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Hurricane Helene: Climate Change or Prophetic Fulfillment?

Hurricane Helene: Climate Change or Prophetic Fulfillment?

  Avignon (Flood of 1856) Artist: Édouard Baldus Like most of you, I am reeling in the shocking aftermath of Hurricane Helene. The damage fr...
I Don't Know When the Rapture Is (and I'm ok With That)

I Don't Know When the Rapture Is (and I'm ok With That)

  When is the rapture?  Can we predict the date of the rapture? When will the dead rise and the living be caught up? Will we know in advance...
The Legacy of Ravi Zacharias: A Warning to the Church

The Legacy of Ravi Zacharias: A Warning to the Church

As most are probably aware, shocking revelations about the late apologist Ravi Zacharias are being released to the public by his ministry. ...
Saints, We're Going Home

Saints, We're Going Home

Dear saints, as some of you know I have been rejoicing in the birth of my son and adjusting to a new and joyous life as a first time mama at...
The Patience of the Saints

The Patience of the Saints

As everyone knows, the last few days, weeks and months have brought staggering global change that has reshaped the landscape of the ent...
The Scariest Verses in the Bible

The Scariest Verses in the Bible

Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is i...
Works and Fruits: Untangling the Gospel from Everything Else

Works and Fruits: Untangling the Gospel from Everything Else

It is increasingly hard to have a conversation about the good works of the believer, because in these last days the enemy has twisted ...
Rise Up, My Love, and Come Away!

Rise Up, My Love, and Come Away!

My days are softened by the tender voices of doves outside my window. Trees are budding and new leaves adorn the oaks and vines that o...


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