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Hanukkah Approaches

Hanukkah Approaches

Thanksgiving is now behind us and the last month of the year is closing in.  There is so much to be thankful for.  This past year many have ...
Election Aftermath, Dominionism, And The Coming Covenant With Death

Election Aftermath, Dominionism, And The Coming Covenant With Death

November 6, 2018: the first midterm election since the inauguration of President Trump occurred and the results were somewhat of a mixed ba...
Drinking from the Well of Living Water

Drinking from the Well of Living Water

Dear Storm-tossed, Worn and Weary Traveler, The seas are raging, and the waters are rough. There is scant assurance from both history ...
The Cloud, The Stone, And The Serpent: Stranger Things (Part II)

The Cloud, The Stone, And The Serpent: Stranger Things (Part II)

In June I wrote about a strange string of occurrences that seemed prophetic in nature—unusual "happenings" that closely matched t...


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