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BREAKING: Deadliest Cyber Attack in World History, Full-Scale War in Lebanon Authorized

The dust is still settling, but today has ended up being a substantial inflection point toward a regional war in the Middle East.

Yesterday, Israel’s War Cabinet apparently authorized a full-scale war with Hezbollah with the end goal being the return of the roughly 130,000 displaced Israelis to the north.

Then today, in what is probably the deadliest cyber attack in world history, some 4,000 high-ranking Hezbollah soldiers and officers were injured, possibly hundreds killed, when their pagers exploded. They were laced with several grams of explosive according to several reports; other reports indicated their batteries were simultaneously triggered to explode.

Warning: extremely graphic video below:

Now this:

Reports are flooding in that Iranian proxies and paramilitary forces may join the fray.

Today is also a harvest moon, a supermoon, and a partial lunar eclipse—what TIME magazine has coined the “Harvest-Blood-Supermoon.” The next time such a lineup will occur is 2033. Today is also seven days inclusive to the United Nations’ Summit of the Future and the seven-year anniversary of the Revelation 12 Sign.

Meanwhile, a severe G4 geomagnetic storm began striking earth last night with continuation today after a massive and quite rare X4.54 solar flare erupted from the sun. This comes just about seven years after a similar eruption in September 2017.

Stay tuned.

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  1. Over 20 reasons for a Feast of Trumpets 2024 rapture, including 5 Old Testament prophecies and 3 bonus witnesses: https://www.trumpets2024rapture.com

  2. It's also worth noting that today is Tekufa Tishrei on the Essene / DSS Calendar so Yom Teruah (Feast of Trumpets) begins in a few hours. Stick a fork in me, I'm done with this place, here's hoping that this is the big year.

  3. Reported 9/12 in Navy Times: "The Pentagon’s rare move to keep two Navy aircraft carriers in the Middle East over the past several weeks has now finished, and the Theodore Roosevelt is heading home, according to U.S. officials." Time is short!

  4. ...AND...for those who keep track, TONIGHT begins the FEAST OF TRUMPETS on the Essene/Zadok calendar. The calendar of the Order of Melchizedek. The twinkling of an eye (sunrise) in Jerusalem is at 6:25 AM (IDT) and will see the sun rising in the east and eclipsed moon, dipped in blood, on the western horizon. That's 11:25 PM (Eastern) for the United States.

    Could this be it?

    I've been asking myself that for months. Whether it is or isn't the time, we are closer than ever before. War in Ukraine threatens to expand. War in the Middle East threatens to expand. Wars and rumors of war.

    Jesus is coming back.

    It's not a matter of "if"; it's a matter of "when!"

    Keep watching, waiting, working and witnessing so that you are found hard at work when the Master returns to His vineyard.

    Keep the Faith!


  5. Looks like 2nd wave of attack is underway in Lebanon; reports of Hezbollah communication devices exploding in homes & cars,
    says; initial reports of casualties.

  6. Reports from Lebanon: two-way radios explode at multiple locations in Beirut & elsewhere, including at Hezbollah funerals. via

  7. The personal radios that were booby-trapped in advance by Israeli intelligence services and then delivered to Hezbollah were part of the militia's emergency communications system which was supposed to be used during a war with Israel, the sources said
    Barak Ravid
    BREAKING: Israel blew up thousands of personal radios (Walkie-Talkies) which were used by Hezbollah members in Lebanon in a second wave of its intelligence operation which started on Tuesday with the explosions of Hezbollah pager devices, per two sources with knowledge

  8. No Feast of Trumpets Rapture of the Church (Body of Christ).

    Because the Jews rejected Jesus as the Messiah, God reveals the
    mystery of the Church to Paul, and he teaches that the feast of the Jews
    are but shadows of things to come for the Church, and the substance that
    is casting those shadows is Jesus. Colossians 2:16-17.

    Their Feasts, or set times began in the Spring with Passover and finished in the fall with Tabernacles.

    The Spring Feasts:
    Unleavened Bread
    First fruits

    The fall Feasts:

    Those are the feasts of the Jews, of which only the first four Spring
    Feasts were fulfilled for the Jews by the coming of the Messiah, and are
    the ones that became the promises that God makes to the Church.

    Now the shadows of the feast lead us only to Pentecost. There are three
    fall feasts yet remaining to be fulfilled by Jesus. The Feast of Harvests,
    Atonement and Tabernacles. These feasts are reserved for His second
    coming because there would have been no need for them had the Jews
    accepted the sacrifice at the time.

    But, because they rejected, the direction of the fulfilled feasts was
    turned into promises of God to the Church. Those promises end with
    the completion of the Churches covenant. The Churches covenant ends
    at the Rapture, and there is no Jewish feast that celebrates the rapture.
    So, naturally there is no shadow cast for the Rapture from the feasts.

    But the one casting the shadows is Christ the Messiah.
    The only sign of the Messiah given was the sign of the prophet Jonah.

  9. They are the feasts of Yahweh. All of them. The whole Plan is there.

  10. Also on this day. . .


    Just as Permanent Observer for the State of Palestine Riyad Mansour promised, today a significant step was taken towards the implementation of the Two-State Solution--the key trigger to set in motion the dominoes leading to the Rapture of the Revelation 12 Man Child!

    Pink Dreams and Dominoes

    1. Speaking of the Revelation 12 man child, did anyone see the CME (Coronal Mass Ejection) from the Sun on the 10th of this month? Take a look at it and tell me what you see (Link Below).


      Do you see what I see?

    2. Great catch, Corey!!!

      "Tellingly, video footage of a massive CME release from the sun from the SOHO LASKO C3 took on the distinct appearance of an unborn child in the womb of a woman"

      (Corey provides a screen shot in his above article.)

    3. Looks like God may have just put to rest the controversy over the validity of the Revelation 12 sign. He did it in grand fashion it would seem.

    4. Since the United Nations started it's meeting that will reportedly discuss a Palestinian state in Israel yesterday on the 17th (7 days after the CME baby blast from the sun), Israel's attack against Hezbollah officials and their pager communications network began on the same day obviously.

      And today, the attack continued for the second day in a row according to reports. Looks like we're fixin' to leave here in short order.

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.


  11. 1 Thessalonians 5:3 can not come about until the trouble makers are out of the way.
    I don't think Israel is going to stop until there is an agreement that includes what they want, "Peace, safety, and a Temple"


    Sunset on Thursday, September 26, 2024 in Jerusalem is set for 6:30 PM (IDT) with the length of the day being 12h 00m 10s or basically 12 hours. Sunrise the following morning, in Jerusalem, on September 27, 2024, is at 6:30 AM. Friday, September 27, 2024 is Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) on the Essene/Zadok calendar.

    September 27th is not a significant (appointed) date on the civil Hebrew calendar but it's the most Holy day on the calendar of the Order of Melchizedek. Friday the 27th is just any other day as far as they're concerned. My interest in these dates this month surrounds the suggested arrival of the two witnesses according to (Psalm 90) and the model I have been working with these past few years. That model suggests an October 3, 2024 or Rosh Hashanna/Yom Teruah (New Year/Feast of Trumpets) arrival in Jerusalem. If we're all still here come then I will know that the model is not representative to Scripture and it will be back to the Book of books with more questions.

    Continuing to watch, wait, work and witness.

    Grace and peace to you!




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