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Homecoming: New Song Collaboration

I waited patiently for the Lord;

And He inclined to me,

And heard my cry.

He also brought me up out of a horrible pit,

Out of the miry clay,

And set my feet upon a rock,

And established my steps.

He has put a new song in my mouth

Praise to our God;

Many will see it and fear,

And will trust in the Lord

(Psalm 40:1-3, NKJV). 

Greetings, brothers and sisters!

With all of the trials from this past year, I have seen the Lord continue to establish my steps and put new melodies in my heart. As a gift to the Body of Christ, I have written this song entitled "Homecoming" and collaborated with brother Aaron Peixoto of the God A Minute? YouTube channel (huge credit to Aaron---the quadruple threat---for composing and producing the background vocals, piano, bass, and drums)!

I hope that this song encourages you as we wait for the Lord Jesus himself to call us out and take us home:


Can't shake the heartbreak

Can't hide the pain

I'm down and out again

Hate to learn the hard way

Hate the fear that's hunting me

Down, down, down

I cry mercy

Lord, please hurry

I'm fading fast

Don't think I'll last much longer

I need someone stronger

To bring me back

Back to the place where I'm known

Where I can be whole again

Can't wait for daybreak

Can't escape the night

Will you wait for me

While I find the will to fight

I'm holding on to what you say

Knowing you can make a way

I cry mercy

Lord, please save me

I'm fading fast

Don't think I'll last much longer

I need someone stronger

To bring me back

Back to the place where I'm known

Where I can be whole again

Forgiven and whole again

You alone

You are my Rock, my Salvation

Mighty God, those who are trusting You

Will never be shaken

Patiently, we wait for You

And gain our strength

Your faithful ones will never be shaken

Your faithful ones are never forsaken

I'm fading fast

Don't think I'll last much longer

Bring me back, back to the place where I'm known

O' Lord take me home

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  1. Beautiful. Brilliant. A Home run!

  2. Wow - thank you Aaron and Jeff.

  3. 1,335-DAYS

    12 Blessed is he who waits and
    arrives at the 1,335 days.

    (Daniel 12:12 ESV)

    As I mentioned in the previous article, the trumpet has become very interesting to me,

    1 The LORD spoke to Moses, saying,

    2 "Make two silver trumpets.
    Of hammered work you shall make
    them, and you shall use them for
    summoning the congregation and
    for breaking camp.

    3 "And when both are blown, all
    the congregation shall gather
    themselves to you at the
    entrance of the tent of meeting.

    4 "But if they blow only one,
    then the chiefs, the heads of
    the tribes of Israel, shall gather
    themselves to you."

    (Numbers 10:1-4 ESV)

    The LORD continues,

    8 "And the sons of Aaron, the
    priests, shall blow the trumpets.
    The trumpets shall be to you for
    a perpetual statue throughout
    your generations."

    (Numbers 10:8 ESV)


    10 "On the day of your gladness
    also, and at your appointed feasts
    and at the beginnings of your months,
    you shall blow the trumpets over
    your burnt offerings and over the
    sacrifices of your peace offerings.
    They shall be a reminder of you
    before your God:

    I am the LORD your God."

    (Numbers 10:10 ESV)

    What Biblical feast begins the modern Hebrew calendar? It is Yom Teruah, the Feast of Trumpets (aka "the day of shouting", a day of celebration),

    23 And the LORD spoke to Moses, saying

    24 "Speak to the people of Israel,

    In the seventh month, on the first
    day of the month, you shall observe
    a day of solemn rest, a memorial
    proclaimed with blast of trumpets,
    a holy convocation.

    25 You shall not do any ordinary
    work, and you shall present a food
    offering to the LORD."

    (Leviticus 23:23-25 ESV)

    What do we see here? The forth of the seven appointed times (moed) given us by the LORD. It is when all of Israel was gathered at the Water Gate in the days of Nehemiah when the Book of the Law was read aloud by Ezra.

    How interesting it is that the 1,335-days spoken to Daniel equals the time span from Yom Teruah, 2017 (Feast of Trumpets) to Shavuot, 2021 (Pentecost). In the day of Nehemiah all Israel was called before the LORD on Yom Teruah. This is likened to the first. In the day of the Apostles all saints were called before the LORD in the Upper Room on Shavuot. This is likened to the last.

    Could it be?

    16 "So the last will be first,
    and the first last."

    RED LETTERS (Matthew 20:16 ESV)

    The Church is to precede Israel just as Shavuot precedes Yom Teruah?


    Yes, the Feast of Weeks, Shavuot, Pentecost will be a day to watch for if Jesus does come for us; how blessed will be those who watched, waited and arrived on the 1,335th-day!

    Time is short. Invite a friend with a FREE ticket for a seat on the Ark of Salvation. The Ark named Jesus!

    On the "day of your gladness" (Numbers 10:10 ESV) the trumpets will sound!

    Blessings, always and Happy Hunting,


    1. Very Interesting PR; Oh man how I hope so! all in all it is soon; but how AWESOME if its just a few more days!! EEK!!!

    2. Zeus Mossbender (Paul) would have enjoyed that contemplation, for sure!

    3. Zeus Mossbender (Paul) would have enjoyed that contemplation, for sure!

  4. So we are closing in on 4 days before the Israel anniversary. Are we still holding tight to this time frame? I read somewhere else that the fig tree generation may have not started until 1967.

    1. I'm holding tightly to the rebirth of Israel as the definite starting point. Huge unparalleled prophetic event kicking off the final (fig tree) generation. However, the Ps. 90:10 connection has an interpretive angle. Israel will be 80 until Spring 2029.

    2. But for a pretribulation rapture you would have to deduct 7 years right? Which would put us at this year?

    3. Yes, assuming Spring 2028. But could have one more year if Spring 2029. This timeline hinges on Ps. 90:10 being the definition of a generation implied by Jesus in Mt. 24.

    4. I'm, personally, hoping for a Rapture either on Pentecost or Feast of Trumpets, but any ol' random day this next year would be good too :)

    5. You also have the possibility of Israel's birth being the first months of 1949, because of the actual election of their "own" government in that year, and not the temporary one of 1948.

      This would track well with the Blood Moons of that time also since it was 1949 and 1950 for that Tetrad.

  5. At https://www.nowtheendbegins.com/jerusalem-day-temple-mount-israel-gaza-strip-riots-2021/ "NTEB PROPHECY NEWS PODCAST: On Jerusalem Day In Israel The Specter Of All Out War Looms Between Israelis And Palestinians In Gaza Strip".

    Will these escalating tensions between Israel and the Palestines usher in World War III? Very prophetic that all this is happening in the days ahead of Israel's 73th birthday on May 14th.

    1. I don’t believe for a moment that the Palestinian element has the horsepower to trigger a regional war, much less a larger conflagration. We’ve had a pretty good illustration in recent times, from several Arab nations, just how marginal the Palestinian issue has become. If there’s going to be a major conflict in the region, and especially the world, it will have nothing to do with the Palestinians. They wouldn’t even make a worthy backdrop these days. Oh, how the raging symbol has fallen.

  6. Jeff--VERY TIMELY--THANK YOU!! I've always loved and appreciated your singing voice...you and Aaron sound great together!

    Also, I left a Comment/Question for you at your Something Beyond Imagination article. Just wondering what you think about the Luke 13 parable and tying it in with 2021 being Israel's "last chance" before the Rapture year? (I wrote about it in my most recent article.) CAN'T WAIT TO GO HOME!!!

  7. Mighty fine, Jeff and Aaron!


  8. https://prayat316.com/rapture-songs

    73 Rapture Songs - Israel's 73rd Birthday -

    and here is my favorite video from Brother Aaron - with a minute channel -

    Public Rapture Dance! Jesus Is Coming! See You In The Clouds! "Because of you" Keith Green


    Go Jesus Go - Come Jesus Come - Come Take me Home -

    Keep those prayer times on Thursdays going -

    prayat316.com - end times praying -

  9. New Youtube: May 26th 2021 Blood Moon Sign = "TO RISE" with double confirmation


    as the songs says "Lord take me home" -

    and Pastor Rich, you probably have seen Brother George's video already, but if you have not, it is interesting and encouraging in regard to your hope for Pentecost.

    at Channel - "The Return of the King"

    1. Yes, very interesting study. Find George's channel HERE.

      I have to agree, Shavuout this year is compelling.

      May 18, 2021 is Shavuot II -- a day observed for those outside of the land of Israel...for those in Gentile lands.

      For those of you young in your faith walk -- Shavuot (Pentecost) is the birthday of the Church (or conception as some put it) in the upper room by the giving of the Holy Spirit.

      As the song goes, "We are almost Home".

  10. Thanks guys for singing my heart.

  11. Thank you my brothers for such a beautiful song. You both have talent! Glory to God! Thanks also for the lyrics. I can translate them to understand. Be blessed by the Lord!

  12. Amen!!!!! Beautiful, and heart felt. God bless you



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