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The Key of David, a Darkened Sun, and a Blood-Red Moon

The Key of David, a Darkened Sun, and a Blood-Red Moon

The key of David unlocks the door of our departure and unseals a long-hidden mystery. Tune in for a detailed theological discussion about t...
The Beatitudes of Revelation

The Beatitudes of Revelation

The Beatitudes of Revelation After He was baptized by John in the Jordan River and returned from 40 days of fasting and being tempted by...
No More Delay

No More Delay

In Part II of our recent discussion, Jeff demonstrates from Scripture that Christ will not tarry. As Hebrews 10:37 says, literally: “[In] a...
Shifting Sands

Shifting Sands

My, what a difference a year makes. Scarcely a year ago, Iran was the up-and-coming bully of the Middle East, flexing its military muscl...
The Great Mysteries Unsealed: Consistency in Symbolism

The Great Mysteries Unsealed: Consistency in Symbolism

In this video, Jeff and I address a comment that was raised in our last video regarding Mystery Babylon. We also dive into prophetic symbol...
The Burden of Damascus

The Burden of Damascus

Syria has been front and center in the news these days, as the government of Bashar al-Assad has fallen to Islamist rebels while the power...


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