurz’s supporters refer to him, at least metaphorically, as a “messiah”. 1,2

    4) In a speech to the UN last year as foreign minister, his opening words were: “…I belong to a generation which was born into a globalized world. For us, globalization is not a threat; it is a fact of life.” Then he proceeded to quote former secretary general of the UN, Kofi Annan: “Arguing against globalization is like arguing against the laws of gravity”. 3

    1. When looking at Sebastian Kurz (and some other geeks in politics) I only think of the plain truth in Isaiah 3:12 "children are their oppressors" and concerning my own nation Germany the sentence continues "and women rule over them"... LOL! ;)) It's endtimes! MARANATHA

    2. Interesting. I'll keep my eye on this one.

    3. Arguing against gravity is merely arguing a theory which the powers that be have forced down our throats for so long it has become truth. Gravity is a lie to push satanic deception and attempt to belittle and/or destroy people's belief in the Genesis account of creation. Gravity couple with the heliocentric model and evolution. The dude sounds like a modern day ignorant kid who knows the truth or is completely blind to what is really going on.

    4. So... what's holding us down? Air pressure? What's keeping everything above in motion? I think the deception is that the devil has anything to do with Gravity... or any aspect of the heavens above.

  9. I was also thinking of Sebastian Kurz...I heard about him just this year...he is Europe's youngest leader...he is also known as Wunderwuzzi, whatever that means...we will see

    1. I don't know, but I just read he had proposed a ban on Soros' organizations, so that surely is a promising start. Blessings - Sherry

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    2. God puts leaders in office and He also removes them. Personally, I knew God would never hand over this country to an abortion loving - Margaret Sanger loving (who loved the KKK and intended abortion to wipe out black babies)- Saul Alinksky loving (Hillary wrote her thesis on him whose book Rules for Radicals was dedicated to Lucifer aka Satan- witch. You need to do some serious research on the party of slavery/segregation/Jim crow aka democrat party before you make rather insulting and ill-informed comments at this site. Bill back in the WH ? I don't think so. He did attend Robert KKK Byrd's funeral, though. You know, Senator Byrd, grand kleagle of the KKK ?

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Follow up: Senator Byrd was a democrat by the way. Trump is God's judgment on the left wing, America hating media and I just love watching their meltdown. He controls them in their sleep and lives rent free in their puny minds. See how they are constantly rebuked by God. I thank God that He let us enjoy this before Jesus comes to get us.

    5. smitha.anne, my question to you is how can do you arrive at the assumption we portray enemies as people of color? I can't fathom how you arrive at that conclusion.

      I have several siblings who are full-blooded African American, btw. I'm close personal friends with African Americans. I'm color-blind. I don't care about your color, I care about your allegiance.

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    7. Thank you for clarifying, and I do agree with you. Btw, I tend to lean towards a Roman a/c based on Daniel 9:26-27, but I leave open the possibility of an Arab, Jewish, or even, dare I say, "fallen angel"-type antichrist.

      Thank you sister,

    8. This is Part One of Two - Sorry I got long winded, but think its important. I've only violated once before but Gary gave me Grace and perhaps he will again.

      Anne, I've had discussions back and forth with the people on this and similar sights for quite some time now and not once have I ever sensed racial prejudice. You asked why many assume POC will be AC. Scripture says plainly in one spot the AC will be Assyrian (POC). There are other indictions he may be a descendant of the Tribe of Dan, coupled with the fact Israel would be more receptive to one who comes in supposed peace if he were Jewish, that's why the assumption. When I was growing up (I'm 64) I never heard any suggestion AC would be any other than an Eastern European (White) and typically it was taught in churches I grew up in AC would be the Pope. Now the thinking has changed somewhat and I think many people consider him a great candidate for the False Prophet. I have heard many suggest Obama is AC. I have never been shown this, but it is certainly not necessary for God to show me anything. I go through all this only to say, I believe we are equal opportunity accusers in the church. It does behoove us all to say up front - I do not believe any I have spoken with surrounding these Watchers Groups care at all whether He is White, Black, Brown, Yellow, Green or Purple - He is evil and he is our enemy.

      The thing I would ask you to pray about is this. There are enemies of our soul (mine and yours) out there who want nothing in the world more than to damage our witness and keep us divided in loving our Lord Jesus Christ. Skin doesn't get saved and skin doesn't go to Heaven so that is an absolutely false narrative of division. Has it worked on some - yes. Does racial prejudice exist in America and the world - Yes. Is it a false trap of the enemy to sow division in the country and in the Body of Christ to diminish our effectiveness - Yes. The lie is - all people are prejudice and all people distrust POC and wish ill of POC. Right now, the mainstream media and the left, primarily funded by George Soros has done everything possible to sow discord in this country and create chaos in order to claim a right to declare Martial Law, take away our guns for protection and finally to take away our right to worship. Make no mistake that is the end game. Many POC have fallen for the lie and many could care less because they are literally being paid to foment chaos. Who is behind this? The losing party, which is predominantly white - the democrats. Do they care about POC - no. They have always been opposed to the rights of POC, but they find the facade has served them well at the voting booth. They believe this is a war for who will control this country and that is true. But, more importantly, it is a war for who will control the souls of this country and it is being spearheaded by Satan, the great Deceiver and Father of Lies. We cannot allow ourselves to hate and be suspicious of each other and assume wrong motive just because our skin doesn't match. It's not true always. Sometimes it is, but not in this instance. If you have time, please read the Part Two below.

      Blessings - Sherry

    9. Anne - Part Two of my long winded Post - Please forgive me Gary

      One last point and I'll hush - I would really encourage everyone here to read The Paradigm by Jonathan Cahn. It really does explain the paradigm being played out in American Politics as it relates to 2 Kings and Ahab and Jezebel. It began with the Clintons, went somewhat (only somewhat) on hold during Bush's term, ramped back up again with Obama and Trump is now the Jehu in the Paradigm. The most interesting thing for me is Jehu was once "one of them - meaning Ahab & Jezebel" but saw what they were doing and disagreed enough in his heart that God chose him to be the anointed king to route them out of power. The Paradigm is stunning - day counts, intent and it is about idolatry purely and simply - promoting false gods over Yahweh.

      I agree with you wholeheartedly no human being can Make America Great Again. The Lord has shown me this is a pause to allow those who have not publicly "chosen a side" against those things which are abhorrent to Him to do so. As Gary pointed out, many Christians had to make a choice based on the issues represented in the election as opposed to the person. Life is always God's side, Marriage between a man and a woman is always God's side. We do not know what is within a man's heart, we can only pray the fruit we are seeing is true. I've heard the suspicion Trump is a plant for the Globalists. I can't buy that, because he's caused to much damage to their agenda. Much of what you have heard about his being a racist comes from main stream media and democrats, while there are numerous POC who have known him for years who say it is absolutely not true. I have not seen his actions live up to what the media claimed. Only time will tell. Interestingly, the discussions about Jehu still rage on in Christian Theological discussions about whether or not he was a good guy, a kinda good guy or a bad guy. So this tells me only God knows and we won't know until we get to heaven.

      Don't let the lies of those who want us all to hate each other dissuade you from participating here. We welcome you and we really could not possibly care less what color your skin is. That is just the truth, for we seek a higher purpose. God created each and every one of us. We are all of the seedline of Noah - so anything else is simply nonsense. I know it doesn't feel true in the world in which we live, but it is absolutely true and we won't get to know it experientially until we get to Heaven. This does not make it a lesser truth and one we should all seek to honor every day on this earth. You are my sister and I welcome you. Don't let the liars steal your joy.

      Blessings - Sherry

    10. This comment has been removed by the author.

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    12. I would like some specific examples of the accusations you are making against the president an the vice president not just general accusations without anything to back them up. The former first lady and former senator from new York and her husband are both guilty of treason, bill Clinton gave the Chinese missile guidance technology to them and let's not forget his satanically controlled wife has solid evidence that she sold 20% of or uranium to Russia and here is the kicker then Russia sold it to all these other countries like Iran China North Korea with the state dot and the cub and the justice department and the white house all covering it up but yet the American people voted him in twice knowing what the charlatan Obama stood for and many of them claiming to be Christians. When a man named Obama and I use the term man loosely makes the cover of time magazine and it says America's first gay president and he never refuted this and knowing his stance on abortion and many other issues directly against a Christian biblical view then I question which God they serve.

  11. Your FIRST sentence was an accusation of racism. "How come, whenever people on this site talk about Christianity, the enemies are always people of color.?"

  12. Obama was the most abortion loving, and America/Israel/Christian hating president in our history. Watch the video where he mocks the Sermon on the Mount and the Book of Deuteronomy and Romans. I can't even begin his list of evils. I am glad that Amalek is out of the WH, although he is president of the deep state. What former president STAYS in DC ? Plenty of private and safe schools for his kids in Chicago.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. You need to spend more time studying the Bible. The AC will come from the Revived Roman Empire, which is Europe. Do the homework and don't make false assumptions. Read the book of Daniel.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

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    3. Hey smitha.anne,

      I apologize if you felt attacked by me in particular. If so, I would ask for your forgiveness.

      I only beg to differ on your statement that we portray enemies as those of color. I don't understand how you can come away with that assumption - that's all.

      Regarding Trump, he's a broken sinner who needs Jesus, but I voted for him based on the worse alternative (globalism, mass abortion, hopeless judicial situation, Christian persecution, etc). There was simply no alternative choice in my personal view.

      But please understand, I watch Trump with suspicion, too. I've even written several articles on why he could potentially be an a/c candidate, as well:



      If you've seen my a/c candidate list you'd see that most of my "candidates" are white men: A/C Candidates


      In summary, I feel like you were unfairly attacked and I apologize - again, please forgive me for my part.

      On your end, the accusation of racism seems unfair and plainly untrue. Race makes no difference to me. My siblings are African American, some of my closest friends are African American and east Asian.

  15. smitha.anne -

    Re: your statement of "How come,whenever people on this site talk about Christianity, the enemies are always people of color?"

    I have NEVER seen anyone on this site talk about the color of anyone's skin.

    I have, however, seen them point out that if it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it's probably a duck.

    Don't allow the enemy to blind you to the big picture. The false narratives being peddled by the mainstream media have only one purpose: to distract you.

    1. Amen mksmith and Archangel, if U THINK this site offends U smitha.anne then just don't visit it no more , I'm sure there are plenty more websites that will suit just what you R looking for. Satan only wants to DIVIDE and CONQUER and mainstream media has been his stomping ground for many years now, and sad even many Christians believe all or most of the lies on it.. once that seed is planted he takes it and runs with it. VERY few sites or shows left on any form of media that proclaims to soon return of JESUS which is the main reason the majority of us visit this site. Donna N

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Smitha.anne, I mean this in the kindest way possible, but you're misinformed:


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    5. @smitha.anne.. I felt compelled to write here because I am a person of color too and found this site after the rev 12 sign and since then I almost check it everyday because I sense everyone here loves the Lord and His appearing and never once have I felt anything said or written here that is even remotely racist.Just my two cents!

    6. Trump is a person of color. He has german ancestry, which is why his skin appears to be somewhat orange or 'clay' colored. And if you look at his cabinet picks, there's quite a mix of races there. Then you can look at his businesses when he ran them, and see that he got many awards for promoting diversity in the workplace.

      Going back to Noah, we're all related... The skin colors show nothing more than our ancestors moving into different environments and getting different melanin content in their skin, among other adaptations. One went south to Africa, where they needed darker shades because of more sunlight year round. One went north into what eventually became Europe, where fairer skin made more sense. One went northeast into Asia and Russia, humid climates where a mix made sense and they slowly lost their sweat glands. Some of them went even further east into the Americas, (The ice age post flood made this much easier, but boats were also used as Hawaii and other islanders show) where reddish skin became a norm. And Noah's descendants parked themselves roughly in the area where Israel is today and have an olive tone. (Noah had fewer descendants because he only lived another hundred years after the flood, which is why this group has the least representation on Earth.)

      When John saw the Lord Jesus in Revelation, His feet were the color of bronze, which has a darker color. It's also the color we would all probably be if all the 'races' mixed back together. It wouldn't even take that long either, maybe 4 to 10 generations if people were selectively married for this reason.

      I'm sorry that skin color still means something in your area Anne... Because it really shouldn't anymore.

  16. Quoting Gary,

    "The Crown Prince and heir to the throne in Saudi Arabia, Mohammed bin Salman, has announced he wants to transform Saudi Arabia into a place that welcomes all religions and he is planning for his country to begin building a $640 billion mega-city, tentatively called "NEOM" that will be at the north-end of the Red Sea, in close proximity to Israel, Egypt, and Jordan."

    Yes, this is worthy of greater study as at the heart of this region is a rather large area that is fenced off and forbidden entry. This area has been researched and documented as part of studies on the Red Sea Crossing and is the location of Mt. Horeb.


    Jebel al Lawz is the name given the mountain today by the Saudi's.

    I will share more links as I have time.


    1. Here is one resource to check-out:


      There is a program on DVD which illustrates the studies and findings. The book is FAR more detailed than the DVD:


      I also HIGHLY recommend "Patterns of Evidence Exodus" but it is not specifically related to the topic of this post. It is focused on the timing of the Biblical Exodus out of Egypt and not the Crossing and arrival at the mountain of G-D we know as Mt Horeb (Mt Sinai).

      Dig deep and pray for the guidance of the Holy Spirit in your studies. Share the love of Christ and declare the good news of His Name everyday, rejoicing as the hour of His coming draws near!

      Glory to G-D in the Highest!

      Grace and peace to you,

      Pastor Rich

  17. So many curve balls thrown in the past few days, oh my!

    I'd like to pivot to Daniel Matson's recent study/research on how we may have been too focused on the Lord's Feast Days (Moedim) while missing out on what Jesus said regarding "The Days of Noah" as a prelude to His return.

    See: http://watchfortheday.org/4000.html
    See: http://watchfortheday.org/4000aa.html

    In summary, while the fall Feasts appealed to Paul (Jewish guy), it is not necessarily conclusive. Paul never speaks to the Feast Days explicitly and it is hard to determine what Trumpet day is best, as we have seen this year. Could the Last Trump refer to the Trumpet of God at some other determined time? It would certainly seem allowable.

    The most determining statement is Jesus referring to Noah and his sealing into the Ark(Matthew 24:37-39) on Heshvan/Cheshvan 10. So, putting the Moedim aside, there still are some interesting themes/connections related to 10/31:

    = Heshvan/Cheshvan 10 which is the first day mentioned and numbered in the Bible. It is when Noah was sealed into the Ark prior to the Flood.
    = 40 days from the Great Sign/Wonder of Rev 12:1-2 on 9/23
    = 70 days from the Great American Solar Eclipse on 8/21

    By focusing on Heshvan 10 as the day, it would mean the fall feasts are fulfilled in rapid sequence at the Second Coming at the end of the seven bad years. There is no unnatural break. They would be fulfilled by Christ in the same manner as the spring feasts. It is true the Feasts are the Lord’s but they were also given primarily to Israel. Though there are many parallels that can be found with them and this time, those themes and parallels can also fit the time of the Second Coming.

    Note: The 500th year of the Reformation will be officially observed on 10/31. However, 10/31/1517 was under the Julian Calendar and we have since operated under the Gregorian Calendar. In 1582, ten days were dropped under the Gregorian reform. 10/21 became 10/21. So, 10/31 became 11/10. So Martin Luther nailing his theses to All Saints Church was really 500 years ago this 11/10 by complete trips around the sun, but to him it was Halloween.

  18. Some timely and interesting events happening on a global scale (so many connections happening we don't hear about in the US news), all tied to events of Daniel and Revelation:

    10/25 Report from Israeli News Live: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YRG1O4pbG88

    I have held the position N. Korea is just a useful idiot for all these things to come to pass. The US is "playing" along in order to set things off (i.e., fulfilling Bible prophecy).

  19. Charlie, One thing that i've considered concerning Daniel's timeline is perhaps it is a more likely timeline for the predominantly Gentile church. Noah was not a Hebrew. It also coincides with the feasts if you believe the Barley Harvest was delayed. The most important thing for me, is all these timelines and theories Gary mentioned come at this from different angles, yet reach startlingly similar conclusions in their timeframes. Some come from Astronomy, Daniel comes from Noah, others come from Feast Days and others like Brenda Weltner are from sheer math. So very interesting and how perfectly perfect it would be if they all dovetail into a very tiny season right in front of us. Also, I absolutely agree with you NK is a - look over here, don't pay attention to what's happening over on the other side of the world/room - Blessings - Sherry

    1. Three points below RE: the Month of Cheshvan or Mar Cheshvan

      << This is others' scholarship, but I did some edits and am passing along >>

      Point #1: Our Gregorian 10/31 is Cheshvan 10 which is the very day Noah and family were sealed into the Ark prior to the flood/deluge (see Gen 7:10-11). The floods started (and ended, see Gen 8:14) on Cheshvan 17 but Noah N family were sealed in the Ark 7 days prior.

      Note: the flood was originally intended to begin on the 11th of Cheshvan. However, Methuselah passed away, and thus the flood was delayed in deference to the 7 day period of mourning that followed his death. See #5 below under Point #3 for further connection.

      Point #2: Parshat Vayeira (see Genesis 18:1–24) happens in the month of Cheshvan. See prior comments on Unsealed for why this is a unique day/time.

      Point #3: Some interesting things about Cheshvan

      (1) It is the only month of the Jewish year that has no special days, neither feast nor fast.

      (2) Because the Flood/Deluge started and ended in this month, Cheshvan is regarded as "Mar" or time for Judgement and Hardship -OR- Bitterness and Challenge. Mar has several Hebrew meanings: bitter, disappointing, title of respect.

      (3) Historically speaking, Cheshvan has been a time of year which has brought much suffering to the Jewish people (near modern example, the Germans began their Holocaust against the Jews during the month of Cheshvan, in early November of 1938).

      (4) Despite the month being associated with Judgement, Hardship, Bitterness and/or Challenge, Jewish tradition maintains the month will eventually lose its bitterness (i.e., mar). Jewish tradition also maintains this will be the month “reserved” for the time of Moshiach, who will inaugurate the Third Temple in the month of Cheshvan (hmmm, maybe it will NOT be the true Messiah Jesus, but the false Messiah who claims he is, but surely is NOT).

      (5) Lastly BUT pretty significant to this month, it seems unrelated at first glance, but this month remembers the death of Jacob's wife Rachel, as well as the birth of Benjamin (Cheshvan 11). It was precisely the same day as Methusaleh's death, the very day that flood had originally been slated to begin. As there are no coincidences in the Torah, we must ask: What is the connection between these two events, and what do they reveal about the essence of the month of Cheshvan?

      In thinking about what the matriarch Rachel and her son Benjamin stand for, respectively, we can see that Rachel represents the Jewish people in exile, and Benjamin represents the completed state of the Jewish people in the Land of Israel. Rachel spent her entire life outside of Israel, and passed away just as Jacob and his family entered the holy land. As our Sages tell us, her spirit accompanied the Jewish people as they went into Babylonian exile, and it is she who cries for her children in exile until the final redemption comes.

      In contrast, Benjamin is the last son of Jacob, the twelfth of the tribes, whose birth marks the completion of the people of Israel. He is also the only son of Jacob that is born in Israel, and thus represents the Jewish people's perfected state in the land of Israel. This is further underscored, as the Ramchal explains, by the fact that Saul, the first king of the Jewish people, came from the tribe of Benjamin. Furthermore, the miracle of Purim, which immediately preceded the return of the Jews to Israel and the building of the Second Temple, was brought about through the vehicle of Mordechai and Esther, who came from the tribe of Benjamin.

  20. Sorry. I regret commenting. I will not do so from now on. Peace to everyone.

  21. If ever in doubt about where our Father stands regarding "the left versus the right"...Ecclesiates 10:2 is as straight forward as it gets!

  22. Great article! Interesting points on Mohammed, definitely some antichrist similarities in what he's calling for, but I wouldn't believe he's the antichrist just yet. The Bible says he won't have a desire for women. Quick Google search led me to an article on this Mohammed guy, he offered Kanye West $10 million to spend a night with his wife last year.

    1. The Bible says that the AC will not regard “the desire of women", not that he won't desire women.

      "Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers, nor the desire of women, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all." (Daniel 11:37)

      "The desire of women" has a meaning in the Hebrew culture, it's the Messiah Himself. For Jewish women it meant an honor to give birth to the Messiah of Israel. The AC will not regard -should I say despise- the true Messiah of Israel: Jesus Christ.

    2. p.s.: I mean, the possibility of giving birth to the Messiah of Israel -which is a great honor- was the desire of the hearts of these Jewish women.

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Read the fox article. What a great laugh! Probably trying to call down 👇 the evil one! But that's my vho. GODs peace to all!



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