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God Powerfully Confirms The Revelation 12 Sign Through A Polish Man

God Powerfully Confirms The Revelation 12 Sign Through A Polish Man

It is with heartbreak that I must inform you all that on Friday night we lost a dear brother in Christ, Paul Skotarski, whom many of you...
First Phase of Peace Plan Unveiled

First Phase of Peace Plan Unveiled

The first phase of the Trump-Kushner "Deal of the Century" has been unveiled as the Bahraini peace summit is set to kick off tomo...
Peace Plan Unveil Still On As War Nears With Iran

Peace Plan Unveil Still On As War Nears With Iran

The phase one unveiling of the Trump-Kushner peace plan appeared to be in major jeopardy as recently as last week, but with the news that J...
What Time Is It (On God's Celestial Calendar)?

What Time Is It (On God's Celestial Calendar)?

God is a God of order, not chaos.  He reveals patterns and sequences, templates and types.  God is outside of time, but He has a plan invol...
A Prayer for the Weary Watchmen

A Prayer for the Weary Watchmen

On your walls, O Jerusalem,     I have set watchmen; all the day and all the night     they shall never be silent. You who put the Lo...
A Pentecost Windstorm

A Pentecost Windstorm

Yesterday, on Pentecost Sunday, a historic windstorm blew through the Dallas area, killing at least one, and critically injuring several...
Pentecost: The Feast that Ties Everything Together for the Church

Pentecost: The Feast that Ties Everything Together for the Church

In studying the Feast of Pentecost, one of God’s Appointed Times ( Mo’ed ), it is becoming increasingly clear to me that this feast ties to...


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