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Trump To Unveil Peace Plan To Arab Leaders Soon

Trump To Unveil Peace Plan To Arab Leaders Soon

Israeli redo-elections are currently scheduled for September 17th and a report appeared this morning among several major media sources c...
Rightly Dividing Wrongly

Rightly Dividing Wrongly

God’s progressive process of redeeming the world has been done through covenants and dispensations.  These terms somewhat overlap, though n...
Partial Lunar Eclipse Centered Over Jerusalem Appears

Partial Lunar Eclipse Centered Over Jerusalem Appears

A partial lunar eclipse that will cover virtually all of the inhabitable world except for North America is happening tonight.  In fact, ...
The Hebrew Roots Movement

The Hebrew Roots Movement

As we grow nearer to our Blessed Hope , it’s becoming increasingly necessary to step up and speak out, guarding the flock while there is st...
Hidden in Hosea: The Church's Death-Defying Escape from Hell on Earth

Hidden in Hosea: The Church's Death-Defying Escape from Hell on Earth

Greetings, brothers and sisters in the Lord! I hope this message finds you standing firmly in the faith and eagerly awaiting the retur...


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