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BREAKING: The Fall of Damascus Is Imminent!

BREAKING NEWS: Various, predominantly Sunni rebels from the north and south, after a lightning advance over the past several weeks, are now entering Damascus. The Syrian Armed Forces (SAF) have ordered the evacuation of the General Staff Headquarters and Air Force Command Center in the capital of Damascus, as enemy forces enter the city from the south. The last big fight is happening right now in Damascus, Syria.

This is nothing less than a seismic geopolitical earthquake that will change the face of the Middle East—and perhaps the world—forever. The Assad dynasty has ruled Syria with an iron fist for 54 years, and that rule is apparently nearing its end. Russian and Iranian forces, strategically tied to the Assad regime, are fleeing as I type this. The very last Russian warships from their vital warm-water naval base in Tartus have just departed. What comes in the aftermath is anyone’s guess, but a Kurdish state under the SDF in the east, a Sunni Islamist state in the west, an Alawite enclave in the northwest, and a Turkish occupation in the north will be the likely outcome, at least in the immediate future.

What prophecy hawks will be closely monitoring is Israel’s involvement and how this might tie in with the looming fulfillment of Isaiah 17:1. Notably, Israel has stated that a limited invasion of Southern Syria and the establishment of a buffer zone is in the cards.


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  1. Thank you Gary, Amen! Maranatha!

  2. It's hard to get accurate information on this and some sources are saying the opposite, that Damascus is safe.

    Bear in mind that Assad in general has been very tolerant of Christians living in Syria so seeing him deposed might end up putting many in danger. Also, Isaiah 17 is about Damascus's annihilation, not it falling to rebels.

    1. I'm not seeing stories saying the opposite and I prefer to stay positive and believe this could mean us going home soon!
      No wet blankets 😁

    2. Numerous sources reporting that there are rebels in the streets of Damascus; Assad's inner circle gone; SAF forces have virtually collapsed across the country. We shall see.

      For clarification: I'm not reporting the fulfillment of Isaiah 17:1 here. This is merely a major event, focused on Damascus, that might bring that prophecy into play somehow. Keep looking up!

  3. Thought I better check to see if Gary had posted anything new and VOILA! THANK YOU, GARY! I will be adding the link to this article in my latest which I also just posted:


  4. Presidential palace in Damascus being stormed: https://x.com/MOSSADil/status/1865570527311438326

  5. It's over. Damascus has fallen. https://x.com/sentdefender/status/1865577511158960470

    1. https://youtu.be/7DAqOQmf794?si=WReM4QnaAFF3IxJU

      This is so interesting. Now they are heading towards Israel. Next thing we can expect is definitely Isaiah 17:1. I share your articles published here time to time with all my friends and family in India. Thank you Gary.!

  6. Hello Gary and Unsealed Family,
    I had shared this Article with the Revelation 12 Sign Daily Blog about the Fall of Syria and Assad. It is based on Bible Codes, if one is into that. So, just sharing how, in this case, these Tables featured in the Article turned out to be correct. Incredible Times. The Prophecy Needle is moving.

    Luis B. Vega

    #1133: FALL OF SYRIA
    Assad’s Fate and the Isaiah 17 Prophecy in Bible Codes

    1. Very interesting! Thank you for sharing this possible confirmation.


    I might have called this a pin-point but I would consider this a preliminary finding rather than a finding. The fall of Damascus early this morning is 300 days to the suggested beginning of the 70th week according to my latest calendar study. That date is also one-year after the Yom Teruah annular solar eclipse of this year, and shadow of the annunciation of Isaac? Maybe. The same eclipse fell on the beginning of Sukkot according to the Essene calendar. That solar eclipse is also the last one before the fall feasts of next year. (A total lunar eclipse will occur over Jerusalem on firstfruits of new oil per the Essene/Zadok calendar this year -- just before the fall feasts of 2025).

    October 2/3, 2025 spans Sukkot VII and the Great Day on the Essene calendar and Yom Kippur on the civil calendar. Both days are marked by the blowing of the shofar or a "last trump" if to give nods to the KJV. There appears a potential fit for Daniel's 2300 days as well as 1290 days and the 2550 days of the 70th week. (I am still working on the fine tuning of this calendar thus I consider it preliminary but worth sharing).

    This new study puts weight on the Essene calendar over the Pharisee (Civil) calendar for the simple reason that the Order of Melchizedek would follow the Essene/Zadok date for Yom Kippur over the Pharisee/Civil reckoning of that day. Essene records suggest that the Pharisees suffered a high loss rate of priests during Yom Kippur due attempting to enter the Holy of Holies at the wrong time -- thus I'm weighting studies on the Essene calendar and looking for days that the civil calendar intersects in such a way to "confirm" if not fulfill prophecy.

    What's interesting about 300 days? 300 is a number that is tied to military conquest. Look no further than the 300 men under Gideon to see that in action. Our ultimate victory is in Christ alone, through whom we will be ushered into the Wedding Feast of the Lamb, the Celebration of celebrations of eternal Victory to come!

    Three-hundred is also the value of the letter "shin" ("ש") -- the letter found on the outer casing of many a Mezuzah (including mine!)

    Keep your lamps trimmed and well oiled!!!


    1. Thanks for that PR!
      The SHIN is THEE LETTER of all letters it seems. In Prophecy of the Shin/Trident and Our Transformation I wrote how the letter shin is the first letter of the word שַׁדַי (shadai) which is one of the names of G-d. I also share an article which explains how the Hebrew letter shin is associated with Israel and especially the City of Jerusalem—the apple of God’s eye.

      That article offers a prophetic vision and word from the Lord that the Shin (which resembles a Trident) will be the Final Sign before the Rapture and that, “Three kingdoms are about to fall. When you see these three kingdoms fall, know that I am even at the door.”

      Kingdom #1 Syria
      Kingdom #2 Ukraine?
      Kingdom #3 ????

    2. You're welcome, Lynn! I try to be cautious posting early data like this as it's not my intention to get hopes up. I do hope to provide information that may help those who are conducting their own studies through information sharing.

      Looking to the Olivet Discourse, I think we may be to the point where the last sign to fall is the harpazo itself. There is good reason to believe that the pandemic was the final fulfillment of (Luke 21:25-26) with the Revelation 12 Sign fulfilling the first part of that prophecy. All that is left may very well be,

      27 And then they will see the
      Son of Man coming in a cloud
      with power and great glory.

      RED LETTERS (Luke 21:27 ESV)

      I believe that to be the case. All signs of His coming have been fulfilled and we are now waiting on the sixth seal to be broken and the Day of the Lord to begin. We are at the cusp of the fullness of the gentiles. The wise virgins will be soon ushered into the wedding feast. Soon we will hear the trumpet call announcing the arrival of the Bridegroom.

      The bright morning star is coming and coming soon.

    3. ...but, if to "fill-in the blank" to your question? Kingdom #3 to fall may well be the sitting regime in Iran. If so, it will be by the hand of G-D with little doubt that the IDF will be the tool in His hand.

      The dragon is clearly making itself known. Will global conflict be the assault we're looking for that attempts to devour the (Revelation 12) man-child? I believe so. Even so,

      28 "Now when these things begin
      to take place, straighten up and
      raise your heads, because your
      redemption is drawing near."

      RED LETTERS (Luke 21:28 ESV)

  8. I saw an interesting comment online about the offensive led by HTS in Syria. Their "Special Military Operation" took just a couple of days. That of Russia is over 33 months and counting!

    Could new sanctions be far off for Iran? Is the clock running out for the regime to respond tit-for-tat to Israel? What will the New Year bring for BRICS membership? Will we see seven and ten plus ten, meaning seven heads, ten horns and ten crowns? Trump has threatened 100% tariffs on countries that try to throw off the USD. IMHO, that is in line with a major way in which the woman dressed in scarlet lords power over the beast she rides in Revelation. If so, how long until the nuclear power(s) of BRICS attempts to throw off the US from its back?

    She will be destroyed by fire in a day, meanwhile,

    52 in a moment, in the twinkling
    of an eye, at the last trump: for
    the trumpet shall sound, and the
    dead shall be raised incorruptible,
    and we shall be changed.

    (1 Corinthians 15:52 KJV)

    May we all be found hard at work, watching, witnessing and waiting for the arrival of our Saviour Messiah!

    Come, Lord Jesus, come!!

    1. Trump is an accelerant, by God's design. Gasoline to the world. That's why I don't see his presidency as a reprieve. And tariffs are silent bullets in a world with an overly connected and crashing financial system. Things are about to get prophetically C R A Z Y.

      I don't need to know how. I just need to know who.

      But I will say that I just read another article about the April 2029 flyby of Apophis, and I do believe that it will hit the earth. This particular article was speaking to the gravitational forces that will tear at it while it's already close enough to be seen with the naked eye AND within our satellite envelope. Maybe they'll shoot at it with nukes, and that's what will poison everything. I don't know. (I hope I'm watching it from above.) But it's only 4 years and 5 months away. And that's not long when you consider that Apophis would most likely fulfill the beginning trumpet judgments of the tribulation's SECOND half.

      So, hypothetically, and roughly speaking, Trump could be a bitter pill for the global forces to swallow in the first months of 2025, pushing everyone to the edge . . . then we see a Rapture and "peace and safety" confirmation to start the Tribulation's clock . . . and then October 13th, 2025, would be the 3.5 year mark until the trumpet judgments . . . and less than 1 month later, the Azovmena prophecy could see the world into a November 11th, 2025 hot-war that starts the first-half tribulation seals. Meanwhile, Israel's flight to the wilderness might fulfill the "flying away" in 2028, just in the last year or so before the 80-year Fig Tree prophecy ends in 2030-ish, or thereabouts.

      I'm simultaneously exasperated from all the goings-on AND running out of things to worry about! LOL


    2. It's interesting you should mention Apophis as it will arrive exactly at the mid-point of my current calendar. On the day! The exact middle of the 84 weeks of the 70th week. That will be another point of study. In the meantime, I am digging more and more on the casting down to the earth of Satan by Michael and his forces as it relates to (Revelation 12).

    3. Errr, that's 84 months not 84 weeks...

  9. See! The CRAZY is already starting! Lol.

    Makes you wonder if there's more than one reason why the AC is heading to Jerusalem at the midpoint. And if there's another reason why the Jews are flying away to safety in the ancient wilderness fortresses of the past.

    Thanks, PR

    1. Forgot to add that it's the Year of the Snake. A good year for the AC to come back in the flesh.

      But for something light-hearted and uplifting, check this out . . .


      Our God is so far ahead of us.


  10. Just contributing to the Discussion.
    But in one’s Research the Asteroid Apophis is not what is being described in Revelation. And not that there are actually 2 in-bound ones attributed. 1 strikes the Land, the other strikes the Ocean. See Article below for further study and Chart of illustration.


    One has also surmised a Tribulation Timeline, based on a Fall 2025 to Fall 2032 Time-Frame. It is based on the Assertion that the Crucifixion was in 32 AD. This would corroborate a Birth-Date of September 11, -3 BC for Jesus. But one’s Rationale is that the Covenant with the Many is made with the Reconstituted Sanhedrin, the 70 Elders, etc. And True to Form and Biblical Pattern, one rationalizes that the AntiChrist will dedicate the 3rd Temple, the Ratification of the Mosaic Covenant, which is the Covenant and will inaugurate the Daily Sacrifices.

    This occurred as Solomon dedicated the Temple and then Zerubbabel, etc. It is a Working Theory. But if so, then it is predicated on the Sabbaths of those Corresponding Dates. In the case of the Fall of 2025, it would be the Sabbath after Simchat Torah. October 18, 2025. Then if one adds the 1260 Day 1st Segment of the 7-Year Tribulation Period, then one arrives at March 31/April 1, 2029, which is Passover. Then the 2nd Segment of the 1260 Day Count will arrive at the Sabbath of Return, September 11, 3032. This Date would then be exactly 2000 Years from 32 AD, the ‘2 Days’ in the 7-Day Creation Typology. See Articles and Charts within for illustration of the Timeline.

    #1070. Tribulation Period - Timelines

    #722. Tribulation - 2025-2032?

    As one who was one of the original Researchers into the Revelation 12 Sign Phenomena, one contends that the Sign is yet to be fully realized or fulfilled. The Sign is not done just yet as it will coincide with its 2029 resurgence, once again in Virgo. And it too will have its Jupiter Retrograde in the ‘Womb’ Area. This is based on the 12-Year Jupiter Cycle. One is suggesting that it is when and where the Mid-Point of the 7-Year Tribulation Period will be, that ‘Intermission’. It is what one calls the Revelation 12 War.

    #723. Revelation 12 - Tribulation Timeline

    #762. Revelation 12 Sign - Tribulation Start?

    #1069. Revelation 12 Sign - U.N. Pact

    In terms of Biblical Prophecy, one would not argue that the World is seeing an Acceleration to World Event, it would seem. As per the ‘Snowball’ rolling down the Hill Metaphor, the Snowball has more Momentum as it traverses ground. Such is the case with Biblical Prophecy now as the Birth Pangs in that the Dilations are occurring more Frequent and more Intensely. The Birthing is the Glorious Sons of the King that will be ‘Born’ or Raptured out of the Body, the Earth, etc.

    May 2025 be the Year.
    Luis B. Vega

    1. Hi Luis!

      Yes, Apophis is a right-field entry to this which I didn't expect. Tom Horn might say, "I told you so!" This is an aspect of the model that will require study. Study I haven't applied as of yet.

      My approach to the 70th week is based on building a physical model of the seven sealed scroll opened by Jesus. Once opened, the front face of the scroll is available to be viewed. The mid-point of the 70th week completes the first side of the scroll and the second side begins the bowl judgments. Silence in heaven begins once the scroll is opened and ends just before the mid-point (about half of the scroll thus being about half an hour).

      Does Apophis have anything to do with Bible prophecy? I don't know. Did I expect to find it at the mid-point of the 2550 days of Yom Kippur, 2025 and Yom Kippur, 2032? No.

      I still have a lot of work to do on this model thus all of this is preliminary but promising.

      The most striking (Essene) day I have found in 2025 is Firstfruits of New Oil. It falls on a total lunar eclipse over Jerusalem with delta beginning at 9:11 PM (IDT). The eclipse will run from 6:50 PM to 11:55 PM. Just in time for the trumpet to announce the midnight arrival of the Bridegroom? (Thinking of the wise virgins here!)

      We shall see...


  11. PR, Your paragraph up there about the Essene calendar caught my eye. I've been reluctant to 'go
    there' for several reasons; however, someone pointed out the same day that John the Baptist was raised by the Essenes from a very young age. If true, that would be very telling. We are looking for one (or more) coming in the spirit of Elijah as he did for that generation. Another interesting convergence is that ones that the whole world is identifying as rebels call themselves freedom fighters.
    Jeremy, you sound almost giddy. That's got to be a good thing. I really appreciate what you have to say across the board..

    1. I was reluctant to go there as well, but further studies established that Jesus is King, Priest and Prophet forever in the Order of Melchizedek. John the Baptist was Essene and the head of what was then known as the School of the Prophets. Jesus fulfilled the Essene prophecies and finally that the Essenes, the Sons of Light, performed Temple service for Yom Kippur with no appreciable loss of men verses the Pharisees who went through a lot of priests. It appears that the Pharisees changed the dates of the appointed feasts by changing the calendar. This led me to ask how that may affect the timetable of the coming of our Lord? If for Yom Kippur, then by which calendar system?

      It "may" be possible that Jesus rose on firstfruits for BOTH calendars in 32 AD. I had originally favoured 33 AD for the year of the cross -- and it still could be, but I am more convinced that 3 BC was the year of His birth. Using that as a base, it leads you to a 32 AD year of the cross. That jives both by modeling and by records offered by Ken and Donita Johnson.

      It all starts making sense when you model Gregorian/Julian calendars in parallel with Essene/Pharisee calendars as I do. Overlapping dates for appointed feasts start happening in ways that they both offer fulfillment. Ultimately, the High Priest should only enter the Holy of Holies on the "right" day. Jesus may have been raised from the dead on the third day according to the Pharisees (which is fine), but He will certainly enter the Holy of Holies on His Glorious Second Coming on the right day. If to choose between the calendar of the "Sons of Darkness" (Pharisees) or the "Sons of Light" (Essenes) -- I'm using the Essene calendar to determine the 70th week and not the Pharisee calendar as I have before.

    2. It looks like i have some homework!

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. https://youtu.be/7DAqOQmf794?si=WReM4QnaAFF3IxJU

    This is so interesting. Now they are heading towards Israel. Next thing we can expect is definitely Isaiah 17:1. I share your articles published here with all my friends and family in India. Thank you Gary.!


    Israel has just started bombing in and around Syria. We are so close to our departure. Hallelujah 🙌

    1. If so, who are they? Which faction?

      Syria is a who's who of factions with many smaller ones aligned with the largest of the Islamist factions Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS). None of them have the capability to go up against the IDF. No nation in the region can stand up against the IDF at this point. None will until the mid-point of the 70th week when the dragon comes against the woman (Jerusalem/Israel) and she flees into the wilderness for 3-1/2 years.

      If any of them are saying they are marching on Jerusalem? All the best to them as we all know how that will turn out.

  15. Looks like Gary was spot on in his assessment of Turkey occupying northern Syria. Israel, right now, is bombing the Hades out of research centers, scientific labs, etc. Israeli tanks are invading Syria and advancing on Damascus. The latest update below informs us that a large Turkish military column has now entered northeastern Syria.


    1. But, also should emphasize that this is not the fulfillment of Isaiah 17 just yet in my opinion. The prophecy indicates that Damascus will be decimated "in one night" and cease being a city ...

      “The nations shall rush like the rushing of many waters: but God shall rebuke them, and they shall flee far off, and shall be chased as the chaff of the mountains before the wind, and like a rolling thing before the whirlwind. And behold at eveningtide trouble; and before the morning he is not. This is the portion of them that spoil us, and the lot of them that rob us” (Isaiah 17:13-14).

      The Isaiah prophecy suggests that trouble will begin in the night/evening hours, but "before the morning he is not” would suggest a sudden and complete destruction in a 24 hour period - an overnight massive destruction. There is only one known modern type of weapon that could possibly destroy a city in one night – nuclear weapons or a similar secret project weapon that we do not yet know about. This is indicated by the previous verse “they shall flee far off, and shall be chased as the chaff of the mountains before the wind, and like a rolling thing before the whirlwind.” This sounds like the description of a possible nuclear weapon or something similar in a modern military arsenal.

      Could this be the beginning stages of that? Thus, the rapture right around the corner beforehand. We shall see.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.


    Here's a convenient directory of the major and minor factions fighting in Syria today courtesy of Al Jazeera,

    Who are Hayat Tahrir al-Sham and the Syrian groups that took Aleppo?

    1. How many of those alphabet groups wouldn't have ever existed without Western meddling and, dare I say, greed?


    2. Cy, I posted this long "thank you" last night that went off the rails a bit too much, and I just had to delete it this morning. What I meant to say was . . . thank your for your kind words. I am giddy! And I am trying to be useful, because I am thankful and hopeful for the faith and support that we get each day . . . from the Lord and from each other.

      I believe we're very close to the finish line, and we'll never have to be this close to Hell again.

      Thank you, Jesus!


    3. "How many of those alphabet groups wouldn't have ever existed without Western meddling and, dare I say, greed?"

      The US is there to protect the oil fields from ISIS. The SNA is a proxy force of Turkey to keep check on the Kurds (SNA) which were installed after Turkey invaded Syria a few years ago. The Kurds (SDF) are supported by the US which are considered terrorists by the Turks. Russia came in on the side of Assad (SAA) and pulled in support from Iran and Hezbollah. NATO member is pitted against NATO member with Turkey playing both sides between Russia and the US at home as well as suggesting that an Islamist alliance would be good against Israel. All the while Russia was poking US forces in the region. Now Israel and the US are conducting strikes to try to clean up the mess of arms left behind...and all of that fails to mention the enmity between the Sunni (Saudi) and Shia (Iran) of Syria.

      This is a mess of Biblical proportions. A house divided cannot stand,

      "Every kingdom divided against itself
      is laid waste, and no city or house
      divided against itself will stand."

      RED LETTERS (Matthew 12:25 ESV)

      A lesson for us all as the west is not immune to this disease. Division. Not even the Church. It's the product of sin and the work of the enemy. Jesus gives us constant reminder of this through the Gospel of John,

      22 "The glory that you have given me
      I have given to them, that they may be
      one even as we are one,

      23 I in them and you in me, that they
      may become perfectly one, so that the
      world may know that you sent me and
      love them even as you loved me."

      RED LETTERS (John 17:22-23 ESV)

      This is the high calling we are faced with. There is but one kingdom and One King who is forever King, Priest and Prophet in the Order of Melchizedek. In the end He will divide and conquer -- left-to-right, the sheep from the goats and establish His Kingdom on earth. Until then, it is to the wise virgins to tend their lamps and be prepared for the Day. May we all be counted worthy to stand by how we keep the faith; unified in Christ for His Name's sake in love.

      All earthly kingdoms but One will fall.

      Come, Lord Jesus, come.

  18. Perhaps today! Maranatha!

  19. I'm putting forth the motion to start our own alphabet group.

    The ENDERS.

    Evangelicals Not Dying and Expecting Rapture and Salvation.

    And we already have a leader and a purpose that we can agree upon. We just need a secret handshake or something. Or bandanas that say "God is Great." Oh, wait. Never mind. That one is taken. How about Khaki uniforms to represent the dusty earth we're leaving behind?!

    Oh, nevermind.


    1. YEP, he's giddy. When a sensible person gets happy, I know something's up. Up, Abba!

  20. Luis, I read a lot of your stuff, and I respect that you're allowing room for the Apophis scenario, even if it's not your first love.

    This is where I think the majority of folks go wrong with prophecy games . . . the most accurate predictors follow a pretty basic rule from the start. They insist that we eliminate ONLY those probabilities which are either impossible or exceptionally unlikely. We should NOT eliminate the unfamiliar or the unexpected! As a matter of fact, in aviation, you learn quickly that it's your primary responsibility to prepare contingencies for exactly that. Anything and everything is possible until it CAN'T be. And I have to believe that many folks are discounting Apophis as an early 2nd or 3rd trumpet judgment because of the smaller surface details but, nevertheless, they are details easily overcome.

    Note that I'm not saying that anything is certain. I wouldn't know that. Just like a legal team or jury can never PROVE that someone committed a crime. They can only mount a case against someone that is built on a preponderance of the evidence. And getting into that whole Plato/Aristotle argument is not worth our time. Suffice it to say that PROOF of anything is an impossibility when you have more than one person involved. (And we're starting to see that, now, with fake news and AI trust issues, because we no longer have a society interested in the truth at all.)

    And how does this relate to Apophis?

    As I said above, is it not possible that the space "watchers" narrow down the trajectory in a year or two, and force forward a plan to fire nuclear ICBM's at it? It's a dumb plan, for sure, but that makes it more likely nowadays. So, it's not impossible or unimaginable. Is that the source of the poisoning? Who knows?

    Is it not possible, as a recent article suggested, that the asteroid is exposed to gravitational forces capable of breaking it in two, and almost simultaneously causing two trumpet judgments?

    Is it not possible that after a failed preemptive nuclear strike, debris goes into reentry and is even responsible for the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd trumpets, raining hail and all that?

    Notice that the Bible does not talk, necessarily, about the death tolls based merely on impact events. It's not just all inertia and craters, but poisoning and so forth. What are these rocks made of, or exposed to? What kind of potential exists here? We cannot know.

    (continued below)

    1. The timing of this is unmistakable in my lowly opinion. Maybe they should have called it Agenda 2029. And it's only somewhat funny that Apophis swings by on Friday the 13th! The fact that he's classically depicted as a serpent-god?! That's not likely happenstance. Again, my opinion. Was it coincidence that the Covid Lie had connections to serpent venom? (Don't worry. I won't go there this time.)

      My point is that Apophis has no other seeming competition for this role in the play. And I absolutely do believe in the Nibiru/missing planet model. There's too much solid astronomical evidence for it in the models and work of those CalTech guys. But I think anyone claiming that it's currently on our doorstep is veering eccentric. That's not at all what the models show.

      Nibiru, or whatever you want to call it, is predicted to be smaller than Jupiter, but with more mass.
      And it most likely won't be physically striking us, ever. The "real" astronomy behind it, as far as we've been told, shows that it's at least decades away from physically coming back into the solar system, if not longer. And there's a lot more going on in those specific trumpet judgments that we've been discussing than strong and disruptive gravitational forces. I tend to think we have too many sensationalists out there regarding this unusual topic.

      Of course, it's not impossible or extremely unlikely that I'm being lied to, either. Especially by NASA and the US Government. So, again, I say that I don't know anything for certain, and none of this conjecture is Gospel, but I know where I'd put my money if I was a betting man, which I am not.

      Apophis will play a part, and I have very little doubt about that. Perhaps "they" know more than they're saying, and it's the real reason that we see all of the world powers building underground bunkers and cities. Perhaps that's the real reason we see so many countries fighting over access to resources and commodities.

      Perhaps, Apophis has been affecting us for years now.


    2. I should add this, I think. Perhaps, Apophis is the real reason that they've spent years working toward the total control of entire societies, and the production/consumption necessary to guide their idea of the future. Perhaps, Apophis IS their Great Reset.

      Or not. Prophecy would be ZERO fun if we had all of the answers.

      And, for a Christian, it should have no bearing on our tomorrows, other than to spur on the Gospel.

      Now, back to your regularly-scheduled broadcast coverage of the Turkish proxy takeover of Syria, and all of the upcoming sadness that comes with that. Or doesn't. Or whatever.


    3. RE: Apophis Probability
      PART 1/2

      Hello Jeremy and Pastor Rich,
      Jeremy, one cannot argue with all you said. Yes, anything is possible. 1 small Earthquake at the right Time and Place on a Faultline could agitate the entire Tectonic Plate. The Apophis Asteroid, despite its ‘small’ size, could perhaps do just that in how its Content Metal Makeup could be enough to contaminate the entire 1/3 of a Planet. We are aware of the ‘Little Levin’ Law, in that it just takes 1 or 2 Drops, needed to work through the whole Dow to make Bread, etc.

      As to the possible Nibiru or Nemesis 2nd Sun? It is conjectured to be a Giant Red Dwarf. Or in other words, a ‘Flying Magnet’ having a Comet Tail of Debris along with it. Realize that its nearness can just be the Proximity, enough to agitate the Planets or Asteroid Belts, to fling 1 of Greater size Asteroid, the size of a ‘Mountain’. The Magnetic Field of this Binary System could just be enough, due to its Perturbations, that its Effects could or would or will precede its Visual Identification.

      One is not dismissing or discounting the possible Effects of Apophis. It does have some very Striking Occult Inferences, for sure. But if it turns out to be that Apophis will affect 1/3 of the entire Globe? Perhaps, but realize that there have been other Asteroids of similar size ranges that have come in-between the Moon and the Earth before. But No Problem. I do tend to be called a ‘Joy Kill’ when it comes to ‘Sensational’ Claims as you mentioned. One such Topic was the Revelation 12 Sign itself.

      As to the Reset. Apophis, if it does strike the Earth and on the Friday 13, then it would very well play into the Agenda. From what one has read, the Date may have changed. But consider that Asteroids, or rather Meteorites crash into Earth all the Time and will. One’s only Point was and is to compare and contrast the scope that the Outcome has to be, based on the descriptions of the Revelation Cataclysms, etc. And that for an Asteroid the size of Apophis, that would be a ‘Stretch’, but as clearly stated by you, it may not be, until it is.

      Now according to Klaus Schwab, the Reset is a Multi-Layer of Sets. It will involve a Restructuring of ‘Everything’, but primarily, he and his Cronies are coming at it from an Economic Framework, foremost. One is more convinced that the Reset is or will be contingent on Biometrics, mRNA Identification, Block-Chain Tech, etc. The COVID Plandemic was Round 1. Round 2 is coming next. But for all of the World, in general to buy-into it, will be primarily done, as they did with Round 1, through an induced Fear, a Psychosis and Government Mandated Control of Society. Problem-Reaction-Solution.


    4. PART 2/2
      As Students of the End Times, one just supposes that the Rapture Event will be a major, if not the major Event that will light the Fuse, as they say to justify the excuse for needing to have a Worldwide Reset. Economically, realize that the U.S. Dollar is no longer backed by the Saudi Petro. However, note that the Mark will come at the Halfway Point of the Tribulation. Of course, it is based on the Pre-Tribulation Rapture Scenario and the Tribulation Period is 7 Years.

      Now, what is occurring in Syria is a very important Pivotal Point. It is ‘Stage Setting’ for the Isaiah 17 Event that one is also convinced has not fully been fulfilled in History. And then the Gog-Magog Players are already there to come next in the Outer-Ring Invasion of Israel. Will this be the ‘Sudden Destruction’? One can say and admit that in recent memory, going into 2025 will be the most Promising Year of the Blessed Hope, in comparison to prior Years.

      One senses the ‘Conclusion’ of the Part 1’s that had occurred in the past and seems un-accomplished or unfinished. For example, you have the Return of Netanyahu to the Government in Israel, now Trump. You have the Return of ISIS, its iterations in Syria now. It is like the Cliché, ‘Déjà Vu all over again’. Well, at least in this Israel-Centric Point of View and Prophecy. May 2025 be the Departure, the ‘Apostasia’ or Bust. May the Conclusion of the Church Age coincide with these Converges. Lu


    5. Thanks for the response, Luis.

      Just so we're clear . . . I appreciate your take on it, and I can admit that I'm not discounting or dismissing the effects that Nibiru/Nemesis/X might have on God's plan. I have invested some time on this in the past, and there are too many unknown variables to say anything with certainty.

      The last that I heard, it was proposed that this returning body was a Brown Dwarf Star, which is very compact, highly gravitational, and glows a deeper red color. And I emphasize, again, that I don't entirely trust anything that we're being told, other than this basic tenet . . . it is there, and it is coming back. What it brings with it, I would not know.

      I imagine that the gravitational influences are already in play, with the Saturn activity and racing North pole that we have, here, on earth. The entire solar system is in flux, but we shall see about the rest in due time.

      Thanks for talking about it!


  21. At https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EtG_3Ozv_Vo "LIVE: NATO Secretary General Mark Rutte speaks at 'To Prevent War, NATO Must Dial Up its Defenses… "

    See also https://www.nato.int/cps/en/natohq/opinions_231348.htm "“To Prevent War, NATO Must Spend More”".

    Spending more on defense can be at the expense of other government spending like education, health care, pensions and social security.

  22. RE: 2nd Sun Theory

    As to the Concrete Existence of Planet X/Nibiru or the ‘Black Star’, one has to admit that it is all based on Circumstantial Evidence. However, there have been Judicial Cases where Defendants have been found Guilty and sentenced to Prison on mere Circumstantial Evidence. What is very telling is that, for example, many Ancient Civilizations have an Account of this Destroyer of Worlds. It cannot be dismissed as mere Myth, in one’s Estimation.

    Amazingly, the Enūma Eliš, which was found in the Ancient Library of Nineveh, exactly depicts the Solar System, the Planets and alludes to this 2nd Sun that periodically causes Cosmic Catastrophes, etc. One has compiled a slew of such Evidence that makes a Case for it. You and others are welcome do download the PDF Version of the Book about it.

    The Return of the Death Star Destroyer

    One’s Theory is also based on how one theorizes that the Day of the Crucifixion was an occasion based on its Flyby, near enough to cast the Shadow of the Sun on Earth for those 3 Hours. Thus, one is more convinced that the Prophecy of Joel 2:31 alludes to this Event. It is not just Jewish Poetry or Descriptive Rhetoric, in one’s Interpretation, it is Literal and Astronomic.

    ‘The Sun shall be turned to Darkness, and the Moon to Blood, before the Great and Awesome Day of the LORD comes’.

    One’s Interpretation is that this was actually an Astronomical Occurrence within the same 12 Hour Period. Meaning that from Noon to 3pm, the duration that Jesus was on the Cross, all-inclusive since 9am, is when the Solar Eclipse occurred. And then, near Midnight, exactly 12 Hours later, the Lunar Eclipse or Blood Moon occurred in Libra, the Ancient Altar of Sacrifice Motif, etc.

    This is also why one is more convinced of how the Astronomical Alignments of that Day and September 11, -3 BC appear to ‘Line-Up’ with the Timeline of Jesus’ Life and Ministry. This suggests then a 32 AD Year for the Crucifixion. That is also another Circumstantial Evidence Argument, made and all are welcome to see one’s Rationale and Evidence for that in the following Book as well.

    Why the Crucifixion was in 32 AD


  23. RE: Planet-X
    Circumstantial Evidence

    I had posted a Reply as well, and it had gone through, but then ‘disappeared’ from the Comment Section, soon after. One suspects the Google Censor Bots did not like some Words or Phrases said. So, here is the Reply from one’s Google Drive to access it, if so desired.



  24. NASA....really?

    Has go to be the most untrustworth angency ever.
    They receive millions of dollars just for the propaganda education of the public along with Hollywood.

    What do you do total power and control? You maintain it through fear and intimadation.
    They Lie, Cheat, Steel, and Murder to achieve there objective. There ends justifies the means.

    Kinda like what the Pirate says, "Dead men tell no tales".

  25. Replies
    1. Hi Lyn..I continue to pray for God to thwart the enemy's plans and confuse them.
      I hope that the attack on people taking weight loss drugs is untrue as my husband is diabetic and is on one for that and I myself have lost weight on one. But, I continue to trust God and be unafraid. His plan is perfect.

    2. Amen, Nan, to being unafraid. And THANK YOU for your prayers for they avail much💖


    No matter how hard the enemy presses in. No matter how much it tries to steal, kill and destroy hope and faith. No matter how bleak this Christmas Season appears in the headlines and our various feeds...


  27. Here's some deep reading for you to consider during your Christmas vacation time, Beloved of the Lord. It is regarding the Seals of Revelation and includes excerpts from one of Unsealed’s writers, Stephanie Dawn:

    The Rapture and The Seals of Revelation

    1. Lyn, I posted this on your website, but thought I'd post here too so others could weigh-in with their thoughts in reference to my ponderings.

      Fascinating ideas, Lyn. I can see why one (I think Pastor Rich and Todd Adkins, believe we are in the seals also) would think so. It is so hard to put aside presuppositions/preconceptions, teachings, we have all had for so many years. But we MUST in order to search out the truth. We may still end up with the same conclusions, but we must be open to "correction." I think of the popular interpretation of Is. 17:1-2, that it is unfilled, that so many hold to. Yet, JD Farag recently changed his mind on that, and apparently there are others who also think those verses were fulfilled in 732 BC (Wiersbe, Andy Woods, Walvrood, eg.). I watched Andy Woods' video on that today. He makes a very good case for the destruction of Damascus having already occurred. So, with the seals. If we put aside our preconceived ideas, and teachings, and really just read the text, especially in light of what we see happening in the world today, it sure seems as if we could be there. I found your statement, "There are extensive grammatical arguments regarding the tense of this verse, but it is my understanding that the first five Seals reflect the evil agenda of Satan, the Great Red Dragon, working through corrupt people and is not yet the wrath of the Lamb or God" intriguing. We aren't told these first 5 seals are the Wrath. If we believe the entire 70th week of Daniel is the Wrath, with the last 3.5 years being THE WRATH, then the early seals seem to be the "introduction/transition." It is actually the 6th seal wherein we are told the wrath of the Lamb is come. The 5th seal martyrs are typically said to be Trib martyrs, but the Bible doesn't say that specifically. After all, saints have been martyred for the past 2000+ years. Could these be they? Not to mention they are mentioned BEFORE the wrath of seal 6. At any rate, whether in the seals, or knee deep in their onslaught, we sure seem to be close to going home. Thank you dear sister, for diligently sharing, studying, warning. May God richly bless you!

  28. I scanned the article which was worth looking at, but in my heart and understanding from God we still do not see the seals opening. Just a foreshadowing. Certainly I could be wrong but it's what I receive in my heart from speaking with and listening to God.
    I am not great with words and explanations like everyone else here. Just simply me. 😁 Whatever happens I know God has me in the palm of His hand...always..and will not let me go.

  29. Thanks, Judi/Hmewrdbd and Nan! Either way we are so very close to going Home--I cannot wait!

    1. Exactly Lyn! I cannot wait either!! ❤️

    2. You're absolutely right, Nan. Your name is inscribed in the hand of our Lord. Jesus will never let you go.


  30. The study of the seals has been a journey for me. Moving from the classical interpretation to where I am today and believing that the first five seals are now opened. Yes, that's a departure from the general consensus of this space but it is where prayer and study have led me.

    I hope to have some new data available for you all to consider soon. 2025 has some interesting dates that present themselves in my calendar model.

    Blessings this holiday season and beyond!




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