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WORLD IN SHOCK: Trump Assassination Attempt

As everyone is now well aware, on Saturday a 20-year-old would-be assassin, Thomas Matthew Crooks, shot former President Trump in his right ear, killed an attendee, and injured two others. The nation and world are in shock.

Many thoughts and conspiracies are being floated out there right now. Was Thomas Crooks working alone or did someone order the hit? Genuine or false flag? Why did the Secret Service not secure a previously-identified site that posed a potential danger? Why did it take security such a long time to respond as attendees were already well aware of the assailant’s position?

At the very least, it can be speculated that Trump’s reaction surely galvanized support, and barring a major change, he is likely headed for a landslide election win in the realm of 312–422 electoral votes. Minnesota, Virginia, New Hampshire, and New Mexico were already in play, but now talking heads are discussing New York, Colorado, and New Jersey. What might a landslide win—with all its down-ballot implications—have for prophecy? What would an undivided government—Senate, House, and White House—under Trump’s control look like? If his 2016–2020 term is any indication, the Deal of the Century will likely be back on the table.

And don’t let normalcy bias fool you. We are living in truly historic times. If elected, Trump will be only the second president ever to have non-consecutive terms (the other being Grover Cleveland whose second term ended shortly before the First Zionist Congress in 1897). He will also be the first impeached president to run for election, the first convicted president to run for president, and the seventh president either to be killed or wounded by an assassin.

Moreover, his first year in office witnessed the first Great American Solar Eclipse right around the time the Deal of the Century began to be developed, and the first year of his prospective second term will have been prefaced by the second Great American Solar Eclipse. And as has been shared countless times now, Donald Trump won his first election and was inaugurated in Jewish year 5777, winning the Electoral College by exactly 77 votes. He was born 700 days before Israel was reestablished on May 14th, 1948 and was 777 days old, 77 days after Israel’s 1948 rebirth. Upon inauguration (January 20th, 2017), Trump was exactly 70 years, 7 months, and 7 days old. The names of the new President and Vice President were a homophone for “trumpets” (Trump + Pence) in the very year that the Revelation 12 Sign appeared on the Feast of Trumpets. It is at “the last trump” that the dead in Christ shall arise and we who are still alive will be changed. God’s sovereign voice is reverberating through world events and confirming His word with crystal clarity for anyone willing to hear. Coincidence isn’t kosher.

Now that the Republican National Convention is set to begin tonight with Trump’s VP choice waiting in the wings, how odd would it be if the former president selects Vance as his VP? Trump-Pence 2016–2020; Trump-Vance 2024–2028. The trumpets theme continues! Ramaswamy would be intriguing as well, given the etymology of “swamy” from Sanskrit svāmī, “lord.” “At the last trump” (1 Cor. 15:52) . . . “the Lord Himself will come down” (1 Thess. 4:16).

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  1. Reagan and Nero were types of the final Beast. Donald Johann Drumpf is 6+6+6 letters, just as Ronald Wilson Reagan is 6+6+6 letters. Reagan was a type of the final Beast.


    The name "Reagan" or "Regan" means "little king". In Bible prophecy, horns stand for kings. Therefore both Reagan and Trump mean "little horn" because a Trump or Trumpet is a little horn.

    The slogan Make America Great Again was lifted directly from Reagan.

    Nancy Reagan often wore red clothing, tying in to Revelation 17 where the Scarlet Woman rides the Beast.

    After retiring, Reagan moved to a house at 666 St. Cloud Rd. The Kushners owned 666 5th Ave in Manhattan. Jared Kushner was the main architect of Trump's Israel policies.

    Like Reagan, Trump usually doesn't attend church, and was originally a Democrat before becoming a Republican. Reagan was pro-choice and in favor of gun restrictions before flipping so he could become president, just like Trump.

    Reagan suffered an assassination attempt on 3/30/81. Trump suffered an assassination attempt on 7/13/24...in the HEAD (ear). See Revelation 13:3 and the beast suffering a head wound and reviving again.

    Reagan was viewed as "the great peacemaker" for his work with Gorbachev. Similarly Trump is promising a PEACE DEAL WITH RUSSIA and a peace deal in Israel. This would be a confirmation of HIS OWN Israel peace deal, the Abraham Accords. In Daniel 9 the Antichrist confirms an ALREADY EXISTING peace deal in Israel with surrounding nations...and then breaks it and attacks the Jewish people.

    How are people not seeing these things??? How are Christians falling for this man, promising to allow him to usurp all authority over the constitution, eliminating checks and balances? Remember that the 666 number had an application to Nero of ancient Rome. He was a type of the Ultimate Beast. This means Christians will turn into EMPEROR WORSHIPERS. And we are seeing this happen as we speak.

    1. A two party system = two candidates. Which one would you choose?

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Good stuff!

      One other thing I'm worried believers are doing is making Trump, or other politicians or men/women, into their saviors. Believing these people will somehow make their lives better, turning things around for good, or get back to one's own perception of normalcy.

      Things are set in motion though such that things will never return to the way they are and God's judgment is upon the USA. I do believe that Trump is doing what he's doing to test believers and determine where their faith and trust is. Is it in the Living God and His Son Jesus the Christ, or is it in Trump, by extension man. The lukewarm church is being tested. Where is your hope, faith, and trust?

      Maranatha, brethren! Grace and peace be with you all in the mighty name of Jesus the King of Kings!

  2. We are simply voting for a president not picking a pastor Zachary. Trump is for controlled immigration, protecting our border, deporting illegals, a strong military, freedom, pro life, a strong America, pro business, anti-globalism, not fighting ridiculous wars, pro Israel, etc. Biden on the other hand uses the government for personal gain, globalism and to go after his political opponents. Not to mention policies that are destroying our culture. One small town in Ohio (Springfield, population 58K) recently had 20,000 Hatians moved there by the Biden administration. This is mind boggling and should be viewed as an act of treason! I don't worship Trump or Reagan (certainly not perfect) but both were pretty good Presidents. Trump is an America first guy which by definition disqualifies him as a candidate to be the antichrist.

    1. You can’t say the Dems are for Antichrist while Republicans are for Christ. This is way bigger than the sick and decaying two party system where both sides are at fault. I’m talking about how Trump has enlisted Christians as a growing army to support HIM. HIS power. HIS needs. HIS desire for Project 2025 and a usurpation of total executive branch power. This is pure idolatry. Believe me I’m not letting Dems off the hook. Many problems on that side too. But a discerning believer would not cave to the peer pressure to be a Trump supporter at this point because his agenda is based on lies. He is documented to have told over thirty lies at the debate. He wants dictatorial power over the globe and God is probably going to grant him that.

    2. Don't think Trump is the anti-christ, but am truly surprised at the strength of the Christian support behind him. I get that the Dems are extremely anti-Christian, so get the idea of "not a democrat!", and Biden specifically is not fit for office (for many reasons), so just on these factors alone, I totally understand people choosing to vote for Trump. But! I seriously don't get the fervent support, as if people think he's some sort if messianic figure. Why?? But whatever, at this point the die seems to be cast and unless there's some other major event between now and Nov (and there isn't overwhelming cheating), Trump will probably be the next President.

      I am curious, like the article, what might be accomplished if the Senate and House also have a serious majority Republicans.

      Having said all that, I'd be much happier with a pre-election Rapture!

      Come Lord Jesus!

    3. AMEN! COME NOW LORD JESUS! That is what I write on my ballots having become divorced from the false binary paradigm of committing to a political party when they have gone the way of Babylon before sudden destruction befalls Daughter of Babylon: Jeremiah 51:57 "And I will make drunk her princes, and her wise men, her captains, and her rulers, and her mighty men: and they shall sleep a perpetual sleep, and not wake," Moreover Jesus writes the 7 churches not to be deceived. Well one church thinks it is "rich" perhaps thinking "it's the economy stupid." The deception is embracing a man of self-love, pride, and an intense love of money & think a nation will be blessed with such values. The church is not deceived by one party led by left lunatics but is enamored with the other party not heeding Christ's warning of "deception." IF LOT'S WIFE were here, she too would be stuck savoring the election binary quagmire BUT SOME OF US are longing to go HOME & NEVER HAVE ANOTHER round of election lunacy let alone a repeat of the groundhog day from 2020. When a country runs out of viable leaders, it is time to LOOK UP for our SAVIOR!

  3. Me too sherrill! Even so come Lord Jesus. We absolutely have to be very very close! Trump would push back globalism and thus maybe the return of the Lord so I'm banking on his coming pre-election? Perhaps the assasination attempt was a 7 or 30 day warning to the rapture? That would put us at July 21 or August 12? That is probably a stretch but the attempt on his life was international in "scope" and had the worlds attention! No pun intended.....at least at first.

    1. NO, a US president cannot postpone the plan of God & His perfect timing!

    2. Of course Sutton. It would be God pushing back his return but he is using world events and politics that coincide with his plans. It is most likely in my opinion why Trump lost the last election so globalism could advance under Biden because Jesus return for his bride is at hand.

  4. I constantly shake my head in bewilderment at those who think Trump is the antiChrist since the Bible indicates that the AC will come from the Revived Roman Empire and Trump is from New York. Do they really think the AC is pushing 80 years-old? The AC will be a political and military genius and he comes on the scene AFTER the Rapture.

  5. Yes, Gary, Trump picked Vance.

  6. So much here!!
    I don't trust Trump first of all. Remember... He gave us the jab!! Yes, he did some good things but not all.
    Right and Left sides are part of the same coin. I'm not putting my faith in a man but in Jesus the Christ! There is too many people (Christian people who should know better) putting their trust into a man!!
    I personally don't think he is a Christian. The last I heard is he said he doesn't need forgiveness! His home is decorated in golden gods/idols, and once more.....he played his part in giving us the jab!!! (I could list more but isn't that enough?)
    I pray for the man. I hope he is or will become a Christian, but he is not our Savior ... Never will be.
    The assassination attempt was horrible... Even if it was Biden I would hate it!!!! Its a sad, sad, thing I wouldn't wish for anyone!
    Maranatha...Come Lord Jesus, Come!

  7. Mystery Babylon sits on seven mountains or hills. Washington DC sits on seven hills and in fact used to be called Rome.

    The New Apostolic Reformation folks have what they call a "seven mountain mandate." They support Trump and Project 2025.

    Revived Roman Empire: forget geography for a moment and ask yourself - who currently has a global empire of military bases? The USA!!

    Donald means world ruler and a Trump or trumpet is a little horn. Presidents are called leaders of the free world or world rulers!

    "Against globalism and for patriotism"? Trumps and Kushners made millions from foreign nations, friends! Russia helped Trump get elected!

    Israel made coins with Trump and Cyrus on them! Cyrus was called a messiah in Isaiah 45.

    Who else checks all these boxes??

    1. You have a severe case of TDS. “Forget geography for a moment” which broadcasts loud and clear you have zero familiarity with Daniel chapter 7.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. I hope you’re sharing the Gospel with the lost as obsessively as you are pursuing the identity of a man we won’t even be here to see.

    4. I am sharing my thoughts on this precisely BECAUSE I want to help prevent more Christians falling for this deception. Is someone who tells 30 demonstrable lies in a debate a "man of God"? No. Our God is a God of truth. Satan is the father of lies. Why are so many Christians falling away from truth to lies?

    5. That is a good video and I want to make it clear that I concur with his statement - we shouldn't hate Trump or wish harm to him. That is the problem with our political discourse. Trump himself is not the cause of our divisions, though he absolutely is a sower of them.


  9. Quoting BBC, "'I was saved by luck or God,' Trump says".

    Well, which one is it? Luck or God? Last time I checked, God doesn't rely on luck. IMHO, such a statement tells all about one's faith (or lack thereof).

    JESUS 2024.

  10. Thank you to everyone for your thoughts and prayers yesterday, as it was God alone who prevented the unthinkable from happening. We will FEAR NOT, but instead remain resilient in our Faith and Defiant in the face of Wickedness. Our love goes out to the other victims and their families. We pray for the recovery of those who were wounded, and hold in our hearts the memory of the citizen who was so horribly killed. In this moment, it is more important than ever that we stand United, and show our True Character as Americans, remaining Strong and Determined, and not allowing Evil to Win. I truly love our Country, and love you all, and look forward to speaking to our Great Nation this week from Wisconsin. Tweet from DJT

  11. Are more and more Christians starting to wake up to what time it is? A story to consider:

    The Trump campaign changed the Republican platform to stop mentioning a federal right to life:


    This shows that this corrupt shell of a once proud party was only using Christians as long as they could fight for the overturning of Roe v Wade. Once that's accomplished? Hey, Trump now endorses abortion pills. His party broadly endorses assault rifles being accessible by 20 year olds, too. Is this really a "pro life" party, friends? Or is it just like the Democratic party - a vehicle to allow people to ascend to power and please their wealthy donors?

    So far most Christians are sticking with Trump, this article states, given the alternative. Those relative few who make a point of not voting for him will now probably be outweighed by a new influx of apolitical undecided voters who just think Trump's fist raising Iwo Jima-like photo looks "badass".

  12. Article Updated Information/Insight

    Scroll down to a new added section titled: "THE EAR SHOT AND THE STORY OF MALCHUS"

    I personally think that what the world has just witnessed with this ear wound of Trump in the assassination attempt is probably a massive indication sent from on high that the hour is extremely late.


    1. You did a really great job bringing together the prophetic elements of the ear. I've not had the ability yet to do a deep study of it so I'm glad to see that you have! Great job, and I hope that others will take notice and take heart.

      Side note: you might consider this interesting study on Rom. 10:9-10 which is frequently cited in the "C" of many well-intentioned "ABC" proponents of leading someone to salvation. Sharing in case it is spiritually profitable and edifying to you or others. (PDF)

      Salvation in Romans 10:9-13 Clarified by Its Dispensational Context by Thomas Stegall

    2. Hi Hillary. Yes, I do actually wholeheartedly agree with what the author of that PDF is saying. The prayer of salvation is not actually necessary to get saved. It's faith i.e. your complete trust on Christ's accomplished work on the cross alone that saves - plus nothing. I've actually held that realization for a long while now.

      You may have noticed that in the "how to get saved" portions of my articles that I too quote the Romans 10:9-13 passage of calling on the Lord for salvation a.k.a. the sinner's prayer. I wrote that long ago before being totally clear on that passage.

      However, I have left it in there for the simple fact that God seems to approve of people who call on him with a prayer of salvation even though it is not the prayer itself that is saving anyone according to the clear teachings of the Apostles and Jesus. I use the thief on the cross and the tax collector examples. Both verbally called on the Lord for salvation although their faith had already saved them to begin with. But yet, God did not rebuke them in any way, shape or form for doing so. He actually approved of it. I think if anything, it gives the one praying the prayer a sense of comfort in a way.

      As I always like to say, the prayer that is prayed is simply the outward expression of the "already saving faith/trust in Christ" that resides on the inside of the one praying the prayer to begin with ... and God sees the heart. So I totally agree with just the faith part minus the sinners prayer. As you have said on your site, you can pray the prayer if you want, but it is not the prayer itself that is saving anyone. As I also like to think of it, the prayer itself is the symptom of the already saving faith. But not necessary even though God does not frown upon it.

      Love your site by the way. If there was ever a message that desperately needs to be understood today, it is the one you have presented consistently on your site.

  13. Over 20 reasons for a Feast of Trumpets 2024 rapture, including Old Testament prophecies: https://www.trumpets2024rapture.com

  14. Adam, help me to understand your accompanying article, which explicitly says, "Over 20 reasons why the rapture is going to happen on Feast of Trumpets 2024 – October 3, 2024 6:00 am Israel time."

    In Matthew 24:36, Jesus clearly states to his disciples, “But concerning that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father only."

    Agreed, this statement by our Lord may refer to his return in Revelation 19 - and not the rapture - but I also believe that it contains a similar sentiment for either event. We simply don't know. Am I wrong to think that another believer setting the exact event, month, day, and time of the rapture appears to be date-setting?

    1. Dear Tom, I agree with you. There is no point in date setting but we see it almost every year (and they are always wrong). Jesus also said that: "the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect (Mat.24:44b). The best thing we can do it being ready, by watching and praying and keeping our oil vessels full (being full of the Holy Spirit). Setting a date is not helpful and it only leads to disappointments and confusion.

    2. @Tom Hoffman I am setting a date 😃. With God, things are simple. He is not the author of confusion:

      — The 5 Old Testament prophecies explained on the site tell of a 30 AD crucifixion, a 2031 second coming and a 2024 rapture/start of the Tribulation. It’s that simple.
      — The feast days are Christ’s appointments/dealings with mankind. He’s fulfilling His feasts in order. His last appointment was pouring out the Holy Spirit on the first disciples back in 30 AD to start the church age, fulfilling Pentecost. His next appointment with mankind is to come down in the clouds and gather that church to Himself at the rapture. The next feast to be fulfilled is Feast of Trumpets. It’s that simple.
      — In Genesis 1:14, God said that there would be lights in the heavens first and foremost for signs. All the heavenly signs documented on the site confirm the prophets and Christ’s appointments: a Feast of Trumpets 2024 rapture.

      Jesus tells us in Revelation 3:3 that we will know the hour if we watch. 1 Thessalonians 5:4 tells us that the Day will not overtake us as a thief (we will know if we’re in the light - watching).

      The key is to not overthink the prophecies and the appointed times. It’s simple. Have faith! 😃

    3. It'll be 2000 years since the Crucifixion using the Gregorian calendar but using the 360 day prophetic calendar it's already a bit more than 2000 years.

  15. Why so many with their 'hair on fire'? I TRUST in JESUS, and am eagerly anticipating being with HIM. I am voting with my FAITH because I anticipate JESUS CHRIST to become THE ETERNAL KING that we have been promised. U.S. politics is offering us different flavors of ice cream. None appeal to me because I'm lactose intolerant. " Poison is poison, no matter the flavor." I'm going to vote a "write in selection ".

  16. In my opinion Biden has done a terrible job as president and Trump would do a much better job. They both have a track record based on their time in office. I don't agree with Trump on all his issues but I do believe that he has had protection from God Almighty to still be alive and remain in the position of the primary opponent to Joe Biden. Fair or not he has survived 2 impeachments, numerous court battles where they have tried to take away his money, freedom and his good name. Who else could be convicted of 34 felonies and still be considered the front runner to be president. It boggles the mind.

    1. Actually a self loving money loving man of pride is perfect for Sodom Babylon USA president or any other appropriately apostate creature the Lord chooses to install before the world is set on fire in well deserved judgment.

  17. https://x.com/MattWalshBlog/status/1813041088162083170?t=Sntd10HFUiM2FVZDZiC74g&s=19

    A porn star with a mark on her forehead praising Trump at the convention. My purpose in sharing this is not to denigrate the woman but this whole scenario seems significant prophetically

    1. You are obviously unaware of Kamala’s history.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Yeah, so I don't see Trump as the AC. Not chance. He is so hated by the Left that he will never be trusted or embraced as a peacemaker.

    I am skeptical about everything in the news. That includes the details of the shooting. I think that if Trump wins in November, it will be because that is the plan. I have not forgotten how DJT threatened the swamp, while hiring from the swamp. He pushed the experimental treatment, and I know a handful of people permanently injured by that treatment. I will not forget how half the country was considered non essential. I will not forget how he hired a Secretary of Education who failed to identify the threat of activist teachers and communist curricula. He was a puppet who played his part well. And now Biden has been shown to be so incompetent, that the only choice would be Trump. So he takes the reins again, to serve their shared master.

    Look, everything is an illusion. Only God is the truth. DJT is a celebrity who was a lifelong Democrat. He pandered to the Right with his fake spirituality and they fell for it. But he is NOT a conservative. He is a wolf. If we are at the end of this dispensation, it would be mental to believe that we would have a chance at having an authentic representative in government. No, there is work to be done to support the Beast System. That's what is going to happen next. Peace Out.

  19. I watched Brother James Key's YouTube video on the Trump assassination attempt. In this video he points out that some (not all) think Julius Caesar was born on July 13, the date of the shooting. July was named after Julius Caesar.

    Is God telling us something here? Caesar was assassinated for trying to become Rome's first dictator. Many have accused Trump of trying to become America's first dictator. However Caesars death didn't preserve the Roman republic. Rome DID still become a dictatorship amid civil war.

    Was this event signifying not the death of a modern Caesar wannabe - but rather the seeming death and REBIRTH of a leader on his ascent back to power? If Caesars death led to civil war, will Trump's survival save us from civil war for the time being...yet ultimately lead to tyranny? A tyranny premised on the notion that God intervened to save Trump because God loves the USA so much and is using Trump as his chosen vessel to redeem and save us? We will have to wait and see. True salvation and redemption are in Christ alone.

    1. July 13, 2024 was count 42 days toward the Feast of New Wine or what may be known as the third day when the Cana wedding was held. On the Essene calendar, that day would be 3 Av.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. ...that's per the Essene calendar not the Pharisee (Civil) calendar.

  20. Today is also 1 Av per the Essene calendar. The third day of Av is Firstfruits of New Wine and candidate day for the Cana wedding as recorded in the Gospel of John.

  21. Trump and Silence of the Lambs

    Many are reacting with perplexity to Trump's praising of Hannibal Lecter during his speech last night. Is this significant?

    Trump started out by claiming that other countries were loosing their dangerous prisoners on the United States. Hannibal Lecter was a dangerous cannibal prisoner. But then Trump said he was "the late, great Hannibal Lecter". Praising him. The deluded crowd, under the spell of an arch-sociopath, laughed. I think Trump might have been deadly serious.

    Is this God signaling that if Trump is elected there will be a SILENCE OF THE LAMBS? Jesus is the Lamb who was slain. During the Tribulation His followers will be executed and imprisoned. Silenced. We can't know for sure right now but it's something that felt possibly relevant.

    1. Zachary, your obsession is evident. While I agree with you that DJT is a wolf, he is not the AC. It is not DJT who makes policy, it is the puppeteers who are knowingly ushering in the last harrah for their father, the devil.

  22. Dear brethren, so very much is happening but wanted to share some correlations I just saw regarding this STRANGE JULY. If the Rapture does not happen this month, it seems that converging events could begin (or may have already begun) this month that will lead to a possible 2024 Rapture--

    Strange July Leading to a 2024 Rapture?

  23. Lyn please don't tell me you follow Kim Clement? I'm sorry, but he's not a sound resource. He has been wrong many times. My cousin is destabilized by her obsession with Clement, who was propped up by TBN and the likes of Benny Hinn.

    Everyone, why do we follow the dreams of others? I do not understand. For the four years that I have been actively watching, the most annoying portion of this wait is the emphasis on dreams. I have seen so many people led into false assurance by dreams. To me, they are the cheap "prophetic word" of the attention hog.

    I'm sorry to sound bitter, but there is a side of Watching that indulges the whims of those who claim to be prophets and I don't think that is reasonable to entertain.

    1. Very true Momma, I agree.

    2. Momma--No, I do NOT follow Kim Clement. I just happened upon this specific prophecy that correlated with current events.

      It looks like, however, the Kamala Harris prophecies are about to come to pass:

      From Hal Turner

      Vice President Kamala Harris was just rushed onto a plane in Washington, DC, heading directly to Wilmington, DE to see Biden Staff. We could see a transfer of power sooner than anyone thought.

      More if I get it.
      As I wrote in my Strange July article--

      My opinion as to why TPTB picked Kamala is because they know our current President will not be able to carry out his duties for the remainder of his term and America will have a Kamala Harris Presidency as a result. This would, of course, fulfill many prophecies.


      Calls Demanding ‘Proof Of Life’ To Show That Pretend President Joe Biden Isn’t Dead Grow Ever Louder As Democrat Coup For Power Advances SteadilyPublished 2 mins ago on July 22, 2024By Geoffrey Grider

      President Biden has cancelled nine trips that were scheduled for the next two weeks after suddenly dropping out of the 2024 race.

    4. What are the Kamala Harris prophecies? I know the Lisa Simpson one. Here's my tentative read on what *may* be going on. I think TPTB want Harris in office because their true enemy is JD Vance who is representing conservative Christians. TPTB want to turn America against pro life conservative Christianity. BUT... Trump is foreshadowing some sort of Israel peace deal with Netanyahu on Friday 7/26.

      Strong's 726 is harpazo. 7/27 is the 9th of Av. 26/7 could be referring to a 267th Pope? A conservative one who supports JD Vance? Do you think Trump really supports Vance? I don't. Remember Trump is a snake oil salesman of the highest caliber.

    5. Hi Zachary!
      In related prophecies I’ve gathered in PRESIDENT KAMALA & SUDDEN DESTRUCTION and BUCKLE UP! (Part 2) Kamala as President in 2024 & The Fall of America , the Lord is revealing that there is a connection between Kamala Harris becoming President, the destruction of New York City, and an attack from China and/or Russia. In essence, the fall of America.

      But as myriads have been shown, when the missiles come down, we go up!


    Their Feasts, or set times began in the Spring with Passover and finished in the fall with Tabernacles.

    The Jews kept holy, the weekly Sabbath, a time set on the last day of each week, Saturday, and seven other Feasts, during their calendar year.

    On the Sabbath we are claiming the REST of the Sabbath. Christians keep holy the Sabbath by making it a verb. It becomes Sabbathing, or resting in the work that Christ did, because there is nothing that we can do on our own to attain what Christ already attained for us.

    The first of the Spring Feasts, and the most important, was held in the first month of their spiritual year and was called Passover, which was to be celebrated each year, forever, in remembrance of their deliverance out of Egypt.

    On Passover we are claiming the SALVATION of Christ work, but by Faith, not works like the Jews who were required to show their obedience by their performance.

    Then came Unleavened Bread which celebrated their affliction under bondage in Egypt, but celebrated with joy, as it was always to be linked as part of their deliverance, because they had to leave in such haste that they didn’t have time to leaven their bread.

    On Unleavened Bread we are claiming Christ’s victory over CORRUPTION AND EVIL, symbolized by the leaven. Jesus overcame corruption and evil, but not for Himself, but for the sins of others. He is our covering. The Jews said no, so we get it for faith.

    Then the Feast of First fruits which celebrated the promise of the full harvest yet to come. Truly a Feast of promise, and required an offering of an omer of barley flour, made from sheaves of barley from an unattended field, which had never been watered or fertilized.

    On First Fruits we are claiming the promise of the FULL HARVEST YET TO COME, as Jesus fulfills this feast by resurrecting on this day, along with many Saints that arose who were seen by many in Jerusalem, casting a shadow of both the return of Jesus and the resurrection of the saints. This is our promise now!

    Finally, occurring fifty days after First Fruits, the feast of Pentecost is celebrated as the final day of First Fruits. This last day was a time for a new offerings of a loaf of bread, the completed product of the harvest.

    Pentecost becomes the pivotal feast where the shadow cast was of Jesus being offered in Jerusalem to the Jews as their Messiah for the first time by the newly anointed Apostles, Acts 2.

    But having come to His own, His own received Him not, requiring that He come again to them. At this feast, Jesus was offered to them, and on this feast He will continue to be offered to them once again, just as if time had stopped and suddenly began again, in the same place, under the same set of circumstances but with a modern cast.

    Just as the last two witnesses will be christened on that day by the Holy Spirit at the appointed time to continue God's march to the conclusion of His covenant with the Jews and the rest of the house of Israel.

    Then the fall Feasts:
    Trumpets - The Harvest Time/New beginning
    Atonement - The Affliction of their souls, and finally, Tabernacles - A time of thankfulness, gladness and expectancy.

    The Feast of Harvests, Atonement and Tabernacles. These feasts are reserved for His second coming because there would have been no need for them had the Jews accepted the sacrifice at the time.

    Those are the feasts of the Jews, of which only the first four Spring Feasts were fulfilled for the Jews by the coming of the Messiah, and are the ones that became the promises that God makes to the Church.

    Those promises end with the completion of the Churches covenant. The Churches covenant ends at the Rapture, and there is no Jewish feast that celebrates the rapture. So, naturally there is no shadow cast for the Rapture from the feasts.

    But, remember, that the substance casting the shadow is Jesus, and Jesus is the Messiah.

    Grace Through Faith

  25. God reveals the mystery of the Church to Paul, and he teaches that the feast of the Jews are but shadows of things to come for the Church, and the substance that is casting those shadows is Jesus.

    As we examine Paul’s teaching to the Colossians with respect to the inherent meaning in each of the feasts of the Jews that were fulfilled by the coming of the Messiah, we can see clearly down the road that God paved with these words to lead us to the full understanding and truthfulness of the Rapture.

  26. Much of the country is honoring and supporting a woman (Harris) who is refusing to preside over Netanyahu's speech. Our biggest ally in Israel's most dire hour. It's utterly shameful. She is not worthy of our honor or support at this time.

    1. Zachary,
      I am reposting my Reply to you here in case you didn't see it--

      Hi Zachary!
      In related prophecies I’ve gathered in PRESIDENT KAMALA & SUDDEN DESTRUCTION and BUCKLE UP! (Part 2) Kamala as President in 2024 & The Fall of America , the Lord is revealing that there is a connection between Kamala Harris becoming President, the destruction of New York City, and an attack from China and/or Russia. In essence, the fall of America.

      But as myriads have been shown, when the missiles come down, we go up!

    2. Bear in mind the fate of the Whore of Babylon/Babylon The Great -- she is destined to destruction in a day by fire. She is seen riding on the beast, lording herself over it yet destroyed by it. The ten horns of the beast represent global powers, a global economic power that may very likely be BRICS.

      IF America is Babylon the Great then the fall of America is inevitable. BRICS is not a military power, rather, it is an economic block; but China, a nuclear power, and Russia, the preeminent nuclear power (by numbers) in the world are in a position to fill the role of an horned military power of the beast. A system aptly termed as a multi-polar global power by Ty Green. Props to you Ty!

      We are seeing the foundations laid for the beast system. The little horn has yet to show itself but its spirit is rising.

      There is but ONE KING and He is coming back soon. ACCEPT NO SUBSTITUTES.

      JESUS 2024

  27. FUN FACT

    Monday, July 22, 2024 was the hottest day ever recorded on Earth breaking the previous record set the day before. Sunday, July 21, 2024, was the previous record setting hottest day ever recorded on Earth with an average global temperature of 62.7 degrees Fahrenheit.

    In other words, on the day that marks the Feast of Firstfruits of New Wine on the Essene/Zakok calendar, the day that may very well have been the occasion of the Cana Wedding, the third day of Av, the average global temperature on Earth was the inverse of the Strong's Concordance entry for harpazo or Strong's (G726).


    The next feast day is Feast of Firstfruits of New Oil on Sunday, September 8, 2024 followed by Yom Teruah 10 days later. All according to the Essene/Zadok calendar.

    I see some interesting Scriptural connections emerging here. These are interesting days we're living in!



    1. I may have found a connection between (Matthew 25), (Revelation 2-3), (Revelation 6) and my calendar studies that point to a high watch day this Fall. It's too much to write as my time is limited but I may be able to do a video. Prayers are welcomed in that area!


    2. Video of rapture in 2 Kings 2 is eye opener https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sdPuWgkcpkw&t=4208s

  28. For anyone who thinks the guy who "prophesied" the Trump shooting is anything but a false prophet, Mike Winger just posted a video about him showing he's a bad and deluded man. I don't think I can post a link since it's YouTube, but you can do a search for "Mike Winger The New and Dangerous False Prophet". It's a good video to share with anyone getting decieved by that trash. (This isn't a comment on the truth of real moves of the Holy Spirit, just that this guy very much isn't it).

    1. Agreed, and there are many like that!

  29. Daniel 8:3 Ram and Goat vision.

    The importance of this prophecy is that it lets us locate where the little horn comes from. Where Antichrist will come from when he appears. Focusing on just two kingdoms, what had been called the breast and sides, the bear and leopard, now becomes a ram and goat; Medo-Persia being the ram.

    The stone kingdom comes during the time of the ten member confederacy, as the kingdom of the saints forever comes after the rule of the three and a half years reign, once again the little horn that grows out of the horn on the head of the goat, which is none other, except in different symbol, than the same horn, that little horn which rules until Christ sets up his final kingdom.
    In the little horn in the beast imagery of Daniel, that comes up out of the ten member confederacy, and rules three and a half years, you have Antichrist. In the next prophecy, the little horn, that comes up in the midst of the 4 horns on the head of the goat is the same person - Antichrist.

    Therefore, when is Antichrist going to come on the scene? He will appear on the scene, when there is a ten member confederacy formed, that is preparation for the stone kingdoms ascendancy in the end of time in the last days.

    That local war, where the little horn uproots three, is placed by the ram and the goat prophecy, in the territory of the Seleucid portion of Alexander’s kingdom.

    The center of the conflict that causes Antichrist to come to power is in the territory of that one horn of the four horns that replaced Alexander the Great, the Seleucid territory - Western Iran, Iraq, Southern Turkey, Syria, Lebanon
    and Jordan - out of that territory, that's the Seleucid kingdom. That's the horn, that later, in Daniel 11, will conquer and prevail over the Ptolemy’s. The little horn must come out of the territory of the Seleucid King.

    Grace through Faith

  30. The mystery of the Woman, and of the Beast that carrieth her,”

    Scripture is amazingly clear about this, Revelation 17:7-8

    Revelation 17:9-14, paraphrasing The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth. And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space. And the beast that was, - the Prince over Grecia - the one that ruled the Leopard Kingdom - and is not, - having been defeated by Rome - even he is the eighth, and is of the seven - what's the seventh? - the Moslem Empire/Hashemite Kingdom - and goeth into perdition. And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; - in John's day - but receive power as kings one hour with the beast. They have one mind and shall give their power and strength unto the beast. These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them; for he is Lord of Lords, and King of Kings, and those that are with him are called, and chosen and faithful.

    The beast is also that kingdom. As Babylon symbolizes the message of the false prophet and as Babylon symbolizes the false Church, and Babylon is a locateable city that is the seat of the false church, likewise the beast is the symbol of the person Antichrist, is the symbol of the Kingdom of the person Antichrist and is thirdly the symbol in this case, of the Prince of Evil released from the Abyss where he has been bound, to once again take possession of an earthly ruler and rule through him.

    Grace through Faith

  31. Who is up for some much-needed encouragement?
    I know I needed it, and so I was very heartened when these insights came to me--

    THE SIGN OF THE CROWN—Last Celestial Sign Before the Rapture?

  32. Shocking facts during the opening ceremony of the Summer Olympics in France:

    * At https://cvandaag-nl.translate.goog/102261-openingsceremonie-olympische-spelen-ontsierd-door-met-jezus-spottende-dragshow?_x_tr_sl=nl&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=nl&_x_tr_pto=wapp&_x_tr_hist=true "Olympic Games opening ceremony marred by drag show mocking Jesus";
    * At https://www.nowtheendbegins.com/emmanuel-macron-2024-paris-olympic-games-pale-horse-revelation-6-death-hell/ "As Emmanuel Macron Bellowed “I declare the Games of the XXXIII Olympiad open!”, The Pale Horse From Revelation 6 Rode In Like Death And Hell".

    It is now the 33rd Summer Olympics and the number 33 is an important number in the world of Freemasonry and other occult movements.

  33. At https://www.timesofisrael.com/turkeys-erdogan-appears-to-issue-open-threat-to-invade-israel-over-war-in-gaza/ "Turkey’s Erdogan appears to issue open threat to invade Israel over war in Gaza".

    Ezekiel 38 and 39 going into fulfillment.

  34. Kamala Harris vs Donald Trump

    Kamala is currently 59 and will turn 60 on 10/20 which is 12 if you drop the zeros. What does "60, 12" potentially signify? When the minute hand on a clock goes from 59 to 60 (12:00) it signifies "time's up". "60, 12" is also 6+6+6 and Nineveh fell in 612 BC.

    Kamala means LOTUS, not POTUS. Devi means goddess but Harris' name is 6+4+6 letters. 6 the number for man, 46 the number of human chromosomes in a cell. Kamala is human not a goddess. Harris means "home ruler" whereas Donald means "world ruler". Women traditionally have ruled the home.

    Trump and the Grover Cleveland connection

    Grover Cleveland was the previous president with non-consecutive terms. '47 was the UN partition plan where the land was cleaved (cleaved land) between two states. Trump would be "47" if he wins. Trump birthday is 7+7/6. 4/7 and 7+7/6 mean Independence Day which would be an irony because Trump is basically promising to be a king.

    Trump matches up with biblical descriptions of the Antichrist. That much is currently undeniable to me at least. I'm not seeing how Harris beats Trump. Hillary tried to galvanize women against him already and lost. One prophecy that we are seeing play out right now is that the AC pays no regard to the God or gods beloved by women but honors a god of fortresses (warlike). We are seeing women all over the country rise up in scorn for Trump because of his bawdy machismo and violent hateful warlike rhetoric. The Antichrist is not beloved. He is FEARED. Rev 13 says "who can make war on the beast"? Brother Paul's YT channel Antichrist 45 goes into more detail. Trump's birthday is 6/14. Proverbs 6:14 condemns someone who plans to commit sin. The verse says, "He always plots evil with perversity in his heart; he stirs up trouble".

    However... however. Nothing I wrote above is set in stone. Trump may only be *an* Antichrist not *the* Antichrist. It's entirely possible that Trump loses and that KH becomes president and that it is she who will persecute imprison and execute American Christians. We will be hated by all nations for Jesus' sake. That means the deception will be profound. She is a prosecutor after all. Is she Daughter of Babylon with purple and pearls (Lisa Simpson and Rev 17?). I have to say I still don't see it at all. Currently my bet is on Trump being president again. But I very much might be wrong.

    Jesus is at the right hand of the Father. Let's keep our focus on him and spreading the gospel in these last days. He is the way, the truth and the life. He is our bread from heaven. John 14:6 (birthday of Donald John Trump). We owe our loyalty faith and adherence to Him who is in heaven, not to any earthly political ruler or candidate. Both KH and DJT are profound deceptions whom most Americans are idolizing as the Bible describes idolatry. This world must be judged with fire as the NT Epistles state. When they say peace and safety sudden destruction comes and they will not escape.

    1. Sorry but this reeks of TDS. What if God intends to use DJT for His purposes and His glory? I say put your focus where it belongs and DJT is not where it belongs. As the old song says so beautifully: Turn your eyes upon Jesus, Look full in His wonderful face. And the things of earth will grow strangely dim, In the light of His glory and grace. Respectfully, Norm

    2. Honestly, Zachary, you are the person most obsessed with Trump on this site. Please, there's no one on here thinking he's the answer to the world's problems. Granted, you are also the only one who thinks he's the anti-christ. If you look, you'll find lots of people who tout the same kinds of "reasons" why King Charles absolutely IS the anti-Christ. Or Marcon. Or, as one poster above already did, the leader of Jordan. Personally, I think the Bible makes it clear whoever the real anti-christ is, it won't be anyone in any major power positions until after the Rapture, so I frankly don't care who people name, I dismiss them all. Now. If you argue any of the above are part of the ten-kingdom system that'll be in place before our evil "little horn" shows up, then I might actually bother listening.



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