BREAKING: Jewish Nation-State Bill Becomes Law, Biggest Prophetic Development In 50 Years
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An ancient mosaic depicting the 12 tribes of Israel |
The final draft of the Jewish Nation-State Basic Law was approved Wednesday by an 8 to 7 committee vote after government officials and Knesset members wrangled over key details in the text. The bill then went to a final vote very early Thursday morning (Israeli time) and passed it’s second and third readings in the full Knesset with a vote of 62 to 55. The third reading is final and because of this successful vote, the bill now becomes law. As an Israeli Basic Law, it has constitutional weight and supersedes regular statutory legislation. Even more, this is Israel’s twelfth Basic Law, so the nation of 12 tribes and 12 apostles is now governed by 12 major laws (source)*.
In my estimation, July 19, 2018 will go down in history as one of the most significant dates in Israel’s prophetic history—right up there with May 14, 1948 and June 7, 1967. 1948 was the restoration of the nation-state itself, 1967 the restoration of the nation’s capital, and 2018 the restoration of the nation’s biblical identity.
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The Knesset’s final vote on the Nation-State Basic Law very early on July 19, 2018 |
Arab MKs tore copies of the new Basic Law in protest after the conclusion of the vote and there has been a firestorm of negative media targeting Israel because of the bill. Western and Arab media alike are falsely accusing Israel of becoming a “fascist” apartheid state. No doubt Israel’s enemies will see the bill’s passage as an excuse for further attacks.
Thousands have gathered in Tel Aviv to protest the legislation:
I’ve been following the progression of this law through the Knesset since March, recognizing that if it were to pass this year it would undoubtedly make 2018 as prophetically significant as 1948 and 1967. Well, it passed. It happened. And it happened 70 years since the nation was established—the length of a biblical generation according to Psalm 90:10. Israel’s biblical and Jewish identity has now been restored, along with its prophetic purpose to in-gather the exiles and possess the Holy Land. Even more amazing, it was exactly one year ago this week that Israel temporarily regained control of the Temple Mount and Jewish prayers were first offered openly on the ancient Temple platform. Counting inclusively, it has also been exactly 43 weeks, to the day, since the Feast of Trumpets in 2017 and exactly 300 days since the Revelation 12 Sign. In other words, in an exact number of weeks and days within a human gestational period since the Great Sign last year, a major prophetic event pertaining to Israel has occurred.
Thousands have gathered in Tel Aviv to protest the legislation:
I’ve been following the progression of this law through the Knesset since March, recognizing that if it were to pass this year it would undoubtedly make 2018 as prophetically significant as 1948 and 1967. Well, it passed. It happened. And it happened 70 years since the nation was established—the length of a biblical generation according to Psalm 90:10. Israel’s biblical and Jewish identity has now been restored, along with its prophetic purpose to in-gather the exiles and possess the Holy Land. Even more amazing, it was exactly one year ago this week that Israel temporarily regained control of the Temple Mount and Jewish prayers were first offered openly on the ancient Temple platform. Counting inclusively, it has also been exactly 43 weeks, to the day, since the Feast of Trumpets in 2017 and exactly 300 days since the Revelation 12 Sign. In other words, in an exact number of weeks and days within a human gestational period since the Great Sign last year, a major prophetic event pertaining to Israel has occurred.
The new Jewish Nation-State Basic Law makes official that:
- The land of Israel belongs to the Jewish people only (as God’s covenant to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob stipulates); from 1948 to 2018 it was the land of both Jews and Arabs
- The Israelites’ ancient language, Hebrew, is now the official language of the land
- The biblical calendar is now the official calendar of Israel
- Keeping the biblical Sabbath is now a nationwide requirement
- The biblical festivals and holidays are now officially recognized by the state and must be kept nationwide
- The Israeli government must work to complete ingathering the exiles—a prophetic term pertaining to the end of the age when the dispersed Israelites would return to the land; furthermore, the law makes official Israel’s connection to the Diaspora
- Jerusalem is the undivided capital of Israel
- Jewish settlement of the Holy Land is now a “national value” and will be officially encouraged by the government—further bringing Israel back on track for God’s prophetic program of the Israelites possessing the land
- The state shall act in official capacity to preserve the Jewish religion around the world
- The Star of David is the official flag, the Second Temple’s Menorah is the official state symbol, and Hatikvah, a poem which formalizes the Israelites’ prophetic desire to return to Zion, is the official national anthem
- Interestingly, it seems that the bill changes the official name of Israel from the “State of Israel” to just “Israel”
A major dispensational change is now imminent when God will return His focus to the restoration of Israel:
When they finished, James spoke up. ‘Brothers,’ he said, ‘listen to me. Simon has described to us how God first intervened to choose a people* for his name from the Gentiles. The words of the prophets are in agreement with this, as it is written:
‘After this I will return
and rebuild David’s fallen tent.
Its ruins I will rebuild,
and I will restore it,
that the rest of mankind may seek the Lord,
even all the Gentiles who bear my name,
says the Lord, who does these things—
things known from long ago.’
- Acts 15:13–18
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The final text of the new law is as follows:
Basic Law: Israel as the Nation State of the Jewish People
1 — Basic principles
A. The land of Israel is the historical homeland of the Jewish people, in which the State of Israel was established.
B. The State of Israel is the national home of the Jewish people, in which it fulfills its natural, cultural, religious and historical right to self-determination.
C. The right to exercise national self-determination in the State of Israel is unique to the Jewish people.
2 — The symbols of the state
A. The name of the state is “Israel.”
B. The state flag is white with two blue stripes near the edges and a blue Star of David in the center.
C. The state emblem is a seven-branched menorah with olive leaves on both sides and the word “Israel” beneath it.
D. The state anthem is “Hatikvah.”
E. Details regarding state symbols will be determined by the law.
3 — The capital of the state
Jerusalem, complete and united, is the capital of Israel.
4 — Language
A. The state’s language is Hebrew.
B. The Arabic language has a special status in the state; Regulating the use of Arabic in state institutions or by them will be set in law.
C. This clause does not harm the status given to the Arabic language before this law came into effect.
5 — Ingathering of the exiles
The state will be open for Jewish immigration and the ingathering of exiles.
6 — Connection to the Jewish people
A. The state will strive to ensure the safety of the members of the Jewish people in trouble or in captivity due to the fact of their Jewishness or their citizenship.
B. The state shall act within the Diaspora to strengthen the affinity between the state and members of the Jewish people.
C. The state shall act to preserve the cultural, historical and religious heritage of the Jewish people among Jews in the Diaspora.
7 — Jewish settlement
A. The state views the development of Jewish settlement as a national value and will act to encourage and promote its establishment and consolidation.
8 — Official calendar
The Hebrew calendar is the official calendar of the state and alongside it the Gregorian calendar will be used as an official calendar. Use of the Hebrew calendar and the Gregorian calendar will be determined by law.
9 — Independence Day and memorial days
A. Independence Day is the official national holiday of the state.
B. Memorial Day for the Fallen in Israel’s Wars and Holocaust and Heroism Remembrance Day are official memorial days of the State.
10 — Days of rest and sabbath
The Sabbath and the festivals of Israel are the established days of rest in the state; Non-Jews have a right to maintain days of rest on their Sabbaths and festivals; Details of this issue will be determined by law.
11 — Immutability
This Basic Law shall not be amended, unless by another Basic Law passed by a majority of Knesset members.
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Further Reading:
Learn The Parable Of The Fig Tree
God And His Fig Tree
The Day Of The LORD
The Three Final Gatherings (Part I)
The Three Final Gatherings (Part II)
Passing The Torch
Get On Board The Ark
The Final Prayer Of The Church
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*Note on Israel’s Basic Laws: The Knesset had previously established 14 Basic Laws, but three of the 14 were later repealed by subsequent Basic Laws, thus the Jewish Nation-State Law is now the twelfth.
*Note on Israel’s rebirth: The nation-state was “reborn” or “reestablished” in 1948, but the people themselves will not be reborn until they place their faith in their Messiah, the LORD Jesus Christ. Sadly, prophecy tells us that this will not happen until well into the Tribulation.
*Note on Acts 15: The Greek in verse 14 reads literally “to take out of the Gentiles a people...” In other words... the rapture before God restores Israel.
Glory Be to God Almighty in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
ReplyDeleteGetting so close. :)
ReplyDeleteAmen brother thank you for this great news this is amazing time is running out maranatha !!!thank you for this update
ReplyDeleteYou're most welcome. Very exciting news! It does feel like we have suddenly gotten much, much closer to the DoTL. All that remains now is 1. the rapture and 2. Israel rebuilding their Temple.
DeleteWhat about the covenant with many,is this not next and very very soon. What amazing news wowie
DeleteHey Russel, good question. I believe the covenant with many/covenant with death happens *after* the rapture. For the rapture to be completely pre-tribulation, then it would need to happen before the seven year agreement.
DeleteI suspect that after the Church is gone, Israel will face a quick onslaught of wars, probably including Ezekiel 38. In the aftermath of Israel these wars the AC will offer some sort of peace deal, treaty, or armistice for a 7 year period. This agreement may include rebuilding the Third Temple.
*In the aftermath of these wars
DeleteGreat Amen! Thank you Gary for this excellent summary!
DeleteGary, first of all, thank you for this update. It is very comforting to know the day of the pre-trib rapture is approaching. And pre-tribbers are correct in that the Restrainer will be taken away. But on this thread you equate this event with the start of the Day of the Lord. You are correct in that the rapture is pre-trib and before the seals are opened. But you will just add fuel to the fire with other believers (post-tribbers) if you start equating the pre-trib rapture with the start of the Day of the Lord at the 6th seal. This will start some unknown time after mid-trib. The 5th seal will start the Great Tribulation. And some unknown time after the 6th seal will be opened and the Day of the Lord judgments will start on the wicked as birth pangs and the wicked will not escape But after the Restrainer is taken away pre-trib, the wicked will start to take over the world.
Delete@Neil, here is my current take on the timing of the DoTL in relation to the seals, trumpets, vials, etc:
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DeleteHow in the world do you get 144,000 sealed at the start of the 7 year tribulation? This is the 6th seal. The first seal is some time in the first half. You are placing the 6th seal at the same time. Martyrs from the Great Tribulation are seen in heaven after the Great Tribulation has started. The 5th seal will start the Great Tribulation. And some unknown time in the 2nd half, martyrs from the Great Tribulation will be seen in heaven before great judgments start on the wicked as birth pangs. Are not the first 4 seals one after the other. Are they not grouped together chronologically and then the 5th seal later and then the 6th seal after the 5th seal? How is it that you can place any seal where ever you want? This all goes back to Matthew 24. All of Matthew 24 is future. The first 4 judgments will be seen by this generation we live in and are called the beginning of sorrows. Then there will be an event called the abomination of desolation that will start mid-trib. Then some unknown time in the 2nd half, the sun will be darkened and the moon will turn blood red. The elect or 144,000 will be sealed. And then great judgments will start to fall on the wicked as birth pangs and the wicked will not escape. In Rev 14, the Elect will not be seen at the 2nd coming. They will be removed from Earth before the 2nd coming in Rev 14. On the very last day of Daniel's 70th week, His Elect will be gathered from all the ends of the earth (sheep nations) and His Elect will be gathered from all the ends of heaven (Old Testament saints that are resurrected). Old Testament saints will include the prophet Daniel, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and even John the Baptist (Daniel 12 1-7).
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DeleteTo understand the beginning of sorrows, or the first 4 seals, you have to understand Luke 21 and Matthew 24. Luke 21 8-11 is future. Luke 21 9 clearly shows those judgments are in the end times. Only Luke 21 12 to Luke 21 23 are in the past. Luke 21 24-28 is future and is on the very last day of Daniel's 70th week. Rev 11 2 will end and on that day, Luke 24 24-28 will occur. The discourse in Luke 21 was given in the day time when the disciples were leaving the temple (Luke 21 37). At night time on the Mount Olives, new questions were asked about the ending of Luke 21. Jesus gave more details about the end times in Matthew 24. Matthew 24 4-8 will be some time in the first half. Matthew 24 9-31 will be in the 2nd half of Daniel's 70th week. So this is why you will have to explain the Elect in the 2nd half of Daniel's 70th week. They will be 144,000 chosen from the remnant that flee into the wilderness at an event called the abomination of desolation in the future.
DeleteThe beast in Rev 13 1 is not the same beast as in Rev 12 3. After the pre-trib rapture, the beast in Rev 13 1 takes control of this world. That beast will have 10 crowns on its horns. That is the 7th kingdom in Rev 17 but will only continue a short time. Some time in the 1st half, a wicked man will appear and subdue 3 of the first 10. At mid-trib, the beast in Rev 12 3 will control this world. That is the eighth beast in Rev 17. At mid-trib, that beast will have 7 crowns upon its heads. At this point the antichrist will only have authority to continue 42 months (Re 13 5). On the last day of Daniel's 70th week, the antichrist will give authority to 10 kings in the last hour. This will be to oppose the 2nd coming. The saints will be given into the hands of the antichrist for 3 1/2 years when the Great Tribulation starts but that will be the last day. Daniel 9 24 will occur on the last day and the date will be known years before the event. Millions will know the day. The angels in heaven will know the day. And the Son of God will know the day (Zech 14 7). The last day of Daniel's 70th week is given in Zech 14 6-9. The 7th trumpet will sound (Rev 11 15) and 7 bowl judgments will destroy the wicked on that day.
DeleteI have a teaching on all of this. The 2 outlines of this teaching will be proven at the pre-trib rapture. The timings are a mathematical certainty. If you go to YouTube, search for neilwani. The teaching titled "Proving the pre-trib rapture" will come up. The 2nd half of Daniel's 70th week proves all the timings for the end times.
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DeleteThe book of Daniel and the book of Zechariah was written hundreds of years before Matthew 24 was given. So many people will realize that their interpretation will not change scripture in those books. Daniel 7 25 will start mid-trib. The book of Revelation was written decades after Matthew 24 was given. Rev 13 5-7 will confirm Daniel 7 25 in the future. Also, hundreds of years before the 1st advent, scripture had said the Lord my God will come and all the saints with Him. Zech 14 7 had already said the Lord would know the day of the 2nd coming. The Fig Tree passages are talking about a different day than the day of the 2nd coming. Not only will the day be known but the watch will be at evening time in Israel. In the watch in Mark 13 28-36, no man knows the watch if it is in the evening time or the midnight watch or when the cock crows or the morning watch.
ReplyDeleteAmazing..just amazing to be alive right now...more so if we are actually watching.
Credit to God's Warrior for posting this which ties into Gary's new post.
Sheep Led to the Slaughter - NWO National ID (by 2020)| From Israeli News Live on Puppet Master Pope|Trump|Putin
Thanks Charlie we are living in amazing times end times Jesus is coming very soon my family maranatha .....
DeleteGary & Crew, Thank you so very much for you diligence to Honor the Call and be on the Walls for us and blow the horn on this alert. You are deeply loved and valued by all, to His Glory, Maranatha!
ReplyDeleteGlad to be at my post (: I was blessed to see that we were only the 4th or 5th media outlet to relay the news once it happened. Stunned that God gave us the voice. Maranatha!
DeleteThanks for posting the entire decision on your website or I wouldn't have known! So glad I subbed a few weeks ago! GBU!
DeleteHallelujah to our KING!
ReplyDeleteMARANATHA!! :)
ReplyDeleteRight on Right on Right on !!!
ReplyDeleteDear Archangel,
DeleteI am so pleased you are 'still' around to see these things 'still' unfolding... My heart warms to know you have helped (for 'years') so many get in gear to the nearness of the Lord's appearing.
I am not sure if you caught this on a prior Unsealed post, but I included this article by Jan Markel (under one of your comments) where she was giving credit where credit is due. Thank you for being a tried, true, and faithful Watchman and in doing so...have influenced so many of us youngsters. With all due respect and gratitude.
Haven’t We Waited Long Enough? :: By Jan Markell @
Charlie in DC, your comments lift my heart on an early (for me, lol) Saturday morning. Thank you, brother. My beloved mother went to be with the Lord sixteen months ago and the grief and pain can only be understood by those who have been through it. It was the day I had dreaded my entire life, but God truly did a work of tremendous healing in me. I still have paralyzing moments of grief, but when I read these brilliant articles at Unsealed and Rapture Ready and A Little Strength and listen to JD Farag, my grief is replaced by excitement. And to watch the developments in Israel is utterly breathtaking. I did absolutely read the article you sent me by Jan Markell. I try to focus on events as they happen while keeping high watch dates in view also. God bless you for your kind words and God bless Unsealed and the commenters from whom I have also learned so very much. Come quickly, Lord Jesus ! I can't wait to see your beautiful Face.
DeleteAlso of interest to note: this is happening less than three days from Tish'a B'Av (aka the 9th of Av) and a little over a week from Tu B'Av and this century's LONGEST ECLIPSE OF ANY KIND - a "bullseye" blood moon.
ReplyDeleteHa! I was going to say that exact same thing! We will see, we will see! So thankful to know Christ as my savior. Looking up with great expectation!
DeleteDefinitely praise God now we see our savior placing Israel in the center Thank you for sharing this . the birth of Israel in 1947 and now a formal recognition of Israel history in Scripture. Amen Maranatha
ReplyDeleteJoel 2 King James Version (KJV)
ReplyDelete2 Blow ye the trumpet in Zion, and sound an alarm in my holy mountain: let all the inhabitants of the land tremble: for the day of the Lord cometh, for it is nigh at hand;
Reminds me of the Gatlinburg sign that happened when Jupiter entered Virgo's womb!
DeleteSee there is so much we've forgotten that has already occurred. We need that 30' x 30' wall chart to be able to see all the pieces at once. Blessings - Sherry
Delete@Sherry, I was thinking about that. In retrospect there was so much unveiled, especially in the last 18 months. I didn't want us to lose track of all of that so I tried my best to consolidate the highlights on these two pages:
DeleteWhat's Happening?
The Sign
Also, WhatIf on the forum made an absolutely outstanding compendium of almost everything here: Quick-Reference Guide
Bless you My Friend. Every time I see a post that starts with "Remember when . . . " I just kick myself for not remembering it - Going to dive in right now. Thank you and Bless You for the links. I had literally begun trying to figure out how to accomplish this herculean task in my head and how to go about formatting, etc. Now I don't need to do it! Thank you again, My Brother. Blessings - Sherry
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ReplyDeleteTHIS. IS. HUGE. They're really hastening the day now like never before. It's even No.1 news in Germany at noon today. Getting goosebumps... MARANATHA!!! :-D
ReplyDeleteFor more extensive information, heres another article covering the procedure:,7340,L-5312792,00.html
not a squeak from NZ news...possibly the most apathetic country in the world!
DeleteI think there is a different news cycle in Middle-Earth (:
DeleteOk that was pretty funny. 😁
Deletemiddle earth...has a certain ring to it I must admit...
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ReplyDeleteGlory to the Father and Bless His Precious Son - thank you family for rejoicing with us as we see time marching deliberately forward to the time of Jacob's Trouble. This is all part of the Father's Plan, yet despite how much and how often we think and study of these things He seems to always surprise us with the Punctuation Marks he places on our time-line. One more Sign to be considered with all the others - the next - Sign or Event, we don't know, but we'll be watching! Blessings - Sherry
ReplyDeleteBack in the days when Jesus walked the earth, they witnessed Him with their own eyes and had faith. So now, in our generation, how much more blessed shall we be for having faith in that which we haven't seen yet ???
ReplyDelete"Then Jesus told him, 'Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.' " - John 20:29
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ReplyDeleteWe may not know the day or the hour but there is no denying that the day is approaching. I think this may be the hook that draws Iran into the battle of Gog and Magog. The spoil has been clearly identified and they are on the northern border now. We are so close I'm getting chills just thinking about it. Soldiers for Christ posted a video linking the 9th of Av as a possible Rapture date. I don't believe everything I have heard there as he thinks it is possible to lose your Salvation but he has done some excellent Bible study relating to the summer fruit and the timing of the Rapture. Tell everyone you can because it's time to go home. MARANATHA!
ReplyDeleteLots of incredible high watch days coming up. Our own Stephanie Dawn runs the Red Moon Rapture blog... LONGEST red moon this century is next week... and it coincides with Tu B'Av. Then after that 9/9-11 and 10/1-2 look very, very promising. Either way, we are getting exceedingly close.
DeleteThis strikes me as a good time to take inventory of events once more, step back and with Bible in hand take a look at the bigger picture.
DeleteDozens of questions come to mind as a result of this declaration. But in the end it is the will of G-D that rules the Day.
I cannot help but be taken back to (Job 40:15) where the LORD declares that the beast which He has made though fierce is still less than He. The enemy holds nothing but PURE HATRED for us and the apple of G-d's eye; yet by providence it still does the bidding of it's maker, G-d and King.
Shemini Atzeret, The Eight-day Assembly looms on the horizon and there is much time between now and then for events to unfold. Israel has a government to move and time is short if they hope to have that in place before the fall feasts and the new year.
Glory to G-d in the highest!
Gary, thank U so much for always "being at your post. " Just one more piece of the prophetic puzzle - we are so close.
ReplyDeleteGlad to see Stephanie Dawn here Love reading her blog.
I am elated for the people of Israel! What a great day this is for them. Praise be to God The Father!
ReplyDeleteI was saving this article to publish at a later time, but since we've seen what we've seen and seeing this article of this amazing third prophetic development, I figure now is a good time to hit that publish button and post this here. For those skeptics who would doubt this development concerning Israel two days ago that you're reading about here doesn't have any biblical prophetic significance had better think again. As always, the proof is in the pudding. Link below ...
And lest we overlook, in the midst of this development yesterday, we just so "happen" to have a president with the biblically peculiar last name of "Trump," the very word that describes the method God will use in calling the true church home to Heaven in the rapture event. Can we get any more obvious? Think about the fact that the word "Trump" is coming out of the mouths of the inhabitants of planet Earth right now due to him being president. It's as if God is placing a verbal "sounding of the alarm" in humanities collective mouths and individually that the trump of God is getting ready to sound and judgment is getting ready to strike the earth. Think of it ... trump, trump, trump everywhere you go, the word Trump is going forth from everyone's mouth as a sort of warning or declaration of what is getting ready to happen and most don't even realize it!
DeleteEnd Times - Agree wholeheartedly. I've been saying the same thing since he threw his hat in the ring. NOTHING is a coincidence. I love God's little clues and breadcrumbs. Maranatha!!
DeleteOne hell of a clue and one hell of a breadcrumb if one asks me.
DeleteNice find, discovery, and discussion. 1948 it is!!
@END TIMES: Great article, TY for sharing! :) Re: "Trump" did you know that his German grandfathers name was actually DRUMPF (his grandmothers maiden name was CHRIST) so this man would have had also change the family name on purpose when immigrating to America...
Annabel ... That's interesting. I did hear that from somewhere, interesting article though. Could we say God was the one who was really behind that decision? I personally think the answer is an unequivocal yes ... God is always in the details whether we realize it or not.
DeletePresident Trump has certainly turned the world upside down. Dare I say he has "shaken" it ? He is a delight to watch and listen to especially after eight long miserable years with Obama. And I knew God would never turn America over to a witch.
Delete@Archangel your logic is flawed, many nations were and are historically always given under cruel or demonic regimes and evil government so what makes American any exception to this? Proverbs 14:34 + Proverbs 24:4 + Proverbs 29:2
DeleteAnnabel, America has always been the exception. Just read our Constitution. No country in history has been founded by Christians for the express purpose of worshipping God freely. The difference between America and Europe is the difference between heaven and hell. And for the first time in a long time, we have a man in the White House who truly loves America and who God is clearly protecting and his enemies better watch out; Daniel had a lot of jealous enemies too and God fed them to the lions. God bless America. It's not perfect but far better than many other places. And God bless President Donald Trump ! America also pulled Europe out of two World Wars.
DeleteAnd I also love how much President Trump has done for Israel. God bless him.
DeleteDon't leave VP Pence out of this. Trumpets or Trump-Pence.
DeleteAmen to that. I believe President Trump was right on in saying Germany is "captive" to Russia for oil and Merkel has lost her mind by not defending the borders of Germany whereas President Trump is trying his best to defend and protect America's borders. Nothing "cruel" "demonic" or "evil" in doing so but in not doing so.
Delete@Archangel: Historically, American ORIGINATED from Europe and your constitution was given by FREEMASONS. Sorry to disagree with you, just dig a little deeper than MSM information.
DeleteYes, the pilgrims saw how bad living under a tyrannical Europe/King was and got out and the first thing they did when landing here was erect a Cross and have prayer to thank God for getting them to freedom. Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God. Europe has produced some of the most wicked leaders in history and the worst to come, the AC , will also hail from Europe, unsurprisingly.
DeleteWhat does the world have to thank Europe for ? Communism ? Fascism ? Naziism ? The murder of hundreds of millions of innocent people under those failed regimes ? Stalin alone murdered over 50 million of his own people. And the False Prophet resides in Rome. Our DOI acknowledged our Creator and that our rights ORIGINATED with Him. Not some tyrannical King. There IS no moral equivilancy here.
DeleteIn understanding where America's constitution and very existence came from, one need not to look any further than Jesus' prophecy of the vineyard in Matthew 21:33-43. The evidence is astounding with a visual aspect to the prophecy that is quite remarkable. I wrote about it in the last part of the below article ...
Fascinating article, End Times. Thank you. American Exceptionalism is an undeniable reality except for those too blind to see it.
DeleteI'm really not sure if this is the right place to get patriotic for earthly places and bother about some kind of nationalism... when my citizenship is in HEAVEN Philippians 3:18-21 ;)
DeleteWe're America !🇺🇸
DeleteAwesome news. Glory the G-d in the highest! Question for Gary about planet orbit and position to the Sun. Are they all aligning to one side. I heared it said that more volcanic activity will follow. Check out the Teton National Park closure.
ReplyDeleteI do believe it's true that all planets will be one side of the sun, however they will not be lined up in terms of space, but will look lined up from our perspective (at least the 5 visible planets). Mars will also be roughly twice as bright as Jupiter on the day of the blood moon on July 27. Here's a little more info:
DeleteThis is a quote from Daymomd Duck's latest article at"Torah requires the Jews to count the 50-year Jubilee cycles (7 cycles of 7 years each plus the 50th year) and to identify the 12 tribes of Israel.
ReplyDeleteIt is important to understand that the 70th week of Daniel requires the Jews to go back to counting cycles (the Tribulation Period will be one week of years or one 7-year cycle; Dan. 9:24-27).
Note Re: the 120th Jubilee-
DeletePastor Sandy (Soldiers for Christ Ministry) was made aware the Jubilee cannot start until AFTER Yom Kippur (see Lev 25:8-22), thus, the Jubilee did not start until after YK of 2017 and therefore, we are still in the 120th Jubilee until YK of 2018.
So, we're in the zone!!
We sure are, brother. I feel giddy with it.
DeleteHAPPY! HAPPY! HAPPY! But, then I think about not knowing a single soul (and I live in the middle of the Bible Belt where there is a church on every corner and two in between and nearly everyone goes) who will be excited for me to share this news with them. True, some will listen patiently, while they roll their eyes, most are oh, so tired of my Rapture mania.
ReplyDeleteSo, still HAPPY, HAPPY! But, also continuing to PRAY for the salvation of friends and family, my children and other people's children.
* * * *
I am grateful to have sites such as this to read and share with other watchers. Thank you! Blessings!
Hey Jenny from the Bible belt, as am I! I know what you mean. Born and raised in the South and am truly devestated to see the apathy in the very people who have always shown the brightest- it is sad to see so much blindness... I know how you feel because its hard to not talk about and I get the same reaction you described- the light seems to be leaving the Bible belt.
ReplyDeleteGary - Great article, thanks so much for telling us about this.
ReplyDeleteNothing but crickets from lame-stream media about it.
You're most welcome. Yup! Crickets! I did see an article or two (including one on WaPo), but nothing on TV. event for 19th July, the day all the planets were gathered one side of the sun and a few days after the partial eclipse included a planetary Star of David pattern! Also for extreme accuracy and significance, the planet Mercury (any signing of anything) stood at 21.40 of Leo which is to say conjuncting and from within modern Israel’s destiny and reputation sector, its natal position of the Israel asteroid. On 14th May 1948 this was at 21.50 Leo.
ReplyDeleteIf you reject all astrology as accursed forbidden “divination” rather than Ps 19's daily knowledge and the study of cycles the rabbis understand it to be, you miss and misread much you are meant to know including concerning the current end of the age of Pisces (the bible’s age of grace” effectively). The latter's inception was approximately around the time of Christ’s birth.
The illustration for this article says it represents the twelve tribes of Israel. It almost looks like a zodiac, but even if it isn’t, Israel has issued stamps with the twelve tribes as the twelve signs and we know zodiacs were in ancient synagogues and churches. I introduce my Testament of the Magi with mention of the zodiacal sign found in a Christian church at Megiddo. See Testament of the Magi
Christians should know and understand some basics of astrology and forget the distortions of so-called Christian Astronomy which among other things has given them the bizarre notion Jesus could be born under some kind of Jupiter/Venus pattern which would normally indicate something more like lifestyles of the rich and famous or lucky devil criminals, not a pattern for any rejected messiah who had nowhere to lay his head. Then again, they need to know how eclipses signify and work – they don’t necessary release their message on the day they hit. Even if 27th July represents some kind of apocalypse eclipse there doesn’t have to be a Rapture event that day.
The late Catholic seeress Jeane Dixon who was taught astrology by a Jesuit priest, alleged Jesus gave her a vision of the zodiac signs as the twelve disciples. She understood that not only should Christians know some astrology but that one day (the Millennium presumably!) it would again be accepted and even taught in schools. I fear Jesus might need to give more messages before that happens. Notoriously the statistician Michel Gauquelin presented the Belgian Academy of Science proof through thousands of examples that positions of planets rising or culminating at birth correlate to people following certain careers. He was unforgettably dismissed on the basis that if astrology could be proved by statistics, statistics can no longer be believed. It’s much like that dealing with Christians on the subject of celestial signs. I have known for thirty years the essential data for both Jesus and for Christianity (from the first Pentecost); it’s irrefutable and the patterns work for Jesus and church issues across history to this day; but it won’t even be considered; and so the old prophecy mill churns out ideas that an informed astrology could help check for probability and often usefully reject to save the more embarrassing errors.
For some considerations of the current prophetic situation see “Why July 27th’s blood moon is special and could be a sign” (this includes re how eclipses work to signify) and the link within it to the article “Peace, Jerusalem and a 2018 Turning Point”. Discover in the latter a few things you won’t know about Trump and re the Antichrist (who isn’t Obama).
The KING is comming. Get ready we are going home. 😄👐👐Praise the Lord God Almighty. It's time to rejoice and celebrate.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThere's an awesome new article from A Little Strength about the Millennial Kingdom - highly recommended!
ReplyDeleteThank you Gary. That's an amazing article on the blood of bulls and goats. I devoured it and found no flaw in it.
DeleteAnd in the twinkling of an eye...
Thanks Gary! I'm working my way through Greg's study as well and may/may not have a different take on things than him.
DeleteOne difference is I'm also using a timeline [gasp!] and connecting dots back to purification, the rededication of the temple and lighting of the Shamash (service candle of the menorah at Hannukah).
No small amount of study involved in that eh?
A powerful quote from GKP on the forum:
ReplyDelete"Even though I was aware of it, I didn't grasp its importance. I believe now that this represents a huge turning point. I remember from many years ago when I was a baby in Christ a sort of joke we told each other. But the joke was serious as well as amusing. We reminded each other not to ask God for patience because He would bring on us tribulation. Why? Because the Bible says tribulation worketh patience! It seems to me the leaders and people of Israel never heard that joke. By choosing to set themselves apart from the world and put themselves under the law of the Scripures, they have officially given God permission to begin a huge work. It opens the door for Him to officially turn His focus on earth away from Christians and back onto the Jews. And the only way to do this is to remove those "in Christ" out of this world. By taking us home He can give the Jews His official attention, and with this comes tribulation. I knew God was about to bring end times events to earth but I didn't see this pathway as a key."
Read more:"
And Hillary spotted a Jewish article from The Times of Israel discussing the aftermath of the Jewish Nation-State Law's passage, which strangely includes Christian and rapture prophetic language. Check this out!
ReplyDelete"LIKE A THIEF IN THE NIGHT, the contentious Jewish nation-state bill passed into the lawbooks at about 3 a.m."
"The State of Israel IS BORN AGAIN"
This is deliberate language. The Zionist Talmudic Rabbis have worked so intensely on hastening their (!) Messiah with Netanyahu since decades. Here's an excerpt from a documented 1990 (!) conversation:
"Moshiach / Dajal / Israeli based politics" (mado9111 YT channel)
For that purpose, Netanyahu was kept by God to be PM today. God alone is responsible for the perfect timing when men were already struggling and plotting for the AC to show up much earlier. Proverbs 21:1 MARANATHA!
Many Fish's WARNING on MrBBB333 on the eve of... the 9th of Av.
Hearing of IDF attacking Gaza right now. Looking forward to any coverage you may be able to provide. Ninth of Av upon us and military action of some kind is currently under way. Prayer warriors commence.
ReplyDeleteBlessings to all.
July 19th - Jewish Nation-State Law
DeleteJuly 20th - War in Gaza
July 21st - The 9th of Av
The Arabs response has not been waiting for very long... ;-)
"Arab sector threatens protests over Nationality Law"
Whoa... The Israel Defense Forces launched a massive attack on the Gaza Strip late Friday evening, following an exchange of fire. (About an hour ago)
ReplyDeleteJust this morning I told the young man adjusting my air conditioner that this would happen.
I'm glad I was bold enough to discuss end times with him. He is a Christian but was unaware of how close we are to going up.
Me singing---> Up, Up and Away LOL
Barry Scarbrough had an excellent youtube this morning. His excitement was very palpable.
As I listened to him, a line from an old song popped into my head "So blow the trumpets bang the cymbals when they start to play."
Very very soon!
Must read article at about the eclipse on 7/27/2018 and 9/11/2001.
Truly astounding the depth of the use of numbers throughout Scripture and throughout the creation. After several attempts, I was able to finally really understand the Fibonacci Spiral and God's signature after watching a lengthy video posted referring us there. The presenter, Mike Hoggard, from Bethel Church in Missouri just made it so clear and simple. Here's the link again if anybody needs it - Always, I find, we learn when Holy Spirit is ready to teach us and it was finally my turn. It explains why the phi ratios, etc. are important and why the Orders and Patterns truly are numeric and how it all is brought about by Jesus Christ and disclosed in the Holy Bible. Fascinating - God's signature is the Fibonnaci Spiral and it is everywhere in nature, our bodies, in the skies, everywhere. I highly recommend this one. Blessings - Sherry
DeleteIndeed it (FS) is an amazing...amazing signature. Thanks for sharing the link.
Sherry, thank you so much for sharing about this utterly awesome video. I was glued to it the whole time. It is astounding.
DeleteChuck Missler did a great study on it as well.
DeleteThanks for the link. Going to watch it now.
Mark I began with Chuck's teaching and "sorta" got it, but for some reason it didn't totally "click" until I listened to this one. Slow but sure! Archangel I'm so happy it blessed you as much as it did me and Charlie we can just add this "signature" to the other things we know and see and share about our amazing God. Soon and very soon, I pray. The Spirit and the Bride Say Come! Blessings - Sherry
DeleteHey folks,
ReplyDeleteFor consideration, I went back to Tim Foster 405's message on the Feast of Weeks/ New Wine Festival this morning.
Today is July 22nd or is the the New Wine Festival (according to the Enoch Esscean.sp. Calendar).
More weird, I do not get dreams, or rather, do not remember them as I did one this week. In a dream this week these number(s) were given: 222 or 22.
Well, any thoughts?
Tim Fosters' Study on Feast of Weeks (from Lev 23)
Tim Fosters' Follow-On to the Above (Note: -> Wedding at Cana was on the 3rd Day of the 5th Month)
Psalms 22. Written from the last moments from Christ's perspective just before dying on the cross...
DeleteThank you James. Nice to see you comment/ know you are still watching!
DeleteTo All Re: 222 ->
Shiver me timbers, here is an interesting link and 'possible' confirmation.
See Rody61169 video re: 9/11, but specifically re: 222 at the 13:23 mark. Wow. BTW, I am not searching for a confirmation nor trying to make it fit, but this video was on my path this morning...Lastly, Rody also believes/ confirms
the Jubilee is from YK to YK.
From Pastor Sandy...Why the Catching Away can be anytime between now and Yom Kippur of 2018...the key is the 120th Jubilee.
From Nick VanderLaan...The 7/29 Blood Moon Signaling Gog/Magog War (Ezekiel 38)??
Just saw this article... very interesting to say the least.
Good video,I agree with Pastor Sandy.
Thank you James. Nice to see you comment/ know you are still watching!
ReplyDeleteTo All Re: 222 ->
Shiver me timbers, here is an interesting link and 'possible' confirmation.
See Rody61169 video re: 9/11, but specifically re: 222 at the 13:23 mark. Wow. BTW, I am not searching for a confirmation nor trying to make it fit, but this video was on my path this morning...Lastly, Rody also believes/ confirms
the Jubilee is from YK to YK.
Charlie In DC, great video and I woke up thinking of a family mirror we had decades ago. Here's another good one if you haven't already seen it.
Syrian Jet shot down over Israeli territory this morning. If the agreement in Helsinki was being formulated to have Russia to pull Assyria into an agreement over the Golan in exchange for the US to stop protesting over Krimea (both done for the same reasons - native people speak Russian/Hebrew and were and are part of Russia/Israel) that could be a game changer & Assad is apparently not agreeing to the private meeting re: Netanyahu/Putin then Putin/Trump but will have to come around if Putin backs it. Awaiting an article, because I know Gary will post it! Hint, Hint! Blessings All - Sherry
ReplyDeleteMy full name is Irv Spielberg and I feel it's "kosher" to share the fact that more and more Messianic groups in Israel etc. are moving towards believing that true followers of Yeshua (Gentile as well as Jewish) will be in at least some of the great tribulation as a "testimony" or "witness." This trend is increasingly being reflected in various Google articles including "Greatest Hebrew-Christian Scholars Not Pretrib," "Roots of Warlike Christian Zionism," "Famous Rapture Watchers," "Pretrib Rapture: how WHAT becomes WHEN," and "Pretrib Rapture: A Staged Event." May the Messiah's blessings and leadings be upon all of you - Shalom!
ReplyDeleteIt is so wonderful to be alive and see all of these prophetic happenings in our lifetime! We were born in the 1930s, and, we are blessed to see all of these events. Maranatha! Come, Lord Jesus! I truly awed after read this in light of some quality work and educational contemplations . I just wanna express profound gratitude for the essayist and want you to enjoy all that life has to offer for coming!.
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