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Remember The Red Sea! 10 Super Signs Converge

BREAKING: The U.S. government is now pushing the idea that the current vaccines will need to be upgraded (source).  The watchmen have been saying this would happen for most of this year.  It's the final slippery slope leading straight into the Tribulation.  Even now you cannot buy or sell without a mask.  Expect that in 2021 you will not be able to buy or sell unless you can provide proof of immunization.  This is not the Mark of the Beast, but is inevitably leading to the post-rapture Mark of the Beast.  You would have to be blind not to see this now, and sure enough, most are blind.  The readiness of the world to receive the mark and worship the beast is now apparent to the powers that be, so they are moving full speed ahead.  And simultaneously, an unprecedented global media purge has been underway this past month in an effort to stifle and censor all opposition to the coming antichrist system.

Beyond the dystopian, post-apocalyptic reality that has been 2020, why do we know this is the time?  There are a multitude of reasons and none of them stand apart.

1. First and foremost, we know because Jesus promised He would return quickly (Rev. 22:7, 12) and we know that His coming is near (Rev. 1:3).  Soon to God is not necessarily soon to man, but it is soon.  We are now just about one decade away from the 2,000-year anniversary of when Jesus literally ascended into Heaven, having promised He would return to receive those who have faith in Him (Jn. 14:1–6).  God is never late, nor is He early.  He arrives precisely when He means to.  The One who promised is faithful, and since He Himself declared that His coming was near and would happen quickly, those who say His coming is delayed are mistaken (2 Pt. 3:3–12) and even wicked (Mt. 24:45–51).

2. We live during the unique period of human history in which the stage is set for events described in the Book of Revelation to unfold.  According to the Bible, human beings have been on the planet for six or seven millennia.  Secular estimates suggest we have been here much longer than that.  Either way, for just the last 150 years or so—a small fraction of the time humans have dwelt on the earth—there has been an incredibly unique surge in technology, population growth, and religious apostasy, as well as an unprecedented march toward global government.  It was just at the turn of the 19th century that the world population finally reached one billion, and now it stands at nearly eight billion—an eightfold increase in 200 years.  Add to that the development of electricity, motorized transportation, air travel, space travel, telecommunication, computers, the internet, weapons of mass destruction, and bioengineering.  Whether or not you believe in God, you can't deny that we happen to live during an extremely unusual, unprecedented, and narrow window of human history.  That's not an accident.

3. The nation in focus throughout the pages of Holy Writ is none other than Israel.  Israel ceased to be a nation in 722 BC, but was reestablished in our generation—in 1948 to be exact.  That's also no accident.  The Prophets of the Bible, including Jesus Himself, foretold that this would happen.  Israel is a super sign pointing to the supremely unique time period in which we live.

4. Just as Israel is the nation central to the Bible's narrative, so too Jerusalem is the city at the heart of the biblical story.  Jerusalem has been controlled by various Gentile empires since the 6th century BC, but in 1967 it fell back into the hands of the Jews.  Again, it's not an accident this has happened in our time.

Now we're starting to zero in on the target.  Major signs are happening this very decade.  This should absolutely terrify you if you have not placed your faith in the Son of God.

5. Everything is now ready for the construction of the Third Temple.  The First Temple was destroyed by the Babylonians in 587 BC and the Second Temple was destroyed by the Romans in 70 AD.  The short-lived Third Temple will be erected during the seven-year Tribulation and will become the focal point of a global, apostate religious system wherein the antichrist is worshiped.  Instead of turning to the all-sufficient sacrifice of Christ in the aftermath of the rapture of the predominantly Gentile Church, the Jewish nation will attempt to reinstitute the insufficient Levitical system of the Old Testament in a futile effort to atone for sin.  At the time I write this, the cornerstones of the Temple have already been prepared, the blueprints completed, the Levites and Kohanim identified, and the priestly garments and vessels constructed.  All that remains is the green light.

6. A prophetic sign that the Bible foretold would occur in the sky as a warning of the nearness of the rapture of the Church and the subsequent global judgment transpired with perfect precision in September of 2017.  For those who would downplay the significance of this sign, the Bible itself calls it “great” (Rev. 12:1) and Jesus said that exactly such signs as this one would occur leading up to His return (Lk. 21:11, 25; cf. Gen. 1:14).

7. The biblical identity of Israel as the unique nation-state of the Jewish people was restored in July 2018 when the Jewish Nation-State Law came into force.  The law also reestablished the biblical festivals, the Sabbath, and the biblical calendar in Israel.  Hebrew became the official language and the official name of the country was changed from the “State of Israel” to simply “Israel.”

8. The technology and impetus for the Mark of the Beast are now here.  As a result of the global COVID-19 pandemic, draconian laws have been put in place globally, controlling who can buy and sell, who can travel, and even who can leave their home.  Millions of people are being closely tracked and controlled like livestock.  Megacorporations loyal to the premise of technocratic global government have suddenly become massively powerful.  Whereas masks were required to enter most non-residential buildings and business premises in 2020, in 2021 it is widely expected that some sort of personally-transportable record proving immunization will be required to buy or sell.

9. A series of astronomical signs (note: not astrological) foretold in the Bible subsequent to the Great Sign in September 2017 seem to have occurred this past December, concluding as early as next month.  These signs seem to portray Revelation 12:3–5, which pictures the casting down of Satan and his angels, followed by the resurrection and rapture of the Church.  Before the Church is raptured, the enemy stands ready to devour God's people.  We see the forces of evil getting ready to strike: millions of churches have been shuttered worldwide since the outbreak, and Christians are being threatened, jailed, and censored all over the world.  The enemy doesn't want to stop there.  He is planning to destroy the Body of Christ, but God has promised us a Red Sea moment—a death-defying escape just in the nick of time, when there is no visible way out and our fallen enemy is going in for the kill.

10. Simple arithmetic shows we're close.  Jesus said that the end-times generation would live to see all of the events described in His Olivet Discourse fulfilled.  That includes His physical second coming to the earth—an event that occurs at the very end of the Great Tribulation.  His promise that “this generation” would not pass away comes in the context of His Parable of the Fig Tree.  The fig tree is a national symbol of Israel.  The withered fig tree, which had been proverbially “cut down at the roots” was replanted and began to put forth leaves in 1948.  But how long is a generation?  Psalm 90:10, which itself has end-time connotations, defines a generation as 70 to 80 years.  Israel turned 70 in 2018 and turns 80 in 2028.  Israel will be 80 until the Spring of 2029.  Could The Parable of the Fig Tree and Psalm 90:10 be connected?  It is plausible.  Perhaps even probable.  It is a simple and straightforward timing solution that adds weight to the convergence of all of the other signs we see.  2027, 2028, or 2029 are also the likeliest 2,000-year anniversaries of the initiation of Jesus' ministry when He was baptized by the Holy Spirit and declared a jubilee (Lk. 4:16–19).  That means that if the departure of the Church were to occur this year, Jesus would return right around a jubilee, 2,000 years after He was anointed by the Spirit as the Messiah.

God has been screaming through everything for the world to repent (“repent” means to change your mind—to convert from unbelief in Christ to belief in Him for salvation).  In His sovereignty He established Trump-Pence as the leaders of the United States—a clear testimony to the coming trumpet call of God that will awaken the dead and rapture the Church, as well as the subsequent trumpet judgments that will bring utter devastation upon the earth.  Trump was born during a total lunar eclipse, 700 days before Israel was reestablished.  That means he was 777 days old when Israel was 77 days old.  Trump was inaugurated President when he was 70 years, 7 months, and 7 days old.  Do you really think that's coincidence?  No.  It's the sovereignty of God.

And now we see the rise to power of one Joseph Biden.  There has never been a president with the name of Joseph.  Joseph became second in command of Egypt.  He became as Pharaoh to the people.  His life more closely resembled Christ's life than any other Old Testament figure.  Just as an American Pharaoh has risen to power, so to the true King from Heaven—the heavenly Joseph—is about to reign with a rod of iron.  But before He does, a wicked and counterfeit king, a master of intrigue, will rule the world as the Pharaoh from hell.  The antichrist will be revealed after the Church disappears.  Both God and the antichrist are biding their time—waiting for the right moment.

The time is near.  Today is the day of salvation.  You are not promised tomorrow.  The world tells you to trust in anything but Christ.  Progressive Christians tell you that Jesus was good, but not needed.  Legalistic Christians tell you that Jesus is not enough.  Both camps—the worldly, progressive Sadducees, and the legalistic, judgmental Pharisees—deny the gospel in the same place: they both deny the atonement.  Salvation is a free gift, but it must be received.  Jesus is the Way.  Jesus is the Door.  Jesus is the only Name given among men by which we must be saved.  He took on flesh, lived a perfect life, died as your spotless propitiation, and then rose again.  If someone offered you a million dollars would you say “no thanks?”  Would you count yourself unworthy of such a great gift?  The gift of salvation is much greater than a million dollars.  As a matter of fact, a hundred million dollars is like toilet paper compared to the priceless gift of the Cross.

Don't say “no thank you” to such a great gift.  Don't forfeit forgiveness, eternal life, and everlasting heavenly pleasure simply because of pride.  How long does it take to call upon the LORD?  How long does it take to believe?  Ten seconds?  Five seconds?  Your pride and a brief moment of time are the only cost, yet billions—literally billions—refuse to surrender either.  God loves the inheritance-receiving Jacob and despises the inheritance-rejecting Esau.  Don't be an Esau.  There is simply no time left.

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  1. Amen brother. Only the Rapture can save us now.

    Joseph was 2nd in command to Pharaoh...Joseph Biden was 2nd in command to...the wicked, scheming Pharaoh you mentioned.

    1. And Joseph prepared the Egyptians for "7" years of famine.... very interesting. The last 7 is about to begin... see ya!

    2. yes...Joseph SAVED the Egyptians and Israelites from the 7 years of famine

    3. By having them prep for 7 years before hand... I don't think this situation is quite the same.

    4. In my opinion we had 7 years of warning in the signs, and now Joseph is ushering in the 7 years of wrath, but again that is just an opinion

    5. Old Rapture Song: When the Redeemed are Gathering In - Jamaican singer - Gloria Bailey

      and 35 more rapture songs - https://prayat316.com/rapture-songs

  2. Please watch this return of Jesus prophecy timeline! It's "coincidence" after "coincidence". Please watch. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zMJAAb3FNAo on "Cornerstone Redemption" youtube page

    1. Astounding, thank you (Unknown), at last! a timeline that the 'mystery' body of christ, hidden in G*d (1 Corinthians 2:7) can biblically relate to, unburdened with 'prophetic' feasts...and...just weeks away!...so encouraging and exciting. Maranatha!!!!!

  3. Thank you very much Gary and Jeff for your encouragement and effort to keep believers in blessed hope, for keeping our eyes on our rapture, God will never be late or too early to accomplish this rapture. He will be on time according to his plan from the start. God bless you!


  5. Its only been 8 days since Biden took office. And although we knew we'd be taking a hard left turn, instead it feels like we're in an unrecoverable death spiral. The soon Rapture will be our ejection from what would be a certain fatal crash.

  6. Great article and very timely. I have one teeny tiny thing to say. When Israel turns 80 in 2028 they will be finishing or completing or turning 80. The next day they begin their 81st year.

  7. 2 other connections: many have speculated that Biden's sexual assault accuser, Tara Reade, was making it up. I make no judgment on this. Joseph was falsely accused of sexual assault. Also Joseph had two sons, like Biden.

  8. Good Stuff,
    Just want to add my 2 cents to the conversation.
    1st Cent: When you talked about the accepting a million dollar gift it reminded me of the many MEME's I see on FB that say things such as "would you live in this isolated cabin for a year without any internet, TV, communication for a million dollars"? Most of the answers I see are sure, no problem, would love to etc. Which got me thinking about the gift of salvation. "would you live in this isolated cabin for a year without any internet, TV, communication for a year, and repent of your sins and accept Jesus Christ as your saviour in exchange for eternal life"? Unfortunately, most of the world has already said no way, I can give up the internet etc for worldly goods (Money), but am unwilling to add repentance to the list.
    Mat 16:25  For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it. 
    Mat 16:26  For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? 
    As we have been saying to many people are just to attached to this world, and waiting for the 1 year mark to end so they can get back to "normal".
    I could keep expanding on this idea, but I'm sure you all can take it from here.
    2 cent: First my hope is not to return to normal, mainly because I just don't see that happening, and I truly believe we are living in the last days and we (this generation) will see the return of our King! But (not but God, but Chris) I am concerned we missed something. What something you ask? Well, what if we missed something in our interpretation of God's Word? Is there something we are not seeing? Just as the Jewish nation had the birth, burial, and resurrection of Jesus spelled out for them in the old testament, they still somehow managed to miss it. Are we missing something too? What I like to think is just like the majority of Jew's at the time of Christ missed it, not all of them did. A select group of them saw the truth, and believed on Jesus. All the Jews knew he was coming, but a large majority missed it, and are still waiting. I hope that we are part of the select few that see it coming, and are prepared and ready for it, while most of the church is still asleep waiting for the world to return to normal. Fortunately for born again believers this time around there is no penalty to pay if you don't "see the writing on the wall". They also will be taken out of here "in the twinkling of an eye" The sad thing is because they are not ready to depart this world, they will still have a longing to return and finish unfinished business. Those of us watching have no excuse for leaving behind anything undone. If there is something you need to get done, (ie repent, witness etc) get it done now, because when he calls us don't be tempted to look back.
    Gen 19:26  But his wife looked back from behind him, and she became a pillar of salt. 
    God Bless, always looking up, and looking forward to being with you all in the city of Light!

    1. So far as the feeling of having “missed something”, I agree. For me there seem to be missing pieces, even allowing for developments of the final seven years. I get the nagging feeling that we’re still “in the season” rather than on the doorstep, and I’ve been following prophecy since the early 70’s. Something still isn’t right, unless there are unforeseen, very rapid developments, or...a significant gap between Rapture and the 70th Week. And the fig tree? That’s another area where I get the nagging cramp that we’ve possibly been misreading, misunderstanding, or have some time parameters not quite right. Hopefully I’m wrong, but as a longtime observer, and never more so than the last few years, I can’t shake the feeling that we have another three or four years to deal with. Maybe more. And they’re going to be “stressful”.


    2. DW - Yes!

      I love that there are so many "watch" dates... God's story is always one of redemption. We are rapidly approaching that date... and I think things are moving very rapidly.

      However, I think the rapture is going to be an escape at the last second and it doesn't seem like we are quite there yet. The AC and mark of the beast - all after the rapture. The world is poised - things are in place - and yet it seems like there's something else -- another gap of sorts before.

      My hope (completely me...) is that the rapture (this spring!! please...) is that final piece - then the world collapses, the UN divides up the world into the 10 regions... AC appears - all the pieces fall into place. But if the rapture is not that final piece... then there are potential wars, hyperinflation, more collapse... could take a few more years before it is time. HOWEVER, the Mark of the Beast seems here and ready to go and we know that doesn't happen until more like the mid point. So maybe we really are that close?

      But I wonder if there is not more time to come and how far down the road to the Tribulation must we walk? Jesus said when you see these things BEGIN to happen look up... look up to see the signs in the starts? Look up for hope that things are progressing as HE planned?

      Anyway I ramble. Thank you both for your comments. Although we watch, I too think about the first appearing - they had a much clearer timeline and most still missed Him.

      Blessings to all!

    3. DW, yes we are in agreement. The only difference I can see is the old testament prophesied the Jewish nation would miss it, and I can't find anything in the new testament that says we will, other than those that are not watching. We are told if we watch we will see. Again, just hope we aren't missing some key fact, that down the line will make perfect sense to those who see it.

    4. Could we be missing a detail that Isaiah 66:8 says can a Nation be born in a day? Maybe it took a while longer for Israel to bloom? And we are off a couple years?

    5. DW

      Do you know about Isaac Newton's study and fascination with bible prophecy? He concluded that the tribulation would be starting like 2050 or somewhere between 2050 and 2060. It sure seems like he may have knew what he was talking about. I hope it's not that far away but he was like one of the smartest persons ever. That's 30 more years. I figured years ago we'd have done been gone but If Idk anymore.

    6. Theologically, I agree with virtually everything expressed on this site by the authors of the primary articles. The difference is a fairly brief matter of timing. After years of following, I just don’t have the anticipation of “any day now” that’s regularly expressed here. I’m not saying that it’s anyone’s fault here, but a matter of interpretation and expectation by the entire watching community. It’s just my opinion, and it’s only a matter of a handful of years, perhaps in the range of 2 to 5. And all of that impression could change quickly if we experience a rapid succession of events that are not now in evidence.


    7. Isaac Newton also didnt believe that Jesus was God in the flesh but a created being.

    8. Jesus said when these things BEGIN to happen, our redemption draws nigh....
      The Rapture of the Church may be more imminent than we think given the fact that
      we are not privy to those things happening behind the scenes. But God DOES know.

  9. Thanks for encouragement brothers!
    The entire chess board is not only set but pieces are in motion. We lift off before the pieces clash! Or very soon after.

  10. Thanks for encouragement brothers!
    The entire chess board is not only set but pieces are in motion. We lift off before the pieces clash! Or very soon after.

  11. March 21st is 3.5 years after sept 21 2017 and the next day is 322 skull n bone day. Just another high watch date if we are still here FYI

    1. I think I know what you mean by this because I have been looking hard at that first mention of 1,260 days in Rev 12 as well, but if you go to timeanddate.com and put in 1260 days, it actually comes out to March 6th. That said, I just now realized you put Sept 21, not Sept 23. Was this accidental or were you referring to something other than the Rev 12 sign on Sept 23rd?

    2. September 21, 2017 was Yom Teruah (Feast of Trumpets) and Rosh Hashanna (New Year). Many in the community pegged that day as a high-watch day and day to begin a count.

  12. Trump-Biden-Obama

    Daniel 11:19-21
    Revelation 17:10-11

    Time is closing in. Be prepared for the return of our Lord Jesus for the Church

    1. Which King are you saying Trump is? And do you think Obama is one of the Kings and returns as the eighth who leads to destruction?

    2. Trump is the sixth King. He is the one who turns His face to the fort of His own land in Daniel 11:19. Where we start is when the Noahide Law was enacted in the US Constitution back in the 80s by Ronald Reagan. Reagan was the first to go along with it. Trump is the sixth, Biden continues a short period of time as the seventh, which lines up perfectly with Daniel 11:20 and Revelation 17:10b. Then the one who was already in power takes over through flattery of words by coming in on a White Horse in Revelation 6 through the Coronavirus (Crown in Greek) and gets the power back, just like as it says Antichrist will rule for a time then go away then come back.

      Whats really interesting is that when Christ talked about Satan falling from Heaven in Luke 10:18 the Aramaic means "Baruq O Bama"

      Just interesting how things are being layed out. I read Daniel 11 a while back and saw these verses and I thought is this what Daniel saw and I truly do believe if Joe Biden is the raiser of taxes this is the case. Shalom🙏🏻

    3. Pope Francis is the 8th king who is of the 7. When the Lateran Treaty was signed on 112/29 that made all future popes kings of Vatican City. PF is the 8th after that and he is "of the 7", i.e. he is a pope. This man rules through flattery and speaks like a dragon though he has two horns like a lamb.

    4. The problem with that is who is the False Prophet then? Because we have always been told Francis would be the False Prophet. Remember the Antichrist and False Prophet have to come as the representation of the 2 Messiahs within Judaism. Messiah ben Joseph and David!

    5. Also ask yourself did the the pope before Francis raise taxes?

    6. the notion of 2 new messiahs is not scriptural. i think that's something the rabbinical and kabbalistic Jews came up with.

      I'm no prophecy expert. all i can say is, all my research points to two men, two speakers of sugary words, perhaps the two most well-respected global leaders: obama and francis

    7. And ask yourself is Kabbalistic Judaism growing today? Theres a scripture in Isaiah 2 where it talks about how the Lord would come to the Holy Moutain of God and proclaim the Law. Zionists put this scripture in the future when Christ returns but did Christ not proclaim the Law and the prophets when he went to Jerusalem? I believe that there are scriptures that we have taken from a Zionist Scofield perspective and misplaced them to suit our day and age.

      By no means am I a preterist, however I do believe there has been scripture that Zionist use to put a spin on scripture that was fulfilled. Something interesting is that if you read the Dead Sea Scrolls a lot of verses were fulfilled already according to the books of Isaiah, Zechariah, Ezekiel and Daniel.

    8. I believe that Obama and Francis could be those men. However, we could be looking at something completely different. If you take out the whole notion of Scofield Dispensationalism and listen to what the Early Church Fathers said in their writings they believed that the Antichrist would come from the Tribe of Dan because Him being of the seed of the Serpent and yet Zionism does not talk anything about this. Based on Scofield and Dake and other men of the Dispensationalist thought they believed the Antichrist is of European descent. What I think has happened we have misinterpreted some scripture through the Lens of a Dispensationalist thought and have been spoonfed by people that could possibly be agents of Satan because if you look at what the Early Church believed compared to today alot is completely different than our average Futuristic school of prophecy. Whags amazing is that a lot of people are being directed under Talmudic Judaism and blindly following, the exact thing our Christ was crucified over. We need to reevaluate scripture and see what is really going on.

      By no mistake I believe in Salvation by Grace alone but we are under the Law of the Spirit. I believe in the Rapture of the Church. I believe the Church as a whole is deceived and being played right into the hands of Talmudic Judaism and does not even relaize it. The scripture in Ezekiel 36, is not about the nation if Israel coming back through a valley of dry bones. According to the Essenes in the Dead Sea Scrolls, it is about the Death, Burial and Resurrection of Jesus Christ to put His Spirit within our being and now to have eternal life through His name. So much we have missed and yet we blindly follow Dispensationalism, Scofield and Darby thought.


    Are we *biding* time or *abiding* in the One who is the author and finisher of our faith?

    Excellent points and critical reminders of where we are Gary. I'm right there with you brother.


  14. Excellent article Gary, Praying many lost stumble upon it, and wake up in these last moments. Ark door is closing, Jump in!!

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Providing hope in very dark days. That will be the legacy of Unsealed. God bless.

    1. Thank you, Zachary. May the Lord make it all of our legacy in these last days.

  17. Something about the number of Q posts (4953 in total) has been bothering me awhile. Considering the specificity of many other things, I felt like even the post count could have been controlled for some reason.

    Looking up the number of posts in Strong's gave two words:

    In the Hebrew, it is the word for 'flute' and was only used in a single chapter of the Bible. Daniel 3. Every reference to the 'signal' of the musical instruments that required the people to worship the statue contained the word.

    In the Greek, the word is for 'an agreed upon signal.' It was only used in Mark 14:44.

    What are the odds that both words use the same number and mean roughly the same thing? In a list of posts spread over years designed to give 'signals' as to future planned events? Surely the human author didn't plan for this, as there's plenty of posts in that collection that don't look planned... But God...?

    1. Interesting, Kris. Very interesting.

      I asked the Lord about QAnon a while back, and I immediately got a word from Him, "Soothsayer."

    2. So someone who speaks to keep the peace? To 'sooth' the people so they don't do something rash? A 'restrainer' (lowercase r...) that keeps people hoping in a 'plan' so that they don't come up with one of their own? (I hope in God's plan, I believe the Rapture could happen before Q finishes his plan... Leaving the world on it's present course into darkness...)

      If so, Q has been pretty successful so far...

  18. I don't think that Rapture is imminent now, I think it will take some years before we are raptured. Will the Rapture, or the Second Coming of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ occur in 2033 when it will be exact 2000 years after the formation of the Church at Pentecost? If the Rapture is set to occur in 2033, the Second Advent will be in 2040. Of the Second Advent is set to occur in 2033, the Rapture will be in 2026.

    Hosea 6:2 (KJV):

    "2 After two days will he revive us: in the third day he will raise us up, and we shall live in his sight."

    1. The idea of years more just makes me tired. Something that causes me to think it must be really close is the technology angle. Somebody (JD?) offered the opinion that the technology described in Revelation is here and now; that if much more time passes, such tech would become obsolete.


    2. Not obsolete, but far more advanced. We’re just now scratching the surface of what’s possible.

  19. Gary wrote, "Simple arithmetic shows we're close."
    Several years ago the Spirit of the Lord spoke to my spirit and I knew our Lord Jesus Christ was soon to gather us. What recently convinced me in the natural of the Rapture having to be THIS YEAR was when I learned of the 400-year cycle and how it relates to our EXODUS paralleling Israel's Exodus out of Egypt. And, of course, I wrote an article if anyone is curious to know more:
    2021 Year of the Rapture and Chaos

    When I saw the image Gary picked for this article, I just simply HAD to share this!

    1. Very interesting Lyn. Just read your article. This 400 year cycle interests me since I have written about it myself. The 400 lights at the reflecting pool in front of the Washington Monument with President "Joseph" of Vineyard America is quite telling.

      For those who abide ("Biden") in him will be a part of the fortunate number to "escape" the judgment to come that this 400 year cycle is pointing to.

      Very interesting considering that when Jesus used the phrase to "abide in him," it is speaking of those who are "in Christ," thus pertaining to salvation - salvation of the soul itself. Those saved will escape and be raptured. There's quite a message there in that one picture of the reflecting pool with "Joseph."

    2. ETDD~Thanks for your insightful and confirming reply. It really is quite wonderful how those in Christ work together as the Holy Spirit guides. I never saw the Joseph connection til Gary and you brought it up.

      Your name came up at Rev12daily.blogspot the other day so I had it in my mind to check out your blog articles. So glad to "meet" you.

  20. Pieter, I am in agreement with you. I dont think as ive written before that there is any connection between Psalms 90:10 and the Olivet discourse. David was specifying the lifespan of people of his time which really hasnt changed much in 3000 yrs. since David wrote that. Keep in mind that David himself died at age 70 and his future son Solomon died at 80 yrs old.

    1. I disagree. I think they are connected. "By reason of strength" in Psalm 90:10 implies to me the difficult times during the Tribulation.

  21. Reposting this from Gary's article above as a caution against continuing to kick the can down the road. Not a good idea, because the Spirit says "today" is the day of deliverance (2 Cor. 6:2):

    "The One who promised is faithful, and since He Himself declared that His coming was near and would happen quickly, those who say His coming is delayed are mistaken (2 Pt. 3:3–12) and even wicked (Mt. 24:45–51)."

    1. Im trying to understand what your saying here Jeff. Are you saying that if some if us do not think the rapture is imminent (this month, this spring, this fall) that we might be wicked? Forgive me for saying this but someone needs to, you guys have been "kicking the can down the road" for over 3 yrs. since 9/23/2017. Gary wrote an article on the third anniversary of the sign last year suggesting that some of the old fig tree generation people could live way beyond 80 yrs. and thus " kicking the can down the road" another possible 10-15 yrs.

      Furthurmore the 11 Peter scripture is referring to unbelievers not those of us who have been a student of scripture for many years. Im just curious what you will come up with if were still here in December.

    2. I see that you are not going to address any tough questions. Its because you cant.

  22. We first had TRUMPETS, now for those ready we will soon have to say BYE we are DONE with our work in this world and we are going home to be with Jesus. Hallelujah!

  23. Fellow watchmen everyone appears to be missing a HUGE sign right now!

    What is going on with the Wall Street versus the Reddit boards, has huge implications. We were talking about the collapse of the American dollar as we know it, and the ushering in of complete digital/one world currency. This is way bigger than the regular news media is leading you on to.

    Wall Street and the American economy are about to collapse. This is from a post on the Wall Street bets Reddit forum. This is what is TRULY happening. Melvin capital has been counterfeiting stocks. This has enormous implications for the future of our countries economy.

    Fair warning, this Reddit board is heavy on language. But we have a responsibility as watchmen to see what is happening all around us. You need to be following this, if you were keeping an eye on the prophetic.


    1. Can we expect the most severe stock market crash in history now and is the Great Reset ushered in by such a huge crash, and/or by a war in the Middle-East?

    2. THANK YOU Ashley!
      A z3newspodcast titled "Prophetic warning of a possible global financial collapse by Passover 2021" caught my eye and I shared it in my article 2020 Dark Winter and the “Once-in-a-Generation Great Conjunction”

    3. This also reminds me of:

      "Putting all this together chronologically, it would seem the waiting Church Bride would see internal chaos within the not-anymore-United States then a domino effect perhaps of events including the collapse of the American economy just before or simultaneously with an attack on America’s nuclear stockpile followed by the appearance of UFOs and an incoming comet! As this sudden destruction comes down--those who are in Christ will be whisked up out of harm’s way and into the waiting arms of our much beloved Lord Jesus Christ!" [From The Revelation 12 Galactic Federation, The Great Re:Set, and The Rapture]
      Thus taking us back to the 400-year cycle theory and how it relates to the sudden destruction of 1 Thess. 5:3 as shared in 2021 Year of the Rapture and Chaos!

    4. Thank you for bringing this to our attention, Ashley. Definitely something to watch for going into February. Last year in Feb, it was the DOW's largest one-day drop in history.

  24. There is the idea that the vaccine is not really a vaccine at all, but a one-two punch of programming of your cells (and change of your DNA permanently) to create in part, the virus from your own cells, causing your immune system to eventually identify your own cells as the problem, resulting in a cascade failure and attack of every cell of your body.

    And months or years later, you come across the other part (upgrades or additional vaccines) to complete the picture for the culling and reduction of the population.

    Which by the way would be hard to prove the connection between the two.

    The days are evil...

    1. "The days are evil..."
      Overwhelmingly so. If it weren't for the Lord I would be spiraling from the madness of it all. And I'm sure we're seeing only the merest tip of the iceberg.

      "So shall they fear The name of the Lord from the west, And His glory from the rising of the sun; When the enemy comes in like a flood, The Spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against him." Is. 59:19

      Love in Christ, brother. I hope you are well.

  25. Rapture Song: When the Redeemed are Gathering in -

    I am thinking of the rapture in our blessed home on high
    When the redeemed are gathering in
    How we'll raise the Heavenly anthem in that city in the sky
    When the redeemed are gathering in


    When the redeemed are gathering in
    Washed like snow and free from all sin
    How we'll shout and how we'll sing
    When the redeemed...are gathering in

    Verse 2:

    There will be a great procession over on the streets of gold
    When the redeemed are gathering in
    O what music...O what singing o'er the city will be rolled
    When the redeemed are gathering in

    Verse Three:

    Saints will sing redemption's story with their voices clear and strong
    When the redeemed are gathering in
    Then the angels all will listen....for they cannot join that song
    When the redeemed are gathering in

    Verse Four:

    Then the Savior will give orders to prepare the banquet board
    When the redeemed are gathering in
    And we'll hear His invitation, "Come ye blessed of the Lord"
    When the redeemed are gathering in

  26. @JackN. I have heard the same things. Some telling truths here:

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. Mt 24:32-34: Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch is yet tender, and puts forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh. So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors. Verily I say unto you, this generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled.

    Great post! Personally, I have always wondered if the “generation” that sees the fig tree blossom, isn't so much a generation of 70-80 years of age, but more specifically the people who actually survived the Holocaust and then witnessed the formation of Israel in 1948. As many of us with parents, grandparents and loved ones know, that generation is advancing in years and all too many have sadly already have passed on. At one time survivors of the Holocaust we’re estimated to be around 3.5 million.

    From the Jerusalem Post- “Some 14,800 Holocaust survivors died in Israel last year, bringing the total number living in the Jewish homeland down to approximately 192,000, recently released statistics have revealed.”

  28. I am in agreement that covid19 is a psych op and the vaccine is a way to kill people. What I want to add to the discussion is when all this takes place. I believe the Spirit of God has given us a vision of the Tribulation, what is to come. Let us believe that God isn't finished with America and that the evil that has been done to the American people and the world by the globalists will still be exposed and judged. When things do not happen in our timing we give up on God. Let's remember that it is God's timing that is important not ours, God is not confined to dates on a calendar. Christ's church needs to keep praying for a miracle that President Trump, God's servant will be reinstated as America's true elected President. The time that God gives us will not be our own but will be for a final revival event. Wickedness judged, revival and Rapture, Tribulation, Revelations, All Things Made New.

    1. Rhonda- That is what I have been praying for as well. I know it may not be in God's plan, but since He hasn't given us those details, I keep praying. His will be done.

    2. VS and all - actually there are several sources that say Donald Trump will be coming back because since he left the White House, the Military has been in charge. There is still a fight going on for the soul of America. I'm not very good at copying and pasting videos but if you go to YouTube or Rumble and type in "The Military Is In Charge Joe", you will hear why I am saying I think we have a little longer to wait for the Rapture. It is coming for sure, as all the signs of the times show us, but I do think we have a little longer to preach the gospel and move people closer to Jesus while praying for the Holy Spirit to convict them so they can be saved. Also, another show about what is happening in the country is at X22report.com These are all very encouraging videos to watch and pray about. To God be the glory forever and ever, Amen.

    3. I don't think that the timing of the Rapture is dependent on what is going on regarding the US's politics.

    4. Exactly, Moin.

      I’m really tired of this distorted garbage. One feature that I’m looking forward to most after the Rapture, is NO MORE POLITICS.

    5. That is true Moin, but the Rapture is probably the cause of the situation that can be seen developing in Revelation and other end times prophecies. 'When you see these things beginning to come to pass, look up for your redemption draws nigh.'

      There are so many ways for these prophecies to play out, but only God's way is right in the end. We just have to see how it plays out while keeping our faith in God and His Son, Jesus Christ. The two strongest theories right now are the pre-trib Rapture/Second coming and the 'Dominion' scenario. I favor the Rapture leaving the world in the terrible state over the other one, but if God wants to do the other way, I can see a few scriptures that hint at it too... We just have to wait and see I guess, and play our parts either way.

  29. I just want to say thank you to Gary, Jeff and Hillary and all the commenters too for their encouragement. This is my number one stop online for encouragement as far as Bible prophecy goes. Watched the video about March 6 possibly being the day of the Rapture. It seems to make sense but don't want to put all my eggs in one basket. Just keep on keeping on, and know that He WILL come and it will be the perfect time when He does.He has been faithful and will be until that blessed day when we hear the trumpet blast. Thanks everyone and God bless,

    1. "This is my number one stop online for encouragement as far as Bible prophecy goes."

      Mine too !!!

    2. God bless you, Megan! You are an encouragement! I can't wait to give you a big heavenly hug one day soon. God bless.

  30. I have a question though about the Rev 12 sign. Because it happens in rev12, during the tribulation, how could it have happened back in Sept of 2017? I am confused about that.

    1. I'm sure Gary or Jeff can expound on this better, but the book of Revelation, is Chronological, but not a linear chronology.

      It is written in a chiastic structure, and Revelation 12 happens to be the center of that. Rev 12 is also a parenthetical chapter, it covers a summary of the full 7 years, plus some time before the Tribulation.

      Many parts of Revelation review the same event from different perspectives and characters, so it's not like things in chapter 11 must necessarily happen after chapter 10.

      Chapter and verse were created later by men with good intentions. The best way to read Revelations is by context of the sections rather than by chapter and verse.

  31. Hi Unknown! I'm also confused, and study the Bible. We are living in the last days before the Day of the Lord, there is Garys post about. I read also Joel 2:28-32 (KJV). I think then, that there are very many signs now around us, and this sign also – BEFORE THE DAY OF THE LORD. The Lord is coming very soon now, I'm waiting for Him every day. See you in the air. Maranatha!

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. Great Post! We are almost done in the age of grace. I invite you to share this manual out for others to share on Social Media, churches, there left behind letters and in this case a Left Behind Manual. We know that multitudes will be saved in the Tribulation. This is one resource that can help them. http://watchmansview.com/Rapture_Left_Behind_files/Tribulation%20Survival%20Guide.pdf

  34. I appreicate your teaching stating that all believers will go in the rapture. However, could you please explain what you believe about Luke 21:36, Watch and pray that you may be accounted worthy to escape these things..... Thank you.

  35. Well, I've now listened to the rest of the video and heard your explanation of 1Thess 5:10. Thank you. I do hope you're right.

  36. Brilliant article dear bro Gary! Our Red Sea Moment is at hand!

  37. Not completely within the subject of this post, but certainly relevant to the season we occupy. So, there's a tangental connection. Below is a link to an article written last year by Greg Lauer. I find his perspectives and insights very useful for developing my own clearer perspective as time goes by. This article pertains to the signs of His return, the end of the Age, as Jesus related during his Olivet Discourse. Nothing he mentions subtracts from other ground covered here, but rather adds to it.




    1. This is indeed a great article, thanks for the link! We can understand more things!

  38. Jackn, I agree about the covid vaccine. I read the same thing, that it could have nano-particles and alter our dna. I think i'll take my chances, I will not be vaccinated. Hopefully I wont have to be to go into a store as mentioned in the article. Also, Covid stands for CERTIFICATION OF VACCINE IDENTIFICATION. If true thats a little creepy.

  39. I claim no authority whatsoever, but here's a thought.

    As I've mentioned before, I have considered dating the Fig-Tree Generation's 80 maximum years from the July 1950 passage of Israel's Law of Return. That is when Jewish descendants could return home. Just as you can declare a nation in one day, you can also throw open its gates in one day. Logically, the birth of Israel in 1948 can represent a tender branch, but putting forth leaves speaks of the many green-and-growing citizens, and the people of Israel began to be completely put forth with the Law of Return in 1950. 80 years added on brings you to July 2030.

    Now, I am fairly convinced that Jesus was crucified in 30 AD. But I will just add this link if you want to go further down that rabbit hole . . .


    And if Jesus died in 30 AD, and if a prophetic day is equal to 1,000 years, then Hosea 6:2 makes a lot of sense:

    "After two days will he revive us: in the third day he will raise us up, and we shall live in his sight."

    The 6,000 years of human sin must give way to the 1,000 years of Heavenly rule from Jerusalem . . . in 2030. And that is 2 prophetic days after Jesus died. We can faithfully interpret a Pre-Tribulational Rapture, but we know that "all" of us, including those Tribulational Saints enduring against the Beast, must be raised up during the 3rd day which begins in July 2030.

    Now take Gary's example above of the Joseph-Jesus similarities. Egypt had 7 years of famine, foretold by Joseph, the second-in-command to the "King." Revelation shows us 7 years of tribulation, with Jesus acting as second-in-command to the real King.

    We can't forget that there were 7 good years before Joseph's predicted famine. And likewise, if we count 7 years of tribulation backward from the 80th anniversary of the Law of Return in July 1950, which would be July 2030, then we get a tribulation start date of July 2023.

    1. Hey Jeff, i'll try again. please respond to my last comment regarding these ongoing attempts to predict the rapture.

  40. But that means that we should be able to count back another 7 years to something and call it "7 years of great abundance." Lo, and behold, count back another 7 years and you come to July 2016, the exact month that President Trump was certified as the one, and only, Republican candidate for President. Now whether or not he is a perfect person is irrelevant, since none of us are. And we are all well aware that God will use all types to do His will. And, although I harbored too much mistrust to vote for him the first time (I chose the Constitution Party candidate), I had no problem voting for him the second time, simply because his policies and actions were ultimately very God-fearing and Constitutionally sound. These have been 4 years of relative abundance, I would say. And if you think that basing the Bible's prophecies on an American President is a bit too small-minded, just remember that the whole world is turning on this decision, and its effect on Israel as well.

    Regarding the Biden/Trump controversy of 2020, it seems fairly clear (from what I've been learning) that the Military was given control by Trump through executive orders, and that Biden truly is NOT the President of anything. The election was monitored, and there were at least important factions of the military who took control of the process. As some are saying, now, the current events are just pantomime, until the first week of March 2021, when the Constitution says that the Inauguration is supposed to be happening according to the Founders. Trump may return before then.

    This is important, because although the curtain seems to have fallen, there is a real chance that the 7 years of abundance are still in progress; that this could be just a washing out of the political and financial sewers. And that's my favorite kind of abundance!

    Where does the Rapture fit in? What about Ezekiel's war in Chapter 38? Perhaps we are about to see three events overlap. A return of President Trump, which causes one final false-flag attack or international provocation by the Deep State. A resulting war that no one in power truly wants to fight other than the Deep State, Iran, Turkey, and its allies, but a serious war nonetheless. It will be very short, not just because God supernaturally kicks butt, but also because the major national players won't be compelled to suffer on behalf of the Deep State anymore. A rapture event at the outset of such a war would only further encourage a rapid peace, from the end of that war until the start of tribulation in July 2023. This would put the earth's population into a mindset of false miracles and supernatural occurrence. And there would be just enough time for the AntiChrist to consolidate his power and re-declare the confirmation of the Abraham Accord or "Chrislam" or some derivative, thereof.

    That's probably enough for one post, lol, but I do want to add that I am of the mind that the Psalm 83 war between Israel and its direct neighbors is already past, having been some combination of the 1967 and 1973 wars.

    So there you go. A total guess (for fun only) is a Rapture between now and July 2023. Between February 2021 and September 2021 would be especially High-Watch time, owing to political action in the US and the fall feasts. Politicians do everything slowly, and it's gonna take some time to fight a short war, settle things down, and "confirm a covenant" of any significance. This will also allow the Israeli population a chance to spend 7 years burning weapons, and they'll still be done by 2028-2029, so that God can decide just how much He'd like to shorten the days.

    1. Just want you to know I've read your commentary.
      Interesting speculation re: dates and timing.
      Like the battle of Tours/Poitiers fought near modern-day Paris which kept the muslims from further invading soon-to-be Christian Europe in 732, and which no one outside of those who read history really know about, the 6 Days War was a world-changing battle.
      I've never been sure about the Psalm 83 war timing and know there are others who agree with your assessment; this is from Paulbenware.com:
      "For those who insist that this is a prophecy, there is something else to consider. And that something is the 1967 war. Michael Oren in his excellent book “Six Days of War”, speaks of the tremendous impact that this short war had on the world. He stated, “Rarely in modern times has so short and localized a conflict had such prolonged, global consequences.” (Oren, xii). This war made the modern Middle East what it is today. The days that led up to the war, and in the first two days of the war, various Arab leaders were once again making their intentions clear. “Our goal is clear—to wipe Israel off the face of the map. We will, God willing, meet in Tel Aviv and Haifa.” “We have decided that this battle will be one for the final liberation from imperialism and Zionism… We shall meet in Tel Aviv.” (Oren, p. 164, 195)"

      In great detail Michael Oren shows the participation and military movements of Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq and even Saudi Arabia and Yemen. In other words, all of the people mentioned in Psalm 83 are covered geographically in the 1967 war.

  41. I was given this link to watch and consider, and I am glad I did. :)



  42. Luke 21:34

    But watch yourselves, or your hearts will be weighed down by dissipation, drunkenness, and the worries of life—and that day will spring upon you suddenly like a snare.

  43. Hey Jeff, I had a response to something you said earlier. Im looking forward to your reaction. God bless.

  44. We are told that he also blasphemes “them that dwell in heaven.” This is another indication of a pre-Tribulation rapture. As the Antichrist comes to power, an entire generation of Christians will have already departed into Heaven. Empowered by the devil, the “mouth” will assail the saints who dwell in Heaven.

    We will have been in Heaven long enough to see the Savior, Jesus Christ (the son of God and member of the triune Godhead), take the scroll from the Father’s hand, and launch the war between Michael and the dragon. We, the born-again body of believers i.e. the church, will be out of his reach, prompting him to blaspheme our memory and our very existence in Heaven. This is Satan lashing out in rage and anger on all who have accepted Christ since our disappearance. It is Satan blowing his top at the fact that human beings will now occupy his former position that he had in Heaven …

    1. I appreciated that too. Sometimes the best things are spoken very softly and even between the lines.

  45. Thank you for sharing this.

  46. Moses and the Israelites crossing the red sea was a picture of the rapture of the Church. I believe the firmament is a glass dome of water above as in Genesis chapter 1.

    1. Im impressed at least you have sight to see that light of truth, the Earth is't a ball spinning around a spinning galaxy spinning around the Sun. The Earth is motionless and flat.
      That sort of Garb has been shoved and still being paraded around as fact without one thread of proof!

    2. As a professional airline captain, I can assure you that the Earth is, in fact, an oblate spheroid; in other words, a round sphere with flattened poles caused by rotation. Anyone saying otherwise has spent too much time at the keyboard, and not nearly enough time outside in the fresh air. I could show you 1,000 separate proofs, if you want . . . assuming that the Rapture hasn't come first. I am really trying, here, to be a patient Christian brother, but there's a fine line between allowing ignorance and condoning it, and you are close to crossing that line. Out of 8 billion people currently alive, only a handful would be so arrogant as to ignore reality and blame others for it. We call those people "democrats."

      Just to start you off with food for thought. Try researching "great circle routes" flown for almost 100 years by the TWA's and PanAm's of the world.

    3. unknown

      And being a "professional airline captain"

      You should know that you cannot land an Aircraft on a spinning sphere!

      NASA, and the Military admits it also, maybe you should read their Doc's and ask questions and get outside more often!

      Just a small sample of Some Earth Observations


    4. unknown

      Im not condemning anyone or anything, you have the right to be wrong!

    5. unknown

      Oh, and another thing, Half the total "Christian" population is wrong, but they are to pridefully
      arrogant that even God can't get through to them.

      That is the most blind-full state of mind.

  47. I Have not fact checked this but read from The Prophetic Scroll,

    The names Biden and Harris are very interesting. In Hebrew, the name “Harris” has the same meaning as the word “destruction”. The name “Biden” in Hebrew is rendered B’Din, which means “judgement.” Coincidence? I think not! And this comes right after the sound of the Trump! By the way the name Kamala, and middle name Devi are both names of Hindu goddesses.

    Can I just say wow! Interesting

  48. Also the highly anticipated Passion Of The Christ:Resurrection is going to be released in 2022. Interesting timing. I had hoped to see it, but pretty sure we won't be here when it's released. Mel Gibson did such a great job with the 1st one.



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