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Memo On FISA Snooping Drops, Dow Closes Down 666 Points

It's now official—the House Intelligence Committee memo on possible FBI snooping of the Trump transition team has been released and it reveals that the fake intelligence dossier paid for by Hillary Clinton's campaign was used to obtain FISA warrants.  This is major news and appears at first glance to be on par with the Watergate Scandal.

At the same time, and perhaps precipitated by the memo's release and what might be an ensuing constitutional crisis, the Dow Jones Industrial Average has closed down 665.75 points (666 points rounded).  Today's close is one of the biggest single-day crashes in history and makes this the worst week for the stock market in two years.
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  1. The opening statement( worst in History) and then(worst in two years) is a problem. Which one is correct you should correct this they both can't be correct.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. He said that it's one of the biggest SINGLE-DAY crashes in history and makes this the worst WEEK for the stock market in two years.

  2. Joe, go back and read it a bit slower this time: worst SINGLE DAY CRASH in History along with worst WEEK in past 2 years. Nothing to see here, please move along. BTW, Drudge top of page: "DOW -666" although 665.75 was the 'true' figure. Numbers add to '11', rebellion, chaos. Anyone hear anything on the 575? Maranatha?

    1. However, in fealty to facts: 10/13/2008 Close: 9387.61 Drop: 936.42 http://www.wsj.com/mdc/public/page/2_3024-djia_alltime.html

  3. More specifically, today, on the 6th day of the week, the Dow dropped 666 points, which is the 6th largest drop in history.

  4. I'll still stand by what I wrote. It was one of the biggest single day crashes in history. It was the worst week in two years. Those are both facts.

  5. Note that I didn't say it was the biggest single day crash.

  6. Gary....Your statement was clear as a bell to me..and correct.

  7. From Blood Moon Sept 28th 2015 to Revelation 12 sign = 726 = Strongs - rapture / harpatzo

    From Revelation 12 sign to super long Blood Moon July 27th 2018 = 307 days = Strongs 307 "I draw up" / anabibazo


    I believe, Lord, help us get ready. You are clearly pointing -

    Absolutely no possible way those blood moons with the Rev 12 sign with Strongs could point to the rapture twice without it being from God.

    Of course, the actual fulfillment will come on God's date, and we are not sure when that will be, but He is giving clear warning signals. WOW !

    Daniel 12:3

  8. Hi Gary, It is very rare when you will find me talking about politics here, but your stating recent events as being akin to, "an ensuing constitutional crisis" are, in my humble opinion, an understatement. The egregious abuse of power became very evident during the primary season of 2016 with the most memorable (for me) being the suppression of Bernie Sanders by the Democratic Party and Trump's request that "the Russians" conduct a cyber-attack upon the United States via the Clinton campaign, on LIVE TV, for the purposes of gaining information on her use of email while in office as Secretary of State.

    Our so called news is polluted with lies heaped upon lies. Fake porn? Fake news? BBC just ran a story on the building of a fake Obama to produce fake speeches using AI.


    By our sin we have been given the power to give rise to the beast. Satan is having a field day!

    May the LORD rebuke them as I am no longer a member of their petty little club.

    Pastor Rich

    "Put on then, as God's chosen ones, holy and beloved,
    compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness,
    and patience, bearing with one another and, if one
    has a complaint against another, forgiving each other;
    as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive.
    And above all these put on love, which binds everything
    together in perfect harmony. And let the peace of Christ
    rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in
    one body. And be thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell
    in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all
    wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs,
    with thankfulness in your hearts to God. And whatever
    you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the
    Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him."

    (Colossians 3:12-17 ESV)

  9. Well said, Pastor Rich. To me it's as in the days of Noah: "every intention of their hearts was only evil continually."

  10. Nunes pulled this same stunt last year. He concocted a memo with the help of the Whitehouse and then came to the Whitehouse and declared that he had discovered a scandal. When it was revealed that he wrote that memo with the help of the Whitehouse last year, he lost all credibility. Now the same trick. Hw wrote this 4 page memo without the help of anyone on the senate committee. He admitted he did not read the FISA application. Those that read it said that there were many sources for justifying a warrant on Carter Page. Page was brought to the FBI's attention as a collaborator with the Russians before he ever joined Trumps team. He spoke Russian fluently, he was a consultant to Gazprom, the Russian state utility. He lived in Russia for several years and was paid millions for his services. The only part of the Steele dossier used was the information about Carter Page. Many other sources were used including information from the Australian Government. Nunes cherry picked to cast maximum doubt on the FBIs objectivity. The other members of his senate investigation team were never given an opportunity to read his brief memo and they are crying foul. Trumps new appointee Chris Wray said the memo was misleading and contained factual errors. Rosentein, the Republican Deputy Director of the Justice department appointed by Trump said the memo was false. I have no respect for Nunes, he is up to his old political tricks again.

    1. yes and the ones doing the accusing are as pure as the driven snow huh. the fbi is rotten from the top down and in bad need of justice via a good dose of sunshine. the fbi lied to the fisa court judges to spy on a presidential candidate. this all leads back to clinton and obama.

    2. A wolf has appeared in the pasture! Attention everybody Attention!

  11. Everyone is so obsessed with the signs in the sky but how did they miss the one under their noses? It's plain as day Pence and that head with the wound representing the church have resurrected the Beast and more specifically the Antichrist? The false prophecy being that the temple had to be rebuilt before Jesus could come back. The sign of the virgin told you it was a human birth so why late you looking to the skies when the most amazing prophecy is literally happening now. He is the false messiah to Israel today and if you doubt Pence's view, just read his speech in Israel

    1. Let's all stick together. Opinions are designed to divide us. We all have opinions but we cannot allow them to separate God's people. Right or wrong we know the promises the lord has made will be kept. Hold fast to what we know and rejoice TOGETHER in what we are so privileged to know. As Christian's we need not put our opinions above those of others. God Bless everyone and thank the Lord for each day that we have to help others. Forecasts and opinions come from flesh and the promises are from the most righteous! Rejoice together and be thankful for the understanding he has given us. Get the word out and try to be patient. Love and patience will overcome all

    2. Another Wolf in the pasture Alert alert!!

  12. The Church may have been duped into an unholy marriage to the Antichrist but we aren't mistaken on His love. The foundation may slip away if you have been solely relying on the blood of Jesus. That treasure of the HS is your only foundation now and it's a guarantee. The rest will work out later. Trust is more precious than efforts. In the hell bent effort to usher in the King the palm leaves we laid are being walked over by Trump. Just hang on and connect to that Love however you have been doing all along. Church needs to get cleaned up.

  13. On a side note, I understand now why the little scroll that he ate was bitter in the stomach, but sweet to the tongue. Cleverly written that way because when you first hear and understand the prophecy, it makes you ill. But later is when it sweetens. Even though the church made the same mistake and no one is guiltless, he isn't coming to condemn I think his heart is to save, not point fingers. I don't think it was about sins as much as Egos so if we're willing to admit we veered seriously off course then I'm sure He can work with that. In other words, the saving part Jesus said he was going to do was not a package take it or leave it deal. You still had to do what he said and it was all pretty simple at first. So shit gotta get straightened out and I'm guessing that's why all the secrets are coming out. You're already being judged.

    1. @Jerry, thank you for the trigger to watch the Vice-President speak before the Knesset, I'm watching it now but please, regarding the above post...please measure your words. *language*

      Pastor Rich

  14. Ok. I forget the crowd I'm addressing. I wanted to edit but couldn't.

    1. Yeah, editing is not an option here. We usually "Delete" the posting and try again when things don't come out right.

      I've been working my way through the Pence speech to the Knesset. An interesting "mesheshge" (message) to quote the VP. I still have a way to go though and limited time on Sunday to do so (if you catch my drift).


  15. My problem is I'm posting under extreme duress. I could get suspended if they catch me on the phone at work... but if I can help pop the seals off this book I suppose they might believe my excuse if they catch me. :)

    1. Well buddy, don't get yourself in trouble for posting here. This space is available 24-hours a day so we'll be here G-d willing. Chime in any time when you can and don't be afraid to ask questions too. We just don't want you to get in trouble at work for doing it. :)


  16. Hi Gary. Sadly, since 1913 (and probably before) our government has been slowly chipping away at our constitution and it takes more prominent events to shake people up a little. Fake news, fake intelligence, outright lies and all the rest of it, all happening exactly as God told us it would. I listened to a Pastor last night whom I very much respect connecting current events (past 2 years) with end times Prophecy. Staggering how precise The Bible is. Praise God for showing us the way and giving us the will to keep fighting while we await His return.

  17. The day after Trump publicly stated that he was the greatest president in History (According to Orrin Hatch which he agreed with), even greater than George Washington and Abraham Lincoln, the dow dropped 666. God's opinion on Trump.

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