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BREAKING: Sudan Becomes Third Arab Country To Join Abraham Accords

In a call with Netanyahu and the leaders of Sudan, Trump has just announced that Sudan will be the third country making peace with Israel and normalizing relations as part of the Abraham Accords.  This is momentous news, largely because Sudan has historically been governed by Islamists with the stated goal of destroying the Jewish state.  Sudan's acquiescence means virtually all of the more moderate Gulf countries have political cover to move forward themselves.

And soon after news broke, it was also announced that five other Arab nations may soon join:


And then...

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  1. Wow! We knew it was coming but its still astonishing. Clearly the Lord is guiding our eyes, ears, hearts and minds toward His perfect will.

  2. I see a very Pregnant Woman in that photo...

  3. Sudden destruction comes as labor pains on a woman with child. A clearly pregnant lady stands to the far right side with this group. A sign? Tuesday marked exactly 38 weeks, a full pregnancy, since Trump announced his peace deal on January 28th. On the map he revealed, the set aside land for a Palestinian state looks exactly like a baby in utero. I Thessalonians 5:3 references a peace deal and full pregnancy. Here we are at the very end of summer. Israel has only two seasons and summer ends on the 25th. And that is 40 days since the signing of the Abraham Accords. Looking UP with you Brother Gary and Everyone! Maranatha! Soon and VERY Soon we are going to the The KING!!! 😀💗😀

  4. Got to get those nations lined up so that Treaty with Death can be confirmed.

    Sudan, from what I've heard is being strong-armed into this treaty by the US. That kind of arm twisting may mean that they'll create a treaty on paper, but support Russia, Iran, Turkey when their invasion starts. We shall see... (Or not, if the Rapture is first).

    Thanks for reporting on this development!

    1. Where did you get the info about Sudan being strong-armed by the US?

    2. Sudan has been struggling financially since the old (terrorist) regime was overthrown. They want to get back involved with other nations and kick start their economy, but many nations don’t trust them. The US “negotiated” (read: strong arm) a deal where Sudan would pay $330 million to US families impacted by previous terror incidents and then the US would play nice with Sudan (likely give them back $330 million for economic development). I believe normalizing relations with Israel was also one of the conditions.

    3. Exactly, and there are other dimensions to that as well. This isn’t enthusiasm or warm feelings. ALL of the Accord has similar underpinnings. It’s far more a dressed-up trade deal anything else. Or as we used to say, “more show than go”. I suspect that the larger the Accord gets, the truer this will be.


    4. Yeah, look into this one a little deeper - Sudan was listed as a terrorist state and is sinking in debt. They needed to be removed from the terrorist lists to get the economic relief. The US basically have them an ultimatum (sign now or nothing changes). The current govt is also a "transition art" govt and doesn't have the power to guarentee that whoever take control will honor this treaty (at least two parties who might get the reins have condemned this treaty). So I don't personally see this treaty as worth much except on paper.

    5. Yeh, this deal is a little weak right now. Maybe someone will come along can get it strengthened…

    6. In my opinion, this particular move is so shallow and “showbiz”, that it does actual harm to whatever credibility the Accord might have to begin with. (Of course, that’s just the thing, given potential prophetic use.) As you mention, it’s an interim government. And more important, most Sudanese seem to oppose the deal, and there are fears that signing it will bring an early end to the current government. The most likely result will be a more hardline Islamist government, that will benefit from whatever the Accord offers. The whole thing is sloppy. It looks blatantly like “slipping one past the goalie” before the election, and robbing potential substance that might encourage others to join.

      But then, I try to remind myself where all of this is headed, anyway. I need to withdraw further from traditional political thinking.


  5. Just amazing times we live in

    1. "Just amazing times we live in..."


  6. Trump the little horn? False peacemaker? The antichrist? Revelation 13? Blessings in Yahushua, Allen

    1. I've seen others on other sites speculate on this, but... I just don't think it's very credible. The Anti-Christ has to be upheld by Israel as their Messiah (and I doubt Israel would do this to Trump), the AC is a globalist, but Trump has been doing almost everything he can to frustrate those globalist goals. If the Rapture happened, Trump would lose pretty much all popular support and would be kicked to the curb in practically the next breath.

      So, Trump as the AC? I don't think so. But is he laying the ground work for the man of sin? Yep.

    2. Trump and Pence will be raptured, in my opinion.

    3. Nah, I think Israel sees Trump as more of a Cyrus figure, someone who opens the way for them to do the things they want to do. Which unfortunately their desire is getting back to properly following the law of Moses... a real covenant with death...

      A lot of things lay the groundwork for what is coming. Harnessing electricity... global communication networks... the ability to move about the world within a single day... harnessing the energy of the atom... discovering the 'code' behind DNA... programming in general... Both good and bad have resulted from every one of these. None of their inventors was the AC right? The final and true AC, the son of perdition, will stand on top of everything humanity has ever made and try to subvert it all to his will. He might even seem to succeed for awhile, but it's all going to come crashing down in the end...

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Faith...Its not about being correct......it is about preparing for the greatest evangelism this world has ever seen.

    2. Mid and Post Trib folks are not correct. Rev 3:10 and Isa.66-7 are just 2 verses, among many, that confirm.

    3. FaithHopeCharity - I am preparing myself for the Pre Trib view to be incorrect. I want it to be right but I the more I study the more I see the prophets, apostles and faithful believers through history were never spared from tribulation - Definition: persecution, affliction, distress, tribulation.

      Ask the brothers hiding in China if they are being spared or the believers being murdered in Nigeria or church hiding in Iran if they are going through tribulation.

      Not trying to debate as others (many others) see pre-Trib as the correct and other views as incorrect as rjmgoose indicates. I would suggest it to be prudent to expect tribulation, not wrath as we are spared from Orge (anger, wrath, passion; punishment, vengeance.) but certainly no one in church history would agree that the church does not go through trib.

    4. Three years ago there was 0 tolerance for going through any trials. I noticed a year ago a slight morphing of views...but very slight. Then a few months ago a couple of posts mentioning the possibility of going through "some" trials.

      My simple question is at what level of trials will "some" be exceeded? I feel we will soon find out and views will morph some more.

      I know that there will be morphing as like never has been nor ever will be again.

    5. I'm right there with you Mike. Praying the pretrib interpretation is correct but preparing mentally and spiritually to go through some very serious persecution and tribulation.

    6. Every Christian is facing different kinds of persecution. Physical, mental, spiritual, economic, education, fake science or theology... whatever method will work best against their influence spreading. It is God granting our successes as He determines to accomplish His goals.

      Just because I live in an area where Christians aren't facing a daily physical threat doesn't mean that I am any less persecuted for my faith. The more you try and do, the more attention you get as well. We have an entire educational and scientific establishment fighting us everywhere in this country, and get 'loud enough' and the physical intimidation, violence and death will soon follow.

    7. I’m 64, and I’ve been following to some degree, matters of prophecy since the early 70’s. I’ve never been anything other than pre-trib, because it’s always seemed scriptural and logical, and it was exclusively taught in the Southern Baptist church in which I was raised. Never once was it viewed through the lens of “getting away with something”, and matters during those decades were a lot cheerier and certain than they are now. The Rapture and the Tribulation are profound events totally unto themselves, and have nothing to do with “paying our appropriate pound of flesh”, or whatever drives the mid and post thinking. Even during the worst episodes of history, there have always been people who existed more comfortably with their faith than others, and plenty of people around the world are now being tested.

      But... I’m becoming very curious to hear at length from the guiding lights on this and similar sites, about where we are right now. I say none of this in snarky fashion, but genuine curiosity. A LOT of time and effort has been invested in creating the current energy levels in this community, and the array of expectations. Judging by reading much of what’s been written here and elsewhere, we should likely have been gone by now, what with the likeliest symbology and timing of Fall feast days. Traditional assumed windows are growing very short, and most have given far less emphasis to the Spring feasts. So...where are we? I think it’s a fair and logical question after all we’ve absorbed here and elsewhere.

      Before coming here about three years ago, I (and I assume many others) had little if any awareness of Jewish feast days. They certainly weren’t covered during my years in the SBC, at least in terms of prophecy. My teaching all along was “ANY day”, so far as the Rapture. So is that what we’re back to? Reversing the feast day stance of, because “God doesn’t do anything randomly”?

      Perhaps the Rapture will indeed be an emergency-timed, snatching away, not dependent upon previous events, though it will certainly drive all that follows.

      But I also wonder, during these troubled times, if there’s something we’ve collectively missed, misread, or misinterpreted in Scripture. Or perhaps timed wrong within the maddening variations of calendars. Part of me wonders if we’ve become self-blinded by the repetitive reading of certain Scriptures over the decades and centuries. And I can’t help wondering if what’s going to happen will not “look” the way we’ve become taught to think.

      Perhaps something major will soon happen, that will provide an “ah-ha moment”. Something that will make us say, “so that’s what it meant”. But for the moment, I’m feeling a bit numb from all of this.


    8. Great points DW - I felt a pre-trib rapture was evident in times past. However my stance has changed on that some especially since the highly watched day of 9/23/17 had passed. The excitement back then was so great and the evidence so convincing that when it passed, I thought to look into other possibilities. If the rapture is an any moment event with nothing preceding it, then WOW! what am I watching for? I'm looking for something that can happen in any moment which means I have to look every second of every day and cant really be prepared for that anyhow. SO I began to consider other views

      While I am not locked into a specific avenue, my take is we will know after the anti-Christ is revealed. This was a question I asked myself "If this actually happened and I saw it happen, would I know what happened given I felt the church would be raptured in advance of this by several years?" Obvious answer is No. That was just the start of looking further.

      I am not losing anything in this view. If we are raptured at the onset of the tribulation then what have I lost in studying and looking at the possibilities of remaining into the tribulation? My take is I lose nothing but potentially gain more.

    9. I look at the seemingly 'parallel thought' happening in Psalm 90 and our Lord's words about 'If the times were not [cut short], no flesh would survive.'

      Psalm 90 talks about the 70 - 80 years, saying the last 10 are difficult, but they are soon [cut short] and 'we fly away.'

      'But for the sake of the elect, those days will be [cut short]'

      I think the calendars we are using are off to such a degree that the closest we can get to predicting things is 'the season.' Of the four seasons, we were told that we should pray that 'our escape not be in the winter or on a sabbath...'

  8. https://youtu.be/_W-eZY4rxU8

    Newest Jason a video on YouTube. Theres a little gold nuggets at 8 minutes 4 seconds.



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