Another Sign In The Heavens As U.S. and Israel Gear Up For Peace Plan
And now, in just two weeks, there appears to be a significant confluence of heavenly signs: a blood moon (total lunar eclipse) over the entire Western Hemisphere, immediately followed by a close conjunction of Jupiter and Venus—the two planets that have played a central role in this entire cosmic story, representing Christ and His Church. For those in the United States, the eclipse will be visible Sunday evening, January 20th, but anyone east will see it in the very early morning of January 21st. The Jupiter-Venus conjunction will be visible on Tuesday, January 22nd.
Everyone in North and South America, Europe, and West Africa will be able to witness the entirety of the total phase of the eclipse. Intriguingly, Israel misses the total eclipse phase by mere miles. So this blood moon, passing over our heads, is apparently intended for the Gentiles.
Speaking of passing over, it looks like the Trump-Kushner peace plan may now be unveiled on, or right around Passover. With Israeli elections now slated for April 9th, the Trump Administration seems hesitant to release the plan prematurely, potentially endangering its chance for success, so they have delayed it "several months" (in other words, until shortly after the elections).
This year Good Friday and Jewish Passover both fall on April 19th, ten days after Israeli elections. If Netanyahu secures enough Likud seats to form a governing coalition, Trump will no doubt be eager to reveal the plan. In fact, there have even been some reports that Trump encouraged Netanyahu to campaign on the peace plan ("Vote for me, I'll offer you peace and security!").
We can certainly see how the U.S. and Israel are gearing up for some big announcements (and major changes) to the status quo. Just yesterday, National Security Adviser John Bolton toured the tunnels beneath the Temple Mount and Western Wall:
And Prime Minister Netanyahu will apparently be making a major, televised announcement tonight regarding his burgeoning legal troubles, so stay tuned.
If you think of the Bible's prophecies of the end of the age like a birthday cake, the cake has already been mixed, baked, and set. The icing is even on. All that remains are the sprinkles and candles. There are just a few finishing touches, whatever those minute details may be.
Every few years there is a back-to-back sequence of total lunar eclipses, these are what constitute tetrads and triads (four and three total lunar eclipses in a row, respectively). The last tetrad occurred in 2014 to 2015, and the blood moons fell on Passover - Tabernacles - Passover - Tabernacles. This month's blood moon is the last blood moon of a triad. In fact it's the last blood moon until mid-2021. With two and a half years until the next one, it almost seems like a bookend of sorts. And sandwiched between the 2014–15 tetrad and the 2018–19 triad was the Revelation 12 Sign, which points to our soon departure and the near-arrival of the Day of the LORD.
- - -
Addendum: A Church-Snatching Conjunction
After watching an intriguing video from Ty Green about the upcoming Jupiter-Venus conjunction, I thought it worthwhile to share with you that this conjunction paints a pretty compelling picture of the rapture.
Recall that Jupiter (representing the Body of Christ) was in Virgo's womb for the exact length of human gestation and then came out. Virgo is the only constellation of a virgin and the only constellation along the ecliptic of a woman (thus the only candidate for Revelation 12:1–2 in the sky).
Think back to the potential Revelation 12:3–4 sign on October 8th of this year when, to many observers, it appeared that one-third of the visible stars of the sky fell to earth along the path of the dragon.
Just below the seven heads of Serpens (#1 in the image above) is the claw of Scorpius in which Jupiter (again, representing the Church) is currently bound.
Now, just as Virgo is the only constellation in the sky that can represent the woman of Revelation 12, so Libra, just below her feet, is the only constellation that can be unequivocally associated with the Throne Room of God. Why? Because the ancient depictions of Libra were not scales, but an altar (see here). And in the Book of Revelation, the heavenly altar is located immediately in front of the Throne of God (Rev. 8:3) in Heaven.
Now get this: after the October alignment this year, Venus traveled to Virgo (Israel) and remained there for a bit. After having a rare conjunction with Spica (the "seed"), Venus then leaves Virgo, traveling to Libra (the altar in Heaven). Compare this to:
Therefore Israel will be abandoned until she who is in labor has given birth; then the rest of His brothers will return to the children of Israel.
- Micah 5:3
And the important prophecy that the New Testament writers picked up on in which it is said God would take a people out of the Gentiles to Himself, to make the unbelieving nation of Israel jealous:
They made me jealous by what is no god and angered me with their worthless idols. I will make them envious by those who are not a people; I will make them angry by a nation that has no understanding.
- Deuteronomy 32:21
And finally Christ's ascension when He literally left Israel from the Mount of Olives and was taken up to Heaven:
After he said this, he was taken up before their very eyes, and a cloud hid him from their sight. They were looking intently up into the sky as he was going, when suddenly two men dressed in white stood beside them. 'Men of Galilee,' they said, 'why do you stand here looking into the sky? This same Jesus, who has been taken from you into heaven, will come back in the same way you have seen him go into heaven.'
- Acts 1:9–11
What happens next? Venus leaves Libra (the heavenly altar) and travels down the ecliptic until it conjuncts with Jupiter near the claw of Scorpius, just below the seven heads of Serpens, on January 21–22, around the time of the Super Blood Moon. After being rescued by Venus, Jupiter is now past the seven heads of Serpens and out of the clutches of Scorpius for the next near-decade, returning to Virgo (Israel) in 2028 at the same time Venus returns to Leo.
And so we now may have a complete picture. But remember, these are signs of the nearness of events, not necessarily the events themselves.
Tick Tock
ReplyDelete🚫 🍇
🚫 🍇!!!!!!
DeleteOK, pardon my ignorance but what does this combination mean?
Delete�� ��
The Not symbol and the grapes .........
Circle-slash, grapes!!!! == Don't be a grape.
Delete19 So the angel swung his sickle across the earth and gathered the grape harvest of the earth and threw it into the great winepress of the wrath of God. 20 They were trampled in the winepress outside the city, and blood flowed out of the press, rising as high as the horses' bridles for a distance of 1,600 stadia.
(Revelation 14:19-20 ESV)
Richard nailed it! The original context comes from this article:
DeleteSome awesome memes were made from that, lol!
Tick Tock indeed..
DeleteI would like to make a Toast: "To the Bride and her lovely Bridegroom".
Sir / Madam, will you be choosing the roast beef or the fish for your main course?
Jordan, Here, here!
DeleteWhat a lovely thought! So exciting!
0 / grapes = not divne
Deletesorry, 0/grapes = not divine
DeleteReally looking forward to the Marriage Supper.
ReplyDeleteMe, too! Maranatha!
DeleteA timely and important article Gary!
ReplyDeleteWell done!!
In three (3) days Jonah emerged from the fish. In three (3) days Jesus rose from the grave. In (3) days Saul came out of darkness. If days were years, Jonah, Jesus and Saul were each subject to three (3) *symbolic* increments of time.
How long is this time?
One interpretation may be found in, "time, times and half a time," as found in (Daniel 7:25), (Revelation 12:14) and further alluded to in (Daniel 4:16, 5:25, 9:27). The prophets understood a year as 360 days. God created the sun to mark the seasons and years. He made the moon to mark the days. There are 354.37 days in a lunar year (of 12 moons/months), and 365.24 days in a solar year; together they average 360 days.
360-days (time) + 720 (times) + 180 (half-a-time) = 1,260-days
If this logic were true then it would follow to multiply three times time or,
3 X 360 = 1,080 derive a total number of days as in a time, times and half-a-time illustrated above. Apply this day count the second of the lunar tetrad that fell on Sukkot, 2014 and you land on the beginning of the Great Sign of Revelation 12/Feast of Trumpets, Rosh Hashanah/Shabbat Shuba, 2017.
Another interesting fact, the day, Saturday, September 23, 2017 was 726-minutes from sunrise to sunset. From the hour of the Winter Solstice, 2018 to the Super Blood Moon this month is 726-hours. The moon will be eclipsed five (5) hours.
Look-up Strong's numbers for G726 and G5. They are "ἁρπάζω" (to seize, catch up, snatch away) and "Ἀββᾶ" (daddy/father).
I am in the process of planning a Star Party for the night of the eclipse. We'll have a pair of reflecting telescopes a fire pit, Bible reading and prayer. I can only imagine if it was a the night we went Home! The darkened moon and stillness of the night split by a blinding flash of brilliant white light from the east that jets to the west and the skies filled with Christ's own in an instant!
There are too many empty seats on the Ark. Pray that the LORD sends more angels to deliver the message of salvation that even the tiniest root takes hold in the hearts of men, women and youth at are today lost that they too may embark with us on the coming of the Day!
Share the good news that has been given to you! We call that your story. It is your testimony.
Share well!
Pastor Rich
No joke. If you average the solar and lunar (synodic) years it is almost exactly 360 days.
DeleteI feel like a light bulb has just gone off.
It always perplexed me about the solar vs. lunar calendars, but it seems the Bible is very aware of this difference.
When the Bible refers to "years" it's often talking about actual solar years complete with four seasons.
When it refers to "times" it seems to be talking about a period of 360 days. Daniel and Revelation clearly refer to 360-day times/years, but what's curious is that Genesis, at least in the account of the Flood, seems to speak of 360-day years, as well.
Indeed, time seems short. So hard it can be to keep your focus and not strive in your own strength. So much better it is for us when we let go and let God.
DeleteHold fast to the only truth that matters,
2 For I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and him crucified.
(1 Corinthians 2:2 ESV)
Pastor Rich
Deanna...You are absolutely correct. We have several years at the least..too many scriptures would have to be cut out of my Bible for a pretrib rapture.
DeleteWell said.
DeleteHere we go again... Good to know that Deanna Reynolds is already banned from rev12daily website for insistingly spreading her false doctrine whatever it takes. Hoo-pago Satanas! (Matthew 4:10) MARANATHA!
DeleteDeanna, respectfully, please have the humility to realize you may be mistaken (and I believe you are on your partial-rapture view). We can agree to disagree and do so lovingly and without disparaging one another. I don't agree with how you're handling Scripture on this topic and could go point by point, and may do so at another time (or with a whole article), but I've covered a lot of this in great detail before.
DeleteSuffice to say a few points:
1. Partial-rapture = pseudo-Sola Fide. Salvation isn't just of the dead human spirit, but of the whole man - spirit, body, and soul. God saves all three by His grace through Christ's atoning sacrifice and the regenerating power of the Holy Spirit. The resurrection/rapture of the whole Church is a work of God's grace just as much as spiritual justification.
2. I noticed you brought up the Rev. 7 multitude having had their robes washed. Interestingly, you left out what they are washed with: the blood of the Lamb. Not their own works/deeds/fill in the blank (see Rev. 7:14).
3. The Church is a distinct entity of Jews + Gentiles. The Body of Christ will NOT be divided.
4. The Trib Saints (Rev. 7 multitude) come back to life to reign for 1,000 years, not at the end (see Rev. 20:4).
5. John himself defines overcoming as having faith in Christ (NOT works). Thus all the promises to the churches are wrought by genuine saving faith in Christ and not deeds (done in the flesh).
6. The second resurrection you speak of only pertains to works (see Rev. 20:12-13). Those resurrected to face that judgment are judged according to their deeds per a plain reading of the text.
7. The resurrection/rapture of the Church is not a reward given for deeds done in righteousness, but a gift of physical salvation to all who believe. It is when the salvation of the Church is finally completed.
8. The Bema Seat judgment, separate from the Rev. 20 GWT, is exclusively for Christians and occurs after the rapture. We see the 24 elders already rewarded and seated before the seals of the DoTL begin to open. Your timeline simply doesn't fit with Scripture.
Partial-rapture is pseudo-salvation, partial-grace, pseudo-Sola Fide. It's a doctrine for those living in the flesh. It fundamentally misunderstands 1. Who saves, 2. the extent to which HE saves, 3. What the Church is, 4. What is promised to the Church, 5. How those promises are applied to the Church, 6. Rewards vs. salvation, 7. The connection between justification, sanctification, and glorification and who is responsible for each, 8. The plain eschatological timeline given in Revelation and when particular resurrections occur, 9. The message of sola fide in the gospels, John's epistles, and Revelation (that is so often missed), 10. The context and writing style of the New Testament's authors, 11. The harvest cycle, 12. et al.
Again, we can agree to disagree and I respect your right to your view which you passionately hold, but I won't be persuaded to abandon the full measure of grace that I've been given and I won't easily let of any of these little lambs that I've been entrusted with fall for the life, works, and spirit-wrecking doctrine that is partial-rapture.
Deanna's reply to Gary's very straightforward and loving rebuttal of her false Doctrine is a good example of how when somebody falls into deception, there is nothing that you can say or do to talk them out of it. Only the Holy Spirit can give the Insight needed for those people like Deanna or people that believe in Flat Earth for instance. The nature of deception is that it makes no sense in any aspect and every aspect of their lives. It completely blinds and hardens the person to the truth.
DeleteI have no doubt that Deanna has "studied", per se, the scriptures. Unfortunately, somewhere along the line, she has been lead down the wrong path into false Doctrine. What I see time and time and time again is people that are entrenched in false Doctrine accuse others of not knowing the scriptures and try to persuade them to go back and restudy like we haven't studied for ourselves. It's disgusting and arrogant and I really hate that kind of arrogance.
DeleteAnother thing I noticed is that when people are trying to teach their false Doctrine, they stand alone against hundreds and thousands of others that are trying to defend the truth of the word as the rest of us know it to be.
There are times when the majority is wrong, for instance, the Revelation 12 sign, the majority of the church was asleep to that truth, but people that are standing alone don't seem to have the humility to listen to anybody else.
Another thing these people that teach their false doctrines love to do is Twist scripture.
DeleteYou think by quoting scripture they are going directly to the word of God, but they are only deceiving themselves.
DeleteThank you for your excellent defense of God's grace and mercy.
If my rescue in the rapture is based on my works, how can I ever know when I am safe? Have I done enough? Have my sins cancelled my works? What do I need to do to "pay" for my sins so I can earn my way home? Where is the guidance in scripture for what is enough? At least the law gives specifics about what is required - where is the same guidance for the rapture?
Another thing I wonder about. If there is a partial rapture, who then is the restrainer? It can't be the Holy Spirit because the believers left behind will still be indwelt or they weren't truly saved.
I am a common sinner, as common as they come, but I am refreshed every day because God's mercies are new every morning.
I am so ready to go home.
Your rescue in the rapture is solely based on your acceptance of Jesus blood paying for your sins when He died on the cross. If you accept him paying your sin debt, you are saved and will be raptured. Works do not save you or allow you to be raptured.
DeleteI feel led to take an opportunity to add my own personal testimony (regarding partial rapture theory) to this discussion thread. About 5 years ago I set out to re-examine piece by piece every "doctrine" I had been taught since childhood and beyond. I was given personal experience by Holy Spirit some of the teachings I grew up with, ceasing of signs and wonders at the inception of the final canon, were incorrect. Therefore, I thought it wise to re-examine everything I thought I knew. I grew up understanding Faith Alone in Christ Alone, but the "works" gospel was then, as it is now, everywhere and I elected to study assiduously to affirm what I thought I knew. I also had been taught a Pre-Tribulation Rapture and that had to be tested as well. Both teachings were correct and I stand solidly with them today, knowing now they are "MY BELIEFS", not something given to me by one other than Holy Spirit. In that process I spent several weeks, as I studied the works doctrine which always goes hand in hand with partial rapture in my experience, and those weeks were some of the most miserable and fearful of my life. Holy Spirit took the opportunity to show me, not only through the Word, but experientially how miserable depending upon myself and my works to be saved and or raptured would be. No, I was not an intentional or vile sinner involved in human trafficking and the like, but merely a human being with wrong responses to some people, a temper, selfish and had wasted much of my Christian Life being a bench warmer. I was miserable above all things, crying out to God in repentance and continually explaining to Him what a horrible failure I was, praying to be forgiven and allowed to go home with Him in death or in the Rapture. I saw clearly I HAD NO HOPE - try as I might. I did not measure up in my own sight, let alone a Holy and Just God. It was His simple question whispered to my spirit in one night of walking through the dark, peering at the sky and pleading how horrible I was when I heard clearly, in my Spirit, "So, you do not believe I did my job?" I stumbled, sputtered, apologized and feel down in gratitude as I saw it clearly - it wasn't about me. I was questioning HIS SUFFICIENCY!
DeleteI would never wish that experience on anyone, but it did give me an eternal, ongoing gratitude for the truth of what Jesus did for me and His atoning sacrifice on my behalf. I would not take anything for the experience, but I surely would not want to go back to that misery and wretchedness. The thing I found most astonishing, in hindsight, is those who teach works doctrine for maintaining salvation and its kissing cousin The Partial Rapture are always pointing at others as unworthy and not having merited their continued Salvation or the ability to go in the initial Rapture. They, themselves, are absolutely certain they are worthy, have merited the first air-ship out and will be welcomed with crowns and adoration. Unbelievable!
There is great agony and error down the works road. I find it much easier to encourage people to never do what I have done than to tell them how perfectly I have always had it all figured out. The more I learn, the more I realize how very little I know. Blessings to all this beloved family! Sherry
Wow, what a testimony. I've had similar experiences, especially when "walking on the water" towards the truth of God and reevaluating long-held beliefs. Walking in faith can make one tremble, but if you've never trembled, you've never walked in faith. And I know to where I'm going and the Way to get there.
DeleteSherry Griffin: Thank you for your testimony. It blessed and encouraged me, and, no doubt, many other people who have read it as well! Again, thank you for sharing from your heart with all of us here.
DeleteYes thank you Sherry, a lovely reminder and confirmation that OSAS is the correct Doctrine, And that when that Trumpet blasts, ALL THE BODY will be going at the same time. not partially, but every major and minor organ, every finger and finger nail we are all going together.
DeleteI have been seeing 911 and 119 (and also 311 and 113) a lot recently. My thinking about that is obviously rapture very soon for the 311 (Rev 3:11) . RE: the 911, my thoughts are as following:
#1 many YTC channels such as "The Exalted Lamb" and "JKBugout" have been feeling that a 2nd 911 event is due any day now, Could a 2nd 911 event happen on the 19 of Jan?
#2 119 being 911 in reverse.
119 could equal 1.19
1.19 could equal Jan 19th
Our LORD comes soon for sure. Stay strong.
Heard a great analogy about salvation by faith vs. works: Imagine all believers are standing side by side and are asked to jump as high as they can to try to jump to the moon. You may be able to jump 8 inches and I might manage 6 inches, but we’re both still thousands and thousands of miles from the moon (God’s righteous standard). The only One who can jump “to the moon” is Jesus and the only way we’ll get there is to hop on His back.
DeleteThat's actually a pretty brilliant analogy!
DeleteRich, my Brother--Your planned fellowship or Star Party sounds like a great idea! Wish my husband and I could join you and the rest of the brethren gathering around the fire that night <3
DeleteAnd Sherry--really, really appreciate your testimony and thank God for you, dear Sister!
DeleteJan 20th , 2019 is also the beginning of week 69 counting from the Great Sign date of Sept 23 , 2017. Daniel counts 69 weeks "until Messiah comes"... Daniel 9... in a different context , but still ? ?
DeleteWe are still talking about Trump and his peace plan to be revealed. Would this peace plan be handed over to the antichrist emerging somewhere from Europe to confirm it?
ReplyDeleteThis is just my personal opinion and subject to studies I have not yet undertaken, but I wonder if the AC is outwardly a Jew and thus acceptable as a trusted authority to the Israeli government and religious authorities. Judas Iscariot was a type of the AC and part of the inner circle of the 12. This is one reason why I suspect that the AC will be part of the inner circle of political and economic power brokers that Israel will believe trustworthy.
DeleteNot naming names as I feel that as not appropriate. But we do know that a Satanic spirit will be behind the one(s) who make the covenant under false pretences. Like Herod before him, this "instead-of" messiah will bring death and destruction (through his proxies) for the purpose of furthering his cause and his installation in the temple as a living god. That/those individual(s) are almost certainly here NOW and going about their business right before our eyes.
He will be a great manipulator. One who is well spoken and politically, socially and economically savvy -- even physically attractive or desirable in certain ways. One adept to gaining influence through trust such that others do his dirty work.
His is a voice we will NOT know! We know the voice of our Master. His is NOT it.
Just a thought...
I agree, I believe the AC will be Jewish, claim it at least, and sway the Jewish people, possibly even lying about his lineage (maybe saying He comes from King David). It's going to be a huge theatrical performance.
DeletePsalms 19 Gary I've listen to many teachers dismiss the blood moons,Rev 12 sign. Now the rightly dividing movement. I think we have a sense that something is happening. I'm wondering if the church is starting to make herself ready. Seem there is a struggle for Biblical truth among believers. Think the Holy Spirit is going to work in a mighty way in 2019.
ReplyDeleteYes Brent, and on this site the "multiple rapture deception" now again... 2 Thessalonians 2:10-12 coming soon for the left behind. Get safe in Christ, lest you get LOST and not "refined" in the tribulation! MARANATHA!
DeleteDeanna Reynolds I'm a reader at this site but I rarely comment. However your comments are often divisive and quite frankly, unedifying. Knowledge puffs up but love builds up. I would suggest you start your own website, if the Holy Spirit testifies that what you are saying is true, He will lead many readers to your site. I am trying to say this kindly - I for one am here to read what God has put on the hearts of the Unsealed authors and be encouraged. Our witness is important and it is quite frankly cringy to see people trying to cause division. Thank you.
DeleteDeanna, exactly what is the "deliberate sin" that Paul is talking about in Hebrews 10:26? Let the Bible interpret the Bible, keep in mind that the answer to this is in Hebrews 10 itself. In Paul's writing style he always refers to topics and concepts that he has already previously tabled. To ignore this and thus misinterpret any verse is to take the Word out of context. Take the "text" out of "context" and all you are left with is a "con". I await your answer.
DeleteAlso I have another question for you to see if you understand context - Paul says that he does not allow a woman to teach a man. Then he turns around and says that under grace there is neither Jew not Greek not slave nor free nor male nor female...then he even installs women teachers over men...Dorcas, Phoebe, Priscilla, Juneia, Chloe. My question to you is - what is the correct context, why did Paul say he does not allow a woman to teach a man in the first place?
Or...please explain to me the context around why Paul said women should cover their heads in worship?
I am trying to understand your need to teach in light of how well you have studied, through which you must be first qualified and prove that you can rightly divide the Word.
"Deanna, exactly what is the "deliberate sin" that Paul is talking about in Hebrews 10:26?"
DeleteBeautiful point, Steve. That cuts straight to the point. Oh how legalism takes one message (God's) and completely turns it around 180.
Amen brother, it just goes to show how mixture of law and grace, aka hot and cold results in lukewarmness and people who mix law and grace are spewed out of Jesus' mouth - they in essence reject His work so He removes them because He is a gentleman. They're still saved but they cannot understand the basics, they regurgitate "spiritual milk"/baby food because the Holy Spirit will not testify to things that are untrue and will not impart His wisdom or His fruit, especially when people say that the finished work of Jesus was not enough, and spout foolishly that the law requires our failed works to complete them. Jesus finished everything at the cross and after the cross the requirements that Jesus placed upon legalistic people during His teachings in the gospels were fulfilled by Him during His life. He did not come to condemn but to fulfill.
DeleteTake the context of 2 Corinthians for example, the entire book is centered around the Corinthians dividing between accepting the gospel of grace through Paul and the pre-cross Sermon on the Mount. During the entire book Paul advocates for the gospel of grace because the Sermon on the Mount requires perfect law keeping in order to fulfill the laws of God. In it Jesus was speaking to the Jews who presumed upon their own strength in their own assumed ability to keep the law. Jesus fulfilled, displayed, maintained the elevated and impossible standard of the law theoughout His own life. He demanded that those legalists fulfill the impossible standard themselves and showed them that they could not do it. Hence the need for a Saviour. Hence Jesus saying that we would do even greater things than He would. These "greater things" refer to preaching the gospel of grace given to Paul after Jesus ascended to the Gentiles. Hallelujah what an amazing Saviour!!!
DeleteShall we sin because we are not under Law but under Grace?
(Romans 6:15)
DeleteThere is therefore now no condemnation to those
1. Who are in Christ Jesus
2. Who do not walk according to the flesh but according to the Spirit (Romans8:1)
Walk in the Spirit and you shall not fulfill the lusts of the flesh. (Galatians 5:16)
The works of the flesh are evident, which are : adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lewdness, idolatry, sorcery, hatred, contentions, jealousies, outbursts of wrath, selfish ambitions, dissensions, heresies,envy, murders, drunkenness,revelries,and the like; of which I tell you beforehand, just as I also told you in time past, that those who practice such things will not inherit the Kingdom of God (Galatians 5:19 — 21)
DeleteThen the Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. And the Lordwas sorry that He had made man on the earth, and He was grieved in His heart.
So the Lord said, “ I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth, both man and beast, creeping things and birds of the air, for I am sorry that I have made them.
But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord. Noah was a just man, perfect in his generations. Noah walked with God.
(Genesis 6:5-9)
And as it was in the days of Noah, so it will be in the days of the Son of Man. (Luke 17: 26)
DeleteGodly sorrow produces Repentance leading to Salvation, not to be regretted
( 2 Corinthians 7:10)
DeleteIf a philanthropist is willing to pay $80,000 for your college education on condition that you graduate from high school,
And if that philanthropist becomes your personal tutor to insure that you qualify to meet the condition for the $80,000 grant
Then this is a picture of what God does for us.
Here the student can never take merit that it was by his efforts that he qualified.
When God commands us to do something He gives us the grace to do it.
We can never take merit for what He does through us.
Being confident of this very thing that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ.( Philippians 1:6)
3 Now the serpent was more crafty
Deletethan any other beast of the field
that the LORD God had made.
He said to the woman, "Did God
actually say, 'You shall not eat
of any tree in the garden'?"
(Genesis 3:1 ESV)
These are the tricks of the enemy, crafty words, thoughts and ideas to question the basic tenants of what we know by faith to be true. We as the body of Christ have not been left her to our own devices to interpret the Word, we have been given a Teacher, the Holy Spirit.
8 But you will receive power when the
Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you
will be my witness in Jerusalem and
in all Judea and Samaria, and to the
end of the earth."
Confusion has again become the currency of our time. Just as it was for the Romans on the day our Lord was lifted up,
37 Then Pilate said to him, "So you
are a king?" Jesus answered,
"You say that I am a king. For this
purpose I was born and for this
purpose I have come into the world --
to bear witness to the truth.
Everyone who is of the truth listens
to my voice."
38 Pilate said to him, "What is
We are not orphans. We are not left to confusion. We are given a hope and His name is Jesus,
4 In him was life, and the life was
the light of men.
5 The light shines in the darkness,
and the darkness has not overcome
(John 1:4-5 ESV)
12 But to all who did receive him,
who believed in his name, he gave
the right to become children of
13 who were born, not of blood
nor of the will of the flesh nor
of the will of man, but of God.
What then are we to believe? Believe with all of our heart, soul and might? (Deuteronomy 6:5 ESV) What is the work of God?
29 Jesus answered them, "This is
the work of God, that you believe
in him whom he has sent."
(John 6:29 ESV)
...and if we believe as such what must we do?
9 ...if you confess with your mouth
that Jesus is Lord and believe in
your heart that God raised him from
the dead, you will be saved.
10 For with the heart one believes
and is justified, and with the
mouth one confesses and is saved.
(Romans 10:9-10 ESV)
"For with the heart one believes!" With that belief one is JUSTIFIED. Meaning, JUST as IF I never sinnED.
11 For the Scripture says,
"Everyone who believes in him
will not be put to shame."
Jesus Himself gives us this warning,
Delete16 "Beware of false prophets, who come to
you in sheep's clothing but inwardly
are ravenous wolves."
20 "Thus you will recognize them by
their fruits."
(Matthew 7:15, 7:20 ESV)
For it has already been raised in this space that, "Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven."
Read that verse in Matthew 7 from the beginning of chapter seven in complete context understanding the will of God and the work of God. Interesting it is how the chapter begins,
1 "Judge not, that you be not judged.
2 For with the judgment you pronounce
you will be judged, and with the measure
you use it will be measured to you.
3 Why do you see the speck that is in
your brother's eye, but do not notice
the log that is in your own eye?
4 Or how can you say to your brother,
'Let me take the speck out of your
eye,' when there is the log in your
own eye?
5 You hypocrite, first take the log
out of your own eye, and then you
will see clearly to take the speck
out of your brother's eye."
(Matthew 7:1-5 ESV)
What is the dividing line between being put to shame and not being put to shame? What is the litmus test that defines the truth of our faith? What is the solid ground we stand upon? Where does our heart really live? Is it here below or above? Is it solid rock or sinking sand?
22 "On that day many will say to me,
'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy
in your name, and cast out demons
in your name, and do many mighty
works in your name?'
23 And then will I declare to them,
'I never knew you; depart from me,
you workers of lawlessness.'"
(Matthew 7:22-23 ESV)
For the work of lawlessness is the work of the flesh. Self-saving pride. The work of God is to "believe in him whom he has sent." (John 6:29 ESV) We are given POWER by the Holy Spirit that the light that shines in darkness dwells within every believer and the darkness shall never overcome it.
This is the power of God in Christ. In Christ alone!
The Holy Spirit is our Great Teacher. In Him we have the promise of redemption on deposit for the coming Day. Chosen as His bride to be caught-up from this place to the place prepared by Jesus Himself in the Father's house for us in truth and spirit...until His Glorious Second Coming when we arrive with Him from on the clouds to reign on earth 1,000-years.
We are not alone. We are not given to live in darkness. His Holy deposit is enshrined in the heart of every confessing believer. The Holy of Holies fashioned of human flesh and wrapped in the heart of each of those whom He calls His children.
We are not given to confusion. We are given to light and to life. But for those who are outwardly penitent but inwardly unrepentant? Thier's is a different lot for ONLY GOD can judge the heart of man. It is to each of us to encourage one another, admonishing with reverence to God in Christ in all humility to cling to Love and the life which it brings. For all of the Law is Love and the love of God is Christ Jesus.
To God be all Glory through Christ Jesus our Lord, amen.
Deanna, humility and obedience are the absolute antithesis of the message you are preaching.
DeleteDear Pastor Richard Faulkner
I came to this site nearly two years back regarding a rapture article.
I am a believer who believes that I am saved only by the grace of God. All my righteousness are filthy rags and only by God’s righteousness given to me by Christ ‘s shed blood I stand righteous before God. Nevertheless I had always believed that sin is something that grieves the heart of God and if I truly love God I would keep away from sin.
But after reading several articles and comments over here I found that the views over here said that sinning is not wrong as long as I had the right belief.
This made me go into a very deep study of the Bible and never once in Scripture did I find words encouraging me to continue in sin. There are only admonitions to repent with a godly sorrow for the sins i commit.
So even today I do not consider myself worthy apart from the grace of God and His righteousness. But I surrender myself to be led by the Spirit and to walk in the Spirit and not to walk in the flesh.
I am nobody and my aim is not to judge anybody here dear Pastor.
I am sorry if I have offended anyone.
"But after reading several articles and comments over here I found that the views over here said that sinning is not wrong as long as I had the right belief."
DeleteRespectfully, no one has said that here. Certainly not me or any on this team.
Sinning is always wrong. But if we do sin, we have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ (1 Jn. 2:1). We should abstain from all sin and all ungodly conduct.
However, much to the dismay of those whose faith is in themselves and not Christ, whether you sin in the flesh or not, your salvation is predicated on genuine faith in Christ's atoning sacrifice and not on your behavior.
Or to phrase that differently: we teach that sinning is always wrong, but if you have genuine faith in Christ and sin, you will still be saved. If we sin, does grace increase? Yes. But should we sin, so that grace will increase? No. Romans 6:1-2.
DeleteFor further study: 1 Jn. 1:8-2:2; Rom. 3:31; 6:14
"And why not do evil that good may come?—as some people slanderously charge us with saying. Their condemnation is just." - Romans 3:8
DeleteQuoting you,
"The Scriptures you wrote are truth" == TRUE
"Many other words of God (many which I have shared herein) you are presently choosing to ignore." == FALSE
"Again, we are called to deny self and suffer with Christ as led by His Holy Spirit. The flesh always resists truth. Humbling ourselves like little children and obediently spending our time re-studying His word under the tutelage of the Holy Spirit is the Way to glorify God and bear His fruit. None enter into His Kingdom without humility and obedience." == PARTIAL TRUTH, THUS FALSE
Rather would I have heard you say, among other things, "None enter into His Kingdom without [the] humility and obedience [provided by Jesus Christ Himself]."
*My* humility and obedience is nothing but a rotten pile of filthy rags and in terms of *my* justification, is nothing in and of itself in the sight of the Almighty. Nobody can make themselves wholly through works. Works are a love response (ie, The Golden Rule) not a requirement of salvation.
We are wholly saved through the Grace of God in Christ alone. I for one, do not do that which I do for the Kingdom of God for the purpose of gaining favours in Heaven before the Bema Seat. That is the line of thought that kept me out of the church for 30-years! I do it wholly unto the LORD and to His Glory, to the encouragement of the saints and the salvation of the lost.
Now you know a little more of my heart. Let us be reasonable, but to these things I will speak to you no further for fear of entertaining a dividing spirit of confusion in this place.
Grace and peace to you,
Pastor Rich
DeletePlease, do not be afraid to share your thoughts or feelings as long as they fall within the guidelines of this space and our faith.
I for one apologize if I ever said anything to make one believe "that sinning is not wrong as long as I had the right belief." If anything I wrote in the past left that impression it was taken in the wrong way.
I have never in my life intended or set out to espouse that kind of thinking. Gary speaks well of my feelings and beliefs on the matter above. Thank you Gary for sharing that...I could not have said it better myself.
Beware of the spirit of division. I am heartened by your diving back into the Word for greater study. Never stop doing that! Spending time as such is one of our greatest privileges!!
Thank you for sharing,
DeleteThanks dear Gary and Pastor Richard for clarifying.
Gary and Richard. Thank you. For the record it is only through Christ Jesus can one be saved from your sin. The separation from the Father is brought back only through faith in Jesus Christ. You can not do enough good works to get back in to relationship with the Father. John 14:6 The gospel is simple, living it is hard. Don't add to the work of Christ and what he has done for us. Only the blood of the Lamb of God can we be cleansed.
DeleteHello all.
ReplyDeleteAs usual, LOVE the article.
Also, if you put together what is shown on the following YT channels, you've really got something:
"Rapture at Twilight"
(her entire concept for years now revolves around a time of trouble/darkness (spiritual) commencing around Jan 20th/21st 2019, at which point the "betrayer" will arise/come into power)
(the video series "there's a message for us in the stars!", she shows some signs in heaven, the likes of which we have become familiar)
(the few of the most recent videos regarding blood moons, etc)
Blessed Hope Forever
(his recent video about the coming blood moon)
I'd estimate about 70 points of interest for why this could be an amazingly important time.
Also, Trump's 2-year mark of his presidency.
This Blood Moon occurs exactly 69 weeks after the Revelation 12 Great Sign. Exact, to the day if you count the Sign to have occurred 9/24 and not 9/23/17.
ReplyDeleteIn addition to my above post, you might be interested to know of these 2 vids... Especially the 35 year one..:
ReplyDeleteYT : "Trump has been planning this for 35 years"
YT : "60 years of Donald Trump predictive programming"
In case anyone thinks it's a bit suspect that he's suddenly president instead of a real estate / business man; as well, in case anyone realizes that his negotiation of a peace plan is a bit suspicious in its nature and timing. (See the '35' video on YouTube)
One lady in the comments section I believe even states that she has been pondering the idea that Trump's life began on a blood moon and will end on a blood moon. I have had similar ponderings.
Just as we all begin to believe we can't possibly draw a deeper breath or things can't possibly become more intense than they have been over the past few months things suddenly become more real. The Peace that Passes All Understanding is present, while at the same time there's a knowing the corner has been turned . . . and we can only barely imagine what will occur between now and the moment we hear the voice "like a trumpet"! Thank you Gary, for keeping our eyes focused on Him! Blessings - Sherry
ReplyDeleteIndeed, a corner has been turned! Maranatha!
ReplyDeleteRevelation 9:16-18 New Life Version (NLV)
16 The army had 200 million soldiers on horses. I heard them say how many there were.
It is believed that if this is an actual Army, only CHINA can immediately summon 200M ARMY Today. That number is staggering.
IN CASE YOU MISSED IT (ICYMI) China started to revive its ONE BELT, ONE ROAD Silk Road. An actual road from China all the way to EUROPE and even Middle East....A detour to Israel is NOT IMPOSSIBLE.
NOW - I always say that Artificial Intelligence, partnered with Blockchain and a new way to sell and buy - Crypto currency or Digital Payments will be the fulfillment of the Mark of the Beast.
So, let us review the passage of Rev 13:16-18
Revelation 13:16-18 King James Version (KJV)
16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.
When we translate WISDOM of verse 18 to GREEK - we See "SOPHIA / SOFIA" ....Hence the iconic SOPHIA representing ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE and SINGULARITY.
So, let us combine and review the two Chapters of REV 9 and REV 13....We see an army of 200M and SOPHIA (ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE + Mark of the Beast System) in the very same ARTICLE.
Also note that both verses are 16-18. ALSO, who are the KINGs of the EAST ?
Ponder on it.
Delete[insert PR shaking his head]
Quoting, Hanson Robotics
Delete"The [AI] robot born in Hong Kong, Sophia, will use this honor to promote the meaning of China’s “One Belt, One Road” to the world, and to visit the countries of the Belt and Road to exchange culture and technology."
Exchange culture? Exchange or assimilate?
Forgive me if the Trekkie in me comes out but somehow I hear the voice of Locutus of Borg ringing in my ear.
[image width="100%" height="100%" src=""/]
It appears that Israel is moving towards a cashless society.
ReplyDeleteAlso, Deanna, please cool it. No one is listening to you.
Wow, is it me or has the accelerator pedal has become stuck?
DeleteThe accelerator pedal is stuck and the engine is a V8 !!!
DeleteGary's teaching is right on the mark. There is a difference between "enter vs inherit" the Kingdom (salvation vs sanctification) and there is a difference between "Guaranteed Son-ship Inheritance vs. Earned Reward Inheritance" which is based on Faithfulness after salvation. I do not see any scripture to indicate that the rapture is an "earned inheritance" but is a "son-ship inheritance" like receiving a resurrected body that is guaranteed to a believer at salvation (Philippians 1:6). I'm sure we will be debating this issue until the day we know how it is all going to work out and I don't want to cause anyone to fall away from pursuing the high calling in Christ Jesus ... I'm not taking my eye off my Blessed Hope.
ReplyDeleteBlessings and Maranatha!
Yes Roger, it is JUST THE SAME physical Perfektion / glorification for the LIVING remnant in Christ left on earth when church age ends as it it for the DEAD in Christ who passed away earlier. Neither of both groups has somehow "earned" his or her physical resurrection. But as the LIVING are not dead to have to "taste death" (compare the obvious misunderstanding in John 8:51-52!) at that time their bodies will TRANSFORM rather than the physical remains of the dead RESURRECT (1 Corinthians 15:35-52). As a natural human body cannot enter Heaven it is only logical that BOTH the dead AND the living have to be bodily glorified before. It is the SAME event but only for 2 different physical conditions. Blessings to you!
DeleteMy first thought upon reading Deanna's statement was "NO", and then Mark 4:15.
ReplyDeleteI know that even as Christians that we do not all agree on every precept and tenant of our faith.
And, that we are all at different levels of growth and understanding in our walk with Christ.
The devil is a liar and a deceiver and will take any in he can get.
Instead of us spending time spreading the Word of God in whatever manner we can,
we're digressing from the original message (EXCITING!!!)
and arguing among ourselves while the devil claps his hands in glee!
While I'm always impressed with how Biblically astute so many of you are,
sorry, but I've tried to argue facts with too many other Christians and have learned the hard way it rarely does any good.
Instead, I have to swallow my pride (because I "know" I'm right!) and make myself stop and pray for them and ME with regard to rightly dividing and understanding.
And for patience.
It's difficult to know someone is spreading false doctrine, sadder still to know they actually believe it! But, just as it's difficult to watch what is happening in our country and around the world, God said it would happen in these last days and it is!
Gary, again thank you for your dedicated scholarship.
I'll be outside the night of the 20th watching.
Wonderful article Gary, thank you! I was looking up the time frame for the Jupiter/Venus conjunction and noticed that it will take place in the constellation of Ophiuchus which represents a warrior fighting a serpent. The name Ophiucus means "the serpent bearer" in Greek and I just think it's so interesting how this all plays out in the sky between the last Blood Moon and then this upcoming conjunction. I love the articles here and many of the comments as well. Thank you for all your work on this article Gary, I truly appreciate being able to come here to and learn so much from all of you. Blessed Be! :)
ReplyDeleteFor complete transparency, Deanna is no longer allowed to post here for repeatedly violating the commenting policy (her own choice). If anyone would like to review that, you can scroll up and click "Features". It is also found on the About page.
ReplyDeleteDeanna is more than welcome to email me in the future ( if she would like another chance.
Blessings to all.
I think that was the right call Gary. Great site. So good to have you and Brad overoat rev12daily shining a torch into all the events that point us toward and illuminate the path of the soon arrival of our blessed hope.
DeleteRomans 16:17-19
Now I urge you, brethren, note those who cause divisions and offenses, contrary to the doctrine which you learned, and avoid them. For those who are such do not serve our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly, and by smooth words and flattering speech deceive the hearts of the simple.
I stand in agreement. Blessings, family!
DeleteExcellent and spot-on Scripture passage there, Jordan. Nice work.
DeleteThank you brother Gary. Faith comes through hearing and hearing through the Word, it is so important that we receive accurate truth through our ear and eye gates so that faith can manifest in us, that nothing will be stolen through lies or half-truths. I for one get feisty when I see things said that can cause anyone to believe incorrectly and I thank you for your protection from wrong influences.
DeleteFor we know that in all things the Enemy is disempowered over the Truth and can only hinder and obscure. Clearing away hindrance and clutter from our legacy/testimony/pages simply refines the gold, a bit, to His Glory and our Witness, Maranatha!
DeleteSatan is suddenly on the attack. I wonder what's going on in the spiritual realm.
ReplyDeleteI concur. Something is up and praying accordingly.
DeleteGary are you ok brother?
DeleteI'm doing well, but I appreciate you asking. Sometimes I just notice when the adversary is launching focused attacks on the Church and seems to be doing that now.
DeleteI agree brother. We are all in this together.
DeleteJUST IN!!!
ReplyDeleteCanadian astronomers discover 2nd mysterious repeating fast radio burst
"Out in the depths of space, there are radio signals that astronomers don't understand. Now a Canadian research team has found a repeating signal, only the second of its kind to be discovered."
Very interesting. The heavens PROCLAIM the glory of God...
DeleteUPDATE: Astronomers believe this to be the formation of a black hole or a neutron star. What are the chances of seeing that? Apparently 100%.
DeleteYes, the heavens declare His glory! If only all could see that and know it in their heart!
Dear Richard, check out the latest video of #Jeff P YTC about another major breakdown of the lense array cover up system in space. You may get a glimpse of what kind of huge "thing" TPTB are trying to hide from sight. I assume every of these articles about some 'sudden discovery in space' is just one piece to a bigger truth that cannot be denied any longer and will soon be presented to the world in full sight (Luke 21:25-26) so meanwhile the ordinary public is being prepared to get this message soon but yet it is covered to avoid global panic.
When after the rapture the great delusion of 2 Thessalonians 2:10-12 will begin, TPTB will be able to tell the public "We told you so" like in these kind of articles being then used to explain away the rapture and to twist truth again for whatever purposes (= alien deception). Such is my perspective on these things.
Gary from @alittlestrength has done a good article about what is called "The Event" in the New Age movement.
Every bit of information released in the secular world is leading up to this. Blessings to you!
Hi Annabel, what is TPTB? Thanks.
DeleteSteve oh, TPTB stands for:
Not an obvious acronom though, it got me for a while too, the 1st time I saw it.
Thanks Jordan, makes total sense once you know that is what it means!
DeleteHi Annabel,
DeleteYes, Gary from A Little Strength has some excellent points which I was already aware of being as I have old friends that came out of the New Age community. The great *confusion/delusion* is that which will confound the average person on the street.
Moment UFO spotted by US Navy jet
A video capturing an unidentified object flying off the coast of San Diego in 2004 has been released by the US Department of Defense.
Source: CNN
One may question if videos (like the one aired above) are real or fabrications? A hoax or something passed by because it is so far from explanation that no *comfortable* rationale is possible in the average human understanding.
By itself it is hard to categorize this story. Taken as part of a whole? It makes for a potential piece of a puzzle that makes much more sense. The alien deception is too weird in and of itself. Trying to explain to a doubting populace that *aliens* are instead fallen angels?
That takes the Holy Spirit to convict. I get weird looks just talking about it. (It is a topic I rarely speak of outside of friends who follow the likes of L A Marzulli).
Forgive me, this is one of those personal "winks" if you will. Thought this was a cool headline someone just sent me.
ReplyDelete"Windows 10 1903 to seize 7GB of user storage space for smoother upgrades"
Reminded me of another type of '7' and another type of 'seizing' that we hope for. :)
All of creation is proclaiming God's story, even those things that may seem minutia to some. Nice catch!
ReplyDeleteGen 1:14 And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs and for appointed times and for days and years;
Dear Brothers and Sisters, things are really URGENT. While reviewing the upcoming Blood moon on January 20-21, 2019, let us consider it is Tu B'Shevat , or the Festival of the Trees. Read Zech 1:7 and you will see that it happens in Tu B'Shevat...right about the same time in Jan 20-21 , 2019. BACKTRACK for LAST YEAR. During the Tu B'Shevat 2018, on JAN 31-FEB1 , SUPER BLOOD MOON Happened.
READ ALONG ZECHARIAH, and you will see that it is about rebuilding what remains of JERUSALEM and THE TEMPLE to be REBUILT.
Ryan, that's an awesome find!
"Tu BiShvat or Tu B'Shevat or Tu B'Shvat (Hebrew: ט״ו בשבט) is a minor Jewish holiday, occurring on the 15th day of the Hebrew month of Shevat. It is also called 'The New Year of the Trees' or (Hebrew: ראש השנה לאילנות, Rosh HaShanah La'Ilanot). Tu BiShvat is one of four 'New Years' mentioned in the Mishnah."
The coming TLE on 1/20/19 will occur 730-days after the inauguration of 45. A quick look to Strong's G730 finds,
Strong's Concordance G730
arrén: male, man.
Original Word: ἄρσην, ενος, εν
Part of Speech: Adjective
Transliteration: arrén
Phonetic Spelling: (ar'-hrane)
Definition: male, man
Usage: male.
Strong's Concordance H730
erez: a cedar
Original Word: אֶרֶז
Part of Speech: Noun Masculine
Transliteration: erez
Phonetic Spelling: (eh-rez')
Definition: a cedar
(G730) a male, a man! (Revelation 12:5, 12:13 ESV)
(H730) a cedar tree! (Leviticus 14:4 ESV) [just one many references]
The TNK/Old Testament has many references to Cedar all of which are worthy of digging on!
Quoting, Bible Study Tools: Cedar
"The impressiveness of the cedar lies, however, not so much in its height and massive trunk, as in the wonderful lateral spread of its branches, which often exceeds its height. The branches grow out horizontally in successive tiers, each horizontal plane presenting, when looked at from above, the appearance of a green sward. The leaves are about an inch long, arranged in clusters; at first they are bright green, but they change with age to a deeper tint with a glaucous hue; the foliage is evergreen, the successive annual growths of leaves each lasting two years. The cones, 4 to 6 inches long, are oval or oblong-ovate, with a depression at times at the apex; they require two years to reach maturity and then, unlike other conifers, they remain attached to the tree, dropping out their scales bearing the seeds.
The wood of the cedar, specially grown under the conditions of its natural habitat, is hard, close grained, and takes a high polish. It is full of resin (Psalms 92:14) which preserves it from rot and from worms. Cedar oil, a kind of turpentine extracted from the wood, was used in ancient times as a preservative for parchments and garments."
The cones, 4 to 6 inches long, are oval or oblong-ovate, with a depression at times at the apex; they require *TWO YEARS TO REACH MATURITY* and then, unlike other conifers, they *REMAIN ATTACHED TO THE TREE*, dropping out their scales bearing the seeds.
Two (2) years to reach maturity? Remain attached to the tree?
Why does that remind me of the Gospel of John? Remember the woman at the well? How long was it that Jesus stayed with them in Samaria?
(John 4:39-40 ESV)
DeleteThe Super Blood Moon that occurs on the eve of the New Year for Trees (Tu BiShvat) will occur after the 70th Sabbath since the beginning of the Great Sign of Revelation 12 and 726-hours after the Winter Solstice on 12/21 at 22:23 UTC.
...and if you don't know it by now,
Strong's Concordance G726
harpazó: to seize, catch up, snatch away
Original Word: ἁρπάζω
Part of Speech: Verb
Transliteration: harpazó
Phonetic Spelling: (har-pad'-zo)
Definition: to seize, catch up, snatch away
Usage: I seize, snatch, obtain by robbery.
HELPS Word-studies
726 harpázō – properly, seize by force; snatch up, suddenly and decisively – like someone seizing bounty (spoil, a prize); to take by an open display of force (i.e. not covertly or secretly).
Again, another reference that points us directly to (Revelation 12:5 ESV).
The Super Blood Moon will be five (5) hours in duration. Check-out Strong's G5,
Strong's Concordance G5
Abba: Abba, father
Original Word: Ἀββᾶ
Part of Speech: Proper Noun, Indeclinable
Transliteration: Abba
Phonetic Spelling: (ab-bah')
Definition: Abba, father
Usage: Abba, Father.
HELPS Word-studies
5 Abbá – "Father," also used as the term of tender endearment by a beloved child – i.e. in an affectionate, dependent relationship with their father; "daddy," "papa."
Let's see, so far we have day/hour counts and concordance entries that point to,
1. Revelation 12
2. 12th month for the Gentiles (December)
3. Verse 5 of Revelation 12 (the man-child is taken away)
4. 5-hour eclipse (the light of the moon is taken away)
5. (Revelation 12:5 ESV)
Just as the moon reflects the sun, we the Church reflect the Son of God being Christ Jesus via His Holy Spirit. Are you catching my drift?
Everything we continue to see is astonishing. One little thing we should add in to your boat load of wonderful Pastor Richard is Tu'BiShevat is also the time when the Almond Tree blooms in Israel. Look at Ecclesiastes 12:5 "when the almond trees shall flourish . . . Man goes to his eternal home and the mourners go about in the streets." Such a joyous High Watch Date and it could even be the Event. God knows and we shall See! Blessings - Sherry
DeleteThe rabbit hole deepens...a random find,
Quoting, 11 amazing things you didn’t know about almonds
"Israel’s almond trees are the first to bloom each year, coinciding with the Jewish holiday of Tu B’Shvat — the New Year for Trees"
"The seven-branch menorah (candelabra) in the Holy Temple was meant to resemble an almond blossom as described in Exodus: 'Three cups, shaped like almond blossoms, were on one branch, with a knob and a flower; and three cups, shaped like almond blossoms, were on the other… on the candlestick itself were four cups, shaped like almond blossoms, with its knobs and flowers.'"
Great study points. Thank you sister Sherry!
DeleteThe Temple Menorah is a lamp of seven (7) candles. Looking only at the number of branches of the Temple Menorah, and counting Sabbaths from the beginning of the Great Sign and the coming Super Blood Moon, there are 430-Sabbaths (Ezekiel 4) from the beginning of the Revelation 12 sign to Hanukkah I, 2025 and 360-Sabbaths (length of a prophetic year) from the Super Blood Moon on the eve of Tu BiShvat upon which we may mark the first blooming trees in Israel. (The Almond tree)
Most interestingly, these two Sabbath counts are *offset by 70-Sabbath days*. See Ezekiel's 430 Days for a very interesting read from Chuck Missler on the topic of 430/360/70.
A study of Ezekiel 4 may be in order as well! now we have a tie-in of Tu BiShvat, Almond trees, Cedar trees, the Temple Menorah, Hanukkah...not to mention more points in Scripture.
Did I miss something?
I know I did! The seven golden lampstands, seven angels, etc...have not even been mentioned as of yet. This space does not allow for me to go into the number seven sufficiently. (As if anything I could ever do would be sufficient to the Word). I don't believe we will never know the complete full depth and breadth of the mind of our Father...but what a Joy it is to search the depths of His heart!
DeleteThe Structure of the Menorah
"The almond tree is the first tree in Israel, which awakes from its winter sleep to life and blooms. Therefore, the white almond blossom is a symbol of life and purity. God paid attention to the details from the very beginning; for he commanded that every single almond blossom on the Menorah should consist of three parts, namely, the cups, buds and blossoms (petals). Together they are 3x22=66 single flower parts."
I have not even begun to read through all of this site but recommend it for your consideration. Approach it prayerfully, I hope it is of benefit to you in your studies of Tu BiShvat, the budding Almond, the Temple Menorah and Hanukkah!
All of this reminds me of the 1970's game show, "Password Plus!" [Rich now showing his age]
DeleteAnother excellent find for your consideration. I have spent more time in this website and have the materials from the author for study regarding this calendar system. Most interesting!
The 430 Years of Exodus 12:40 – The 400 Years of Genesis 15:13
Quoting, Biblical Calendar Proof,
"The following material is being presented here to give a more accurate understanding of the 430 years of Exodus 12:40, and the 400 years of Genesis 15:13, and the approximate number of years the Israelites were in slavery in Egypt."
This site offers resources in calendaring and dating events. This page is specific to the 430-years of captivity of Israel...years which I believe may be parallel to the 430/360/70-Sabbath days I have found in my time line leading up to Hanukkah I, 2025.
Again, offered for your personal and prayerful study. I am not affiliated with this website or its author. Just a visitor like you.
Happy hunting,
ReplyDeleteSpaceX just launched the last 10 of the Iridium NEXT telecommunications satellites into orbit today. The Falcon 9 rocket used to launch them was 70m in height. Iridium is a constellation of 66-satellites with nine (9) spares for a total of 75-satellites and deployed them at over 27,000-kph (being 3e3 or 3^3 depending on how you want to annotate it).
Forgive me if I see the Lord's Hand in these things. Some interesting numbers!
Congratulations to the SpaceX Team for another perfectly executed launch.
I love reading through the comments almost as much as the articals themselves. I have to say I Gary I chuckled at your comment:
ReplyDelete"It always perplexed me about the solar vs. lunar calendars, but it seems the Bible is very aware of this difference."
You are the first one to point out that God is in control of every little detail and that nothing is by accident. I firmly believe that too, but am amazed as well daily :) God Bless
I'm not sure what the spiritual meaning is, but on Jan 22 Jupiter and Venus will have a conjunction in the constellation of Ophiuchus. A search on Ophiuchus, gave it a meaning of "serpent-bearer" and represents a man holding a serpent.
ReplyDeleteHi Xavier,
DeleteHere are a few hints for you...and note that "stars" are most often representative of angels. The term "angel" simply means "messenger".
16 In his right hand he held seven
stars, from his mouth came a sharp
two-edged sword, and his face was
like the sun shining in full strength.
20 As for the mystery of the seven
stars that you saw in my right hand,
and the seven golden lampstands, the
seven stars are the angels of the
seven churchs, and the seven lampstands
are the seven churches.
(Revelation 1:16, 1:20 ESV)
25 Only hold fast what you have until
I come.
26 The one who conquers and who keeps
my works until the end, to him I will
give authority over the nations.
27 and he will rule them with a rod
of iron, as when earthen pots are
broken in pieces, even as I myself
have received authority from my
28 And I will give him the morning
(Revelation 2:25-28 ESV)
5 The one who conquers will be
clothed thus in white garments,
and I will never blot his name
out of the book of life. I
will confess his name before my
Father and before his angels.
(Revelation 3:5 ESV)
10 Because you have kept my word
about patient endurance, I will
keep you from the hour of trial
that is coming on the whole world,
to try those who dwell on the
11 I am coming soon. Hold fast
what you have, so that no one
may seize your crown.
12 The one who conquers, I will
make him a pillar in the temple
of my God. Never shall he go out
of it, and I will write on him
the name of my God, and the name
of the city of my God , the new
Jerusalem, which comes down from
my God out of heaven, and my
own new name.
(Revelation 3:10-12 ESV)
1 After this I looked, and behold,
a door standing open in heaven!
And the first voice, which I had
heard speaking to me like a trumpet,
said, "Come up here, and I will
show you what must take place
after this."
2 At once I was in the Spirit,
and behold, a throne stood in
heaven, with one seated on the
3 And he who sat there had the
appearance of jasper and carnelian,
and around the throne was a
rainbow that had the appearance
of an emerald.
4 Around the throne were twenty-
four thrones, and seated on the
thrones were twenty-four elders,
clothed in white garments, with
golden crowns on their heads.
(Revelation 4:1-4 ESV)
9 And whenever the living creatures
give glory and honor and thanks to
him who is seated on the throne,
who lives forever and ever,
10 the twenty-four elders fall down
before him who is seated on the
throne and worship him who lives
forever and ever. They cast their
crowns before the throne, saying,
11 "Worthy are you, our Lord and
God, to receive glory and honor
and power, for you created all
things, and by your will they
existed and were created."
(Revelation 4:9-11 ESV)
She gave birth to a male child,
one who is to rule all the nations
with a rod of iron, but her child
was caught up to God and his
(Revelation 12:5 ESV)
Yes, on the morning of 1/22 just after 5:00 AM (EST) the bright morning star (Venus) will rise in conjunction with the king planet (Jupiter) which is also known as the symbolic male-child of the Great Sign of Revelation 12. (The male-child will be "given the morning star"). It is very interesting that Uranus (8th planet) and Mars (4th planet) will be in the cords of Pisces.
Get out your astronomy software and your Bible, or get a good copy of a FREE astronomy package and your Bible and start a prayerful exploration of the heavens that declare the glory of God.
Happy hunting!
Pastor Rich
Rather than simplistically counting occurrences of the word “church”, it’s far more sensible to mindfully pay attention to the context and follow the narrative of Revelation to see when Christians appear on earth, and when they appear in heaven, because after all, this transition is what the rapture is all about.
ReplyDeleteRevelation strongly indicates that this transition occurs at the end of the great tribulation, immediately prior to the bowl judgments.
Greetings, Chinese Christian. Perhaps some in the church, today, don't believe people can trust Christ for their salvation during the tribulation. Otherwise, I can't understand why tribulation saints would be assumed to be the same people as the church. The 24 elders present in the throne room and Christ dealing with the churches in the beginnning of Revelation, plus His promise to us in Rev. 3:10 are more instructive for me. Blessings.
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DeleteHi family,
DeleteLook at this video and article about a Japanese company working to create artificial meteor showers from the sky. Could this be connected to the tail of the dragon sweeping a third of the stars and sending them to earth? Or easily creating lying signs and wonders in the sky.
Here we go again.why you keep lying about a pre rapture?The messiah comes first then 10 days after is the repentance and preparation for the wedding and 15 days after is the wedding.there is no wedding and 3 years or 7 years after the remaining fools will be saved.The Rapture is at the last day.there is NOWHERE in scripture a separation of the Wheat before the Tares.In fact they will grow together UNTIL THE END, and i tell you more, The tares is being cut off first and then the wheat is gathered in Yahuah's Barn.
ReplyDeleteAt "Donald Trump Picks EU Rogue Nation Poland for Mideast Peace Conference".
ReplyDeleteMaximum eclipse at 12:12am 1/21
ReplyDelete1/21/2019 or 121 & (2+0+1+9 = 12) at 12:12
You are not going to believe this but I had an impression to put the number 121121212 into a ternary converter. A ternary number is a number system based on 3 digits 0,1,2. Putting 121121212 into the ternary converter comes out to 12119--1/21/19!
WHAAAAAAAAAAAAT!!! That is most certainly interesting. Especially since this blood moon happens two years exactly into Trump's presidency. But not just that aspect of it, think about the fact that Trump's last name is Trump! Does that word ring a bell?
Delete"For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the {TRUMP} of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord" (1 Thessalonians 4:16).
God is all about the numbers. As we all know, the Bible contains a book called "Numbers." There may be something to what you are revealing here. Interesting indeed. May be a sign that it's going to happen soon. Now for that 64 thousand dollar question ... How soon?
Not to nitpick too much, but being that the eclipse is over, and we're still here, perhaps that is meant to be 12/1/19?
DeleteVery possibly. AT the very least, a sign of the rapture soon to occur, whenever it will be. Certainly seems more likely if we can lean toward any date at all. I dunno. Signs, signs, everywhere a sign.
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ReplyDeleteLike a 2x4 between the eyes. January 22 is the 45 anniversary of Roe v Wade in the United States.
ReplyDeleteMake that 46th... and there are 46 chromosomes in the human body.
Delete[image width="88%" height="88%" src=" from 2019-01-21 00:12:44.png"/]
ReplyDelete18 Blessed be the LORD, the God of Israel,
who alone does wonderous things.
19 Blessed be his glorious name forever;
may the whole earth be filled with
his glory!
Amen and Amen!
ReplyDeleteLunar eclipses are given as a sign to Israel. I find it interesting that this event reached peak totality at 12:12 AM (Eastern). A check of Strong's (Hebrew) Concordance gives us this,
Strong's Concordance (H1212)
Betsalel: "in the shadow (protection) of El," two Israelites
Original Word: בְּצַלְאֵל
Part of Speech: Proper Name Masculine
Transliteration: Betsalel
Phonetic Spelling: (bets-al-ale')
Definition: "in the shadow (protection) of El", two Israelites
Day count from the passing of Billy Graham (1/21/18) to the beginning of tonight's Super Blood Moon is 333-days or 11-months. Interesting fact given how many of us keep seeing the numbers 333 and 11 (or 1111) pop-up?
19 The heavens declare the glory of God,
and the sky above1 proclaims his handiwork.
(Psalm 19:1 ESV)
I believe in the rapture b4 the tribulation and not just because of all the verses pertaining to it but mainly everything in the Bible that has been and will b again. See verse as in the days of Noah will be as the son of Man coming. Bible has patterns and cycles as to Jewish feasts which come in certain order which is why I believe in rapture before the tribulation. Also verses that say we will b kept from wrath of God among others.
ReplyDeleteThere is a hidden Old Testament prophecy in 2 Kings 2:23-24 that drops a big, giant, filthy, foul, odorous, stinky, nasty and abhorrent pre-tribulation rapture stink bomb as well. I have an article on my site about it. Link below.
🇺🇸⭐️⭐️🇺🇸 Jeremiah 51:53 Though Babylon should mount up to heaven, and though she should fortify the height of her strength, yet from me shall spoilers come unto her, saith the Lord.
ReplyDelete"Elenin, Planet X, Nibiru, is Wormwood: The logic is Undeniable"
Prophecy page video:
Great work Gary! God bless you and your team at Unsealed :) We're still watching, praying and pointing folk to Christ as this is the most exciting and pivotal time since Christ walked the earth. Keep on keeping on for the Lord!