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"Deal Of The Century" Set To Be Unveiled As World Experiences Sudden Uptick In Earthquakes

MAJOR NEWS ON THE PEACE FRONT: President Trump is set to unveil what is being called the "Deal of the Century" next month at his speech before the United Nations General Assembly on September 25th, which happens to be the first day of Tabernacles per the observable calendar.

Apparently the Trump Administration is now holding the American embassy move to Jerusalem in limbo as collateral to get the deal through.  An aide to Abbas is expressing the Palestinian Authority's first openness to the potential deal, if the deal includes East Jerusalem as Palestine's capital (which it likely will—at least the East Jerusalem neighborhood of Abu Dis).

At the same time there has been a sudden and legitimate uptick in earthquakes worldwide, mostly around the Ring of Fire, which is analogous to the earth's birthing canal.  Using statistics directly from the USGS database, I was able to compile the following yearly and weekly averages for earthquakes in a given range:

In other news, it looks like Russia, Turkey, and Iran will be holding a summit in early September, with all their presidents in attendance.  What if—and this is a big "what if"—a certain something happened while they were at this summit?  Wouldn't that make the perfect opportunity for them to quickly plot and coordinate the Ezekiel 38 attack in the aftermath of the Church's disappearance?

Also, Comet 21P will be making its closest approach to earth on the Feast of Trumpets, rising in the sky after midnight on September 11th.  It's amazing that God created certain things to mirror the rapture (morning stars, which appear to rise in the early morning) and lightning, which appears to strike from the ground up to the clouds—and now this, a comet appearing to rise in the very early morning.

An image of Comet 21P taken four days ago from Moscow

Finally, for the record I want to make it clear that it is highly unlikely we will see the fulfillment of the deal prophesied in Daniel 9:27 while the Church is still on earth.  The antichrist (more properly "man of lawlessness") confirms the deal himself, but he is not revealed until after the restrainer (the Holy Spirit-indwelt Church) is removed from the earth (2 Thess. 2:7–8).

I placed emphasis on "confirms" because that is actually a very poor translation of the original text.  The Hebrew word is actually "strengthened" and likely indicates that there is an existing agreement of some sort that the antichrist strengthens or enforces for a period of seven years.  It could very well be that the deal the Trump Administration is set to unveil is the covenant that the antichrist will later strengthen after he is revealed.

Check out the possible (conjectural/speculative) timeline being discussed here.


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  1. Thanks for the update Gary. The "labor" is getting intense and this baby is comin'!! The next two months are going to be exciting...Maranatha!

    1. Isaiah 66 - birth *before* labor - but this baby is definitely coming! These are like Braxton Hicks.

    2. But also let us remember that Jesus told us that we shouldn't be alarmed at these things as the end is yet to come. These are the beginning of birth pains.

      Matthew 24:6-8, "And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. All these are the beginning of sorrows.

    3. I, like many including Gary, have observed that Matthew 24 is referring specifically to the signs and judgments in the Tribulation period. This being the case, "the end is yet to come" idea espoused by Jesus is speaking of the end of this particular dispensation via the Tribulation period giving birth to the millennial reign. Point being that the church's departure will have already happened previously before the Tribulation started. So, yes, "the end is not yet" for those Christians and Jews who got saved in the Tribulation period. However, for us in the body of Christ living right now, these signs pointed out in Gary's article does mean the end IS here. The Matthew 24 "end is not yet" doesn't really apply to us, the current church age of believers. Our departure, or end for us, is imminent!! So, I would not let the Matthew 24 "end is not yet" discourage watchful believers because it really isn't speaking to us.

    4. Yes, indeed! The end spoken of there is the actual end of the age when Christ physically returns to the earth (that was the disciples' question: "When will these things be and what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age?")

      Jesus lists off a bunch of Tribulation signs which He likens to birth pangs. Israel is the woman who experiences the birth pangs, but her male child, the Church, is born ***before*** her birth pangs (see Isa. 66:7-9).

    5. September 3rd is Labor Day. And we sure have a interesting tradition of no white after Labor Day..

    6. Wait, I don't understand. Then why are we the church looking at earthquakes as a big deal thinking it is pointing to our potential rapture if the earthquakes, famines, wars, and rumor of wars passage in Matthew 24 doesn't even pertain to us? Can someone explain? Is there something somewhere else in the bible that talks about earthquakes being a significant sign of end times?

    7. The increase in earthquakes that we are now experiencing can be considered the prelimary earthquakes that are a sign that the ones in Matthew 24 are drawing close. Think of it as a dam getting ready to explode. The water building up is seeping through before the dam breaks and the big gush bursts forth. In this case, the seepage is the church signs. The dam bursting and the following gusher of quakes will be the signs for the Tribulation saints indicating Christ's second coming.

    8. Thus the Matthew 24 earthquake signs are still a huge sign of the soon departure of the church to Heaven in the rapture event even though they are specifically dealing with the Tribulation saints after we're already gone.

    9. As I heard the late Chuck Missler say one time ... when you're driving down the street in October and you see Christmas decorations going up, you know that Thanksgiving is not that far away. Right now, the current quakes are a sure sign that the Matthew 24 quakes are on their way ... thus the rapture that much sooner and must be imminent.

    10. @End times darkness, thank you for your reply as that helps clear up my question. It sounds like the upticks in earthquakes is like a natural lead in to what is about to occur in the 7 year tribulation time period. That makes sense. Also I can see now how these earthquakes could connect with the upcoming peace treaty (especially if Jerusalem is divided) and the ring of fire analogy.

      The part that is still hard to understand is why Jesus is telling those who will be in the tribulation not to be alarmed or troubled when wars, rumors of wars, famine, pestilence, earthquakes, nation against nation, etc. are happening at the start of the 7 year tribulation time period. By Jesus telling them not to worry in Matthew 24:6-8, it makes it sound like the beginning of birth pains/the start of the 7 year tribulation is not something that will be very troublesome. But then in other parts of the bible we see that God is pouring out wrath at this exact same time and all kinds of tumultuous events are happening at the start of the tribulation - so instead you would expect people to be rightfully alarmed and troubled. Why is Jesus saying the opposite?

      After the rapture happens, 1 Thessalonians 5:1-3 says that sudden destruction will come as a thief in the night and people won't escape it. Many people also think there will be complete chaos on the earth after so many Christians are taken up to heaven. Plus we know that utter darkness and the Lord's vengeance is described as occurring with the day of the Lord.

      In my mind, Jesus' warning not be alarmed or troubled at the beginning of tribulation seems somewhat contrary to these other passages. It is hard to make sense out of it.

  2. I've wondered for a long time about the Rapture setting off the Ezekiel 38 War. The U.S. will be one of the most affected countries. I spent 24 years in the Air Force, became a believer there, and believe our military will lose a large number at the Rapture. Our country will be decimated by the chaos, politicians, military members, local police and fire departments, critical infrastructure people, members of every segment of society gone along with the little ones. Islam will think it's the work of the moon god, and could seize the opportunity to move against Israel.

    1. Bernie, it wasn't until very recently that I grasped how the entire world will be plunged into chaos by the rapture of the church. I believe it was in a Chuck Missler video that the statement was made to just think of all the companies that would be stopped in their tracks due to the computer password holders being taken. That thought alone is sobering. Add your comment about critical infrastructure people being gone AND all the true ministers and priests no longer being here for those left behind to turn to...(here I go again) WOW.

    2. I'm in Spain and honestly i wonder will anyone in europe even know the rapture has happened. It is so spiritually dead over here. That's such a frightening thought....

    3. God's child, I'm in Europe too (Germany, my home country). Lets keep praying for the salvation of people here and around the world even before the rapture. It seems impossible I know BUT NOTHING is impossible with God. Thank you Lord Jesus that we can come before the Father and ask boldly because of you opening the door for us through your shed blood. Father, please draw multitudes to Jesus (from around the world, Jews and Gentiles) before the Day of the Lord commences. In your mighty name Jesus. Amen.

    4. It will make instant world wide news. Billions of people most likely abducted by aliens. Can you just imagine CNN and the other networks trying to explain it?

    5. Bernie, as I have heard from prophecy teachers, that Muslims are going to be the largest amount of casualties in the coming wars. They have always been against what the Lord stands for and will die in the upcoming wars till there will be no more of them.

    6. "Billions of people..."

      BILLIONS?! I'll be tickled pink if it's even in the ballpark of 300 million, based on polls that reveal what legions of people who identify as "Christian" say they believe, particularly in the United States.

      In America, it is evident that an *absolute minimum* of 50 percent of self-identifying Christians (and that's being generous) couldn't give you a coherent, biblically sound explanation of the gospel of Jesus Christ if you put a gun to their heads. I agree that the Rapture will plunge the U.S. into chaos and cripple it like it's never been crippled, but the statistics say we're talking about 200-300 million people for the Rapture. I'd like to think I'm wrong, but that's the story the numbers tell.

  3. Comets have an identifiable history as portending a great event or great change in the world. Such was the case with the Hale-Bopp comet. Given the startling and eye-opening prophetic significance of the Hale-Bopp comet, one cannot help but notice that we have a "Trump" ready to announce the "peace deal of the century" on the Feast of Tabernacles accompanied by another comet! It's as though Hale-Bopp was pointing to "Trump" and the rise of the Antichrist, or at least the groundwork for his rise, with another comet. Hale-Bopp is seemingly pointing to this comet ... 21P. Interestingly, the distance of time between Hale-Bopp and Comet 21P is 21 years! Did they intentionally name it 21P for the distance of time between Hale-Bopp and 21P? Regardless of whether or not they did, Hale-Bopp comet seems to be prophetically pointing to not only the prophetic peculiarity of Trump and the rise of the Antichrist, but also seems to be pointing to comet 21P. Looks very, very prophetically peculiar between these two comets. Getting interesting. Hale-Bopp comet link below.

    1. Very interesting. I didn't think of that - Hale-Bopp was in 1997!!

    2. A bit of a clarification ... I meant to say the comet making it's closest approach to Earth on the Feast of Trumpets "signalling" the possible peace deal as Gary pointed out, not the peace deal itself on Trumpets. Things are looking mightily prophetically ominous around here Jack. This is a big, nasty, obscene, obnoxious, vile, steaming, ice cold, putrid can of prophetic whoop a** being cracked open. One can almost audibly hear the divine sound of a heavenly can being cracked open. Jesus himself is cracking one open for all of us too see and hear.

    3. What am I missing? What happened in connection to the Hale-Bopp comet?

    4. 21P...If we take the number 21 and add it to the position that the letter P is the alphabet we get 37

      Strong's 37 in Greek: hagiazó

      Original Word: ἁγιάζω

      Part of Speech: Verb

      Transliteration: hagiazó

      Phonetic Spelling: (hag-ee-ad'-zo)

      Short Definition: I make holy, sanctify

      Definition: I make holy, treat as holy, set apart as holy, sanctify, hallow, purify.

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. Terry Waldridge > I left the link above. It was a very prophetic sign considering it's path through the constellations and other factors. Probably too detailed for the space available here.

    7. > Full course ... That certainly is very interesting. Everything is down to the detail it would seem. Sounds like rapture language to me. Yet another sign. Wettin'the whistle much indeed.

    8. @Terri, also that the comet next month is 21P and Hale-Bopp was 21 years ago.

    9. Plus, 21 is interesting in itself being three '7s'. 7-7-7.

    10. Plus the name "Trump" is associated with many number 7 occurrences as the website "Dailycrow" has pointed out. Who would have guessed that Hale-Bopp would be a sign that just kept on giving ... (Ketussssshhhh) as another big can in Heaven is cracked open).

    11. Hale-Bopp is the comet that struck Jupiter, correct? And was it not broken into several pieces? If this is the case (my memory's a bit foggy on this), is there any significance the Number of pieces that struck Jupiter? Just wondering out loud here...

    12. No. That was a different comet from 1994 if I'm not mistaken. Wasn't Hale-Bopp.

    13. Hi Eric,

      Hale-Bopp? I think you're referring to Shoemaker-Levy 9,


      Shoemaker-Levy 9 broke up into 21 fragments before colliding with Jupiter.

      Quoting Wikipedia,

      "Comet Shoemaker–Levy 9 (formally designated D/1993 F2) was a comet that broke apart in July 1992 and collided with Jupiter in July 1994, providing the first direct observation of an extraterrestrial collision of Solar System objects."

      "These fragments collided with Jupiter's southern hemisphere between July 16 and 22, 1994 at a speed of approximately 60 km/s (37 mi/s) (Jupiter's escape velocity) or 216,000 km/h (134,000 mph). The prominent scars from the impacts were more easily visible than the Great Red Spot and persisted for many months."

      If this is the comet you're referring to, then it broke into 21-pieces before impact.

      Try digging on the factors of 21 and 21 in the Bible. Pray during your journey and enjoy!



    14. This comment has been removed by the author.

    15. Pastor Rick....
      The Shoemaker levy/9 comet fascinated me and was instrumental getting me to study such events. This was the first impact on another celestial body viewed by man.

      Another interesting tidbit is about Carl Shoemaker. He was actually on the astronaut pool to land on the moon.

      He came down with some illness that disqualified him. Carl was a geologist and was working for and looking towards being on the moon. He was very disappointed and lived out his life as a geologist.

      While in Australia, Carl was in a car wreck that killed him. A NASA official knew how disappointed Carl was not going to the moon...but he had a plan. He was in charge of the Lunar Prospector mission. This mission was to orbit the moon for some time gathering data, then deliberately crash into the moon. They calculated this collusion would be able to be observed on earth by telescope. This NASA engineer knew Carl had been cremated and he contacted Carla wife asking if she would like some of Carl's ashes aboard the Lunar Prospector. She excitedly agreed knowing Carl would want this. I didn't Google this and don't have the date, but the Lunar Prospector did indeed impact into the moon with Carla ashes aboard.

      So....Carls wish of going to the moon came true, and interestingly, he is the first human remains on another celestial body.

    16. Wow! That is an incredible story. Very moving!

      Thank you for sharing Stan!

  4. Consider the late summer rapture potential so many have speculated (Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, etc).

    Then consider Micah 7 and Isaiah 57, which both have some important parallels:

    Isaiah 57:1-2a:

    "The righteous perish,
    and no one takes it to heart;
    the devout are taken away,
    and no one understands
    Those who walk uprightly
    enter into peace;"

    And Micah 7:1-2:

    "What misery is mine!
    I am like one who gathers SUMMER FRUIT
    at the gleaning of the vineyard;
    NONE OF THE EARLY FIGS that I crave.
    Everyone lies in wait to shed blood;
    they hunt each other with nets."

  5. I am likened to an impatient and petulant child, waiting for our Rapture and must constantly correct myself. I'll be 60 in February and have a memory good enough that I can tell you of me playing in my Crib and the layout of the Apartment I lived in when I was 18 months old. I have never seen such hatred and pain in my entire life nor can I remember people hating so heartily, a President as they do Trump. Of course there was always dissent and disagreements in Government and I come from a long line of people who were close to the White House and Military Officers, so I've been on the front line. Again, so much hate filled rhetoric, lies and alibis. In Congress, and my Uncle was Sen. Victor Crawford,things would get heated, on the floor but then they'd go out for Cocktail Hour, etc. and call it a day. Now, they're calling for violence as well as encouraging lawlessness. We are a resilient bunch and we tend to keep our heads down, on a swivel and march on thus I feel most tend to overlook the terrible tears of the masses, the earthquakes, fires and so on...of course, unless it immediately affects them? And very soon, people will be caught unawares or so it appears because deep, deep inside, I believe that we all KNOW our Lord and this is why they try so diligently to deny Him? No excuses can be made, actually! In my own personal experience, my life has been in shambles for such a long time, yet ramping up to unbearable to the point of knowing that something must give soon? Then again, clinging by the skin of my teeth, I hang on to every Word of scripture, praying fervently for our Blessed Hope. Pray for all these "Know-It-All's, Mockers & Scoffers" the many that felt as though they were smarter than The Almighty. Yes, please know that, "Me, Myself & I Am" are rooting for, hoping and praying that none should perish!!

    1. I sense in the Spirit what you're sensing. The hatred in people's hearts is unlike anything we've seen or experienced before.

      "Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of many will grow cold."

      I see how this is all such a perfect setup for the antichrist's entrance. All this societal pressure is rapidly building and the rapture is like popping the cork. The restrainer is all that is holding society together. Once we're gone, all of godless hatred and delusion in society will be channeled into support for the son of perdition and his anti-Jew and anti-Trib Saint campaign.

    2. Delighted to hear from you Aunt B and I so empathize with your situation and your synopsis of where we currently stand. It's real and it's about to get more real! Buckle up Buttercup Indeed - I understand it was a slam, but certainly prophecy spoken! Hang in there, for you've apparently been around one of the most dangerous places on earth for a long time - politics! Praying with and for you! Blessings - Sherry

    3. Thanks Aunt B. The Lord did say that we must become like little children to enter His Kingdom so don't be to hard on yourself! Lol! All kidding aside there are many of us that are feeling the same things in our Spirit. Pretty much the only things I'm receiving in my Spirit are, Be still and know that I AM GOD and Let not your heart be troubled.

      God Bless

    4. In the Word we read that because lawlessness will abound the love of many will grow cold. When love grows cold pathological hatred for others takes over. This is the hatred that's being expressed towards President Donald Trump in the America. What millions of Americans don't realize is that because God put Trump in Office this nation-wide hatred of the President is actually being directed towards Him! In other words God is using Trump, who's not perfect, to separate the wheat from the chaff in America!

  6. ...and thank you, from the pit of my gut (where I feel the Spirit) for your stellar and excellent work. The Father is surely pleased!!

  7. Gary, kind of you to answer me back. Satan, of course does his best to kill all of the joy, does he not but I don't even need joy anymore. Nope, I am living on hope and hope alone. And as sure as I am breathing, I know the other shoe is about to drop, all hell is about to break loose and along with this hope is all I am living for: Our Rapture. See you there, Gary!!

  8. Holy smokes. Nobody told me that Comet 21p, which is going to show up just after midnight on FOT, is the parent body of the Draconids!! So last FOT you have Rev 12:1-2 and this FOT you have the source of the meteor shower that appears to come out of Draco the Dragon making its closest approach to the earth (Rev 12:3-4??)

    1. Wow. WOW! That’s actually beautiful.

    2. Gary, and the 'children' of that progenitor are anticipated to also provide a show-stopping appearance about a month later. Another 'TWIN' dynamic featuring Source/Offspring mirroring death and destruction's version of another such pair Who Bring Redemption? Just sayin', Maranatha!

    3. If you will also remember Jimboni, the month later timeframe we determined could be the "back-stop" from ClearlyWrittenDotNet's video and our comments there. It will not be your typical Draconid "Shower" it will be the full and final (viewable from earth) storm based on its location determined in the astronomical programs. There have been 2 others in the series which were storms and noteworthy. This one will occur in and around the same spot, so should be similar. Yes, Gary, Rev 12:3-4 Indeed is a possibility. Blessings - Sherry

    4. Sherry Griffin, perhaps lost in my overly symbolic terms, but, that was my very idea, yuppers, that one, right there, Maranatha!

  9. Again....Since we are about out of here, would it not be wise and prudent to leave our left behind loved ones some basic survival food., bibles, supplies, etc....while we have control of our money while we are here? We need to be better stewards of our resources while we are here directing what to do with them.

    I have done so using my faith of understanding of the scriptures. It will come in handy as Matthew 24:45-46 tells me.

    1. Dear Stan, IMO everyone can deal with that as he likes but there's nothing specific pointing to in scriptures. People will have enough time to plunder grocery stores for food and bookshops for bibles after all but what could it help them anyway when we're gone? What you are quoting from Matthew 24 refers to the HOUSEHOLD of the LORD (master / servants) this is not some unbelieving earthly household left behind but this pertains to the CHURCH as the HEAVENLY "household of God" while we're still here. MARANATHA!

    2. Annabel....With a smile on my face, I humbly ask you ....how long will the run on the grocery stores last before the shelves are empty?? 2 days at most?? Then, imagine the violence of the ones getting their load of food.

      Would it not be nice of loved ones finding hidden freeze dried food and having part of their trials diminished?

    3. Dear Stan no offense but your comment reminds me of some promotion of deliquents' last meal... ;-) I leave this to the LORD who will miraculously feed those who are His during that time period (Revelation 12:14 / Matthew 25:35-40) and will take surely care for them also spiritually (Revelation 14:6-12). God finds his own ways to care for His people during tribulation period, just like He cared for me and my loved ones during church age when no other man did (1 Kings 17 / Matthew 6:33). As for my part, there is none of my family / relatives who would even notice when I'm gone. My husband and son will go with me, no one else. God will take care for everything (and everyone) else.

  10. ...and we have the 10 year anniversary of the collapse of Lehman Brothers taking place in September. 10 meaning 'the completeness of order'. We are watching the financials closely for other reasons, however this adds another reason to be watching closely this oh so interesting month of September!!


    1. Indeed. Bears watchin'. Jesus is wettin'the whistle alot here lately. Crackin' open some cold ones.

  11. I’m sorry I’m not very knowledgeable in all this but trying to follow. I have a question about the “what if” in the article. If Russia, Turkey and Iran have a summit in early September then I assume that early would be before the Sept 25 big deal. If we are gone/raptured before the summit then how could the Big Deal be presented by Trump Admin on the 25th that the AC would change? Wouldn’t there be so much chaos and turmoil including the chance Trump is also raptured? Thank you for any clarification if possible ��

    1. Dear Maddie, I don't think the Peace Deal has yet to be presented as it is all ready now and everyone knows already what it comprises from reading the news. I found it interesting when J. Kushner at first was announcing it to be presented on 9/3 but then shortly after D. Trump came out with postponing the date to 9/25 which is far beyond FoT and Yom Kippur. The first date would have been earlier... So God would let them postpone it after His Feast days. I agree with you there might be no presentation at all in the post-rapture aftermath but yet the plan might be used to be presented "strengthened" like mentioned in Daniel 9:27 e.g. by adding the permission of the 3rd temple building to the Jews during a 7 years timeframe. But I don't think Trump will be raptured though. Check out the documentary video on the "Shaking my Head Productions" YT channel... He's not my brother, no way. Blessings to you, MARANATHA!

    2. Hello, Maddie,

      That is a good question. In the event of the Rapture before such a treaty were delivered who would be missing? Members of the body of Christ. Who would be left? Those who are not members of the body of Christ. By definition anyone who is not in Christ would be left behind.

      In the case of these proceedings, the two chief negotiators are Jewish and not Christian. The primary broker of the deal is Jewish and therefore would not necessarily be absent and thus be able to complete the *deal*.

      Keep in mind that I am not suggesting who would be raptured and who would not. I am only suggesting a potential for high-level dignitaries that may be able to continue facilitation of the accords...especially in the turmoil that would follow the Rapture.

      We do not have to understand the *how* of all of this. Knowing that His word is trustworthy and true is what matters. Our walk by faith that is founded on trust is key to obedience because of our love of the LORD. Love is the key to it all for obedience is nothing without love.

      I hope this helps, but please know that our time is short. Make the best of each day you have to share the love of Christ with those you meet; and tell those that G-d gives you the great and awesome things He has done in your life! Pray about these things and hold fast to the faith that you have been given.

      Remain anchored in the Love of Christ and do not be afraid.


      Pastor Rich

    3. Thank you both for your replies. I appreciate very much! Blessings!

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Thank you guys for sharing and for working so hard, God bless you. I don't want to be afraid, I just want to follow Jesus every day and see Him someday.. but I am confused, sometimes all this stuff makes me think about how honest am I, do I looking for him because of the signals? ..please help me Lord I just want to have a pure heart I'd wish not to know anything about this and live everyday like Abraham, but you know why I am here and now, and you have the control of everything, I'm so grateful, please lead me, show me the way, and please I beg you for all the people that are still in their own ways, give them some light, just like you were so mercyful with me, please call the others too.

  14. This is to for newbies reading these posts. Do not lose faith if we are still here this Christmas, next Christmas, and another one after that. My wife believes in the rapture as I do, but her faith is weak. I would never expose her to this site as it continually goes through amazing line ups of dates , numbers etc, that come and go. Before I am called an unbeliever, yes, I am an unbeliever in a pre trib rapture.

    Christians will see the A.C come to power, and then great tribulation.

    I was raised pretrib and until I started reading my bible for myself, my scriptures that just didn't fit, now I see why they do not fit pre trib.

    So again, this is to the beginning readers here. Do not lose faith in the Bible when you find yourself here still seeing comments posted on this site this Christmas, next Christmas, and a few more at the least.

    1. Don't worry about us staying behind Stan, we understand the parable of the Wheat and Tares, the Lord has explained it clearly in no uncertain terms...

      Bon Voyage!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Thanks guys =) ...Well my pastor used to say that the rapture could be before de tribulation, and explained his point of view with evidences and more..(I have to study it again) but he said that also it is ok if you believe in another possible time, anyway the point is to be prepared; with crime, earthquakes, violence, natural disasters we could die before that our eyes see our Lord Jesus in the sky. Now he and part of his family are in Heaven with Jesus. He was a extraordinary man that loved Jesus with all his heart and gave his complete life to serve Him. I think maybe Jesus took him in orther that the church to wake up and give even more and more everyday. Anyway, thank you brothers and sisters for this site, it is so helpful so we to avoid to be lukewarm

    4. By the way.. He, the pastor, used to be very humble and honest and said to us that he was afraid sometimes when he thinking about to be a martyr..and beg Jesus for strenght when tat times comes, and guess What? God just took him in a second without pain or fear...Our God is awesome LOL

    5. Dear Lorena, please check out Ken Johnson on YT and his 3 part bible study (plain scriptures!) entitled "Looking at the rapture", be blessed! MARANATHA

    6. Hi Annabel... sure! I will do that..thanks a lot =)

    7. 888

      You brought up the Wheat&Tares knowing all about it.

      I had a nagging question for months....why does Matthew 13:30 say..."gather ye together FIRST the tares?"

      I pondered and pondered on that. In my mind at that time I was perplexed about this wording, I thought it should be "gather ye FIRST the wheat."

      Please enlighten me with why the tares are gathered FIRST.


    8. I heard someone talk about this years and years ago. He spoke about the "gathering together" that would take place as the end was approaching.
      He said to watch for everyone to gather into little groups and he used, as examples, that men would be in "their" group and women would be in "their" group. Everyone divided/subdivided/grouped together by race, gender, religion, political party, etc, etc.
      Look around, that's exactly whats going on.

    9. Stan, My stab at this would be that He Is Speaking to the Reapers. The 'first' gathering of the tares could, poetically, referring to their 'gathering' in purpose and declaration, not in location. In light of the sifting intensifying and the 'in-your-face' rebellion drawing VERY clear lines, could not we say that the Tares are, in fact, well bundled about NOW? Seeing this as the result of, or entangled somehow with the Reaper's work, however, would be the next challenge to this idea, Maranatha!

    10. This comment has been removed by the author.

    11. Beginning with the Second Coming in Revelation 19:11, read the rest of the book in chronological order and you'll see the answer (:

      1. Jesus comes out of Heaven w/ His saints (Rev. 19:11)

      2. Tares destroyed (Rev. 19:21)

      3. Devil bound (Rev. 20:1-3)

      4. Church begins to judge (Those on thrones - the 24 elders - Rev. 20:4a)

      5. The wheat gathered (5th Seal Martyrs resurrected, and, by extension, Israel gathered - Rev. 20:4b)

      6. 1,000 year reign (Rev. 20:5-6)

      7. Satan loosed / final Gog & Magog war (Rev. 20:7-10)

      8. Final / GWT Judgment (Rev. 20:11-15)

      9. New heavens, new earth, New Jerusalem (Rev. 21-on)

    12. I would encourage everyone to meditate on the literal truths contained in these Scriptures. God does not deceive and God does not lie. His promises are true:

      Rev. 3:10; 4:1; 5:8–10; 12:5; 20:4; 1 Thess. 1:10; 4:16–18; 5:4; 2 Thess. 2:3, 7; 1 Cor. 15:51–52; Acts 15:14–16; Zeph. 1:14–2:3; Jn. 14:1–6; Isa. 17:10–11; 26:17–21; 57:1–2; 66:7–9; Lk. 21:36; Deut. 32:21

      Each of these points to the deliverance of the Church into Heaven ***before*** the DoTL.

      Regarding following Scripture on eschatology, my experience was the opposite. When I first started diligently studying prophecy I was convinced by post-trib and pre-wrath scholars. I read an extensive amount of material on the subject and thought their arguments were pretty much indisputable... that's until I realized that they relied on ignoring the plain sense of Scripture in many, many areas and ignoring important themes. They also work by propping up certain Scriptures at the expense of others.

      That's why I argue we should stick to trusting what the Bible plainly says. The Bible promises there will be a resurrection and gathering after the Trib. It also promises there will be one before. ***Both*** are true. Fear of disappointment shouldn't be what drives our belief.

      We stand on God's promises.

    13. StanFoster - I heard it described thusly..... Wheat, when it's ready to be gathered, weighs heavy and so the stalks "bow down" with the weight of its "fruit". Tares, which look identical to wheat, do not bow down because it has no "fruit." This is how the farmer knows which is tare and which is wheat.

    14. Jesus tells us plainly in Matthew 13:37-43 that the good seeds of the wheat that he himself planted are the SONS OF THE KINGDOM. He says that he planted them in the world BEFORE an enemy (the devil) came and sowed evil seeds of tares. So, the people who represent the sons of the kingdom were here on earth before Satan came.

      Jesus said that BOTH the wheat and the tares will grow together until the harvest of at the end of the age. This means that both the sons of the kingdom and the sons of the evil one will be on this earth until the end of the age.

      Based on this passage, the "church age" Christians are definitely part of the seeds that grow into "wheat" and we will one day be gathered into his barn.

      Stan - it is interesting to consider the phases of a harvest. First the wheat and the tares would have to be cut down before they can be gathered or collected. Perhaps a sickle would be involved in that? Makes me think of Revelation 14: 14-19. Matthew 13:30 only talks about the the collection and gathering phase...

    15. Hi Stan

      If one studies the parable of the wheat and tares, you realise just how brilliant Jesus' parables were.

      This parable describes the fact that when the wheat and tares are both young growing up together, they look almost exactly the same and only an expert eye can tell the difference, as in the case of the workers in the field (farmers). They alerted the owner early on that there were tares amongst the wheat. The owner off course then says that both the wheat and tares must be left to grow up together until it is harvest time, else, if the tares are pulled out too early, the wheat would be pulled out with it as they both are growing in such close proximity and their roots are even entwined.

      The tares in question here is a plant called Lolium Temulentum (Darnel - "bastard wheat"). I've seen some farmers even calling it "Cheat".
      Go check out some photos on the net to see how closely it resembles wheat.
      It is clear that only the expert eye would be able to distinguish the real vs the false.

      This plant is poisonous and if the seeds are digested, would make you very sick, even kill you.
      That's why they have to be hand-picked out of the field at harvest time so as to not contaminate the good seeds of the wheat. It is true what Eric said, at harvest time the wheat would bow down laden with ripe fruit and the tares would be proud and erect as always, literally standing out and immediately recognisable amongst the wheat.
      After the tares are picked out, bundled together and burnt, the wheat is then harvested and stored in the barn.

      And this is how it will be when Christ returns at the end of this age as he explains that he will instruct his angels to first remove the evil from amongst people and then gather his harvest of good seeds (wheat).

      "Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father. Who hath ears to hear, let him hear"

    16. Dear Stan, I agree with everything said about the "cheat" Lollium wheat and would like to add sth about the "bundles" which I have always understood as the multitude of religions and "churches" i.e. denominations, cults and sects especially blooming during endtimes. For the cleansing of Christianity itself, there is another picture used in Matthew 3:12 and Luke 3:

  15. I am also astonished at the amount of hate present in the world these days. The uptick in obvious demonic activity is mind blowing. Thanks to the writers at this site and followers willing to share their insights I am able to see and grasp the importance of current events. I began asking God to give me understanding a couple of years ago and He led me here. He keeps opening my eyes and heart to things like never before. I firmly believe we will not be here at Christmas. As so many others have expressed my virtual bags are packed, the car is running...let's go!

    1. Dear Terri, go also watch sister "Kay Tdid" YT channel she got a wonderful dream about 'Change at Yom Kippur' with a word from Isaiah 61:1-3 I would agree with her too "this is it"!! MARANATHA sister! :-)

    2. Thanks Annabel! Checking it out now.

    3. Here I go again...WOW Annabel! That's cool.

  16. 6.3 quake hit in Alaska.

    I feel like a seismologist checking the usgs website all the time.

    1. This is INSANE. What's amazing is that these are all around the RoF and not just in one specific location.

  17. Thank you Gary for making the connection between the "Peace Deal" and the "Uptick in EQ activity" here! In fact I would like to highly recommend the following video and the articles linked in the description box (don't miss to read them!!) as an URGENT MUST WATCH for everybody on this website:

    REVELATIONCHAPTER12 YT channel "Gods eternal Contact: Our Salvation and the Resurrection" https://youtu.be/T-RxkbCRu0M (8/17/18)

    Paul Dawson clearly shows in his excellent bible study video how the BREAKING of the eternal LAND CONTRACT and the SHAKING of the whole earth and creation are intrinsically LINKED to each other! MARANATHA, Jesus is at the door!! Woooo-Hooohh! :-D

    1. That's a great video. He does a great job dividing the word in regards to the Abrahamic Covenant.

  18. At https://www.newscientist.com/article/2174889-warming-arctic-could-be-behind-heatwave-sweeping-northern-hemisphere/ "Warming Arctic could be behind heatwave sweeping northern hemisphere" more about the abnormal heat and drought in the Northern Hemisphere last summer. Are we witnessing the climate system being prepared for the Tribulation Period? That will be a period of heat and drought all over the world.

  19. Wow, quite a headline on Fox:

    "Tons of major quakes have rattled the world recently. Does that mean anything?"


    Yes, Fox. It does.

  20. With hurricane Lane bearing down on Hawaii as we speak, it is interesting to note that while God is bringing (possibly) disaster on a US state 24000km2 in size, the US President is about to release the plan for separating a nation that is 25000km2 in size (Israel plus 'the west bank'). "You separate mine, Ill separate yours..."


    1. Wow, no joke. I had to look that one up to see for myself.

      There are 50 states and only 5 are approximately the size of Israel:

      New Hampshire
      New Jersey

      Undivided Israel (Israel + West Bank + Gaza) is 10,846 square miles.

      Hawaii 10,931 square miles.

      Thus Hawaii is the single closest state in size to undivided Israel.


    2. Actually, due to the recent Kilauea eruption, the total area of Hawaii is now 10,932 square miles.

    3. Those last three numbers catch my attention (:

  21. I really need to come up with another word. But...WOW.

  22. Gary, I just realized something SO AWESOME!! Jupiter came out of the womb of Virgo on 9/9/(17), which is Feast of Trumpets this year! Maybe this is how the sign indicates the time!!

    1. Holy smokes. I had forgotten all about that! FOT is 9/9-11 this year on the civil calendar.

  23. Comet 21P, source of the Draconids (the meteor shower that will show up in early October, appearing to come from Draco), comes out of the constellation Auriga shortly after midnight on the Feast of Trumpets. Auriga is directly above Leo and Virgo's head and looks like a doorway or portal into Heaven. It is often depicted as a chariot. Elijah was raptured to Heaven in a chariot of fire. Auriga is equidistant between Draco and Hydra, the two serpents that surround Virgo (Draco to the left of Virgo and Hydra to the right).

    Perhaps this symbolizes satan being cast out of Heaven and the October Draconids might symbolize the dragon's tail sweeping down 1/3rd of the stars.

    This would of course only be a sign. The ultimate fulfillment is when satan and his angels are actually cast out: Where is the Dragon?

    It should also be noted that the constellation Hercules is at Draco's head. Hercules' foot is crushing the serpent's head. In reality this depicts Christ having final victory over the serpent as prophesied in Gen. 3:15. Even more interesting, the constellation Hercules is often depicted battling with a multi-headed serpent. These heads could easily be construed as extended out of Draco. Furthermore, the only crown constellation is composed of the 7 stars of Corona Borealis. It just so happens that this constellation is directly adjacent to Hercules and the multi-headed serpent he's fighting.

    Thus, Draco + the multi-headed serpent in Hercules + Corona Borealis + the Draconids may represent the best possibility yet for the red dragon of Rev. 12:3–4. It's interesting that while Virgo with her crown of Leo was facing upwards towards Heaven, Draco and its heads and crowns are facing downwards towards the earth, as if just cast out.

    1. Oooooohhh ... that was a nasty blow. Nasty. Nasty. Nasty can of prophetic WA.

      "Comet 21P, source of the Draconids (the meteor shower that will show up in early October, appearing to come from Draco), comes out of the constellation Auriga shortly after midnight on the Feast of Trumpets. Auriga is directly above Leo and Virgo's head and looks like a doorway or portal into Heaven. It is often depicted as a chariot. Elijah was raptured to Heaven in a chariot of fire."

      Had to repeat that first part ... KETSSSSHHHHHH!!!! ... is heard as the can is cracked open. That one was a foamer. Lips to the can and don't waste any!!!! That was some vicious ground n' pound!!!!

    2. Lol, ETDD, you have me actually lol'ing on that one (: Well this got me stewing and I think I've found something big. I'm ready to open a can on the devil... hoping to post it tonight.

    3. Awesome ... can't wait to read it. I'll be up until 1:30.

  24. Am I sounding like a broken record yet? WOW...

  25. 7.1 quake in Peru!

    This is crazy!

    1. If I'm reading the map correctly, it took place near an area called Madre de Dios.


    I talked to my mom last night in Portland, Oregon. She said that she did not feel the 6.9 quake off the coast this week but that air quality is so bad from the fires in the West that the normally fresh Oregon air is now WORSE than Beijing, China.

    So thick is the smoke that the news advises everyone to stay indoors and wear special filter masks (not the medical grade stuff -- better!) if to go outside. Not just for seniors, but for everyone!

    She said the sun is blocked so well by the smoke of the fires from British Columbia, California and native in Oregon that the days are COLDER and she has resorted to turning on the heat in the middle of summer! The particulates are so fine that specials filter masks are recommended to allow outside travel. The smoke was so thick at her location that it looked like a "fog".

    Local news suggests that this cycle of smoke may last until October.

    1. Thank you for that info PR. I have been strongly suspicious of all these fires having broader effects as you described. And I really think they are hint at it getting much worse.

      The watchmen's voices are about to be heard. Makes me think of moments in the Bible when an ungodly king or pharaoh would finally say, okay, okay! Tell me what your God wants!

  27. Looks like a type of Noah's flood happening in Hawaii. 30 inches of rain already and they are expecting 40.

    1. Water just broke? Birth soon?

    2. Water which came from a narrow path (that's what lane means and that sure sounds like a birth canal)

    3. I sure hope and pray so. I am so ready to leave this wicked world. And things are going to get worse.

    4. Miguel P, Ha! Found you! Maranatha!

  28. As in 40 days and 40 nights of Noah's flood.

  29. Hello.. I have read all the comments very interesting.. I am in Ontario Canada and about 8 miles from Niagara Falls.. Nice to meet you all and here is something a oldy I have been humming today :-) Thought I would share if that is ok. I wonder and think a lot about the people of the last days and how God hand choose the ones he wanted her for this time. Do you know how many people through history wanted to be were we are? WOW ! :-) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TxaAmNuL7BU

    1. Thanks for sharing. Kind of nostalgic for me. Glad to have you. Maranatha.

  30. I seem to always find these discussions too late. I noted parables used to make points about the rapture. Many believe every virgin will be taken up. But the parable of the 10 virgins shows 5 will not be ready, and don't make it to the wedding. Put that with the rapture and the Wedding Feast of the Lamb, and there is reason to be sure we have enough oil in our lamps.



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