Netanyahu Confirms Peace Plan To Be Unveiled Shortly After Israeli Elections
'Tonight we were told that President Trump's Deal of the Century will be presented to the world after the election. I have a reasonable estimate that it will be very soon after the elections,' Netanyahu said at a pre-existing conference.
As I've discussed before, the signs in the heavens these past several years have seemed to coincide with key events pertaining to the development of this peace agreement, as well as significant events surrounding the Israel-U.S. relationship.
With the unveil so soon, I continually keep three things in the front of my mind: first, there is no doubt that this will be of major significance for Bible prophecy—possibly as the basis for what the man of lawlessness later strengthens and also what the nations use to formally divide God's covenant land; second, there is no expectation of a seven-year agreement whatsoever, as the confirmed/strengthened covenant of seven years will not be in place until after the Church's removal; and third, all that has happened these past several years continues to build to crescendo regardless of how I or any of us may feel. The world and most of the institutional church will be caught completely off guard when the trigger is pulled.
Hang on.
In other news, The Wall Street Journal and other outlets are making the argument that Israel's recent strikes in Gaza, Lebanon, Syria, and Iraq signal that the proxy war is over and Israel and Iran are now in a true, face-to-face war that will only build from here.
Furthermore, more prophetic themes related to the resurrection and rapture of the Church have emerged in the news as they did in Fall 2017. First, the Queen of England (a woman wearing a crown) has agreed to suspend Parliament until mid-October at the behest of Prime Minister Boris Johnson. The suspension makes it much more likely that a no-deal Brexit will occur on October 31st. This theme of a major "exit" is all over the news—an exit from the supranational "Babylon" that is the European Union. The United Kingdom will regain its nation-state status in full. Compare these themes to the Revelation 12 Sign, which depicts a woman wearing a crown (Israel) bearing a corporate male child (the Church), which is called a nation in Isaiah 66.
On Tuesday, a fire ravaged a historic, 115-year old church in Philadelphia: a fire... a church... Philadelphia...
By the same word the present heavens and earth are reserved for fire, being kept for the day of judgment and destruction of the ungodly.
—2 Peter 3:7
To the angel of the church in Philadelphia write:
These are the words of him who is holy and true, who holds the key of David. What he opens no one can shut, and what he shuts no one can open. I know your deeds. See, I have placed before you an open door that no one can shut. I know that you have little strength, yet you have kept my word and have not denied my name. I will make those who are of the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews though they are not, but are liars—I will make them come and fall down at your feet and acknowledge that I have loved you. Since you have kept my command to endure patiently, I will also keep you from the hour of trial that is going to come on the whole world to test the inhabitants of the earth.
I am coming soon. Hold on to what you have, so that no one will take your crown.
—Revelation 3:7–11
Also on Tuesday, news first broke that Rapture Reef in Hawaii has completely disappeared. You can't make this stuff up. Rapture Reef in the French Frigate Shoals, off the coast of Hawaii, disappeared during the onslaught of Hurricane Walaka in Fall 2018 and it was just recently discovered. And guess when Hurricane Walaka struck? At the same time as the October 2018 Draconids meteor shower that may have fulfilled the astronomical aspect of Revelation 12:3–4 (the meteor shower occurred on October 8th, and Walaka ranged from September 29th through October 9th).
![]() |
Not only did Hurricane Walaka destroy Rapture Reef, it also completely destroyed the accompanying East Island |
Maranatha indeed!
ReplyDeleteI thought that Trump just said the other day that he was going to reveal the details of the peace plan BEFORE the Israeli elections.
ReplyDeleteThat's correct, or, at least that's what the admin hinted at a few weeks ago.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteWatch, war with one of the various Mideast groups will break out and this will get pushed back again. I really think this treaty must have something End Times related (setting up a divided land or something) because it's so ridiculous how often it gets pushed back otherwise.
ReplyDeletesherrill777, Blessings. With 9/10 forming on radar, being 717 days post Rev12, among other details, coupled with the idea, posted recently, that Harpazo is the awaited pre-event, hence all the push-backs of the date, tells me that things might actually not get pushed again, this time, oh, that it be so, Maranatha!
Deletejimboni- and the Brexit date possibly getting firmed up for the 31st after Boris suspended parliament in order to push it through. Finally may happen!
DeleteThe so called Rapture IS A LIE and sets people up for DECEPTION.
If so, then we may throw out our Bibles. To say the resurrection is a lie is to say that the LORD is a liar. To put it in simple terms,
Delete"That dog don't hunt."
Well said PR (:
DeleteTrees, don’t worry about being Raptured.
DeleteYeah Good comment ArchAngel. Tree's has nothing to worry about being Raptured. But if I were him, I would worry about being in the Tribulation.
DeleteTrees D Smith soften your heart. There is still time for you to accept the truth and be saved. All you have to do is acknowledge you are a sinner, like the rest of us, in need of a savior, and understand that Jesus is the Savior that came into the world to save sinners. Because we cannot save ourselves.
1 Timothy 1:15
"The saying is trustworthy and deserving of full acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am the foremost."
Thanks, Jordan. He sounds ardent in his unbelief. And if he thinks what he said about the Rapture, I doubt he will believe in the Tribulation.
DeleteWell, I am nervous. So many people have fallen asleep. So little prophetic signs this summer. I have fleeting thoughts that cast doubts that Rapture isn't real or might be a thousand years later. I try to ignore those thoughts and focus on the Promise. Its hard though and I am tired of waiting. Especially with the economy going worse and the Great Depression 2.0 might be around the corner.
ReplyDeleteI'm not asleep, though two mini-strokes have dulled my intellectual capacity. Yet, I know HE lives and will soon call us home. I am so longing for that day.
DeleteI am sorry about the strokes. Its awful to go through that. My father had one and I had seen how it affects him.
It just that I been witnessing suffering all over. People without limbs, blind, deaf, divorce, etc. The list goes on and its hard to keep going when seeing such suffering. Then at the same time, they refuse to repent and accept the LORD.
It gets worse when people make fun of my belief in Rapture, faith, forgiveness, etc. Especially when death is close by.
I truly want to go home and be away from the darkness. I want all of us to go where we can be with the LORD forever.
By the way, I just wonder if the Rapture cause the economic crash which might make everyone hate Christians. The Jews and Christians would be scapegoats for the ills of the world.
The economy is already deteriorating by the Brexit and the trade war between the US and China. It is now waiting for a devastating stock market crash to occur. Just like in 1929 and in 2007-2008. Could it be that the Dollar will collapse and Dow Jones and Nasdaq will crash just after revealing the Deal of the Century?
DeleteYour feelings are normal and to be expected. It's okay to question and even ask questions. These are the times to lean hard on the promise of His Word. Not one letter will escape His attention. Not one letter.
Dive deeper and deeper into the Bible daily. Seek again and again confirmation of the promise. Take strength in the living Word and be encouraged that with each passing day we are closer. At the same time they are one day closer as well. Thus my daily activity regarding encouragement of the saints to be a vibrant reflection of the LORD and share their story (testimony) in a natural way that points hearts and lives toward Christ.
There as too many empty seats on the Ark. Free tickets abound! One pre-paid fare per passenger. In the meantime we have the Holy Spirit, His everlasting Word and the fellowship of the saints. Lean into them for all they are worth for they are priceless!
I will be praying for your encouragement and strength!
Pastor Rich
DeleteTo answer your question, "I just wonder if the Rapture cause the economic crash which might make everyone hate Christians."
Yes and no.
Yes, the RR will bring an abrupt and cataclysmic halt to society. This will be felt worst of all where there were significant Christian communities. Non-Christian countries will feel ripple effects because of economic shock waves that engulf the global markets and will vary depending on how integrated those market economies are/were to those of the west.
I would expect certain eastern economies to rise out of the ashes and to dominance over time. These economies will be dominated by the spirit of the AC and be defined by the name Babylon the Great.
Like 9/11 as a type before it; the RR will change every thing. Forever. Nothing will be the same ever again.
Will Christians be blamed? No. Not in general. I believe that the world will have its eyes so blinded that they will not see the RR for what it is. Other explanations will arise. Few people will recognize the RR for what it is -- but those that do will be the ones who will form the new church.
They will be the tribulation saints.
This is why the seeds we plant today are so important. Even if we see no increase, no young spouts pushing through the cracked soil, the seeds we sew today will be there to be watered by the LORD that it brings forth a harvest in its day to come.
The seeds we sew today may be the Church that is raised tomorrow.
Plant freely!
Anonymous--Your insight regarding the Rapture perhaps causing or catapulting the world into another Great Depression may be spot on! Also, SUMMER is very significant and the Summer of 2019 is especially noteworthy because of Israel's re-do election and the Trump Peace Deal:
Delete"9/23—Israel’s summer concludes on September 23.
Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer [is] nigh: - Matthew 24:32 KJV
When they now shoot forth, ye see and know of your own selves that summer is now nigh at hand. - Luke 21:30 KJV
All these events are this Summer. Summertime must be significant in some way or else why would the Holy Spirit highlight it?" [Excerpt from:]
Did you hear about the sign of the BLACK SUPERMOON this Summer? I wrote of the significance of this in my article:
And Summer is not over yet! So be encouraged! We who are watching are like the 9-month pregnant woman who is beginning to believe THIS BABY WILL NEVER COME! Well, whether we believe it or not--THAT BABY IS COMING :D
As far as we know it, it's a ten-year plan. This is very important information.
ReplyDeleteThe Word of God for the people of God...
30 Then will appear in heaven the
sign of the Son of Man, and then
all the tribes of the earth will
mourn, and they will see the Son of
Man coming on the clouds of heaven
with power and great glory.
1 And he will send out his angels
with a loud trumpet call, and they
will gather his elect from the four
winds, from one end of heaven to
the other.
RED LETTERS (Matthew 24-30-31 ESV)
30 And then shall appear the sign of
the Son of man in heaven: and then shall
all the tribes of the earth mourn, and
they shall see the Son of man coming in
the clouds of heaven with power and great
31 And he shall send his angels with a
great sound of a trumpet, and they shall
gather together his elect from the four
winds, from one end of heaven to the
RED LETTERS (Matthew 24:30-31 KJV)
A comparison of three (3) versions of the same RED LETTERS spoken by the Lord Jesus Himself. (Spoken by God Himself). In it we are given a series of events that occur prior to the coming of His angels to gather,
1. "...his elect from the four winds", meaning living saints here on earth (KJV)
2. "...from one end of heaven to the other", meaning those asleep in Christ (KJV)
I believe Jesus is clearly speaking of that which we have witnessed in the great sign of Revelation 12 and the days and two-years that have followed. All that remains is given us in greater detail by the Apostle Paul,
52 In a moment, in the twinkling
of an eye, at the last trump: for
the trumpet shall sound, and the
dead shall be raised incorruptible,
and we shall be changed.
(1 Corinthians 15:52 KJV)
First the dead, those asleep in Christ, who in spirit dwell in the presence of the LORD will be gathered from "one end of heaven to the other" to be raised "imperishable" -- then we who are still awake will be gathered by His angels, "from the four winds" of the earth and be changed.
Back in June of 2018 I had a dream. You can read about it in my comment here:
I had that dream not fully realizing that we'd still be here, longing and struggling.
I am not sure how much longer we have, but fully believe we could see Him very very soon.
I know He loves us profoundly. I know we are exhausted.
When the disciples fell asleep, they were also exhausted. And even though they had been told over and over IT was coming, they got tired and fell asleep. But they were right at the door of something huge.
We are too.
Lord Jesus, our King, Saviour, and Friend, please help us all this very day to know and feel your remarkable affection. Help us see with your eyes and hear with your ears. Give us the strength and joy and power to live and act and speak like You. May we handle this one day at a time trusting fully exactly what you tell us. Forgive our sleepiness, our lack of faith, our brokenness, our worldliness and ugliness as we have become soiled and sickened by the world around us. Fall fresh on us and fill us. We love you so much and want everyone to know You that they be filled with the same joy and purpose. Your kingdom come and will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Thank You for Your help, Your promises, Your word, Your sacrifice, Your grace and Your mercy.
Amen, brother.
DeleteBeautiful prayer. Keeping this one. Thank you.
DeleteMiquel P, thank you for that prayer. I also read your dream revelation, on that site, and it is real revelation I think. Beautiful picture of how Christ loves his church though it is far from perfect here on earth but yet He loves us so much! And we are holy, blameless and above reproach in Him even if others do not see that.
DeleteI went back to read it. That a powerful dream of Christ's love for His Church.
DeleteGreat Prayer Miguel. Amen to that.
DeleteEncouraging, brother Miguel!
DeleteI take no credit and give Him all the glory. All I have done is pray, Lord, use me. What a glorious God He is. To think that at some point in the near future we will be in His presence singing praises with tribes and tongues from all places and all history is breathtaking.
DeleteWhat a beautiful dream Miguel. What a beautiful dream! Sounds like a homecoming. Sounds like a birthday. Sounds like the end of a long journey and all things becoming new.
ReplyDeleteUpdates at the top!
ReplyDeleteQueen & Brexit, Philly Fire, and Rapture Reef.
Very interesting, Gary!
DeleteAn observation from my time-line has a Super Black New Moon happening on Friday night. (This will be the BIGGEST or CLOSEST of the triad of Super Black New Moons this cycle). The moon will be at a distance of 357,227 km (221,971 miles). Perhaps even more interesting is that the full moon of September will be a "micro-moon" as it will be at its furthest point from the Earth.
As of sunset tonight we will be within 40-days of the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) on the civil calendar. These days are called the Days of Repentance (Yom Teshuva) and a topic well worth study.
If you recall, it was TWO YEARS AGO on Monday, August 21, 2017 that the Great American Solar Eclipse shown across North America. That event was 40-days before Yom Kippur as well. This time we have a Super Black New Moon occurring 40-days before Yom Kippur.
What of the Ecclesiastic calendar you say?
The Micro-mini moon which is coming on Saturday, September 14th is a Sabbath moon that falls on the evening of Sukkot I (Feast of Tabernacles). Hmmm, almost makes me wonder if we should expect *fewer* occupants of earthly dwellings?
My wandering mind digresses as I should really get back to work!
Interestingly, a lot of these "mini-dates" that Dan, yourself, and others have pinpointed end up having SIGNIFICANT EVENTS that occur on the very day of. Amazing.
DeleteYes, Brothers, I believe all this is is significant!
DeleteWhen the August 30 BLACK SUPERMOON caught my attention, I shared this Comment at is an excerpt:
Not only that but Forbes wrote this article:
"This Week’s ‘New Black Supermoon’ Will Make A River Go Backwards And Bring 'King' Tides"
With the HUGE SIGNIFICANCE OF SEPTEMBER 2019, all this caught my attention. Then I remembered what Mike Young, a pastor/watchman, commented in one of my articles:
"After that vision I realized that Yeshua was telling me that He was coming back sooner than I thought and that when I saw the moon so very close to the earth would be the time when He would return for His Bride..."
It was in this article:
That was the article I shared about the 3 Supermoons of 2019. Now we are having this BLACK SUPERMOON today that may bring KING TIDES! I've been hoping God would show something significant related to:
The Peace Deal in September
Israel's Re-do Election in September
2-Year Warning ends in September
I think this is it!
As most of you know, the moon is a symbol of the Church Bride. May this UNSEEN BLACK MOON--the closest to the Earth this year--be the sign that She will be swept away by Her Lord and KING in September 2019!
Hi Lyn!
DeleteHere's something that just stood-out to me, four blood moons of 2014-15 and now we have four black moons with the first being the Great South American Solar Eclipse. GSASE immediately preceded the triad of Super Black New Moons of the current cycle. We have one more to come on 9/28 or M7D28 (aka Erev Yom Teruah) Civil New Year's Eve!
I'm going to have to mark that one for more study!
Eric, You mentioned mini-strokes. Please check out Cayenne Tincture. Healing, stops bleeding! Good stuff.
ReplyDeleteGary, thank you for these last updates. Now the international events are making more sense to me. Awesome that picture of the queen of Britain with the 12 stars behind her. Really reminds me of the Rev.12 sign.
ReplyDeleteIt's even BIGGER than that! Taking a look at the heavens right now we see Mars, Mercury and Venus all in the constellation Leo -- just as they were two-years ago.
DeleteOnce again, the virgin has a crown of 12-stars!
Yes, right back where they were then! Amazing. When major planets align with Regulus, big things happen (as they did in 3-2 BC).
DeletePR, how long will these three planets remain there to make a crown of 12 stars? Can you see that with your sky simulation software ? Perhaps it is not so important but I'm curious.
ReplyDeleteYes, you can see all of it and for any date or viewing location you want.
DeleteOn or about 9/12/19 Mercury and Venus will be in an extremely close conjunction as they leave Leo and enter Virgo. The Sun will still be with Mars in Leo and will not leave Leo until 9/19/19. By the time of the Equinox at 1051 (IDT) on 9/23/19, Virgo will be clothed in the Sun with Mars being *left behind* in Leo.
By 0927 (IDT) on the morning of 9/27/19 Mercury and Venus will be in the womb of Virgo while Mars beings to make the transition from Leo to Virgo. The Moon will be a waning crescent in Leo as well.
Keep in mind that THIS NEW MOON will mark Yom Teruah/Rosh Hashana to the world via the civil Jewish calendar. The New Moon will be abreast the Sun and at the heart of Virgo when the New Year is born. (None of which will be visible from Jerusalem as they will occur below their horizon).
Uranus (Heaven) continues to reside in Aries (Ram) while Neptune resides in the outpouring of Aquarius. Neither Jupiter nor Saturn have moved much, they are on opposite sides of the galactic plane.
I might make note too that the galactic plane is roughly perpendicular to the horizon at this time. Crux, the Southern Cross, is known to be visible in the Southern skies certain times of the year. Not so now, it is well below the horizon and far from being seen.
Just for fun: Turn you clocks back to 12/25/2 BC and take a look for Crux. Where do you see it then?
I hope this helps Abel!
I am just as confident that we will be here this October and the next few at least. Of course I would love to be heaven bound at any moment...but my heart tells me our finest days of evangelism are ahead as our world spirals down at an exponentially increasing rate.
DeleteWe have lots of tough times soon to unfold, and if one is having trouble enduring what we are going through right now, I fear for them when real tribulation hits. Just observe the persecution going on in other countries.
This is not a popular viewpoint here, but I would not be at ease without stating my beliefs we have many many more months to endure.
Absolutely the AC is about to be revealed ...but it will be the biggest deception this planet will ever experience.
Hi Stan!
DeleteGlad to see you here and sharing. We are indeed in a season that may tell which way it goes. Will we be as the church of Philadelphia where the LORD says,
10 "...I will keep you from the
hour of trial that is coming on
whole world, to try those who
dwell on the earth."
RED LETTERS (Revelation 3:10 ESV)
...not to hang an idea on one verse, not at all, but my thought is that we'll soon know if are to be taken before/during/after the fact. I personally suspect that (Exodus 14:13 ESV) holds a key to what is to come,
13 And Moses said to the people,
"Fear not, stand firm, and see the
salvation [Jesus] of the LORD, which
he will work for you today. For the
Egyptians whom you see today, you
shall never see again."
Just as Pharaoh and his army was ready to wipe the children of Israel from the face of the earth, I suspect we may be threatened in a similar way soon.
I think that Biblical intervals of days and dates will be a reliable roadmap to selecting candidate time-lines for the Day to come. Now that we have the R12S we have so much more to work with...but as you know, I am in the *pre* camp.
The next few weeks will tell.
"I am just as confident that we will be here this October and the next few at least."
DeleteI'd say, let's place no confidence in our opinions and predictions. You and I both have mistaken details, I'm sure. All the confidence must be in Christ WHO IS COMING SOON.
Stan, it is totally fine to have a different viewpoint or understanding, but I'd really like to know where you're coming from.
DeleteIt seems like you think we will be here quite a few years longer for the mere reason that we haven't gone through enough yet.
I get it. I know I have felt that way.
But you seem to think your take is in scripture somewhere? Where please? And how much longer should we be ready for?
Here's the thing: I just did an in depth study of 1st and 2nd Thessalonians and see a very clear pretribulation rapture, characterized by a blatant escape before shtf as they say in modern vernacular.
Look the final wrath/great tribulation is going to be beyond compare for how bad it is. No way we will be here for that. It is not for us and we would have no pact during that time, none. So we'll be gone before then.
So let's just say we are talking only about the time between now until that period starts. You think it is another ten years before God pours out His wrath? Because mankind has already reached an unprecedented stage of rebellion, pride and lawlessness. What would be the point of Him waiting for ten more years? Five? Maybe, but the pace of fulfillment and escalation of potential war would need to slow drastically. So without being too wordy, I'm telling you, I cannot see beyond another couple years.
Furthermore, the rapture will be a shock, surprise and most people won't be waiting for it. If time makes more of us go through persecution etc...then rapture will be something we look forward to even more and we'd be even louder about it. Yeah that is counterintuitive, but supported by history.
Ok, I'm starting to ramble. Just want to hear your side, cause I really dont see it. Yeah there are some Christian's who just aren't willing to think about persecution and being around for many more years, but I'm not one of them. I believe time is short because that is what all evidence points to.
Anyway, I hope you dont run away, because it is important we come to terms with what you are promoting and why.
I think most of us understand your feelings with regard to current events and the despicable state of affairs prevalent in today's world.
ReplyDeleteAnd, many of us can relate to the snickers and "scoffing" we endure when we bring up something Biblical. It does bother me, but NOT for me. It bothers me for them.
It helps to remember that 1) God said these things would happen. 2) It will NOT continue for forever. 3) Most Christians today are still relatively removed from actual physical persecution. (We need to continue to pray for those who are.)
I also find it immensely encouraging to think about and plan ahead, knowing that during the Tribulation many WILL be saved.
I’m no preacher, but I have a computer and a printer. I've put together a bunch of SALVATION AFTER THE RAPTURE fliers for, well, after.
Hopefully, most folks have heard enough to the point that when the Rapture does occur they'll recognize the event for what it is and want to delve further while they're still able.
One can only imagine how soon afterwards sites such as this one and Rapture Ready will get shut down.
I think the point is that we do something productive with the time we have. NOW. For however long it is.
Some like Gary, and Greg, and Stephanie, et al research and write. (Thank you!)
Others take the time to share their expertise and patiently answer the many questions posted on boards such as this. Thank you, Pastor Rich!
I read about a lady who likes to bake. She makes fortune cookies with Bible verses inside!
To paraphrase Shakespeare, we all have our parts to play.
If you’re thinking about what you can do, you’re less likely to get bogged down and to be overwhelmed by all the evil doings happening around us.
Jesus basically told us to GO OUT INTO THE WORLD AND DO GOOD. (Ephesians 2:10).
Sharing good studies. Sharing good information. Sharing good cookies.
Pray and ask God to help you do the GOOD thing that you can do.
Great Advise Jenny. Thank you sister.
Delete"I think the point is that we do something productive with the time we have. NOW."
DeleteAmen to that. And I concur - God in His grace is allowing each one of us to play a part in this.
Amen Jenny. Well said.
DeletePastor Rich: I have felt that the great deception/delusion during the tribulation time will be the enemy continuing to lie about the character of God. As in that he (the devel) saying "see God doesn't really care about you that's why He left you behind, so you need to join me, take the mark and you will live forever. If you take the mark you will be just like God." Just my two cents.
ReplyDeleteA good point of study for sure, Micah! The enemy uses such tactics even today. Being ready to answer such questions is important. Not that we will have all the answers -- not at all; but that we humbly seek and know the One who freely gives wisdom and the words to speak in their time to be spoken.
DeleteNo matter what comes, may we be prepared to speak when it is time to speak and know when to be still and remain silent when silence is required.
Pastor Rich....Thanks for your most respectful reply to my divergent view. I am seeing weariness from those who havent physically suffered any persecution at all,compared to many other countries. What happens if we do experience seeing and being in the great tribulation period? IMO,
DeleteThat is when our finest hour will be.
I try to stay mute for months at a time and will continue doing so. My hope is at least one person on here will remember my rare posts....if...we continue our Christian battle and continue on evangelizing into the tribulation...Time will reveal undeniable events unfolding, and whether we are actually experiencing them as mortals, or in heaven witnessing them from our spiritual realm, we will be together. I will humbly and gladly admit being wrong, but it's not about being right or wrong. It's about winning souls for Christ as long as His allotted time for us remains.
DeleteYou are my brother and a member of my family in Christ. Neither of us hold a corner on truth let alone being 100% right about our viewpoints on the specifics of Scripture. Both of us, however, do have a heart to worship the LORD our God in truth and spirit.
I'm looking forward to our heavenly meeting before the LORD where we can both say,
"Nailed it!"
It is good to challenge one another in such a way that we return to the Word to build-up our faith and knowledge of Scripture. This prepares us for the day(s) that we get to share our story (testimony) and point others to the LORD.
As you appropriately said, "[I]t's not about being right or wrong. It's about winning souls for Christ as long as His allotted time for us remains."
Amen, brother.
We’ve touched briefly on the economic impact of the Rapture of the Church.
ReplyDeleteMy thinking is that much of it is going to be felt IMMEDIATELY.
Think of it. An entire segment of the population will have vanished off the face of the earth.
And, I don’t just mean Christians. I’m referring to ALL THE CHILDREN.
Their loss to the economy will affect vast segments worldwide.
Obstetricians. Pre-schools. Primary School teachers. The apparel and toy industries. Entertainment. Restaurants.
Any business that revolves around or caters to children, whether private or government funded, will feel the impact of their loss to the earth’s economy. And, it will be felt worldwide. In fact, I’m quite certain that NO OTHER EVENT in human history will be as mourned worldwide.
I wish that all the parents could KNOW & understand what is going to happen NOW.
Most parents don't want to be separated from their children!
Perhaps knowing would be enough to give them pause to think and then take that leap of faith.
Yes Jenny, I think about this aspect often. Reminds me of the verse out of Jeremiah 31:15 and fulfilled in Matthew 2:18, "A voice is heard in Ramah, Lamentation and bitter weeping. Rachel is weeping for her children; She refuses to be comforted for her children, because they are no more" (NASB). Thanks for your comment. John
DeleteI just had a thought. Could the verse about Rachel weeping for her children because they are no more also speak of Mothers after the rapture who’s children were raptured and the Mother wasn’t? It will be a very rude awakening for some women.
DeleteYes. A thought that at the very least could be an application. The aftermath would be devastating and cannot be simulated. Chuck Missler more than once said the rapture is a "preposterous" idea, using this word to describe it's unique nature, an unparalleled event. Yet, it is biblical and it will happen. "Truth is stranger than fiction" so to speak.
DeleteMailmanjack/Tlwald, What a BRILLIANT observation! I really think you're onto something there.
DeleteThank-you Pastor Rich. Always appreciate your commentary and encouragement. We will keep on digging brother! John
DeleteThanks for keeping us updated....... occasionally I tend to believe there is still a few years before the Rapture, but when seeing the progress of what is going on around us, I am all fired up again! Thank you MARANATHA ♥
ReplyDeletePR, thank you for your explanation concerning movement planets, etc. I don't wish to download so much software but which program did you use for viewing what you wrote yesterday?
ReplyDeleteAbel, Here are two online resources you can try,
DeleteSolar System Scope --
Stellarium-Web --
Neither require installation but both will require a certain amount of bandwidth. There are other solutions out there but these are the two that I have shared the most.
Solar System Scope provides a 3D model of the solar system and allows you to set the date and viewing point as desired. Stellarium-Web gives you a view of the night sky from earth or other planets and also allows you to set the date and viewing point.
Happy hunting!
Oh, and the installed software I am using on my iPhone is Sky Guide. (Available in the app store) It has been a good general purpose tool for making observations. See below for an observation from this hour in Jerusalem.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteToday is an interesting day with a special portrait of the inner solar system available to us. The following is an observation taken with Sky Guide for iOS on my iPhone. This screenshot is minutes old as of the writing of this post and was taken at 1642 (IDT) from near the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.
[image width="88%" height="88%" src=""/]
I posted yesterday on the coming of the Super Black New Moon. If you were wondering what that looks like, here it is! The moon is hidden in the sun along with Mars, Mercury and Venus all aligned in the constellation Leo and in train with the *king star* Regulus. (Leo the lion is representative of the animal symbol of the tribe of Judah).
The great sign of Revelation 12 had a similar scene with Mars, Mercury and Venus gathered together in Leo. (Considered by some as making the crown of twelve stars). 40-days prior to the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) was the Great American Solar Eclipse 1.0 over North America. (8/21/17) These days are called the Days of Repentance (Yomim Teshuva) and lead up to the holiest day on the Hebrew calendar being Yom Kippur.
The Super Black New Moon we *see* today is the nearest approach of our satellite in the triad of encounters we've had this cycle. When you see it on its first night of being a new crescent moon it should appear much larger than usual. It is rather striking to see!
More than this, this closest approach of the moon to earth is on the first day of Yomim Teshuva as we are 40-days to Yom Kippur once again! That's right about now!!
And if you were wondering why this is so important NOW? This scene did not exist last year. Mars was missing from the picture. This year marks the RETURN of Mars to this part of the sky having been absent since its debut as part of the R12S.
This gathering of the inner solar system has not happened since 9/23/17.
If you wind the clock forward just a tad, you will see that Mercury and Venus will advance into Virgo while Mars will be *LEFT BEHIND*. This alignment is unique and different than last time.
Yes, today is an interesting day. It is Friday, August 30, 2019 and Preparation Day in the west. In Israel the sun is setting and the Sabbath comes. The 30th day of Av sets and the 1st day of Elul comes. (Civil calendar) M6D29 is waning and Rosh Chodesh is marked by the closest approach of the SUPER NEW BLACK MOON on the day of the calendar that some, myself included, believe that the angel visited Mary and that the Christ our Lord was conceived!
Erev Yom Teruah!
By the Ecclesiastic calendar the Feast of Trumpets is dawning, the Day of Shouting draws near. We are on the very doorstep of it and it is at this time that Christ may have entered the world as a newly conceived child of God.
It is time to get ready blow the shofar. It is time to listen for the blasts of the trumpet!
ReplyDeleteHere is a quick look to Friday, September 13, 2019 and the skies over Jerusalem,
[image width="88%" height="88%" src=""/]
What are we looking at?
On the left-hand side of the screenshot you will see two bright dots. Those are Mercury and Venus in a conjunction so close they could almost look like one star. To the right is the Sun followed by Mars. This alignment and distribution of the planets is interesting as Mercury and Venus are now in Virgo. The Sun and Mars are still in Leo.
Mars is being left behind.
This alignment also reminded me of the scene given us by Moses through the exodus. The armies of Pharaoh rode into the wilderness to entrap the children of Israel. Egypt caught them boxed in between mountains and the sea. Before them was the gulf of water that divided the lands -- one to the next just as the space that divides Leo from Virgo.
How was it that the "angel of God" protected Israel from the advance of death and Pharaoh?
19 Then the angel of God who was
going before the host of Israel
moved and went behind them, and
the pillar of cloud moved from
before them and stood behind them,
20 coming between the host of
Egypt and the host of Israel.
And there was the cloud and the
darkness. And it lit up the
night without one coming near
the other all night.
21 Then Moses stretched out
his hand over the sea, and the
LORD drove the sea back by a
strong east wind all night
and made the sea dry land, and
the waters were divided.
(Exodus 14:19-21 ESV)
Do we see such a thing in the heavens in the observation above? Maybe. I certainly see a cloud, a pillar of fire standing between Mars and Mercury/Venus. Is not our Sun a burning condensed cloud of gas? (Indeed it is!) Is not Mars known as the Roman god of war? (Indeed it is!) Does Mars not also have roots as an agrarian god? (Indeed it does!) Was not Cain son of Adam a worker of the land? (Indeed he was!) Is it not Cain that killed is brother Abel? (Indeed he did!)
Is not the Sun the centre of our solar system? (Indeed it is!) Is not this potentially symbolic of the throne of God in the centre of the sanctuary? (Indeed it could!) Looking at (Revelation 15) might Mercury and Venus be considered angels or messengers? (Indeed they are - both come from out of the Sun in their orbits!) Are we given that Michael will protect Israel? (Indeed we are!) Is Venus, the "bright morning star" representative of Jesus? (Indeed He is!)
16 I, Jesus, have sent my angel
to testify to you about these
things for the churches. I am
the root and the descendant of
David, the bright morning star."
RED LETTERS (Revelation 22:16 ESV)
Is Moses not a type of the Christ to come? (Indeed he is!)
Therefore do we see two angels in Mercury and Venus crossing over the divide between Leo and Virgo? Crossing the celestial divide in the name of the lion of the tribe of Judah? A coming of age, an anointing of the woman who will soon flee to the wilderness? (Indeed it may be!)
The Sun will continue to advance across the sky while Mars will be literally left behind.
Am I saying that this will be the Day? No, I don't think so...not yet. It could be any day, but I suspect it may be closer to the fall feasts of the Civil calendar. We who are watching on the wall and being observant should be looking for signs of the coming of our Lord. I think this is one of those signs.
Sharing that which was on my heart while considering (Psalm 19:1-14 ESV),
14 let the words of my mouth and
the meditation of my heart be
acceptable in your sight,
O LORD, my rock and my redeemer.
(Psalm 19:14 ESV)
For your prayerful consideration and study,
PS> The evening of Friday, September 13 begins Erev Sukkot or Feast of Tabernacles Eve on the Ecclesiastic calendar (M7D13).
ReplyDeleteThis will blow you away.
ReplyDeleteThere are two places in the bible that mention time, times and half a time. One is Daniel 12:7 and the other is Rev 12:14; however the underlying original word for time is different in those two books of the bible.
In Dan 12:7 the underlying word for time is Moed (feast or appointed time) so for Dan 12:7 three and a half moeds can occur within a year. I know this sounds crazy, but watch the video at
I was prompted to start watching this guy's other videos and he had incredible insight, for example that part in Matthew about one in the field and the other taken, one grinding, the other taken, etc. He shows in the video at
how you can tell this is a feast day and which one it is.
This short pdf on his site was also interesting
Highly recommend this guy's site. He used to be post-trib at 119 Ministries but change a couple of years ago or so. You will be blown away by his insights. More and more I realize how flawed "man's interpretation" of the Bible is, not the Bible, but man's interpretation of it
Anon, Some interesting ideas in the first linked video and a different perspective for sure. I don't exactly agree with some of his points but do agree on the fall feast timing he outlines. I will dig on the second link soon as I can. Thank you for sharing!
DeleteDear PR, thanks a lot for your research and advises for the software. Interesting thoughts and I love the symbolism of this. I just hope it isn't Christian astrology. We call it "the Gospel in the stars" but critics would call it astrology. How can we justify this approach? How far can we go? I just know for sure the the Rev.12 sign was a real sign from God for it made a lot of people aware of the coming of Christ and all the alignments on 23rd Sep 2017 were just no coincidence!
ReplyDeleteRick Larson asked the same questions on astrology. It stopped him in his tracks while researching the Bethlehem Star. Once he realized that God declared His making of the stars and that they are set for signs and seasons, messengers or angels if you will, then we understand that which we are looking at as Christian astronomy -- not astrology.
DeleteThese things are looked at as signs and shadows of things -- not the world being controlled by the location and movement of the stars.
For example, who are the principle players in the story of the Exodus?
1. God
2. Moses
3. Aaron
4. Pharaoh
Do we see potential parallels to them in the screenshots above and in context to the Exodus? Yes, perhaps we do,
1. God == Sun
2. Moses (a type of the Christ to come) == Venus
3. Aaron (a type of messenger/angel protector) == Mercury
4. Pharaoh (the dragon/death) == Mars
Added to this the proximity of the stars and constellations,
1. Leo (the lion) == Symbolic of the tribe of Judah
2. Regulus (the king star) == kingship and supreme authority
3. Virgo (the woman) == Israel
*IF* these parallels were true then they *may* offer explanations that parallel the Biblical narrative. They might serve as *pointers* or *signs* of an actual event yet to come.
Yes, that is a lot of caveats and I am willing to be wrong; but is it wrong to trigger others to the Word and to look to the LORD?
Not at all.
Scripture clearly gives us, "the great sign" (Revelation 12:1 ESV), "another sign" (Revelation 12:3) and "another sign in heaven, great and amazing" (Revelation 15:1 ESV). It God an astrologer? Absolutely not. He is an artist -- He is an engineer. He placed everything where it is, and when it is, to point to Himself and His coming to the glory of His Name.
Astrology attempts to give glory to us. Christian astronomy seeks to give glory to God and should invite people to dig into God's Word and search for buried treasure.
As long as we keep these things straight I think we're okay. Thus my quoting (Psalm 19:1-14 ESV)
Dear pastor Rich, your explanation is very helpful and clarifies the subject and now I have no more reservations. I am grateful to you for taking time to answer my questions. Hope others may find it helpful too.
DeleteBrother Abel, You are most welcome. I pray that it is an encouragement to you and helps you in your studies and work in the field!
DeleteBy the way. I could not see your screenshots of the solar system in the Chrome browser but it did work with the Microsoft Edge browser. Just for those who wonder why they can't see the screenshots (try switching internet browser)
ReplyDeleteHere are links to the screenshots above:
Delete1. THE FAMILY OF THE SUN ON 8/30/19
I hope this helps
Guys this is interesting
Hi Steve, yes interesting for sure. At first glance, I think she goofed when she pointed out that the eclipse will make a wedding ring symbol. All full solar eclipses do this, so it is not unique to this one.
DeleteOtherwise there were definitely some good points to consider.
PR, would you agree with the explanation and possible sign of the star alignments around the Chanukah celebration? Is that alignment so unusual as they claim?
ReplyDeleteAlso what I saw in that video just confirms my believe that Obama will be coming back somehow or another, though the timing is speculation and no one can set a date.
DeleteAll I can offer at this moment is a forensic of the observation. Inspiration requires meditation and prayer time on the topic.
Some interesting observations are made in the video. I would have to run some simulations to find out how rare this annular eclipse will be. I had looked at it with interest recently as it begins very near Riyadh, Saudi Arabia and ends at the US territorial island of Guam.
Two very interesting end-points.
I can tell you that the eclipse will take place in conjunction with the following:
1. Conjunction w/Jupiter in the constellation Sagittarius (in the bow)
2. Conjunction w/Sagittarius-A (the Super-massive Black Hole at the heart of our galaxy)
3. Inside the galactic plane at the intersection of the plane of our ecliptic
4. The galactic plane will be nearly parallel to the horizon (just below it)
5. Saturn is also in Sagittarius (as it is today) ahead of Jupiter
Barack Obama announced a while ago that he would likely get back into politics to aide the Democratic ticket in 2020. There is no surprise in that. If he were to become elected to head a global government, then that would get my attention.
One month prior to the annual solar eclipse is a reprise of the Bethlehem Star. This will take place on or about 11/24/19 and in conjunction with Sagittarius-A once again. Jupiter moves slowly across the sky so it won't move much in the month leading up to Christmas and the annular eclipse.
Thank you PR. I will also meditate and pray about all these things. Some of the astronomy is a bit difficult to understand for ordinary people (like me) but very interesting indeed. Glad to read that you pray and meditate on these things before drawing conclusions and we should all do that! Also discussing it on this forum is very helpful for all.
ReplyDeleteI also have the divergent view. Too much weariness from those who haven't suffered any persecution for their faith at all. The church thrives most under persecution.
We are going through the tribulation, I hope I'm wrong but all the apostles died for their faith except Judas & John, why should we expect anything different. I've heard very compelling arguments on both sides but it appears the most effective evangelist of the bible suffered greatly. I say this with all Love and respect.
Once again, I hope I'm wrong..
Hi Elvis ;
DeleteYou are wrong. :) The Bible says it. No End Times Tribulation for us, buddy
I think we can easily argue that we are already living in times of tribulation as in those discussed by Jesus in RED LETTERS (Matthew 24:7-14 ESV).
Delete8 "All these are but the beginning
of the birth pains."
*THE* Tribulation is yet to come. If you read (Matthew 24) as being linear I could see one expecting the RR at the end. But I do not read it as an ordered (linear) event if to read chapter 24 to the end. I believe that verse 29 resets the scene and timing to the beginning of the troubles -- those seen from verse four up until verse 14.
This is but one pin-point and I only mention it as it is specific to the concept of tribulation or troubles. But as for suffering in the church? I see plenty of it in our congregation. Thanks be to God that I also see a lot of over-comers!
May we all keep digging in spirit and truth!
Elvis....You are very rare company here. All I can say with certainty is we will be resurrected and transformed on the last the last trump. Scriptures clearly spell it out , but this is not the site to even start.
DeleteSomeday we will see the AC come to power. The wrath we escape is the day of the Lord ...the last day , the last trump when we will be transformed to meet him in the clouds and then , yes, we escape the day of the Lords wrath.
I just showed a dear friend of mine a chain of scriptures that start with heaven opening, then closing, then opening, then closing , with one final opening .....
But it would take a long time to post , and word be shot down anyway.
ReplyDeleteWe all suffer and are persecuted in this life, it is a consequence of sin and living in a fallen world. No one is exempt from that believer or not. What is different is that the Tribulation is a time of Gods wrath poured out on the evil in this world. God has not appointed his children to wrath. We as his children have been cleansed of wrong doing therefore will be saved from the time that he pours out that wrath. If we were here for the tribulation it would be like being punished for something we didnt do. God doesn't make mistakes like that.
Well said. I still don't understand the arguments about Christians having it easy just wanting to escape. I think those commentators may have a bit too much accusation and not enough humility.
DeleteA Bible translator was just slaughtered in Cameroon and his wife's arm was cut off. Christians are persecuted every day. We suffer the blight of persecution, disease, heartbreak, and despair every day and have for 2,000 years—the little 't' tribulations. But we are promised escape from the big 'T'. Praise God.
At "Netanyahu to make Pro-3rd Temple Politician Top Official".
ReplyDeleteGood morning, Elvis, like you I thought for years that since other (much more powerful, and useful than I) Saints had suffered such horrendous persecution throughout the history of the Church, why should we escape. But then it occurred to me that God works through seasons--dispensationalism, and we who are alive today are incredibly blessed to be a part of that period in human history wherein God will say, "Enough!" the time has come to wrap this all up. We are no more deserving than any other generation of believers. We are just beyond blessed to be a part of the generation that sees the last of the end of days. It has nothing to do with us, but everything to do with God's sovereign choice for when we were born. We just "happen" to be alive at this time. That is overwhelming to me: that God appointed me to be born during the Church Age, a part of His Bride, and that I was born at this time in human history. Deserving? NEVER. Just God's sovereignty at work. I will never understand it, and it makes me even more incredibly grateful for His Salvation. I can't begin to thank Him enough. Blessings beyond measure to you!
ReplyDeleteHey Folks,
ReplyDeletecheck out this site,
he has a lot of information on the feasts and possible timelines..
Thanks for the article Gary! I read about the disappearance of the Rapture Reef, but did not even think about the significance of the name until your article. SMH!
Dear Elvis,
ReplyDeleteThere ARE many Christians being persecuted throughout the world today, especially in China and throughout the Middle East.
However, the Church itself will NOT go through the Tribulation.
Think about it.
Our God is a God of purpose.
Of what use would it be to have the Church, which has already accepted Christ as their Savior, go through the Tribulation?
The Tribulation isn't so much about punishment as it is getting Israel and the rest of the world's attention.
The Church will have been removed and God will once again focus his main attention on Israel, fulfilling Daniel's 70th week.
For easy to read, Biblically sound commentary and articles on this subject, I suggest Jack Kelly's site at Grace Through Faith.
Blessings, brother!
ReplyDeleteFirst of all let me just say, I think you're a talented writer, defender of the faith and brother in Christ.
I just want to clarify, I do not think most Christians have it easy, just wanting to escape, but clearly many do, I was one of those for many years. After much prayer and study I just believe the rapture comes right before the final judgement, and we escape the actual day of the Lords wrath referenced in the Word. I just see too many examples in the Bible where God doesn't remove but protects His people through times of persecution & tribulation, Daniel in the lions den & fiery furnace, Noah in the ark, blood on the doorpost etc..
My goal is not to convince anybody of the timeline regarding the rapture, once again I'd rather be wrong on this issue. My concern is that people will lose heart and question their faith if the rapture doesn't occur before the great tribulation period.
Our focus should always be first and foremost, leading people to accept Christ's righteousness and sacrifice on the cross, following him closely on a daily basis in a life of trust, personal integrity and helping others. Much Love and respect to all on this site.
"I do not ask that you take them out of this world, but to keep them safe from the evil one."
John 17:15
We already have two examples of the Rapture in scripture. The first was Enoch, who walked with God and simply vanished without a trace right before the flood. All anyone noticed was that he had vanished completely. Our second example is Elijah, which was witnessed by Elisha who took up Elijah's mantle. The witness claimed a 'chariot of fire' or something picked him up and carried him off (leaving behind his mantle.) Like Enoch, no one was able to find Elijah again. At least until the mount of transfiguration... and he came to that event with Moses...
DeleteThen there is also a story where Michael apparently came down to retrieve the body of Moses. Was this to reunite the spirit of Moses with his body for the transfiguration event? That would basically be a confirmation that God can reunite body and spirit, as is promised at the Rapture.
The church vanishes from the book of Revelation around the end of chapter 3, it doesn't return until Jesus does later in the book. We do see a new group of saints arise in the tribulation though. It doesn't make sense to me that they are not called the church directly if the church is supposed to go through this time.
It also doesn't make sense to me that Paul would tell us to 'comfort one another with these words' if we are going to go through hell on Earth... I would think he would tell us to both pray and prepare to survive by stocking up, heading to the wildernesses, etc... No... indeed it says that people during the tribulation are literally hiding in the mountains hoping they will keep them safe from the wrath of the Lamb...
There are so many compelling arguments that the church will not see God's wrath. The only question left is when does that begin?
Even if not everyone is suffering direct persecution on a daily basis, that does not mean they do not feel what is happening to other parts of the body. It's hard not to see and feel in this age of worldwide news exchange and being able to talk to anyone on the planet who has a connection to the information networks...
DeleteQuoting you, Elvis,
"My concern is that people will lose heart and question their faith if the rapture doesn't occur before the great tribulation period."
I've heard that more than once in this space and appreciate the concern.
What if...
Questioning our faith is exactly what needs to happen?
What if we stopped worrying about whether God can handle our most basic or greatest questions? What if we withheld nothing from Him? What if we admitted that He already knows our heart? What if we admitted that we don't have all the answers? What if we admitted we need help? What if we dedicated ourselves to discipleship? What if we mentored those still young in their faith? What if we were unafraid to ask God the BIG questions? What if we questioned *our* faith?
Is that so bad?
What if our faith needs to be questioned? After all, is our faith founded on the rock or is it on something less than and we may not know it? Do we blindly follow our leaders? Do we simply accept what they say as truth -- or do we dig for spiritual truth ourselves and seek the council of the Holy Spirit on the way? Do we make time for God or do we give our lives to Him fully?
Is our faith something that can be stuffed into an hour long Sunday service or is it where we live, eat and breathe all week long?
I submit that we need to be questioning *OUR* faith and making sure it lines up with THE FAITH and the Word of God.
The testing of our faith builds what? Endurance! By this we grow in faith, hope and love. What is the greatest of these?
[ insert your answer here ]
IMPORTANT NOTE: You bring an important idea to the forefront Elvis, you too Stan. I'm not directing this at either of you or at anyone specifically. It is meant for those who are questioning, asking questions or want to ask questions.
Bring them to the LORD. Bring them with a child's heart and in expectation of an answer tailored to your understanding. Bring them in truth and spirit.
Bring them to the LORD.
11 When I was a child, I spoke like
a child, I thought like a child, I
reasoned like a child. When I became
a man, I gave up childish ways.
12 For now we see in a mirror
dimly, but then face to face. Now
I know in part; then I shall know
fully, even as I have been fully
(1 Corinthians 13:11-12 ESV)
Pastor Rich...I could not agree with you more. I feel you see my point with regards to those that just cant hardly bare the thoughts of us being here another month....What "if" as I expect we end up having many many months left? That was not popular when I started saying that that before the R12 sign in September 2017. I totally expect seeing our world decay very rapidly, but fully expect being here after September 2021 at the least. So, enduring I am into, and I havent seen any hardships as of yet, but pray for the strength to endure and also Gods divine protection from stuff I cant endure without my faith.
DeleteStan, dear Brother, I would appreciate what the Spirit of God might show you about what I shared in the following article:
It's about what the Lord showed me regarding what is to come before we meet Him in the air.
Please feel free to leave a comment on my blog site!
DeleteThe thought of not wanting to endure another month of this is, IMHO, natural. I hear it a lot and appreciate that response. Divine protection is something we all need to be aware of in our daily lives. There is not one breath, not one heartbeat that He is not holding in His hands. (For all of us!)
My understanding and conviction of divine protection for us, the Church, during the 70th week is our being taken under His wing and into His presence in heaven. We already know that the church to come will not have such a thing -- they will be subject to the might of the beast. (Limited earthly protection but complete assurance in eternal salvation). The woman, the remnant of Israel, on the other hand will be subject to His divine protection as she is sheltered in the mountains, in the wilderness for 42-months.
There are four peoples at play here in the final days,
1. The saved Church in Christ
2. The lost going into the Tribulation
3. The Tribulation Saints of the new Church
4. The saved remnant of Israel
Part of the purpose of my work today is help usher the lost to a confession in Christ and to plant seeds that will come forth in the time of troubles to come.
One of our deacons had once been part of what he calls a cult. He was in that for a couple decades and finally came to a point of questioning *his* faith. It was an eye-opening experience. Today he is wholly rooted in the Word and is a great teacher and leader...but he had to get out from under false teaching and get into the Word for himself.
It's amazing how much difference you can find from what many people say or *believe* Scripture says and what it really says. (And I'm not talking about pre/mid/post anything!) The nativity featuring the Maji at the manger is just one example.
While as of today I do not agree on how you interpret the timing of our departure, we do agree that it is a fact of Scripture and that it will happen. We also agree on the total and trustworthy Sovereignty of the LORD and His unfailing love for us His children. We agree by faith in Christ alone for the remission of our sins and trust and follow Him all the days of our lives.
May our familial bond in Christ draw us together through continuous examination and exploration of His Word that through prayer and meditation we may humbly come to understand the deeper mysteries of His glorious plan -- that God be glorified by the way we come together even if in disagreement.
16 They are not of the world, just
as I am not of the world.
17 Sanctify them in the truth; your
word is truth.
18 As you sent me into the world,
so I have sent them into the world.
19 And for their sake I consecrate
myself, that they also may be
sanctified in truth.
20 I do not ask for these only,
but also for those who will
believe in me through their word,
[Hey guys, that's us!]
21 that they may all be one, just
as you, Father, are in me, and I
in you, that they also may be in
us, so that the world may believe
that you have sent me.
RED LETTERS (John 17:16-21 ESV)
Hi Stan ;
DeleteAccording to God's Word, it will be improbable for us to be here after 2021. 80 years(maximum generation) from 1948( Israel reborn) is 2028. Subtract 7 years( Trib ) is 2021 at the latest. It will be here before you know it.
Lyn...Thanks for your interest in my thoughts on your article. I posted on your blog site. Please don't feel obligated posting my post trib views. I totally u derstand if you dont post it.
DeleteMy testimony is to very seldom post my views saying we Christian's will see the AC come to power, and we will be transformed on the last day, at the last trump.
No one here will agree and that is fine. My debate method is that if we are here when the AC is in power, then no slaps on my back but just grab my helping hand. If we are watching from heaven as the AC comes to power, then we all will have our hands in the air praising God and doing nothing but worshipping Him at a level we could not even begin to imagine as mortals.
RMGOOSE.....Pretrib or post trib....I have always felt that having just one surviving person left that was born when Israel became a nation , will fulfill the generation that sees the beginning and the end.
For example, if I were born in early 1947....along with all the other millions that witnessed Israel becoming a nation, then until the last one dies that was here when Israel became a nation...that is when that generation is gone. It's like the generation that fought in WW2. Until the very last WW2 veteran dies, the greatest generation is still alive!
Hey, Brother--I DID post it! And this is my reply to your Comment:
Delete"Thanks, Stan, for taking time to come by. I choose not to be adamant about when the Rapture will occur, but take hope mostly in what He has shown me in the Scriptures about His people not being subject to His retribution:
Thank you so much for your blessing, Stan. No matter when we finally get to meet, Brother, I will look forward to it!"
And I mean it♥
Thank you Lyn... You have a blessed heart.
DeleteStan, seeing you responding to others but not to me, I realize you may feel a little antagonized by my questions. To be clear, my intention is not to antagonize, I just wanted to understand your point of view better. No worries. Each time you respond I get a little clearer on what you believe and why. I fully agree that we should all be very careful not to give up or lose heart if things do not go as we expect. Bottom line is that none of us have this fully figured out and we should stay ready and faithful to His call for our lives. See you in the air brother.
DeleteAnd while the Church is not mentioned from chapter 3 until many chapters later, people are called “inhabitants of the earth”. That can’t be the Church.
ReplyDeleteI would say you're right Archangel, the "inhabitants of the earth" are those who follow the beast. The lost, not the Church.
DeleteBlessings, Pastor Rich, I must give credit to Billy Crone. I read one of his books and then inhabitants of the earth stood out distinctly to me when he wrote about it. Picture 💡lighting up over my head. Amazing how we can read something so many times and then it gets thrown into our faces because it’s always been there but we just didn’t see it.
DeleteIt's funny how He does that. Words we've ready hundreds of times will STAND-OUT one day in a particular way -- a way we've never seen before.
DeleteWriting a journal of your Bible study is one way of exposing these types of pin-points. Praying, reading and writing on what you've read are great tools in your explorer toolkit!
Absolutely, Pastor Rich. Writing a journal about thoughts, events, feelings etc has always been cathartic for me. And for memorization nothing beats writing it down. Keeping a journal on Bible study is something I’ve never attempted but I think it’s a wonderful activity to engage in. I haven’t been able to write since my mother passed away 2 1/2 years ago. I’m still devastated and haven’t been able to do much other than isolating myself because I don’t think I can be around family or friends. I’m still trying to crawl out of the quicksand of extreme incapacitating grief. But when I think about it being God’s decision to take her home, I can’t argue against Someone Who is perfect and always right. I know she was suffering things I know I would never be able to bear for a day much less years. I just miss her so much and don’t think I can be the same until I am with her again. God has taken perfect care of me always and everything else is my fault. Wow, sorry to lay all this on you Pastor Rich ! Blessings to you always.
DeleteI am so sorry at your loss. It is said that the depth of your grief is a testimony to your loss. I pray that the love she gave you, a love that only comes from the Father, lifts you up to live to the Day as a reflection of that love. A love that testifies to those God gives you in their time of need. A time when you are the trusted and compassionate one with an ear to hear and a heart to listen.
Please know that I will be praying for you and lifting you to the LORD for extra loving care.
A woman recently shared on the death of her 4-year old son and her processing of all that happened. After an extensive time of grieving and isolation she took it to the LORD and asked why? She pressed Him on her purpose. Through that she found comfort and peace.
If I were there I would give you a big hug. In lieu of that please know that I'm with you and will be praying for you. Feel free to drop me a private line off-channel. May the Father visit a special gift of love to you, an encouragement and a pathway through this time that leads you to what He has waiting for you on the other side.
Pastor Rich
Pastor Rich, if you are not the embodiment of the gracious, patient, kind and wise servant of God, I don’t know who is. I deeply appreciate your heartfelt words and prayers. Thank you so very much. You are a great blessing to all of us here with your teaching and you are surely a blessing to me. Your kindness has definitely helped me. God bless you richly Pastor Rich !
DeleteAt "Hezbollah fires rockets into Israel from Lebanon". The beginning of World War Three?
DeleteAt least according to the Torah calendar.
Looks like anti-tank rocket fire toward an IDF base across the border from Lebanon. Not exactly the fireworks you would expect on the "New Year". More like that which we expect with the coming change of "seasons".
At "Nations Invited for Animal Sacrifice on Mount of Olives Renewing Noah’s Covenant":
ReplyDelete"On September 25, the 5,780th anniversary of the day on which Jewish tradition holds the world was created, the Sanhedrin is holding a conference for the emerging Organization of 70 Nations. The conference will culminate in an animal sacrifice made by representatives of the nations on the Mount of Olives in which they will renew the covenant made by Noah upon leaving the Ark."
At "Netanyahu’s Main Rival Envisions Third Temple Being Built following Elections".
Between the Rapture and the start of the Tribulation Period there is an undefined time gap. But is there also an undefined time gap of a few years between the Second Coming of or Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and the start of the Millennial Kingdom? It could be that the Second Coming will occur in 2028 and the start of the Millennial Kingdom in 2033, exact 2000 years after 33 AD.
Moin, I answered below but meant to do it here -- just in case you use notifications to let you know when you get an answer!
ReplyDeleteQuoting you,
"[I]s there also an undefined time gap of a few years between the Second Coming of or Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and the start of the Millennial Kingdom?"
12 Blessed is he who waits and
arrives at the 1,335 days.
(Daniel 12:12 ESV)
Your question points to (Daniel 12) where we are told that,
11 ...from the time that the
regular burn offering is taken
away and the abomination that
makes desolate is set up, there
shall be 1,290 days.
(Daniel 12:11 ESV)
On the heels of this we are given that a blessing is bestowed to those who wait 1,335-days. From when are they waiting? Until when do they wait? What are they waiting for?
My study time-line models the 1,290-days being the first half of the 7-years and ends on the AoD. It also models the blessing received as the arrival and entry into the Millennial Kingdom. (Daniel 12:11 ESV) is a tricky one to interpret as I can see it being understood a couple different ways.
Here is one way to see it,
Time-line starts 9/28/19 + 1,290-days = 4/9/23 Easter Sunday (Feast of First Fruits)
Midpoint AoD of 4/9/23 + 1,260-days = 9/20/26 Erev Yom Kippur
Midpoint AoD of 4/9/23 + 1,335-days = 12/4/2026 Hanukkah I
Time-line starts 9/28/19 + 2,550-days = 9/20/26 Erev Yom Kippur
**NOTE: Did you see that the AoD occurs on 4-9-23 [emphasis on 9-23!!]. That is M1D18 on the Ecclesiastic calendar. M1D6+6+6.
This is ONLY a model and NOT my saying the RR will happen on the 27th or 28th of this month although it certainly could. Spreadsheets give a quick visual guide to how days and dates can line-up. I use LibreOffice Calc do to mine and to do the date calculations, eclipse tracking across the globe and more.
My time-line starts with Yom Teruah, 2017 and goes forward 3,360-days to the modelled beginning of the Millennial Kingdom. Build some of your own with prayer and mediation and your study Bibles in hand -- see where the Spirit leads you!
Hi PR ;
DeleteIf the FOT in 2021 got pushed back 30 days as it did in 2016 and 2019 on the Rabbinic calendar, how does the day count look then ? Interesting, huh ? :)
ReplyDeleteHere's an interesting observation from recorded data on Hurricane Dorian,
Sep 1, 16:45 GMT, 26.5°, -77.0°, 185 mph, 911 mb
Sep 1, 18:00 GMT, 26.5°, -77.1°, 185 mph, 911 mb
Sep 1, 19:00 GMT, 26.6°, -77.2°, 185 mph, 910 mb
Sep 1, 20:00 GMT, 26.6°, -77.3°, 185 mph, 910 mb
Sep 1, 21:00 GMT, 26.6°, -77.3°, 185 mph, 910 mb
Sep 1, 22:00 GMT, 26.6°, -77.5°, 185 mph, 910 mb
Sep 1, 23:00 GMT, 26.6°, -77.6°, 185 mph, 910 mb
Sep 2, 00:00 GMT, 26.6°, -77.6°, 185 mph, 915 mb
Sep 2, 01:00 GMT, 26.6°, -77.7°, 185 mph, 915 mb
Sep 2, 02:00 GMT, 26.6°, -77.8°, 185 mph, 915 mb
It sure it interesting that Dorian hit PEAK wind speed at 26° latitude, 77° longitude at a pressure of 911 millibars over a period of at least 9-hours, 15-minutes.
September 10th is the average peak of Atlantic hurricane activity. May we be reminded to pray for those in the path of the storm.
Pastor Rich, How does Heshvan 10, "Get in the Ark Day", fit into your model?
ReplyDeleteThis year it falls on November 8, 2019.
Thank you!
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Delete"How does Heshvan 10, 'Get in the Ark Day', fit into your model?"
DeleteGood question. I have not considered it as part of the model. The time-line evolved working forward in reverse (from the end to the beginning). Noah has not come upon my radar as part of this model.
My time-line studies have focused on Daniel, John and Matthew for day counts in relation to the R12S. Noah was not figured into the model but the Rea Sea crossing was. It falls right after the AoD in April 2023.
ReplyDeleteDid anyone here know about this? I didn't and I spend all day on bible prophecy related topics
If this is true from the Israel Policy Forum, this makes more sense than anything else I've read about the coming peace deal
I was suspect that Trump's Peace Plan between Israel and the Palestinians was the precursor of the Daniel 9:27 peace deal because the Palestinians even as surrogates for Iran are not a powerful threat.
I never once heard that Trump's secret Peace Plan was intended to be between Israel and Iran, but according to this article at and the Israel Policy forum, not only is it, but Trump is pressuring Israel to accept it in return for allowing Israel to annex the West Bank (another land for peace deal).
A peace Plan with Iran qualifies as a covenant with death given that Iran is the primary country calling for the annihilation of Israel on a daily basis. I had no idea Trump was trying to negotiate a peace deal all this time with Iran. I thought it was with many countries for the fabricated Palestinians. This changes everything. I cannot imagine a Peace Plan with anyone else that qualifies more as a covenant with death than an agreement with Iran and you know that the EU will support it given that they favor Iran over Israel.
If Iran is who Trump's Peace Plan is with, then I will absolutely be convinced that it's the covenant that will be strengthened later after it's agreed, everyone exclaims "peace and security" and then sudden destruction occurs.
And that after the antichrist from Europe has confimed that covenant with death, Iran, Russia and several other nations will attack Israel in the Ezekiel 38 and 39 war. And that will happen just before the midpoint of the Tribulation Period.
DeleteYes, if sudden destruction happens after Trump and the world announce Peace and Security, maybe that's why Israel no longer has walls. That would pave the way for the invasion.
DeleteThis makes more sense because a peace deal with the so-called Palestinians would mean nothing without an agreement with who controls them (Iran).
ReplyDeleteThis also explains the extreme secrecy by Trump's team and also allows Trump to endear himself to the left, raise his ratings and pump his ego.
Anxious to hear about this Peace Plan even more now. If the U.S. pushes Israel into a covenant with death, we're toast
Guys ;
ReplyDeleteI believe that Jesus confirms the convenant with Israel(many) to start the Tribulation on a FOT. Perhaps this is a dual prophecy in that later the AC confirms the Trump Peace Plan. Before the Iran/Russia/Turkey Ezekiel War can occur, Damascus must be destroyed then the Arab nation war must occur. All this can happen quickly. It could be right before or right after the Rapture. Those are my thoughts. :)
Now this is a feel good report if ever.
Trump peace plan architect Jason Greenblatt to quit administration.
It's interesting that he plans to stay on until after the plan is released. The fact that they are announcing his resignation now even though it does not take effect until after the release of the plan suggests that the plan really will be released very soon and without further delays...
DeleteI was thinking the same, Bruce. They wouldn't announce his resignation if the plan wasn't about to drop.
DeleteIt kinda makes me think that maybe he doesn’t agree with certain elements of the Plan (dividing Jerusalem?). He has to see it through since he was a major participant but then wants out ASAP. I do think the NWO hopefuls and the Fed are conspiring to wreck the expansive economy President Trump created. He has certainly provoked them in many ways! That I love to see.
ReplyDelete"Zion" Williamson just signed a ***7 year contract***
ReplyDeleteHint. Hint.
The plan will not divide Israel and Jerusalem,
Also the plan will further weaken Jordan's influence as Saudi Arabia assumes custody of the Temple Mount, paving the way for Jewish prayer on the Mount and the building of the Third Temple.
No need to agree or disagree, you will see the truth of this when the plan is unveiled this month.
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ReplyDeleteA report in Arab media stated the President Trump’s long-awaited Middle-East Peace plan includes resettling up to one million Palestinians in Jordan in exchange for $45 billion in development projects.
ReplyDeleteAl-Akbar, an Arabic-language news service based in Beirut, reported on Friday that Jordanian King Abdullah II agreed to the condition during his last visit to Washington. In addition, Israel would reacquire land in Tzofar, a town in the Arava desert, and Naharayim, where Jordan conquered in 1948 the Island of Peace and a hydroelectric power-plant that belonged to Israel. Israel currently leases the land however it is officially part of Jordan. Jordan would receive an equivalent amount of land from Saudi Arabia. Jordan will retain a supervisory status over the Muslim holy sites in Jerusalem.
Jordan will also assimilate one million Palestinians from Israel in exchange for $45 billion in investments from Saudi Arabia and other Gulf states. For comparison, Jordan’s entire Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is only $40 billion. The absorption of the new Palestinian citizens will take place in stages, the first stage composed of approximately 300,000 people.
Hello, Anon. Very interesting take. It's even more interesting, now that the elections are over, and Neyanyahu failed to secure the majority.
DeleteIt's also very interesting that Jordan will as you say - "take 1 million 'so-called Palestinians' - 99% of this group are Jordanian Arabs. LOL. So they get 45 Billion dollars, to take one million of their own people. Hmmmm. Now that's really a deal of the century.
There are no Palestinians - the entire concept was a political ploy developed by Arafat - create a fake victim, because Jordanians/ Egyptians, have no claim to the land. No Palestinian language, historical artifacts, currency, national music, language, no art forms, no race, no bloodline, no king or ruler before 1960.
The other very interesting thing about this whole deal of the century, that was recently mentioned by Pastor J D Farag, is that the world/ Jewish/ Arab leaders don't necessarily think or know that it could be a 7 year deal. No one signs a peace plan for 7 years. That part could only be due to prophetic events unfolding, but we will be gone. Maranatha.
Ironic, Transjordan was the plan and today around 70% living in Jordan are “Palestinian.”
ReplyDeleteAND TODAY IS...
ReplyDeleteIt's Saturday, September 7, 2019 by the predominate Gregorian calendar. By the Ecclesiastic calendar it is the seventh day of the seventh month, M7D7 and it also happens to be a Sabbath. The first Sabbath between Yom Teruah and Yom Kippur is the second half of the Great Sabbath that began in the Spring with Shabbat HaGadol.
Today is Shabbat Shuba - the Sabbath of Return.
Hurricane Dorian was impacting the news at the head of the month, one marked by a Super Black New Moon where Mercury, Moon, Regulus, Sun and Venus all surrounded and conjuncted with Mars in the constellation Leo.
Seven days later Mercury and Venus have departed the Sun which stands between Mars and Mercury/Venus. Soon they will *cross-over* the gulf between Leo and Virgo while Mars is *left behind*.
Very interesting news. I've been watching this while on holiday in Oregon and am struck by the potential annexation of the West Bank. Could relocation of the Palestinians lead to the obsolescence of the wall? Could it lead to the Israeli West Bank barrier being torn down? We know that prophecy WILL be fulfilled.
So while we *may* see what are the seeds of peace and security, Iran speeds up uranium enrichment,
Iran speeds up uranium enrichment in latest nuclear breach
"Iran said it is capable of raises uranium enrichment beyond 20%
Iran has activated its advanced nuclear enrichment centrifuges, atomic energy spokesman Behrouz Kamalvandi announced Saturday, as Tehran takes yet another step back from commitments to the 2015 nuclear deal."
Granted that foreign policy is a game of move and counter move in political brinkmanship, but we already know how this story is going to play-out. The fact that the Egyptian, Jordanian and Lebanese governments may be, or are, on-board with the proposed changes giving refugees a pathway to citizenship -- that and the economic incentive(s) to do so; one doesn't have to look far to see *peace and prosperity*.
While reading on some of the history of the wall, I found it interesting that the 2003 UN resolution condemning the wall passed by a vote of 144 to 4 with 12 abstentions.
Fasten your seat belts and return your seats and tray tables to their upright and locked positions. It looks like we have choppy air ahead!
It would be very helpful if Gary the administrator of this site and other regulators and commentators would go listen to the prophets of today who are closest to God. If Samuel of old testament times lived today and explained that the rapture is pre-wrath and not pre-trib, would you ignore him? Today, prophets like Samuel do exist and they all teach a pre-wrath rapture. One such prophet is named Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj and another is Bruce Allen and yet another is Neville Johnson. The first among these speaks to Jesus on a regular basis face to face and the second and third have regular encounters. Sadhu was taught the pre-wrath view from Jesus in person. It would be nice to achieve unity in Christ in heart and mind, sooner than later, so that we don't postpone the trip.
ReplyDeleteSadhu explaining what Jesus told him:
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteSorry, I see a works based salvation here and made it no further than a few seconds into the message. My finger finds STOP very quickly with this type of teaching.
DeleteI am not closed minded to the possibility of another timing scenario for the RR; I am closed minded to works based salvation. There is but ONE work of God,
29 Jesus answered them,
"This is the work of God,
that you believe in him
whom he has sent."
(John 6:29 ESV)
Jesus paid it all, all to Him I owe. It is finished. The blood of Christ washes sin white as snow. Period.
Forgive me if I sound too harsh, it is not intended.