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EVENT 9/23/2024: Pact for the Future

Revelation 12 Sign Anniversary

The Agenda for the Summit of the Future

September 20–21 — Action Days

September 22–23 — Summit

    Hebrews 10:25b says “as ye see the day approaching”; which day, might you ask? Maybe 7 years after the Revelation 12 Sign? A day that we should be watching for? We are coming up on the 7-year anniversary of The Great Sign. 

    On this anniversary they will be holding a meeting in New York about the Pact for the Future. For those of you that do not know what the Pact For the Future is... It is a way to achieve the agenda 2030 goals. The document is located here and currently on revision #3. They said some interesting things about the Pact; I recommend you read through it in detail. Also, here is an article titled “We Need 7 Years of Accelerated, Transformative Action to Achieve SDGs” from 2023 (the article can be found here). Here are some of the highlights from Rev.3 and the article:

  • Article quote “Giving up on the SDGs or extending the deadline to meet them is not an option.”

  • Rev.3p10, quote “leaving no-one behind, is and always will be a central objective.”

  • Rev.3p12, quote “To live up to our foundational promise to protect succeeding generations from the scourge of war, we must abide...With challenges and risks to international peace and security taking on more dangerous forms, in traditional and new domains, our efforts must keep pace.” 

    As per Torah Calendar, the Summit for the Future to talk about the Pact for the Future will happen during most of Sukkot. Chabad added a pregnant month and moved everything out a month. Israel will not be observing FoT or Sukkot this month. 

    Things to take note of during this timeframe:

  • This is a famous time when Jesus spoke about them pouring out the water in John 7:37–8:59 on 7th day of Sukkot. 

  • It is also very plausible that the transfiguration took place during Sukkot, see Luke 9:28–36. And take a closer look at Luke 9:33 And it came to pass, as they departed from him, Peter said unto Jesus, Master, it is good for us to be here: and let us make three tabernacles; one for thee, and one for Moses, and one for Elias: not knowing what he said.

  • New Wine began on 8/5 or the 3rd of Av, 50 days later will be New Oil, and that is on 9/24 or the 7th and final day of Sukkot.

We know the future and it will a one world government that is formed. Revelation 13:1–2 and Daniel 7:19–23.

    Lets consider the Bible’s use of the #7 to act as an interval of warning, before judgement, one might therefore be compelled to consider how a great sign portraying the rapture, could have been a 7-year warning sign leading up to the start of Daniel’s 70th week.

  • Load the Ark: Flood warning (7 days) Genesis 7:4

  • Blow the Trumpets; Jericho March (7 days) Joshua 6:4–5

  • Gather the Crops: Pharaoh Dream (7 years) Joshua 41:29–30

  • Jesus stood and cried saying if any man thirst let him come to me and drink (7th day) John 7:37

Could we be looking at another 7-year warning?

    I would highly recommend reading what chabad.org says about Sukkot day 7 called The Taste of Water. Notice in the article they explain what is done on the last day. Notice how they poured out not only the water, but also the wine and blew the trumpet... Since Sukkot is the last of the fall feasts, technically speaking, wouldn’t that make the trumpet of Sukkot the last trumpet of the year and thereby perhaps a qualifier of the “last trump”?

52 In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. 53 For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal [must] put on immortality. (1 Corinthians 15:52–53, KJV)

    To finished up, there is only one condition that will allow you to be changed and put on incorruption. It is to believe the good news, that Jesus died for all your sins, was buried and 3 days later rose again to give you resurrection life. 

1 Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; 2 By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. 3 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; 4 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures. (1 Corinthians 15:1–4, KJV)

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  1. You state: "New Wine began on 8/5 or the 3rd of Av, 50 days later will be New Oil, and that is on 9/24 or the 7th and final day of Sukkot."
    However. on 10/7/23 HAMAS attacked Israel which is deemed Sukkot in the month of Tishri. That date is highly significant for the attack. So by your calculations we assume the attack did NOT happen on Sukkot? Even on the Essene calendar Sukkot is Tishri 15 to 21 and New oil is Elul 22 or Sept. 24 as you state correctly. Tabernacles needs to follow Atonement which is on Tishri 10 after Trumpets Tishri 1. Changing the order of these moads is a bridge too far.
    The Star of Jacob will appear Sept. 27, 2024 and may have a connection to the time of Jacob's trouble.

    1. Ya, it’s funny how the calendars this year are not in agreement.

    2. No. You have the moadim out of order!

    3. Why are you talking about 2023? I am talking about 2024 :)

    4. Over 20 reasons for a Feast of Trumpets 2024 rapture, including 5 Old Testament prophecies and 3 bonus witnesses: https://www.trumpets2024rapture.com

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Any one looking at the SPACE X - Space walk happening today - September 11/12?? See the possible connections. The space wall will be FIRST for a CIVILIAN. One of the walker is named JARED ISAACMAN ( JARED means DESCENDING) . The event is 7 Years from the SEPT 23, 2017 REVELATION 12 sign. The SPACE SHIP is CALLED DRAGON. I have not counted the days properly but it will be 2547 days from those dates. Im trying to see if 2520 days will be somewhere relevant. I believe there was an issue some days before the launch. Anyways, take a look at it.

    1. Let me add that as ISAACMAN is exiting to make his spacewalk, he is like a 'child' being born and exiting the birth canal.

  4. Could someone skilled with stellarian please tell me when the moon is under the feet of virgo? We had settled on the earliest possible date, but hope that there's still a viable option for Messiah's coming on Trumpets yet on the table. Though I do know to be expectant in any case.

    1. The Sun will clothe the woman, Virgo, with the moon at her feet, in conjunction with Venus, on October 5.

    2. Happens next moon, around October 2nd

    3. Thanks so much for that. We have appreciated a lady in Israel who has monitored the crops all of the growing season making note of the first-fruits of each. But the heavenly sign is dependable and not subject to weather or location or subjectivity. I’ve been trying to find some meaning in this. If it were a parable, we could say that everyday earthy life provides lessons. If or when we can apply spiritual principles to those instructive moments, then wisdom can be activated. Terrestrial and celestial can be married and that’s surely what we’re here for.

  5. Erdogan of Turkey is about to make an alliance of 10 islamic nation states against Israel. I believe it is gonna happen this fall. And so the last 7 years will begin. The religious political and economic system of the antichrist is Islam the last and the greatest of the babylonic religions.

    The Tim Lahaye "Left Behind" Amero and Euro centric version of biblical prophecy is wrong.

    The religious political and economic system that has their temple standing where Gods temple once stood in defiance of Him is the system that is about to plunge the world into war and caos.

    Islam wants to behead the Christians and the Jews

    Islam Wants to erdicate Israel.

    Islam Wants to set up a Islamic rule from Jerusalem.

    Islam Wears the name of their God on their forehead (look at islamic fighters they wear bandanas with writing in arabic that are a declaration that they belong to Allah. You all have already seen variations of the mark being worn by these men)

    Islam Has a religious city in the desert by the sea (Mecca) That makes the kings of the earth drunk with her wine (the oil of saudi arabia)

    Islam Expects to receive a political leader (Mahdi Erdogan) along side a spiritual leader (Issa) who they believe will be the Islamic Prophet Jesus returned to serve and fight along side the Mahdi. Mahdi = antichrist Issa (Islamic prophet Jesus) = the false prophet

    Islam Geographically matches all the nations that Jesus is said to come back and fight against at his second coming.

    Islam Declares that God has no Son. It is written in arabic on the walls of the Dome of the rock in open defiance of God.

    Islam has 1.6 billion followers that are commanded in the time of the mahdi to kill or convert all mankind in the last great Jihad with the promise that they will achieve that and usher in an islamic world wide rule. That Jihad is about to happen. And it will finally make sense why the antichristian leaders of Europe have flooded their countries with Islamic young men. When they go crazy It is gonna be a blood bath there.

    Brothers in Christ it is so obvious but you have to let go of Amerocentism in prophecy to see it.

    As messed up as Globalism is It is not Globalism.
    As messed up as Agenda 2030 is. It is not agenda 2030.
    The west is not the system of the antichrist
    The west to our credit remains the last friend of Israel as all other nations turn their back on her.
    The last foe of Israel and the last and greatest of the babylonic religions that God Himself comes back to fight against is Islam.

    It is Islam PERIOD full stop.

    1. Bob

      Agreed There are many who get biblical prophecy is wrong!

      First comes the Peace.

      That maybe true, but Erdogan is no "peace maker".
      Actually He stands to be uprooted now.

      This is your "Peace Maker"

      His Majesty King Abdullah II is the 43rd generation direct descendant of the Prophet Mohammad. King Abdullah II assumed his constitutional powers as Monarch of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan on February 7th, 1999, the day his father, the late King Hussein, passed away.

      "Since his accession to the throne, King Abdullah II has continued his late father's commitment to creating a strong and positive moderating role for Jordan within the Arab World, and has worked towards the establishment of a just and lasting comprehensive solution to the Arab- Israeli conflict."

      In November 2001, Abdullah II outlined an Arab peace plan based upon his "two basket approach," which involves a collective Arab guarantee of Israel's security as well as Israel's economic integration into the region, coupled with the creation of a Palestinian state.

      He initiated this peace plan between the Jews and their enemies in the Arab world through his authority in the Islamic faith as the 43rd direct descendant of Muhammad, founder of the Islamic faith placing himself in a position to fulfill the role of "he" referred to in Daniel 9:27: "he shall confirm the covenant with many…"

      Because of these qualifications, King Abdullah II is the prime candidate for Peacemaker.

      As of November 2001 he has received the backing of the United States, the European Union, the United Nations, Russia, Egypt and Jordan to accomplish this peace.

      Ten Arab Nations
      There are ten Arab Nations that influence the decision to enforce Israel's security:
      1. Egypt
      2. United Arab Emirates
      3. Oman
      4. Qatar
      5. Saudi Arabia
      6. Bahrain
      7. Kuwait
      8. Syria
      9. Libya

      Presently, the King has secured seven of their signatures on his peace covenant, with three abstentions: Syria, Libya, & Iraq.

      That was then, now fast forward to today.

      The King is still hosting and being hosted by all concerned nations on Earth and the message is still the same.

      Confirming and making the "covenant with many" stronger!"

    2. The agreement with the many is not a peace treaty with israel at least the bible in no way speaks to that level of specificity regard the issue. What the bible actually says is there will be a covenant of unspecified nature with an unspecified group of people referred to as "the many" for a specific unit of time of 7 years. A peace treaty with Israel is nowhere specified in that prophecy so it is up to speculation. My speculation is that that covenant with the many is a military alliance against israel comprising 10 islamic nation states. Time will tell.

      Erdogan has stated this past week that that is his intention to form that alliance against israel. So it is in the works.

      The reference to "Through peace he shall destroy many" which can also be translated as "and in their security shall he destroy many" In Daniel 8 is a reference to antiochus Epiphanes and should not be attributed to the antichrist.

      The 1st seal of revelation that gets the whole thing going reveals that the rider on the white horse the antichrist goes forth CONQUERING and to CONQUER. He immediately brings war right out of the gate not peace. We are spiraling towards war not peace.

      Thank you for your engaging reply.

      We are up against it time wise so time will tell soon enough.

    3. Bob, that is an interesting interpretation. I tend to place the Ezekiel 38 Gog/Magog events right at the beginning of the Trib, so think the whole "dwelling in safety" *might* be due to a "covenant with many", but I hold this very loosely, and the safety might be illusionary.

      Lately I've been wondering if the treaty might be something imposed on Israel (like from the UN) rather than something they voluntarily sign up for. Hard to say!

  6. The dwelling in safety does not stop there but Ezekiel also refers to the land of unwalled villages. The USA has the longest unprotected borders of any country in the world with millions of migrants pouring into the country while the entire drug cartel infested hemisphere is destabilized under the influence of Russia, China, and Iran.

  7. To Bob and others

    In the prophecy about the ten horns (Daniel 7), we saw that three of the ten horns were uprooted before the little horn that grew up among them. The "Little Horn", being the subject of the prophecy, has three kings uprooted in order to make room for him and his covenant, Daniel 9:27.

    That could mean that three of the kings are against him and his plan and, thus, would need to be removed, or uprooted.

    The aligning of the loose confederacy is the sign of the edge of the end of time. But, we find more detail in this current prophecy that reveals the identity of the Little Horn, as he is the one given authority to confirm a covenant with many.

    As Daniel 9:27 states, this little horn character from the prophecy confirms the covenant with many for one week. So we know that he has to be of authority because it is he that does the confirming. And we see that "in the midst of the week" half way through, three and a half years after the covenant is confirmed, for some reason, he causes them to stop sacrificing.

    And I think I know why! Part speculation and part deductive reasoning.

    Since the Jews of today are not presently sacrificing, there must be a provision in the covenant that allows the Jews to restart their practice of sacrifice. Since the authority to restart Temple worship is confirmed by the Little Horn, his authority must extend over Temple Mount, which
    also holds holy shrines of the Moslems. Therefore, he must be a Moslem King with the authority over the Moslem holy shrines on Temple Mount. This privilege belongs to the descendants of Muhammad, the Prophet of Allah, the founder of Islam, and the first Hashemite King.

    In the New Testament the Apostle Paul confirms this to the New Covenant Church in his first letter to the Thessalonians 5:3. He reveals to them that they should watch for their reward in the time "When the Jews and Gentiles are saying peace and safety." That's when sudden destruction will fall upon "Them." Not as some might think but "as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape."

    So from this prophecy of Daniel Chapter 9, we learn that the people (Moslems) of the prince (ruler) that shall come, will destroy the sanctuary. "He" (the ruler that shall come) will confirm a covenant with the Jews for seven years. That agreement will provide for the Jews to resume the practice of sacrifice at the Temple. Three and half years later, the practice comes to a halt when the sanctuary is destroyed by the Moslem people.

    As we link the clues together we can see that "He" (the ruler that shall come) must be the Little Horn ruler from the earlier visions as he is the one who brings the determined desolation "even unto the consummation.´

  8. Further more.

    In God's overall plan, His Messiah would come to fulfill the Jewish law and bring salvation to mankind during the Roman rule over Israel.

    However, by the time the Messiah came on the scene, the traditions of men had made void the Word of God in the ears of the chosen people. The Jewish lawmakers did not accept the death of Jesus as the atonement and full-price-paid in fulfillment of the law.

    The sacrifice of Jesus would have been in vain, but God had a mystery hidden in His mind - The New Covenant.

    Instead of ending during that time of the fourth beast to arise on the earth (Rome), God revealed the back up plan; It was written into the earlier prophecy where the feet follow the legs and the toes grow from the feet: "And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom that shall never be destroyed." (Daniel 2:44)

    Literally, the time of the end got moved ahead in time. It did not end after Messiah was cut off. The 70th week of Daniel's prophecy did not immediately follow the 69th , so the end time was not yet.

    We are living in the gap in time between the 69th (of years) and the final seven years. During this "gap" time history has recorded the rise and fall of the Moslem Empire, and the emergence of a number of strong and weak kingdoms which are the residue of that Empire which is left living on the land which was once ruled by Rome in its day. We yet await the arrival of the Stone Kingdom and the events that lead from today until then.



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