Coalition Talks Have Failed, Mandate Returned to Knesset, the Day of the Lord is at Hand
This past year has been a year of firsts for Israel. The first repeat election. The first third election. And now, as of last night, the first time the mandate to form a government has been returned to the Knesset twice. It's also the first time the whole nation of Israel has been under lockdown while in its God-given territory.
9 Now why do you shout aloud? Is there no king in you? Has your counselor perished, || That pain as of a travailing woman has taken hold of you? 10 Be pained, and bring forth, O daughter of Zion, || As a travailing woman, || For now you go forth from the city, || And you have dwelt in the field, || And you have gone to Babylon, || There you are delivered, || There YHWH redeems you from the hand of your enemies. 11 And now, many nations have gathered against you, who are saying: “Let her be defiled, and our eyes look on Zion.” 12 They have not known the thoughts of YHWH, || Nor have they understood His counsel, || For He has gathered them as a sheaf [into] a threshing floor.
- Micah 4:9–12 (LSV)
While there is conflicting news about a light at the end of the tunnel regarding COVID-19 (a.k.a., Coronavirus), it looks like authorities are giving us carrots we can never reach. From most sources, it appears that social distancing measures will remain in place indefinitely, and there is growing talk that when a vaccine is finally mass-produced, people will be unable to reenter society until they have received the vaccine and can verify that they've received it—possibly even via quantum-dot tattoo.
If the Revelation 12 Sign began the final high watch period, Coronavirus and this Passover season seem to have brought about the super high watch. It looks like this may be the year that the Church departs and the nation of Israel is divided. I discuss these things below, along with possible confirmation of this year.
Hi, sorry for my english! At my home in Quebec, Prime Minister Mr. Le Gault and the media are talking about starting to work again for the small businesses that made this request and as well as a few other topical areas. They are also beginning to say that perhaps cash will be in circulation again because of people who do not have a bank card. I do not know what to think of all this because it seems to me that it started on the right side for our province. I read and hear all kinds of things, and there is so much contradictions and I would say mostly on Christian sites. Whether it's about Mr. Trump, the world government, the mark of the beast, vaccines, chemtrails, and more. So, that I'm all mixed up. Only God really knows what will happen. The signs are there but how long it can last, before we are delivered, I don't know. I was hoping it would be soon, but now the interpretations are too different on the Christian sites, and I have seen a lot of speculation, myself being shared by all of this. The only truth is the Word of God and His Holy Spirit to enlighten me on all of this. It's my prayer at this moment. God bless you, Maranatha!
ReplyDeleteI think the noise increases as we get closer to the target. It's a common enemy tactic to cause confusion on the other side. We don't know how all the details will pan out, but we can see the big picture of how this fits together very clearly:
Delete1. Dividing the land brings God's judgment on all nations.
2. The Church is restraining lawlessness and will be removed *before* Israel enters the time of her labor pains (the Tribulation).
3. Coronavirus is setting the stage for beast kingdom governed by the yet-to-be-revealed man of lawlessness.
Blessings and maranatha!
Thank you my brother!
Delete"Father, we pray now for all those who are lost. Please raise up laborers to reach out to them today. Please use us. Please anoint the gospel seeds that we have planted. Please wake up the Bride to raise a banner to announce the gospel and the Soon Coming of the King. Bless those who know You and love You to be one and to love one another."
DeleteYouversion bible app / blog today is reporting a world wide revival as it seems to them as people are much more seeking the Word and responding to download the Word. - it was a plan dot com - Jesus Saved -
share these websites with your lost friends today.
So true, Gary, about the BIG PICTURE and everything fitting together.
ReplyDeleteWe KNOW with absolute certainty that the Rapture will occur and the Tribulation will play out over a 7 year time period.
We can see the stage being set and the players taking their marks, though a few have yet to be cast, we know they're waiting in the wings for the play to begin.
Now all we need to know is that one pesky little detail: WHEN!?!
BTW, some folks argue a specific number (fullness of the gentiles), others a specific day or date based on appointed Feasts for the timing of the Rapture.
ReplyDeleteIf we've learned anything while watching God's plans play out these past few (remarkable) years, it's that God can do BOTH and then some.
The timing and repeat occurrences of events are all too astronomically impossible to have occurred by anything other than divine design. One prophesied repeat event on a specific day may be chalked up to coincidence, but dozens of them? Hundreds? Thousands!?!
* * * *
One more thought. We, I, tend to think of the Bible as an ancient book and its events as LARGELY having happened in the long ago past. Isn't it AWESOME to know we are part of the Bible's story and that it's happening right NOW!
"it's that God can do BOTH and then some."
DeleteExactly right! As a matter of fact, this sort of *must* be how it plays out. God knows the specific number and He knows on which particular day that number will be reached. The rapture will occur on a specific day when the Church has reached its fullness.
Jenny, I think it is so awesome to be part of God's story. It's amazing! I was reading Revelation recently. At the end when John sees the Bride of Christ, I thought " that's me! John is literally seeing me!" Wow! Totally awesome!
DeleteI like this scripture too...
"This is how one should regard us, as servants of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God."(1 Corinthians 4:1-2)
Pretty cool to think of ourselves as the stewards of the mysteries of God!
Jesus, come quickly!
I'm so ready... :)
ReplyDelete🚫 🍇
🚫 🍇🚫 🍇🚫 🍇
DeleteAugust 4 new elections in Israel. Very exciting. If the prophecy below turns out to be true, then I can think of nothing else than that the rapture is for August 4.
ReplyDeleteThe disciples of Rabbi Jose ben Kisma asked him, 'When will the Messiah come?' — He answered, 'I fear lest ye demand a sign of me that my answer is correct.' They assured him, 'We will demand no sign of you.' So he answered them, 'When this gate falls down, is rebuilt, falls again, and is again rebuilt, and then falls a third time, before it can be rebuilt the son of David will come.’
-- Tractate Sanhedrin 98a
They said in March that it would take 18 months to make a vaccine. Most likely this vaccine will be mandatory worldwide. That will fall on The Feast of Trumpets 2021. Israel became a nation in 1948. Jesus said when we see this happen that generation will not pass away before His return. In Psalms 90:10 a generation is said to be 70 years, 80 years by reason of strength and we fly away. So 70 years is past and 80 is 1948+80=2028. That means that we fly away Feast of Trumpets 2021 and then starts the 7 year tribulation and Jesus returns 2028.
ReplyDeleteCould very well be! Just keep in mind Israel turns 80 in Spring 2028, rather than the Fall, so that might mean Fall 2021 for the rapture is beyond the threshold. Time will tell.
DeleteA Biblical year does not last 365 days, but 360 days. I also don't know if the great tribulation starts on the same day as the rapture.
DeleteThere's actually a very good series by the late J.R. Church and Gary Stearman about that very subject of whether or not there will be a a stretch of time between the rapture and the start of the Tribulation. Below is the first part of a six part series I have on my youtube channel.
With the current Atlas comet displaying a huge sign of the rapture, it is interesting that some have noted that from the time a major prophetically significant comet (or major comets in general) portend a major world changing event at least four years after it appears, Gary's narrative of a possible rapture this year takes on an urgent watch. If you haven't seen the peculiar sign that Atlas is displaying concerning the rapture, that can be read below. Putting it all together (if the four year pattern plays out), we're looking at a prophetic event four years from now. The rapture being this year.
Not to be dogmatic, but something to consider given the scenario.
Yes Bill Salus writes on the gap theory between rapture & tribulation & has videos with Stearman on that topic
DeletePsalm 90:10 is so interesting: " The days of our years, in them [are] seventy years, And if, by reason of might, eighty years, Yet their enlargement [is] labor and vanity, FOR IT HAS BEEN CUT OFF QUICKLY, AND WE FLY AWAY" (my caps) LSV
DeleteShiloah - Good Emphasis on that -
Delete25 Rapture Songs to Start Celebrating -
Hello! I’m newer to this community but I have been learning a lot the last several weeks. I’d love to ask a question! Could it be possible for the seven year tribulation to take place after Israel turns 80 in 2028? As long as we are raptured before or by the time Israel turns 80, then wouldn’t it be true that this generation didn’t pass away before the timeframe ended? I’m ready whenever Jesus is!
ReplyDeleteThanks for your insight! I have really appreciated everything you share on this website as well as all of you who comment here! :)
Hey Michelle,
DeleteGood to have you here.
To answer your question you will find that most here (not all) feel that the end of the tribulation must occur by the 80th anniversary of the Jews return to Israel. If you take the 1948 date this would mean by May 2028. Matthew 24 speaks of tribulation coming to pass within the generation. How long is a generation? Most here accept the Psalms 90:10 of a generation being 70 to 80 years, although that could be debated with other scriptures.
Really we have to look at the whole picture of scripture, there are clues to what to look for in the end times, and that is really all we can do.
Many of us have been here prior to the Revelation 12 sign (23 Sep 2017), and have seen things drawing nearer, but nothing like what is happening around us now. Hidden scripture is coming to light faster than we have ever seen it. It's hard to fathom that we are not in the very final days before His return. With what has been set in motion it is hard to believe that we have another 7 years before the tribulation starts.
In reality, sure it could be 2028 before the rapture happens, it could be 2128 or 3028, we just don't know 100% at this point and time, and we may not know until it actually happens. We watch and we wait with more excitement than a 5 year old staying awake through the night on Christmas eve.
Just keep looking UP!!!
Hi Michelle ;
DeleteI don't think so. The 80 years would include The Tribulation. At the end of the 80 years, Christ would return.
Michelle, Blessings. Rooting these answers in Scripture, we look to Jesus, Himself, Who Said, "Truly, I say to you, this generation will not pass away until all has taken place" Luke 12:32, ESV. The 'all' Being Referred To, In This Declaration, Includes The Time of Jacob's Trouble, as outlined in the verses before.
DeleteWe should not start counting 70 years until after Israel captured Jerusalem (1967).
DeleteAlright, if you want to use 1967, we are 53 years later now. Some have said that Jesus was baptized during a Jubilee, so that would have been 2017. We are now 3 years later, the year Jesus was crucified, buried, and resurrected. All the other signs He listed are present and multiplying, so we should still expect Him anytime. 'If those times were not shortened, no flesh would survive...'
DeleteIt doesn’t HAVE to be exactly 80 years, just BY 80 years. Everything else is falling quickly into place, even if you insist on starting at 1967, which I think is in error.
Watching the daily insanity growing from those who are shut in who can't handle it... I can only imagine all the parties that will happen when the quarantines get lifted...
ReplyDeleteI think we should remain being cautious even when that happens...
The next milepost for us to get by is probably Ascension day... then Pentecost... then possibly the 10th day after Pentecost (You will have tribulation 10 days...)
I found this very educational. I did not know before what the 10 days of tribulation meant.
DeleteThe Ten Primitive Persecutions” that befell the Church during the first three centuries. They were listed:
Under Nero (A.D. 67)
Under Domitian (A.D. 81)
Under Trajan (A.D. 108)
Under Marcus Aurelius Antonimus (A.D. 162)
Under Severus (A.D. 192)
Under Maximus (A.D. 235)
Under Decius (A.D. 249)
Under Valerian (A.D. 257)
Under Aurelian (A.D. 274)
Under Diocletian (A.D. 303)
I tried your link and it takes me to your webpage, but not the actual article. :)
DeleteIt is this article, the age of Smyrna. Ctrl+f and 'copy + paste' FOXE’S BOOK OF MARTYRS
DeleteIt is not my webpage. I don't have that much knowledge :)
DeleteLuke tells us Jesus was about 30 years old when he was anointed per our dating the Daniel 9:26 prophecy making the final Jubilee year 2028 which comports with Marc Biltz shemitah/jubilee calculations (and mine). "The Ancient Dead Sea Scroll Calendar & The Prophecies It Reveals" is a must read by Ken Johnson as it fully studies 4 different calendar systems including that of the Essenes. On page 86 Johnson gives the Decree to rebuild Jerusalem on 444 BC and dates the crucifixion on April 6, AD 32. Please take a look, Gary. I cannot get all the dates & times to jive with one another but when they do, we should become very clear.
ReplyDeleteGary - thank you for your video. The topics you covered are exactly the sort of thing I've been discussing with a close friend. 31 AD as the year of the crucifixion was also starting to make a lot of sense to me last weekend when I was digging deeper into this. I always assumed 32 or 33 AD. Regarding the question that the lady posed to you on Facebook - see Rev 5:9. That verse is the death blow to universalism. You see men from every tribe, tongue, people, and nation worshiping the Lamb in heaven after the Rapture, but it's only those that have been "purchased for God with Your blood."
ReplyDeleteI love that! Only way to be brought into Heaven is to be purchased by the blood of the Lamb.
DeleteUsing April 6, 32 AD as Ken Johnson makes his case based on the Ancient Dead Sea Scroll Calendar book results in the fact that it was the FALL of 28 AD when Jesus was anointed per Luke account when Jesus was "about 30" ad Luke write & when Jesus read from Isaiah re the "acceptable year of the Lord" or JUBILEE. ADD 40 more Jubilees or 2000 years IS 2028 for the 2nd coming & the year 2021 or before (1 year gap) for the rapture.
ReplyDeleteCould very well be and we would only have to shift the final watch season by maybe one year at most. That said, 28 would mean that the decree prophesied by Daniel *had* to be 445 BC. The DSS calendar is unclear to me. There were multiple calendars in use at the time (Enochian, Jubilee, Rabbinical), just as there are today (Jewish, Karaite, and so forth). As I understand it, the DSS calendar would not be in sync with the seasons long term, but I could be mistaken.
DeleteGARY SERIOUSLY SERIOUSLY WITH YOUR AMAZING KNOWLEDGE PLEASE PLEASE get Ken Johnson's book The Ancient Dead Sea Scroll Calendar where the Essene calendar has ALL MOADS ON THE SAME DAY no matter what the year. Johnson has done astounding work in all his books but this one has some REAL SURPRISES NOT TO BE MISSED!!!!! I have been on the trail of calculations a very long time & this NEW book is icing my cake literally just in the nick of TIME!!
DeleteOk, you've piqued my interest (: I'll check it out. Hopefully he has it on Kindle or I may never get it in the mail because of shipping delays, haha.
DeleteOk, I found a Kindle version, but haven't purchased it yet. I see from the description when he says "Dead Sea Scrolls" calendar, he's referring to the Enoch calendar of 364 days. That calendar, at least from the details we have, would grow out of sync with the seasons really quickly. Do you know if he discusses intercalation in the book to resolve that issue?
OH YES YES YES!! Very well calculated scholarly approach by a dedicated Bible believer. On Prophecy Watcher website is also Johnson's other Dead Sea studies including the Patriarch Letters (messianic!) & Ancient Prophecies Revealed with a chronology of 500 Bible events. The calendar book not only has another amazing timeline but the Artaxerxes decree on 444 & Darius decree on 518 BC with a boat load of NUGGETS!
DeleteBy the way, this is not the best as a Kindle resource packed with date, charts & an a graphic appendix literally off the charts. My book is completely filled with my notes & writing for future reference. Daniel is well covered as is jubilee, Elijah, and ancient FEASTS we never heard of!
DeleteThank you, Gary. for your response to my question.
ReplyDeleteMost welcome, sister. Blessings to you.
DeleteGreat Video Gary, thanks so much for the encouragement to the brethren.
ReplyDeleteI've been pondering this morning. Is technology the mark? Write the letters over each looks like a six....six.....upside down six
ReplyDeleteIt's the mark of a man, not a tool... There would have been a bigger warning in Torah or from Jesus if using tools was that forbidden.
ReplyDeleteNew canal to flow water from Kinneret to Jordan River as water level rises
Quoting, JPost,
"In February, the Water Authority announced that it would open the dam in late March if the Kinneret reached 20 centimeters below the upper red line.
The Water Authority decided to open a canal to flow water from the Kinneret to the southern Jordan River on Thursday with the goal of bypassing the Degania Dam and preventing its opening this year. The canal has already been dug and will open next week, according to Channel 12 news.
The Water Authority made the decision as the Kinneret reached just 16 cm under the level at which it would begin overflowing its banks."
"Israel's national water company Mekorot began pumping water from the lake at a rate of one billion liters per day on Thursday after stopping for the Passover holiday.
The water level of the Kinneret (Sea of Galilee) rose by 2.5 cm between Tuesday and Thursday, bringing the water level to 208.96 meters below sea level, according to the Water Authority."
This comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteOh, I don't know if Paul will be disappointed. If you are in travail but bringing forth nothing but wind, its a false pregnancy and there would be no amniotic sac release or breaking of water. But if I'm correct, the swelling Jordan would signify the beginning of travail? We wait and we watch and we pray and we share. Maranatha!!!!
ReplyDeleteMicrosoft had the patent....wait for it....
Publication Number : WO/2020/060606 -You Read that Right...a Zero Six, Zero - Six, Zero -Six.
Go to DOCUMENTS and Click the PDF Version Titled " International Publication with ISR (or link below)
Here is the General Plan - Our activities will be tracked, and depending on the completion or Proof of work of that activity, we can get "Tokens" with equivalent value. Which in turn can be used for PAYMENTS. But in exchanged is that ALL of our activities are TRACKED. Read Along.
[0005] Some exemplary embodiments of the present disclosure may use human body activity associated with a task provided to a user as a solution to“mining” challenges in cryptocurrency systems. For example, a brain wave or body heat emitted from the user when the user performs the task provided by an information or service provider, such as viewing advertisement or using certain internet services, can be used in the mining process. Instead of massive computation work required by some conventional cryptocurrency systems, data generated based on the body activity of the user can be a proof-of-work, and therefore, a user can solve the computationally difficult problem unconsciously. Accordingly, certain exemplary embodiments of the present disclosure may reduce computational energy for the mining process as well as make the mining process faster.
NOW - Bill Gates is very busy evangelizing for the use of VACCINE and 'Digital Certificate' of those who dont or have the vaccine.
I literally got excited to see this news and I just saw how the Mark of the Beast system will be implemented.
Here is a SECULAR Explanation - The presentor have no Biblical knowledge on how Beast system will work, but he himself does not have the approval.
Geoffrey Grider at Now the End Begins just posted an article about it as well:
DeleteHorrible, but exciting just the same!
DeleteSearching the web for this term, "microsoft files patent for crypto mining system using body activity data" yields good hits such as,
"Microsoft has patented a cryptocurrency mining system that leverages human activities, including brain waves and body heat, when performing online tasks such as using search engines, chatbots, and reading ads. 'A user can solve the computationally difficult problem unconsciously,' the patent reads."
EMPHASIS: "A user can solve the computationally difficult problem unconsciously"
Let's see, so now on the world techno stage we have,
1. Artificial intelligence
2. Workable quantum computers
3. Nano technologies
4. Global high-speed Internet access (being deployed)
5. Global movement to cashless society
6. ID2020 initiative
7. Embedded tracking for inoculation compliance (coming?)
8. Genetic editing and manipulation of human chromosomes
...and how many more things did I miss?
Yes, this fits the pattern for which we have seen and read according to the testimony of the Spirit,
(Revelation 13:16-18 GNT)
(**NOTE: Some texts vary regarding the number making it "six hundred sixteen")
It all starts out rather innocently with vaccines. Like the life saving polio vaccine. Then the adversary Satan subverts everything to his own advantage to eventually bring the final war. Looks like we will be out of here SOON!
DeleteI heard very clearly before I woke this morning..."In a few days amen will come." I said repeatedly "What does amen mean?" As I looked into the meaning it seems to me it means truth, in essence. What do you all think? Was it a word from God? Was he telling me some truth is coming? It won't leave me alone.
ReplyDeleteHello, Lori,
DeleteAmen, is a Hebrew word, "אמן" rendered in Hebrew or "ἀμήν" rendered in Greek. Amen is commonly pronounced (ah-men) and means, "truly, verily" or the phrase, "so let it be" or "let it be so." Amen is (H543) in Strong's Hebrew Concordance and (G281) in Strong's Greek Concordance and is the last word in the Revelation of Jesus Christ, the last word in Scripture, in most Bible translations...although some ancient authorities lack "Amen" as the last word.
The last use of "Amen" in my Greek NT is,
I hope that helps!
Lori in Revelation 3:14 Jesus calls Himself "the Amen"
Delete"And unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write; These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God"
...more from the Greek NT,
(John 5:24-25 GNT)
(John 6:32 GNT)
(Matthew 24:34 GNT)
...these are a few examples in Scripture where Jesus uses the word "ἀμήν" and our Bible translators have rendered it as "truly" or "verily" -- the word we otherwise know as, amen.
You may want to do a prayerful study on this finding instances of the word in the NT using your Bible and Concordance. Bible Hub is a convenient place to access all of the above.
Happy hunting!
Thank you both for your insight. Although I am still a little perplexed as to the meaning in the statement I heard. Because if it's truly or verily that doesnt make sense. It it refers to Jesus in some way I guess that could make sense but nothing seems very clear...I'm going to do what you suggest and do some prayerful searching
DeleteI wear a bracelet inscribed with "AMEN ALEPH TAV" on the outside & "COME NOW LORD JESUS" on the inside since finding Jesus is the AMEN & His last directive in Revelation is for Him to come. Isaiah 65:16 "May the God of truth & fidelity (the AMEN) bless me... per the Amplified Bible translation.
DeleteFunnily enough, Spurgeon's devotional on today mentions 'The Amens' of Jesus...
DeleteSister Lori, Brother Steve, Pastor Rich - Amen - Let it Be - Good finds on that question!
ReplyDeleteHot Qubits: major quantum computing constraints overcome
Hanson Robotics
ID2020: We need to get digital ID right
...these are but a few of the emerging technologies to watch-out for.
Oh, I forgot to include,
DeleteWorld Government Summit
It is all there to see in plain sight folks and unfolding before our eyes.
Keep looking UP!
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteHi Mainer,
ReplyDeletere: "Jesus died on a Wednesday, the next day (Thursday) was official Passover which was called a "high day" and an unofficial sabbath day." "And no, Thursday is not a possibility. Crucifixians were not allowed on any Sabbath day."
Glad you agree that Thursday, the 14th, was the Passover that week.
A few questions that come to mind which you may want to ponder in relation to this:
1. Does the Bible or Jewish observance state that the day of Passover is a Sabbath?
2. In relation to this, was Passover designated by God a special 'high day' sabbath or was it the day after Passover (Friday the 15th), the first day of Unleavened Bread? See Lev 23:6-7.
3. If the Biblical type was for the Jews to take and inspect the spotless Lamb on the 10th Nisan (when Jesus presented Himself to them as the Messiah on Palm Sunday) why would God have Jesus die on Wed the 13th (as you suggest) and thus break the type, instead of on the 14th when the sacrificial Lamb had to be sacrificed?
All the best.
Lori said: "In a few days amen will come."
ReplyDeleteSince Jesus is The AMEN,
I believe it means: "In a few days JESUS will come."
That’s horrific pressure. Talk about date setting...
DeleteIf I may insert a heavy, wet blanket here: people dream ALL THE TIME. They often dream about abstract things, and matters they’ve recently been thinking about. But that doesn’t mean that “the Lord is speaking to you”. All us Walmart shoppers are not Old Testament prophets.
DeleteYeah, have to agree. Dreams are random, rarely "messages from God". I'd be highly, highly skeptical of attributing anything more to this than that a person was thinking of God.
DeleteOrthodox Easter:
ReplyDeleteOrthodox Easter for the year 2020 is celebrated/ observed on Sunday, April 19.
This day celebrates the resurrection of Jesus from the dead on the third day after his crucifixion on Orthodox Good Friday. In the United States the Romanian Orthodox Episcopate Church, Russian Orthodox Church, and Greek Hellenic Orthodox Church celebrate the day along with other smaller Orthodox Churches.
The Orthodox Church uses the Julian calendar to determine their holy days. Easter for the Orthodox Church will always fall sometime between April 4th and May 8th each year.
Palestine and Iraq, and Jordan is sitting in the middle of that controversy. Jordan is also sitting in the middle of the Israeli, Palestinian controversy, and right in the middle of the Syrian Palestinian/Israeli controversy.
ReplyDeleteSyria claims Lebanon because they say the French had no right to establish a Christian territory in Syria. The French did so to establish a Christian presence in the Mideast.
The false deliverer is the guy who can straighten out that mess to everyone's satisfaction.
The key seems to be Jordan. If the support were to go to Jordan to reestablish the Hashemite Kingdom in Iraq, and Jordan would relinquish in some manner to Palestine, Syria would give up Lebanon for the Golan, and Israel will feel secure with that deal as long as the temple is included. Everyone is already agreeing to Jerusalem being a shared capital. All that smells like peace to me. Ah, but a false peace, as it only lasts three and a half years.
What am I saying by all of this? Simply that the modern stage of history got here out of the prophesied past. It is not just jumping up and appearing, as some people seem to think that it will happen.
We happen to live in a time when this is where we are in prophesied time.
We can actually envision a time when this peace might be accomplished in the not too distant future. But there seems to be a restraining force, keeping it from happening. How much longer can it take? That's why we watch. We know when He comes; He's coming in the Spring for the Church.
The church is caught away before the 1st seal opens. the Rapture occurs in fulfillment of the Ascension of Jesus. Each year the anniversary of the Ascension occurs 40 days after the Feast of First fruits, and 10 days prior to Pentecost.
I believe that scripture clearly shows that many of the dead in Christ that rise first will rise on First fruits and be seen by many for 40 days. If that were so, then the warning sign of the Rapture would be that for sure. So, watch! God knew what He was talking about when He commanded us to Watch, and put a reward up for those who do, so, heed His word, and Watch!
There are still a lot of unanswered questions, but we are getting the answers together. I'm learning it at the same speed as you. We are learning it together, as we watch together, because we are all in the same time.
Passover has passed and the world's population is now more than 7,777,7777,777 people. The Rapture still hasn't happened yet.
ReplyDeleteSo...? The only thing that tells is that it's still yet to come.
DeleteNo,maybe next year!
DeleteFor example, the big picture of signs revealed with certainty since last May that March 11th 2020 would be the penultimate date before the End Times begins, and that something very significant and bad would occur on March 11th. On this day the WHO officially declared coronavirus to be a pandemic, Trump, God's trumpet that He uses to confirm His signs, delivered his prophetic 11 minute Oval Office coronavirus address that ended precisely as the clock on the live tv news screen ticked 9:11 pm. As well, God is using basketball signs that connect with coronavirus and Trump's death, and the NBA became the symbolic first league to shutdown on March 11th. On March 11th a sports story involving three, and only three, NFL teams - the Philadelphia Eagles, Steelers, and Saints - confirmed that many Christians will be left behind. On March 11th Tom Hanks became the first celebrity with coronavirus. When these events come to pass on April 20th and April 30th this will prove that this method of interpreting the signs as a whole, rather than isolated events, is correct. Similar to how the Bible needs to be interpreted as a whole, rather than through isolating passages, and throwing under the rug the passages that disagree with one's view. If you truly love the Lord's signs, after these events come to pass I'm sure you will want to watch every minute of this long video series that explains the Lord's big picture of End Times signs. Every minute is important and mind boggling. Knowing ahead of time the date of the "last trump" sign and Trump's death will arguably be the most important achievement of the watching community. I believe the watching community should unite around, and focus on, getting this information out about how this was known ahead of time. May His peace be with you.
False prophets we're killed in the old testament. Aren't you glad you don't live at such a time as that, considering you fall into that category?
DeleteVery good Sherrill777.
DeleteThis one is like the plaque.
Looks like he deleted 2 of his 3 posts. But it doesn’t matter, because they’re all false.
Agreement reached just now
DeleteThis past weekend while thinking on (Psalm 90:10 ESV) I was struck by (John 2:20 ESV)
20 The Jews then said,
"It has taken forty-six
years to build this temple,
and will you raise it in
three days?"
That 46-years came rushing back while thinking about the Jubilee and all the timing of Calvary we've been discussing here. *Assuming* that the oldest a generation will be is 80-years and that the 80th year represents the last year of the Great Tribulation, that points to 2028 as the 80th year of Israel. This, of course, is a Spring anniversary.
*IF* (for reasons I will detail soon) Daniel's 70th Week were to begin with Yom Teruah (Rosh Hashanna) it would *just* fit inside of this framework. So let's run with that for a moment. Daniel's 70th Week and a beginning during Yom Teruah (Rosh Hashanna) this year.
Beginning with Yom Teruah this year places the mid-point in 2024. This is when we are told the AoD will take place. This is analogous to the destruction of the Temple. What is required that this takes place? The Temple has to be completed. What year may it likely be completed? In the 46th year of the current 50-year (Jubilee of years) cycle. Three days after the temple is *destroyed* it is *raised again* and consecrated by Christ Himself.
Here's a ASCII chart illustrating this hypothesis,
2027..........50..........Third Day (Return of our Lord Jesus)
2026..........49..........Second Day
2025..........48..........First Day
2024..........47..........AoD / Israel flees to the wilderness
2023..........46..........The Third Temple completed?
2020..........43..........The restrainer removed (Harpazo)
2017..........40..........GASE 1.0 (Teshuva) / Yom Teruah / The Great Sign
*If* we follow that (Psalm 90:10) gives a framework for the times we live in and that the R12S marked the beginning of the final ten (10) years before the return of our Lord -- then it would follow that the 46th year of this Jubilee cycle would be in 2023. (Perhaps in the summer -- I will explain that in a moment).
Remember, Jesus said,
"Destroy this temple, and in
three days I will raise it up."
(John 2:19 ESV)
*If* we consider the AoD as a tearing down of the Third Temple then the rebuilding of it would commence the following day. "Three days" later, or rather, three-years later is the end of the Jubilee cycle. Could the events of Jesus sacking the Temple market in John chapter two be a shadow of the last days?
Want more?
Using Sky Guide 8.1.4 (413) set your location to the Temple Mount and set your date to the evening of June 17, 0001 BC. (NOTE: Sky Guide uses the Astronomical calendar which includes YEAR ZERO! Year zero does not exist on our Gregorian calendar but is equivalent to the Gregorian year 1 BC) On 6/17/01 BC at 7pm (Jerusalem) you will find the Bethlehem Star shining in the western sky framed by Leo with Mars at the Pleiades and the Southern Cross (Crux) low on the southern horizon over Bethlehem. Interestingly, Mercury stands between Mars and Jupiter/Venus/Regulus. The full Moon was just rising in Sagittarius in the SE sky.
That sets the stage for what on the Gregorian calendar is 6/17/02 BC (Gregorian) and what I would consider as the Nativity. be continued.
No offense.....I gata go cook something now.
I don't have that attention span!
Outstanding, Pastor Rich.
Short attention span? No worries. How's this for the abridged version:
DeleteKeep looking UP!
On July 31, 3973 BC (Astronomical) the woman was clothed in the sun with the moon at her feet with a crown of 12 stars. The New Moon was at the feet of Virgo in conjunction with Jupiter. Venus, Mercury and Mars were stationed between the Sun and Regulus. This is the date of the next closest R12S event discussed on HERE ON UNSEALED.ORG in August, 2017.
3 Then the LORD said,
"My Spirit shall not
abide in man forever,
for he is flesh: his
days shall be 120 years."
(Genesis 6:3 ESV)
One interpretation of this 120-years of man is 120-Jubilee years or,
120 * 50 = 6000
Now, count 120-jubilee years from the year 3974 (Gregorian) or 3973 (Astronomical) calendar -- it ends at 2027 AD.
Now, subtract four millennia, or 80-jubilees of years from 3974 BC. Alternatively, subtract two millennia, or 40-jubilees of years from 2027. The answer to both is 27 AD.
3974 BC - 4,000-years = 27 AD
2027 AD - 2,000-years = 27 AD
The year 27 AD is 80-jubilees of years from 3974 BC and 40-jubilees until 2027 AD. Total number of jubilee years in this count is 120.
Now, if these figures and dates were true how old may Jesus have been in the year 27 AD by the Gregorian calendar? If for a 6/17/2 BC birthday he would be 28-years old. If to date Calvary on 4/3/33 AD on the Gregorian calendar Jesus would have been 33-years, 9-month and 16-days old -- or 12,344-days old.
Interesting to note in this model that Jesus would have been 12,345-days old on the second day rest (Sabbath) kept in the grave. He might have been on the day of the cross -- my quick model made for this post doesn't take into account evening and morning in the Jewish sense.
An earlier model built on the life of Christ found that his ministry was likely 1,260-days and significant days and events on the calendar line up well with the Biblical narrative. (My models assume a 4/3/33 AD crucifixion).
Another piece of the puzzle pointing to 2027? If for a Fall, 2020 Harpazo, on Yom Teruah/Rosh Hashanna, that would be a Fall, 2027 Return on M7D10 Yom Kippur (Ecclesiastic) or Saturday, September 11, 2027 -- the 2,029th anniversary of the advent of Christ. (Luke 1:26-27 ESV).
NOTE: These are modelled dates based upon Scripture and the pattern which I was drawn to research in greater depth. This study has been prayerfully followed and I believe is Spirit led. The purpose of the model is to gain greater depth of understanding of Scripture and the timings provided. Candidate dates of the harpazo are a by-product of the research -- not the purpose of it.
Please forgive any typos. I will be sharing some thoughts on a Yom Teruah home going soon.
BTW, I mentioned the 46th year may come to pass during the summer. Granted, I am not a Jewish scholar but could it be that the completed temple would be ready for the 40-days of Teshuva which lead up to Yom Kippur. Summer, 2023 perhaps? This could be an interesting point of study.
DeleteGiven that Israel appears on the verge of having a proper government once again; PM Netanyahu will continue as Prime Minister for the next 18-months, barring any legal entanglements. That would have him leaving office somewhere around October, 2021 and PM Benjamin Gantz leaving office somewhere around April, 2023. (Assuming of course, PM Netanyahu is not convicted of charges in his current legal battles).
The 18-months of PM Netanyahu's next term in office is about the time estimated to bring a COVID-19 vaccine to the world stage. Hmmm, that's an interesting potential. Could we see a FORCED vaccination of the world population right before the third Temple could be finished? Right before the potential AoD?
Would that be enough time for the world to rebound from the pandemic that has *flooded* planet Earth? Enough time for society to gain footing after the restrainer has left?
Yes, it's a lot of thinking out loud but I thought I would share these possible puzzle pieces. Yes, only God knows but we are given to look, watch and wait. Whether any of this is worth a milligram of salt isn't the point. That the LORD is faithful and true to every syllable of His Word is the point.
Enough for one night.
Even more outstanding, Pastor Rich. Your posts are always rich and inspiring.
Thank you DW. I pray that I accurately report that which has been laid on my heart.