God and His Fig Tree
There is a famous quote, or better yet, a prophecy, attributed to Isaac Newton that is coming true in our own day:
About the times of the End, a body of men will be raised up who will turn their attention to the prophecies, and insist upon their literal interpretation, in the midst of much clamor and opposition" (source).
Given that various forms of "replacement theology" have been assumed by an overwhelming majority within the body of Christ throughout the Church Age, it is all-the-more astounding that men like J.C. Ryle (19th century) and Lewis Sperry Chafer (20th century) trumpeted and forecast the literal, future fulfillment of certain prophecies regarding Israel's return to the land of promise.
Amidst much clamor and opposition, these men and others from their tribe exhibited great boldness and unyielding resolve to place that kind of trust in the plain sense of God's word. Thus, Newton's prophetic statement about a renewed focus on a literal interpretation of prophecy didn't take too long to come true.
And now that we find ourselves in the year of Israel's 70th anniversary (2018), has the clamor and opposition abated? By no means. The Satanic hatred of Israel and the mere thought of her existence in the promised real-estate of the Abrahamic covenant is still producing ulcers for Catholics, Protestants, and Muslims alike.
Yeah, come to think of it, that's a fitting slogan for a bumper sticker:
Speaking of Israel's future in Bible prophecy, there's a well-known passage that's been on my mind as we near the date of Israel's 70th anniversary; namely, Jesus' parable of the fig tree:
Now learn this parable from the fig tree: As soon as its branch becomes tender and sprouts leaves, you know that summer is near. In the same way, when you see all these things [the aforementioned events inside the seven-year Tribulation period], recognize that He is near—at the door! I assure you: This generation will certainly not pass away until all these things take place" (Matt. 24:32-34, HCSB, bracketed explanation and emphasis mine).
Talk about a prophetic piece of Scripture that has been under assault from within our own ranks. Sheesh. Does it only apply to AD 70 except the part about Christ's return? Is the Church in view at all in the Olivet Discourse? Alas, can we in the body of Christ finally agree to acknowledge partial, multiple, or progressive, fulfillments of prophecy especially as it relates to ancient and future Israel?
Sadly, it appears that some are still going to pay mere lip-service to a future for Israel, and others will continue to twist the Scriptures and incorrectly (or not even attempt to) discern the distinctions between Israel and the Church in God's prophetic program.
Not to worry, though! God means what He says, and make no mistake about it: The nation currently "occupying" the land of promise is prophetically significant and absolutely central to the unfolding of the Tribulation events that are nigh upon us.
In this article we will: (1) Briefly survey key OT passages that link Israel as being YHWH's fig tree; (2) Look at a pivotal account in Mark's gospel: Jesus cursing the fig tree; (3) Sort out the confusion in the Olivet Discourse and get our ecclesiology straight.
—All this to bolster the main purpose of this post, which I will preview here: The current generation of Israel, sprouting forth since 1948, will not be uprooted as it was in AD 70. Though the nation will be severely beaten and ravaged during the course of the seven-year Tribulation, Israel will remain planted and sprout forth like never before when Messiah's reign from Jerusalem begins. When Messiah comes again to inspect the fig tree, it will be the appointed "season for figs," and He will finally find fruit among God's beloved nation (albeit a purged remnant of a once burgeoning people).
Ok, let's get to it. Before we begin, is it just me or does anyone else have a craving for some Fig Newtons right about now?
Israel as YHWH's Fig Tree in the Old Testament
Over the years I've compiled a running list of OT passages that unequivocally solidifies the link between the nation Israel and the "fig tree" symbolism found in the Gospels. In the major eschatological "fig tree parable" especially, a careful comparison of Jesus' words recorded in all three synoptic authors (Matthew, Mark, and Luke) reveals an intricate fig tree/Israel connection that has its root in the OT.
For example: Luke 21:29, "...Look at the fig tree, and all the trees..." Luke's emphasis "and all the trees" indicates unmistakably that we are dealing with not only Israel, but also her historical neighbors—nations like present-day Lebanon, Egypt, and Jordan ("trees" often represent people and nations in the OT; e.g. Ezek. 31:3-9; 16-17; Dan. 4:20). Additionally, all three accounts of the fig tree parable have Jesus saying, in the same breath, "the fig tree" and defining the metaphor in the very next verse as "this generation" (i.e. physical descendants of Jacob situated in the Land of Israel at the end of this age; c.f. Matt. 24:3; Mk. 13:26-27; Lk. 21:24).
Note! The historical events of AD 70 do not completely fulfill the fig tree parable/prophecy: It was not the end of the age (Matt. 24:3); Jesus did not come visibly in power and glory (Mk. 13:26-27); and the times of the Gentiles was not fulfilled either (Lk. 21:24). This means: In order for Jesus' words to be coherent and true, the fig tree parable has to apply to another generation other than the one uprooted in the 1st century. Oh, wait. There's a generation in the Land right now...
When we look carefully at the rich root of the fig tree/Israel relationship, we find that multiple OT prophets are unanimous in their testimony to this truth:
1. Hillary has already highlighted Amos 8:1-2 in her post, "Messiah's Lament." The prophet Amos, well-acquainted with all things fig (cf. Amos 7:14), is shown a basket of "summer fruit" in a vision:
He said, 'What do you see, Amos?' And I said, 'A basket of summer fruit.' Then the LORD said to me, 'The end has come for My people Israel. I will spare them no longer" (Amos 8:2, NASB, emphasis mine).
Recall the words of Messiah, the fruit inspector, "...as soon as its branch becomes tender and sprouts leaves, you know that summer is near..." The basket of gathered fruit depicts the saved remnant of "ripe figs" at the time of God's judgment, when "the end has come" and the people's sin has reached full measure (cf. Gen. 15:16; Rom. 2:5).
Bonus: See Song of Songs 2:10-14 for the prefiguring of the Resurrection and Rapture of the Bride of Christ. When the fig tree is blooming, the Rapture is looming! Thanks, Hillary!
2. Here's Micah 7:1-2; another "summer fruit" and ripe fig connection + possible Rapture typology:
Woe is me! For I have become like one who, after the summer fruit has been gathered, after the vintage has been gleaned, finds no cluster to eat; there is no first-ripe fig for which I hunger. The faithful have disappeared from the land, and there is no one left who is upright..." (NRSV, emphasis mine).
3. Joel 1:7 explicitly links Israel as God's fig tree:
For a nation has come up against My land...He has laid waste My vine, and ruined My fig tree..." (Joel 1:6-7, NKJV, emphasis mine).
4. Hosea 9:10-17 also affirms the relationship between the LORD and His fig tree, Israel:
Like grapes in the wilderness, I found Israel. Like the first fruit on the fig tree in its first season, I saw your fathers..." (Hosea 9:10, ESV, emphasis mine).
Last fall, I remember somebody had referenced Hosea 9:11-12 as a candidate for another cryptic Rapture passage in the OT prophets (was that you, Annabel?):
Ephraim's glory will fly away like a bird: no birth, no gestation, no conception. Even if they raise children, I will bereave them of each one. Yes, woe to them when I depart from them!" (HCSB, emphasis mine).
What, or who, is Ephraim's glory? Yahweh, of course, and this is made clear in verse 12 as Yahweh's departure is parallel to His glory flying away like a bird. Now cross reference this passage with Hosea 5:15:
I will depart and return to My place until they recognize their guilt and seek My face; they will search for Me in their distress [Tribulation/Time of Jacob's Trouble]" (HCSB, bracketed explanation and emphasis mine).
How about that? This isn't only a prophecy about Jesus' departure back to the Father after His death and resurrection. There is another departure coming, namely, that of the Church. The body of Christ is Yahweh's current temple on earth and filled with His indwelled glory. See also my previous post "The Hanukkah Harbinger" for further echoes of this departure-then-judgment pattern.
5. Jeremiah 24 is reminiscent of the "summer fruit" vision given to Amos and establishes a clear relationship between "good figs" and a holy remnant of God's people. This passage is also an excellent transition into Mark's account of Jesus cursing the fig tree covered in the next section:
Thus says the LORD God of Israel, 'Like these good figs, so I will regard as good the captives of Judah, whom I have sent out of this place into the land of the Chaldeans. For I will set My eyes on them for good, and I will bring them again to this land; and I will build them up and not overthrow them, and I will plant them and not pluck them up. I will give them a heart to know Me, for I am the LORD; and they will be My people, and I will be their God, for they will return to Me with their whole heart" (Jer. 24:5-7, NASB, emphasis mine).
This promise has not been completely fulfilled and won't be until the end of the Tribulation. Even though the exiles returned during the days of Cyrus, the circumcision of the heart via the New Covenant awaits a future day for the remnant of Israel (cf. Deut. 30:1-10; Isa. 59:20-21; Ezek. 36:24-28; Rom. 11:25-27).
A Fruitless Generation Sandwiched By Two Fig Tree Accounts
All three synoptic gospels mention the eschatological "parable of the fig tree" but arrange it differently in order to suit their own purposes. Mark makes a bold statement all his own by "sandwiching" the well-known episode where Jesus cleanses the temple complex in between two accounts about a cursed fig tree (Mk. 11:12-25). Thus, Mark's passage serves to strengthen the OT link between the fig tree and the nation of Israel.
Take the time to read through Mark 11:12-25. I'll point out just a couple of salient points about this passage and focus on one verse in particular.
First of all, there is a profound lesson for all of us concerning outward religiosity vs. inward life-giving faith. On the way to Jerusalem walking from Bethany (lit. "house of figs"), Jesus, who is famished at this point, spots a promising fig tree "with leaves" (Mk. 11:12-13). However, the Lord is sorely disappointed when he finds no fruit on this fig tree, and He pronounces a curse on it (Mk. 11:14). The curse is severe, indeed, and that tree is later found to be "withered from the roots up" (Mk. 11:20).
In Mark 11:11 Jesus had been "looking around at everything" in the temple complex, and this is immediately followed by His inspection of the fig tree. Even worse than finding no physical fruit on the fig tree was seeing no spiritual fruit from the only nation on earth who had a relationship with the one true God. Consequently, the temple in Jerusalem that was supposed to be "a house of prayer for all nations" had become a "den of thieves" instead (Mk. 11:17). Thus, the dysfunctional fig tree is linked with a dysfunctional Israel.
Now someone might ask: What did that poor tree ever do to Jesus to deserve a curse like that, especially since it was not the season for figs (Mk. 11:13)?
Ha! That's the kind of thinking that led British philosopher, Bertrand Russell, to conclude:
This is a very curious story, because it was not the right time of year for figs, and you really could not blame the tree. I cannot myself feel that either in the matter of wisdom or in the matter of virtue Christ stands quite as high as some other people known to history. I think I should put Buddha and Socrates above Him in those respects" ("Why I Am Not a Christian," pg. 19, from a lecture delivered on March 6, 1927, to the National Secular Society, South London Branch).
How sad. For someone so educated and praised by men, he totally misses the point of the passage. 1 Corinthians 1:19-20 immediately comes to mind. And apparently, Russell isn't the only one who has stumbled over this text as James Brooks, author of the New American Commentary on Mark, writes:
Few accounts in the Gospels are more difficult than the cursing of the fig tree...[t]he incident seems out of character with all else that is known about Jesus...[s]ome have seen in the act a fit of anger. Furthermore, it seems utterly irrational to expect figs when they are out of season" (pg. 181, emphasis mine).
Ok, this is a good time to have a little heart-to-heart. I'm all for apologetics, commentaries, and other writings that endeavor to find logical answers to alleged contradictions and confusing passages in the Bible. However, at some point, we have to acknowledge that the Bible is a prophetic book by nature, and texts like Mark 11:13 are God-breathed and profitable only to those who have "ears to hear" (cf. Mk. 4:9-12).
Upon closer inspection, Mark is doing more here than providing a rational explanation for why a physical fig tree had a good showing of leaves but no fruit. There are deep spiritual truths to be gleaned in this text, and the fig-leaf theme goes all the way back to the Garden of Eden, "Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they knew they were naked; so they sewed fig leaves together and made loincloths for themselves" (Gen. 3:7, HCSB).
This is deep! Just as YHWH's first representatives on earth, Adam and Eve, failed in their mission and manufactured a fig-leaf covering, so also Israel, at Christ's first coming, was found with a vain covering of "fig leaves" with no fruit to show for it. As a result of God's judgment, both Adam and Israel were forced to wait before their full and final salvation. Also, in both instances, God is the one who provided the sacrifice to sufficiently cover their nakedness and shame.
Thankfully, deep spiritual truths are not lost on all scholars. Dwight Pentecost gets it:
In this incident, then, we find Christ pronouncing judgment on that generation which John had exhorted, 'Produce fruit in keeping with repentance' (Matt. 3:8). Like the leafy tree, they had given external evidence of being fruitful but on examination they were seen to be barren and fruitless. Therefore judgement had to come on that generation" (The Words & Works of Jesus Christ, pg. 378).
After ruminating on Mark 11:13 for a while, I am convinced there is something else going on beneath the surface of things. What if Mark included this peculiar statement to encourage believers by affirming God's irrevocable and unconditional covenant promises? I see it as another way of communicating that all hope is not lost for the nation of Israel given the severity of Christ's pronouncement, "May no one ever eat fruit from you again!" (Mk. 11:14).
The curse upon that generation troubled the disciples enough to warrant an encouraging word from Jesus about putting their faith in God and not in the temple (Mk. 11:20-25; cf. Mk. 13:1-4). When Mark says, "...because it was not the season for figs," another way to translate "season" is "appointed time" [Grk. kairos]. Given that ripe figs are a well-noted image of the holy remnant of God's people at the time of His judgment (recall OT passages cited in the previous section), could this be a hint that the full number of Israel (Paul's "all Israel" of Rom. 11:26) would have to wait for an appointed time in the future?
This interpretation is certainly in keeping with the rest of Scripture, and I believe Mark is giving us another subtle "wink and a nod" in 11:13 to the tune of a future for Israel in God's prophetic plan. Consider the nation right now that captivates the world. They are planted back in the Land, firmly rooted, and have grown up since 1948. Don't look now but the leaves are starting to show! It's almost time for the final figs to ripen and be gathered up by the Inspector.
...and if you see Israel's leaves starting to show, then how much closer is the departure of the Church?
It's All About the Fig Tree on the Mount of Olives (Jesus' Olivet Discourse)
Before I go on and lest anyone accuse me of being naive about the current state of Israel, let's just address this up front: The Israel of today's headlines is more than a manufactured geopolitical entity of the modern era created by human willpower alone. Yes, there are nefarious powers-that-be that seek their own wicked self-interests (the Rothschilds, the Masons, and anyone else who buys into the Luciferian lie), and it is certainly a factor that Satan wishes to gather the Jews into one location in order to destroy them more easily.
However, to argue against the LORD's involvement in the formation of Israel in the 20th century is an exercise in futility. So many others have shown the astronomical and numerical connections that all affirm God's sovereign hand in the countdown from 1897 to 2017 (120, 100, 70, 50-year counts respectively. Shout out to watchfortheday.org, dailycrow.com, and many others; also, please see Gary's post "Learn the Parable of the Fig Tree").
One last point: Does the LORD not work all things together for the ultimate good of His chosen people? Even the evil acts that are involved in this process? (Gen. 50:20; Rom. 8:28).
Moving on now to Matthew 24. In my experience I have seen that there is literally no end to the amount of fanciful interpretations if we do not rightly discern texts that deal with a future Israel and that of the Church. The Olivet Discourse seems to be ground zero when it comes to creative, yet erroneous blending of certain passages with other books of the Bible. All too often, I see more of the same: People are seriously missing the forest for the trees!
For starters, before you begin deriving an interpretation of the Olivet Discourse, one thing should be clear based on Jesus' parable in Matt. 24:32-35...it's all about the fig tree! And as we have seen above, there can be no mistake that Jesus is referencing a future generation of Israel [physical descendants of Jacob] who will endure the Tribulation events described in 24:4-31. Where is the Church? Answer: The body of Christ is nowhere to be found...not even between the lines as you read through 24:4-31.
For those who are new to this business of interpreting end-times texts, please make sure that you are reading or listening to someone who is well-acquainted with the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament) and not just assuming the Church is going to be here to witness "the abomination of desolation."
One reason for the added caution before you accidentally read yourself into the text: English versions, cross references, can sometimes mislead by their wording, often unintentionally. For example, here's a common translation of Matthew 24:30-31:
Then will appear the sign of the Son of Man in heaven. And then all the peoples of the earth will mourn when they see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven, with power and great glory. And he will send his angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather his elect from the four winds, from one end of the heavens to the other" (NIV).
Ok, so Jesus doesn't introduce anything shockingly new here that isn't clearly described in the Old Testament. Moreover, His words are thoroughly Israel-centric and a couple of phrases more literally translated will help to clear up some of the confusion:
(1) The commonly paraphrased line "...all the peoples of the earth will mourn..." in the Greek is literally written, "all the tribes of the land will mourn." This is a direct reference to a prophecy from Zechariah 12:10-14. Do you see any Gentiles mentioned in this OT passage?
(2) The angels gather up the elect at the end of the Tribulation at the sound of a "loud trumpet." The Greek word is mega, which is more often translated as "great." This "great trumpet" gathering is a direct reference to Isaiah 27:12-13 and Deuteronomy 30:3-4. Again, do you see any Gentiles mentioned in these OT passages?
The cross reference to Matt. 24:31 in my Bible, and most likely yours as well, is regrettably 1 Cor. 15:52. This is misleading because the trumpet calls are not the same. Paul reveals, for the first time, a "mystery" in 1 Cor. 15:51-52 concerning the Church, while Jesus is merely repeating clear Old Testament prophecy regarding the ethnic remnant of Israel alive at the end of the age (Matt. 24:3).
I could spend a lot of time camping out in Matthew 24-25, but there is one last thing I want to mention. When Jesus says, "You will hear of wars and rumors of wars...these things must take place but the end is not yet" (24:6). The phrase "the end" is not the beginning of end, but rather the termination of the entire Tribulation period. About the ethnic and national conflicts, famines, earthquakes in diverse places, Jesus says, "All these events are the beginning of birth pains" (24:8). Therefore, at this point, Jacob's trouble has only begun—the woman has gone into labor, but it's going to take a while before the remnant of Israel is fully delivered (Matt. 24:13; cf. Isa. 66:7-8; Mic. 5:3; 1 Thess. 5:3; Rev. 12:1-2).
Conclusion: Israel is the "Fig" in Jesus' Figure of Speech
All right then. Let's recap:
(1) In the first section, I highlighted several OT passages which confirm the link between "the fig tree" and God's nation, Israel. Israel as a whole is depicted as YHWH's fig tree and the holy remnant as "ripe figs."
(2) The second section dove into Mark 11:12-25, where Jesus curses the generation that rejected Him. Furthermore, the cursing of the fig tree account "sandwiches" the cleansing of the temple complex and cements the Israel/fig tree connection. Mark's curious comment about it not being the season for figs provides a glimmer of hope for God's beloved nation. Another generation down the road will produce the desired "figs" when the Inspector comes again.
(3) Finally, in the third section, parts of Matthew's Olivet Discourse were examined and shown to be thoroughly Israel-centric. The parable/prophecy of the fig tree is central to this crucial end-times passage and should help those in the Church not to insert themselves into the Tribulation...because the events described in Matt. 24:4-31 concern the final fig tree generation (note: the Trib-saints will have to listen to the Jews who are preaching the cross of Christ and His coming kingdom when it all goes down).
Remember, this year Israel will be celebrating its 70th anniversary in May, and Psalm 90:10 defines the biblical limits of a generation. This puts the spotlight on the nearness of the coming Tribulation events foretold by Jesus in Matthew 24.
The LORD has allowed the current nation-state of Israel to take root, grow up, and flourish (put forth "leaves") in order to fulfill key end-time prophecies and lead us to this critical hour. Most importantly, God has allowed things to progress up to this point when the leaders of Israel will soon agree to a covenant that will be their ultimate undoing (Isa. 28:14-22; Daniel 9:27; 1 Thess. 5:3).
A temple will be rebuilt and sacrifices reinstated, and so history will repeat: Israelites who put their faith in the temple will perish; conversely, the "ripe figs" who listen to the two witnesses and put their faith in Jesus will be saved.
This is it folks. The current generation of Israel alive right now in the Land of promise will not be uprooted again as it was in AD 70. Sure, the nation will be severely ravaged during the coming Tribulation, but Isaiah makes it clear that a purged remnant will "remain in the land," because "...like the terebinth or the oak, which leaves a stump when felled, the holy seed is the stump" (Isa. 6:13, HCSB, emphasis mine).
The nation will not look as robust as she does at the present time. Nevertheless, a stump is a stump, and it still has its roots in the ground. For other Scriptures that affirm this truth about Israel not being uprooted from the Land anymore, see Joel 2:32; Zech. 12:6-7; 13:8-9; 14:2.
Look now at the fig tree and learn this: The time is ripe and we are going home soon, soon, soon!
Love this! Amen!!
ReplyDeleteThanks, BC!
DeleteSalient observation about "tribes" in Matt. 24:30. I hadn't noticed that before. In keeping with the bulk of the usage of that word in the NT, you would certainly think Jesus would have used ethnos and not phule had He intended the meaning "all PEOPLES/NATIONS of the EARTH."
ReplyDeleteNot 100% of the time, but generally speaking:
DeletePhule: tribe or tribes in Israel
Ethnos: Gentiles
Amen. Jesus isn't speaking in a vacuum. The OT references of Deut. 30 and Isaiah 27 are critical to the translation and understanding of the Greek in Matt. 24:30.
DeleteDear brethren, please consider the "lost tribes of ISRAEL" and who / where they are right now:
Much love! MARANATHA
Jeff, this is such a wonderful study and so timely. One thing, among many, which really stood out to me today was the cursing of the fig tree. I had always seen this as a "final" action and the tree was dead and thus I had difficulty reconciling it with Israel. But, it was not, it was "withered from the roots up" - it doesn't say the roots are dead - it is a stump. That's why it is a perfect parallel to Israel. Anyone looking at Israel in the 1500 years prior to 1948 would have said the stump, too, would not return. But, now we know absolutely that is incorrect. We are seeing leaves - we won't see the ripened fruit on this earth, but from another viewpoint. Thank you, Jeff. Wonderful study as always. Blessings - Sherry
ReplyDeleteThank you, Sherry!
DeleteAlso look at Romans 11, verse 24 We the gentiles, not the natural branches, were grafted in by faith. Israel, the natural branches shall be grafted back in, and verse 26, thus all Israel will be saved, at the Lords return.
DeleteSo thankful for this site. Very encouraging. I am wondering, is there a chance that the Lord will wait till till the 80th anniversary. Just thinking about the part of the verse in psalms that says the generation of a man is 70 yrs or 80 by strength.
Delete10 - The days of our years are threescore years and ten; and if by reason of strength they be fourscore years, yet is their strength labour and sorrow; for it is soon cut off, and we fly away.
These are the beginnings of sorrows... Soon cut off.... We fly away...
Looking over the rest of Psalm 90, we find it is a prayer of Moses, and in it's discourse seems to describe the entire history of mankind. Mentions of the flood and plan of salvation...
Yes, I'd just to defer to God on that one. I'm heavily leaning towards 70, but God is well within His rights if He goes with 80 (:
DeleteUnknown, great question, especially as we all sit on the edge of chairs. Actually, John from Watchman for that Great Day YTC, posted on this very topic and events that preceded the Decree of 1947 by 10 years which could be seen as fulfilling the 'if by strength' 10-year portion of the generation involved here. Give a watch and see for yourself, Maranatha! " 70 OR "By Reason of Strength" 80" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fzeladUj8x0
DeleteIn Revelation it describes the Church of Philadelphia (which I believe describes those who will be raptured) as having little strength. I’ve always wondered if it could tie back to Psalm 90. If we have little strength, maybe it will be the 70 year mark? Any thoughts?
DeleteUknown, I think at this point all of us has wondered about the 80 years if by strength. But IMHO I just don't see how we can last another 10 years due to the evil, sin etc. And we all know GOD can do as he well pleases and that it is ultimately his timing. But, as bro JD FARAG mentions in his weekly updates this scenario were in right ( ME , Israel ) now has a self life that surely won't last another 10 years.
DeleteAs mentioned in the previous post PLEASE keep the situation in South Africa in our daily prayers just pray that as many as possible can leave and what can't will be divinely protected.
As always great article Jeff.
@Sky, that's an interesting observation.
DeleteIt is unlikely to be 80 years as the Revelation 12 sign would have been forgotten. It makes more sense to erect a sign nearer to the exit than further, hope this is true but ultimately God will make the final call.
DeleteI have one answer to your question from a video I viewed today. He said, "A generation is 70 years but if you live longer, it's labour and sorrow. That's the Great Tribulation! If you miss the rapture it will be a time of sorrow for you." You'll be greatly blessed to watch his video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NGpdGU4tXz0
Delete@Fred, I think you're spot on.
DeleteJesus said this generation wouldn't pass away until ALL these things are fulfilled. That would necessarily include the Great Trib, which, as Jeff has shown many times, is the labor spoken of in the Olivet Discourse.
That would mean that 2028 could be an upper limit of sorts, not just for the rapture, but for the entire Trib as well, meaning a rapture within the next 3 years.
Just an observation here... 3 years before Israel became a nation World War II ended, where the Jewish people labored terribly after being freed from the labor camps. Israel becomes a nation in 1948, and here we are 70 years later... leaving 7 more years to labor after the church is gone... just a thought...
DeleteWW 2 lasted 6 years and 1 day ending 2nd September 1945. Israel became a nation 14th May 1948; 985 days or 2 years, 8 months and 12 days after the war. It's a bit short of 3 years.
DeleteFyi... The last concentration camp was liberated in Germany in January 1945, Germany officially surrendered on May 7, 1945 (Hmmm interesting date). The last 4 months of the war was sent almost exclusively fighting against the Japanese, who finally surrendered after the US dropped two atomic bombs in August 1945. Yes Japan officially surrendered on September 2, 1945, but they were not part of the Jewish Labor.
DeleteMost excellent, Jeff! Thank you. Very frustrating when people think the Church is being discussed in Matt 24-25.
ReplyDeleteGreg Lauer has some great articles that further explain those 2 chapters of Matthew:
The Valley of Decision
Church Colored Glasses
Thank you mksmith. Amen, Greg is the Internet's best-kept secret...and the secret's out!
DeleteOk, this is gold, and I just had to re-post this here. From Greg Lauer's "Church-Colored Glasses":
Delete"It is important to realize that this issue of reading the Church into the Olivet Discourse in Matthew 24–25 is by no means an arcane theological argument where Christians can simply agree to disagree and head to Denny's. It's not quite that simple—it has consequences. In many ways, it whistles the doctrinal tune you dance to."
Amen, and amen. Thanks again mksmith for posting those links. And thank you, Greg, for being a solid expositor and thinking these things through.
To God be the glory, Jeff. Amen
Deletemksmith - I think we need to be careful to categorically deny the possibility of the Churches inclusion in Matt 24. Do we exclude everything in the bible from prior to the book of Acts as being of relevance to the Church, simply because the Church was not 'present' at the time? I don't think so. Do we ignore everything that Christ said to Nicodemus in John 3, simply due to the Church not existing at the time, and Nicodemus being a Jew (and thus Christ answering in a context only relevant to the Jews)? No, of course not.
DeleteI think Greg even answered one of his own questions about the Church only coming about as a result of Israels rejection in the messiah, and that was 'he knew from the beginning that Israel would reject him', then could it not also be so that Christ knew that the very disciples whom he was explaining the purpose of Matt 24 to, would one day become the very Church that we are part and parcel of today? And in knowing that, could Jesus be inferring some of the expectations of his words to the disciples that day on the future Church that they would become pillars of??? Most certainly so. So to adamantly and completely include or exclude the Church in Christ's words in Matt 24 is concerning.
AMEN!!!! Thank you again for being such a blessing, Jeff.
ReplyDeleteThank you for blessing me, Dwynne!
DeleteYour study is a blessing!!
ReplyDeleteI also have a question on below article, looks very concerning and wondering your collective thoughts on the matter:
This comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteInteresting you mention that. I noticed that earlier and it immediately reminded me of a 90s movie called Megiddo in which the antichrist rises to power using that exact technology (he uses it to oust the U.S. president):
Delete[youtube width="100%" height="400" src="SQxq7cmeiq8"/]
This is the seeding of 'plausible deniability' on the part of TPTB prior to the imminent release of various damning videos of very high-level folk performing very low-life acts. Oh, those are doctored videos using new tech which you cannot tell is fake, donchaknow. Nothing in those disgusting videos can be truly assigned to anyone. In fact, the alt right probably made them out of whole cloth, please move along, nothing t see here. Maranatha!
DeleteThis is scary stuff. Wow, Gary, that movie Megiddo: The Omega Code 2 was released right before 9/11/2001.
DeleteThoroughly enjoyed this, dear brother. Maranatha!
ReplyDeleteThank you, Trudi!
DeleteAnother outstanding piece. Really loved your connection to the fig leaves of Adam & Eve. The gospel is right here in breathtaking display: man sinned and tried to atone for his sin by his own works. God, however, made them coverings of skin, which involves the shedding of blood.
ReplyDeleteGoing to read this again to digest all of the goodness. Great job!
Amen, sister! Thank you! Your gleanings on a few of these "fig" passages helped me to connect some dots.
DeleteFascinating that God could have zapped together appropriate clothes from figs...but instead of making something from grass, or just zapping together covering...which He will do when we are raptured, instead, and for His redemptive purpose, He want to the animal kingdom, temporarily, the shedding of blood, to provide clothing for fallen, now dying, mortal man. Glory to God. Glory in His Wisdom.
ReplyDeleteAmen, Dennis. Glory to God. He is in the beginning and end of the Book and the Author of everything in between, which includes our role in the grand outworking of His plan (Ps. 139:16)!
DeleteSuch profound truths. Brings tears to my eyes! Maranatha!
DeleteJeff, this might be my favorite article to date because of how much information is here and how much it ties it all together. I had to pause when you said that Matthew 24 is only talking about Israel and that the church is gone, because of my earlier study of verse 28. (see my post in your Zephaniah article). I really feel that verse is a hint about the rapture as well as having other meanings too. And it definitely seems to be a reference to Job 39:27-30.
ReplyDeleteDo you think it is wrong to interpret Matthew 24:28 as alluding to the rapture even though Matthew 24 is talking about Israel?
Thank you for the encouraging words, Miguel!
DeleteYou've also given me pause, and I see what you're saying about Matthew 24:28 and Lk. 17:37.
Here's my take on what's going on in Matt. 24:28 and Lk. 17:37:
Considering context first in Matt. 24:28 and Lk. 17:37, we know that Jesus is speaking of judgment--specifically, final judgment. I am in total agreement that there is some tie-in from Job 39:27-30. In fact, the same Greek word "aetos" is used in 39:27 as in the two gospel accounts.
However, I think we should probably focus on verses 29-30, rather than 27-28, because the focus of Jesus' statement in the two gospels is judgment. Or, better yet, the eagles come down from on high and gather to the feast of judgment below.
Take a look at Proverbs 30:17 too. This is another example where "aetos" is found and the context is wrath/judgment. This is a graphic way to depict the severity of the wrath of God against the ungodly.
Also, in the past whenever I have wrangled with Matt. 24:28 and Lk. 17:37, I have always had a hunch that Jesus was possibly alluding to the great supper of the birds from Ezekiel's vision (Ezek. 39:4, 17-20). See also Rev. 19:17-18.
The place of judgment then is where all the dead bodies lay: Those who have been crushed underfoot by Messiah himself (Isa. 63:1-6; Ps. 2:8-9) at Armageddon (Rev. 16:16).
I have such a hard time seeing how Matthew 24 is for Israel only. While I enjoyed reading about all the connections you listed from the OT & NT in regards to the fig tree (and I understand the fig tree is a reference to Israel), I don't think that just because Jesus is telling us the signs to watch out for that OCCUR in ISRAEL, means that all the events Jesus speaks of are going to happen just to Israel. Who is learning the lesson of the fig tree? Aren't we (the Christians) the ones who are really watching at this time? Isn't Jesus then speaking to us in Matthew 24? If he is speaking to us and we are following what he say, then I don't see how one can just decide what verses are for the church and what verses are for Israel.
DeleteYou said the body of Christ is no where to be found between Matthew 24: 4-31, but I disagree and here are a few reasons why:
1) Mathew 24:9 Jesus says "you will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death and and you will be hated by all nations because of ME." This is early on in the tribution yet people are willing to be put to death because of Jesus' name. Why are Jewish people (especially this early on) willing to die for Jesus? If you say that this is the Tribulation Saints, then again...is Matthew 24 just for Israel?
2) Matthew 24:15 In this verse Jesus references Daniel. Daniel 12:1-3 reads, "There will be a time of distress such as has NOT HAPPENED FROM THE BEGINNING OF TIME UNTIL THEN. But AT THAT TIME your people - EVERYONE that shall be found written in the book - will be delivered. Multitudes who sleep in the dust of the earth will awake..." I am sure we both agree this is the resurrection. Since we know the resurrection and the rapture occur one right after another, notice how the wording from Daniel 12:1 is almost the EXACT same as the wording Jesus uses in Matthew 24:21, "For then there will be great distress, UNEQUALED FROM THE BEGINNING OF THE WORLD UNTIL NOW - and NEVER to be equaled again." Can there really be more than one time of great distress that's never happened in history that occurs just prior to the resurrection? Also note that Daniel says EVERYONE whose name shall be found written in the book. That means NO ONE else shall be delivered. If the resurrection happens at the start of the tribulation, then no one during tribulation can be delivered - and we know that is not what the bible teaches.
3) Mark 13:27 "What I say to you, I say to EVERYONE: Watch!" Aren't we the Gentiles part of everyone who is watching? How then can Jesus only speaking to the Jews?
4) Luke 21:36 "Be always on the watch and pray that you may be able to escape all that is about to happen, and that you may be able to stand before the Son of Man." A lot of pretrib believers use this to refer to a pretrib rapture, but since this is part of the Olivet Discourse, shouldn't this be only for Israel. It makes no sense to me to pick only some select verses and apply those to Israel/Jews but then select other verses for the Gentiles/Church.
Unknown...Thank you for your excellent post.
DeleteUnknown, very well said - I don't agree with the schism teaching "Jews only" either (see my comment below). Hold on to what the Spirit reveals to you. As well, most people don't consider who endtimes ISRAEL (not Judah!) really is because there's a lack of teaching in church about that. Look here: https://www.cbcg.org/booklets/america-britain.html#audioRead
DeleteBlessings to you! :)
DeleteSure, you've got a valid point about Matt. 24:9 and Mk. 13:37, and maybe I shouldn't be so rigid about this only applying to Jews only. I'm not budging on the time-frame, though. Christ speaks of the entire Tribulation period of Daniel's 70th week in the Olivet Discourse.
As for the Daniel passages that are quoted: Daniel 12:1-3 is conflated much like Malachi 3:1-4, where a lengthy period of time is hidden and later revealed. On this point, see also Isaiah 61:2, where the "year of the LORD's favor" and "the day of God's vengeance" are mentioned in a single verse, but obviously upon later revelation we know that there is a vast expanse of time in between these two events (cf. Lk. 4:17-19).
So, that being said. The resurrection of Daniel 12:2 is something that even Martha clearly understood (Jn. 11:23-24). This is not the same resurrection as revealed by Paul in 1 Thess. 4:13-18 + 1 Cor. 15:51-52. The resurrection and rapture of the Church is a "mystery," hidden but clearly revealed at a later time.
On Luke 21:36, see Tabitha's wise remarks below. Luke arranges his material differently with a Gentile focus, and the promise is to most assuredly escape the Tribulation--much in the same vein as Rev. 3:10.
One last point: I have noticed a woefully deficient ecclesiology whenever I read Pre-wrath arguments. I am not a Trib saint. I am not Israel. I am a member of the body of Christ, and I will not be going into the Tribulation.
Not because I say so. Only because I understand what the Scriptures reveal about how privileged the body of Christ is to be the recipient of God's grace during this "year of the LORD's favor."
Pre-wrathers are guilty of missing the forest for the trees--not understanding the overall story and each characters role in it. There is much straining of gnats and swallowing camels. This sounds harsh but it's my perception, and I don't expect y'all will take it lying down.
Nevertheless, this is where I stand.
Thanks to everyone who responded to my question as to the verse about 70yrs or by strength 80. Very encouraging. I have been thinking about this article all day and just smiling. Can't get the thought of Isreal and the leaves of the fig teee out of my mind. I keep picturing a wide shot of Jursulem and how it really seems like the time before the tree is to produce its fruit!
ReplyDeleteAmen, Micah!
DeleteThat's awesome!
DeleteYou mentioned the three gospels, Matthew, Mark, and Luke...and made a comment about them being different. Well, I believe they are different for a reason.
ReplyDeleteWhen it comes to end time events, Matthew speaks to the Jews, Mark to the Church and Luke to the Bride of Christ. I believe the BRIDE is a smaller group, but is part of the big church.
In these three gospels, the Olivet discourse is different, the fig tree parable, the signs of Jonah Jesus gives them, the abomination of desolation prophecies, etc. And look at the transfigurstion in each book...6 days vs 8 days in Luke...there's a theory I have on that, also.
Check out the verse, "but of that day and hour knoweth no man"....You will see it is different in each gospel, to show us who it's speaking to.
So, in Mark and Luke we see Jesus ascending to heaven, yet in Matthew we do not. The Jews are not raptured to heaven.
We also see that only in the book of Luke, this verse exists, "watch and pray ye always that you may be accounted worthy to escape ALL THESE that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. This is for the Bride. As the Bride will be gone before anything starts.
I believe the Bride leaves first, then years later the left behund church, and then Jews left for their own tribulation period.
I have so many examples of the differences, and have done many hours of study, and if you haven't heard of the YouTube channel, Ministry Revealed, I recommend you give it a try. It's a blessing. Such as this site is...
Very perceptive. Thank you.
DeleteWell played, Jeff...well played indeed
ReplyDeleteGod bless you brother
God bless you too!
DeleteThank you for putting this artical together.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Brandon.
DeleteJeff dear brother you know I love your word studies such as this as well, thank you very much! I cannot remember about the Hosea reference right now but TY for considering anyway. Much has been said about Matthew 24 but this time I have to disagree about the "Jews only" interpretation (and I always will). To me, this passage is quite simple cut in half: the first half speaks of the tribulation period itself, the second of "Noahs days" i.e. the time we're living in right now. It's NOT to be read chronologically. There won't be "evil servants" during tribulation that beat the fellows because of "delay" - that's what they do right now. And the "angels gathering the elect" before in the text are the same as in Revelation 7+14 who seal the 144k and preach the eternal gospel of judgement. Again, much can be said about this but I'll leave it here. Nobody will ever change the inspired interpretation to me as the Holy Spirit is my only teacher on this chapter. It would be worth another look on who the "tribes" are because in fact there is a lesson to learn about the "lost 10 tribes of ISRAEL" (not Judah!) too to which these words are referring to. If you like, have a look behind this link:
It is certainly worth a read. Blessings to you my brother, seeya soon with Jesus! MARANATHA :)
You came to mind Annabel when I read Hosea 9:11. Maybe I read it in the comments section of a post on Rev12 Daily. Anyway, we'll fly away like a bird soon.
DeleteThanks, Annabel. I'll take a look at the link.
Jeff, this page, specifically, made Daily Crow today, 'gratz for the mention. Nice to see this topic & depth of message being brought to everyone's attention in such non-religious settings. Matt Drudge, can you hear us now? Maranatha!
ReplyDeleteLol, that'll be the day when an Unsealed article gets a link on Drudge :)
ReplyDeleteWhat about the other parable of the barren fig tree in Luke 13 (I don't think I've seen anyone mention it yet). Where the vineyard owner is ready to chop down a fig tree that hasn't had fruit in three years but the vineyard keeper asks for one more year to give it some extra care and see if it bears fruit. If not, chop it. ...the end. Doesn't say if there was fruit or no.
This parable has always left me scratching my head. How does it fit in here?
Stacy, You refer to Luke 13:6-9. Here are some thoughts. These are my own as well as teachings I gleaned over at "THE PARABLE OF THE BARREN FIG TREE" by Yves I-Bing Cheng, M.D., M.A. )http://www.meetingwithchrist.com/E102%20The%20parable%20of%20the%20barren%20fig%20tree%20-%20Lk%2013(6-9).htm) .
Delete"We know that when you plant a new fig tree, you will not get fruit from it right away. You have to wait at least three years before the tree is mature enough to bear fruit. This means that when a person comes to look for fruit, it is already in the 4th year of that tree. In this parable, the man had come to the tree after the initial three years were passed. Year after year, for three consecutive years, he came to look for fruit but found none. We may assume therefore that the tree was at least six years old by this stage."
That the tree hasn't produce fruit for 3 years after reaching bearing age indicates that the genetics of this tree are damaged and it will NEVER produce fruit. Going forward, adding one more year would imply a 'fullness' of 7 years since planted; 7 years and then the Judgement, sound familiar? As our Lord closes his initial work with the Fig Tree which is the children of Abraham after a 7-year period, the Time of Jacob's Trouble and Daniel's Foreboding 70th 'week', this seems a fitting connection.
Also noted in online teaching I referenced was the response of the landowner who said 'OK' even though there was no reason to believe the fig tree would do any differently after failing to produce fruit after 3 years into its bearing age. This is also prophetic. NOTHING the Gardner can do, and NOTHING the fig tree can do, itself, will change things. ONLY the TOTAL regeneration of the fig tree's NATURE (genetically) will allow it to ' miraculously' begin bearing fruit when it is clearly genetically unable to do so. ONLY ABBA could bring this REGENERATION OF THE FIG TREE. In this parable we see the landowner displaying his understanding of the Love of the Father for the Fig Tree He Planted when the landowner immediately accepts the idea of 'another year' (the SEVENTH)as he knows that where the Father's Fig Tree is concerned, it could well be! In keeping with Disciple Tabitha's reminder that Luke speaks to the Bride of Christ, we, as the Bride, hearing this message, should all personally resonate with the confidence of the landowner in the Father's ABILITY and WILLINGNESS to REDEEM as we are each woeful weeds whom our Lord has spiritually redeemed to be like fig trees in His Garden, amen.
Lastly, as we all wonder WHEN?, this parable again reminds us that the Mercy of our Abba has Him Holding Fire to the last possible moment. Maranatha!
Hey Stacy,
DeleteLuke seems to connect 13:6-9 with what precedes in 13:1-5. People were coming to Jesus trying to trap him and get him in trouble with either the Roman authorities, or the leaders of Israel. Instead of falling for the bait, as usual, Jesus sees right through the pretense and warns them about their own responsibility to either "repent, or perish."
And it was an appropriate warning at that time, since the people of Israel were not producing the fruit desired by the owner of the vineyard (God himself).
He then tells them the parable of the barren fig tree, which is similar in many respects to the cursing of the fig tree. However, there is a bit of grace in this account, whereas the cursing of the fig tree indicated sudden judgment on that generation. Even after rejecting their Messiah, that generation would get a gracious stay of execution for a few more decades (AD 70).
See also Matthew 21:33-45. As Matt. 21:41 says, right now the vineyard is being leased out "to other farmers" -- that's us! That's why Jesus quotes Ps. 118:22-23 in the following verse, because He is the cornerstone of the Church (Eph. 2:20). The chief priests and the Pharisees even realized that Jesus was referring to them as the failed farmers of the parable of the vineyard (Matt. 21:45). And, thus, as the leaders of the nation, they represented the generation that was soon judged and "cut down."
Now, an important point to remember is that even though the judgment was severe on that generation, Israel's hope was not cut off. As Matt. 21:41 states, the vineyard is on lease right now...and the terms of that lease are ending soon as we will be signing it back over to Israel soon!
Here's a quote from Dr. Pentecost on this parable from Matthew (one similar to Luke's barren fig tree):
"...Christ did not announce a judgment terminating Israel's hope, but He did announce a postponement of the realization of that hope until some future day" ( The Words & Works of Jesus Christ, pg. 385).
Stacy, I have always understood this parable quite simple: Jesus' ministry (preaching) lasted 3,5 years so the fig tree was "cut" IN the 4th year (Jews are always count ing a day or year which has not passed yet as FULL already, same with the 3 burial days of Christ). Blessings to you! MARANATHA
DeleteYes I agree with Annabel - Jesus' ministry was the 3 years and in the 4th year the fig tree (Israel) was chopped down for rejecting Him. Note that it wasn't uprooted, so the stump still remained.... And grew again to leaf out.... And awaits the mature fruit.... Like Ezekiel's dry bones prophecy
DeleteThis is a wonderful piece of work, Jeff! It took me a while to get around to reading it in full, but it was certainly worth it. This masterfully reaffirms a number of miscellaneous points I have hammered on at length on the past articles.
ReplyDeleteI believe one of the single worst exegetical errors of our generation is trying to wedge the Church into the Olivet Discourse, and she just ain't there.
And no extra credit for guessing who is behind that error.
Great job!
Thanks, Greg!
DeleteThank you, Jeff. I wish I could put into words how grateful I am for this site. It has helped me grow so much. Love to you all, my brothers and sisters in Christ.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Andrea! That is a blessing to hear that the Lord is using our efforts on this site to help others in the body of Christ.
DeleteSteven Hawking has passed away age 76. (1942-2018)
ReplyDeleteA PIN-POINT:
DeleteI added this information to my tracking sheet and note that his passing is 21-days after the passing of Rev Dr Graham and 13-days after Purim. Note that the sum of 13 and 8 is 21. Digging on the symbolism of numbers in the Bible yields interesting finds for 8, 13 and 21. (Especially as 13 and 21 are closely related)
Most interesting is the fact that from the passing of Dr Graham to Purim is 8-days. From Purim to the passing of Prof Hawking is 13-days. Total sum of days from passing of Rev Dr Graham to Prof Hawking is 21-days.
Too much to dig on here for a quick look.
My condolences to his friends and family,
Pastor Rich
This comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteThe story of Esther and the salvation of Israel comes to mind with the eight days spanning Rev Dr Graham's passing on Wednesday, February 21st and Purim. (The number "8" representing newness of life, life renewed) The story and fate of Haman from Esther comes to mind concerning the 13-days from Purim to the death of Prof Stephen Hawking on Wednesday, March 14. (The number "13" representing death & rebellion)
Note: I take no pleasure in sharing these things and offer them only in regards to personal study. Our being watchful should not eclipse our pursuit of the lost.
Thank you, Richard. No randomness there with the timing of the deaths of Graham and Hawking. Agreed on your point about our pursuit of the lost.
DeleteIt’s quite amazing how close their deaths are. The most widely known Christian who preaches about heaven, hell, and the Gospel and the most widely known scientist who vehemently stated there is no such thing as an afterlife die within weeks of each other.
ReplyDeleteIndeed. They passed exactly 7+7+7 days from one another.
DeleteAnother interesting pin-point, both Dr Graham and Prof Hawking shared focus on the heavens and our origins. Both men dedicated their lives to discussing and exploring the BIG questions of, "Where did all of this come from?" Both men passed on the Biblical fourth day of the week (Wednesday). Looking back at Genesis to the creation what do we see on the fourth day?
14 And God said, "Let there be lights in the expanse of the heavens
to separate the day from the night. And let them be for signs and
for seasons, and for days and years, 15 and let them be lights in
the expanse of the heavens to give light upon the earth." And it
was so. 16 And God made the two great lights -- the greater light
to rule the day and the lesser light to rule the night -- and the
stars. 17 And God set them in the expanse of the heavens to give
light on the earth, 18 to rule over the day and over the night,
and to separate the light from the darkness. And God saw that it
was good. 19 And there was evening and there was morning, the
fourth day.
Hawking was a Fellow of the Royal Society. A distinction held by Sir Isaac Newton and Michael Faraday (both of which were Theists) All of the above understood that creation has a beginning -- a concept that flew in the face of prevailing scientific thought that the universe was eternal. Interesting that all three men agree with what we have known by faith as "the beginning" from the word of G-d.
...and of course today is March 14th. Pi-Day. (3/14, aka 3.14)
DeleteHow fitting.
Crazy, I posted about science proof of God in a Facebook post speaking about a skit I did in highschool about the death of Steven Hawkins. Crazy timing.
ReplyDeleteAlso very interesting that this piece of news just came out a few days before God said "it is finished Stephen Hawking":
ReplyDeleteA very recent article about Stephen Hawking saying he knows what happened before the big bang
I wonder if and hope Stephen figured out in his final moments that God really was "in the beginning".
Ha! I wonder if Hawking ever came to read Gods word about this in Job 38:4 ? ROTFL :=D
DeleteExactly! Scientists especially need to read first Matthew 18:3, then Proverbs 1:7 and 9:10, then Genesis and Job.
DeleteIt is fine to be a scientist, as long as one puts faith in God above science.
I know many likely saw it over at The Daily Crow but as we commonly read between the lines around here with Sherlock glasses inspecting for correlations, consider these: •On the date Galileo was born, Richard Feynman died. On the date Galileo died, Hawking was born. On the date Einstein was born, Stephen Hawking died (also, Pi Day). I think David sums it up best, simply all too wonderful for me, Maranatha!
ReplyDeleteJimboni, I personally think "A Call for an Uprising" YT channel sums it up even better yet:
Blessings to you, my friend - dont be deceived! :)
Annabel, that link is to an advertisement for a TV antenna (kostenlos ansehen von wish.com) :)
DeleteI'm sorry, just check out the channel A CALL FOR AN UPRISING and the video is entitled "They want you to believe that everything is a coincidence (Hawking, Pi-Day, Einstein)" from 3/14
DeleteWhat is also stunning: the velocity of ready-made research articles on different topics... just minutes after someone of the elites drops dead they come out with a ton of "coincidential" and numerology research. This already makes me suspicious.
But TY Miguel for the information! Some vids just start with an ad perhaps I try the link again: https://youtu.be/HDVT9QfwhCw
Blessings to you! :)
I loved how you brought together all the fig tree associations! I hadn't thought about Adam and Eve and the fig leaves before.
ReplyDeleteOne comparison that came to mind as I was reading was Ezekiel's valley of dry bones. The dry bones live...in stages...just as the fig tree is leading out in stages. The dry bones await the Spirit just as the fig tree awaits the ripe fruit. Surely we are on the edge.
I have made similar observations in Matthew Mark and Luke and combined the 3 Oliver passages beat I could here:
Whoa! Did you come out of nowhere or have I just missed you? Just spent some time at your website and read the below article as well as several other things. This is awesome amazing stuff! Thank you. Here it is as a link
DeleteEnd of the Age Article
Lol. I'm not so well known but I've been around a while :). I have to comment here from my blogger account but I'm better known as the Red Moon Rapture girl or on FB - Stephanie Dawn. I'm on a billion FB groups so if you're on FB at all you probably know me as a lion. :)
DeleteYes, Stephanie! Thank you for bringing in Ezekiel's vision of the dry bones. This parallels the fig tree generation that is replanted first and then bears spiritual fruit later on. I also think of Paul's principle in 1 Cor. 15:46, "...the spiritual is not first, but the natural; then the spiritual."
DeleteI know we have looked at the numbers associated with Einsteins birth and Hawkings death a few ways. If you havent, check out dailycrow.com and go to dailyupdates. scroll down to the part about pi.
ReplyDeleteAs I have said before I am a numbers guy, so here is something interesting.
When I realized Hawking's nickname was Einstein and that both of them lived 76 years with only a 31 day difference. I realized they might be like book ends.
20 century Einstein born pi day 1879 then 139 years later 21 century "einstein" dies pi day 2018...
Anybody else see that as book ends? Ok, so look what is right smack in the middle:
September 12, 1948. Interesting to me that it points the year Israel is recognized. also it is 120 to 121 days from the exact date of Israel. 120 is 40 + 40 + 40 and 121 can be expressed as 11 x 11.
Somebody check my math. Thanks.
Miguel, good stuff. Some details which jump out at me are 7+6=13, with '13' being the reverse of '31', the number of days apart you mention. Also, 13 is significant and relevant. There are about 13 significant numbers in the Holy Bible that have some special symbolism. The numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 12, 40, 49, 50 and 70 are those 13 significant numbers. That 13 identifies the number of especially significant numbers seems in alignment with men who's lives involved finding significance in the numbers behind everything. "Mathematics is the language with which God wrote the Universe" - Galileo Galilei. On the date Galileo died, Hawking was born.
ReplyDelete"The number 13 is symbolic of rebellion and lawlessness. Nimrod, the mighty hunter who was 'before the Lord' (meaning he tried to take the place of God - Genesis 10:9), was the 13th in Ham's line (Ham was one of Noah's three sons who survived the flood). Thirteen represents all the governments created by men, and inspired by Satan, in outright rebellion against the Eternal." {and} "The dragon, a symbol for Satan, is found 13 times in Revelation. Satan is behind all rebellion against God."(Biblestyudy.org) This also seems appropriate given the deception of elevating the creation above the creator in both men's work, especially Hawking.
139, itself, is interesting. As a Prime, we get no easy clues from its constituents mathematically. '13' speaks for itself, as above. '9' speaks to finality and Judgement, as we know. Rebellion/deception + finality/Judgement? Oh, there is certainly more for our Holy Number Crunchers but this sure seems confirming to me. Maranatha!
wow, Wow, WOW is all I was thinking upon reading this article Jeff. I now have the same number of goosebumps as I did the moment I learned of the Revelation 12 Great Sign. This article is so full of meaty bits I may have to floss later on. Thanks SO MUCH for your hard work and Praise Our Lord Jesus Christ from whom all blessings flow! Maranatha!
ReplyDeleteJohn C.
Lol, John. Thank you, my friend. What a hilariously encouraging comment about needing to floss.
DeletePraise the LORD for His marvelous word!
Funny thing occurs to me. Hawking. Hawk King. Hawks vs. Eagles (Isaiah 40:31).
ReplyDeleteNow this: Both eagles and hawks have keen eyesight which facilitates detection of food. Eagles fly and hunt their prey IN THE AIR and carry it in the claws to the nearest perch where they will TEAR IT APART and eat. Hawks often HIDE in the trees until potential prey appears. Once the prey is detected, hawks rapidly leave their perches and attack by using the ELEMENT OF SURPRISE. {and} Hawks hunt and eat rats, mice, gophers, rabbits and large insects. They DO NOT CONSUME FISH (Jn 21:12). {and} Eagles hunt larger prey such as SNAKES, medium-sized vertebrates and mammals and OTHER BIRDS. (http://www.softschools.com/difference/eagle_vs_hawk/171/)
I see several typological details in there between the 'Eagle' symbolically and the 'Hawk' and they all seem to fit, if you know what I mean (Mk 4:9) Maranatha!
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteJW, there have been other significant trees gone down in recent years. Although the specifics escape me, I recall a Rabbi Jonathan Cahn message where he mentioned that such a tree's state is Biblically significant as representing its status in terms of Kingdom alignment as well.
DeleteWhat a feast of a study! I enjoyed it immensely. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteThank you, Annabelle!
DeleteStephanie....I will judge someone when I feel they are correct. I would put you most definitely in the wise virgin camp. It was refreshing to read your posts.
ReplyDeleteGod bless you, my fellow Christian.
The great harlot Great Britain is about to fall...her mask finally falls away to reveal the true horror and rot beneath. She is falling...all the traders will look on aghast... She ruled the world but her days now come to the appointed end. Thank God.!
ReplyDeleteHere is the timeline:
Individuals find legacies that were left for them, or family treasures, which they would somehow or another never have thought about had they not began to investigate their family's past.
ReplyDeletefamily tree gifts uk
May 14, 1948 Creation of Israel, the Fig Tree.
ReplyDeleteGeneration 70 to 80 yrs.
This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled.
Isaiah in chapter 61. He said that Jesus came to, among other things, set the captives free. Psalm 68:18 says that when He ascended on high, He took them captive to Himself which is confirmed at Ephesians 4:8.
Therein lies a picture of the Rapture. Forty days after they rise on First Fruits, fulfilling the 40-day warning period of Jonah, Jesus ascends back to heaven taking with Him the captives that He set free by His death and resurrection. And, when Jesus ascends back to heaven, His mission as the Messiah is complete.
Ten days later on Pentecost, Peter offers Him as Messiah to the Jews for the very first time, and now all the Spring Feasts are fulfilled by Jesus.
When these set times were promised to the Church, the shadows are cast and their meaning to the Church in the end time is illuminated because, at long last the time has come. The set time for the Rapture to occur in fulfillment of that shadow cast by Jesus Himself when He ascended to heaven, taking with him the first installment of the full harvest, came 40 days after First Fruits. That scene was the promise fulfilled. When He returns for all new creatures, on that same Ascension Day, it will be to fulfill that promise and reap this part of the full harvest, at ‘the twinkling of an eye’, of those living at the time, and those that were made alive that had slept in Him.
Many of the dead in Christ of the end time are going to rise first. Before hand, just like they did when they cast this shadow. And when they do, they will be doing the same thing as their counterparts did after they rose. For 40 days they will be seen in Jerusalem, warning the Jews to repent and follow Jesus, the true Messiah before it’s too late and God’s wrath, known to them through their prophets, falls on them.
Paul taught Christians to be watching at the end time in order to see the elements of the prophecies occurring, so we can alert the others to what we see. But, this is the Jews show that’s being played out on the stage, so we must be watching them if we are to see this warning sign that the close of the Church Age is only 40 days away.