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The Great Mysteries Unsealed: Consistency in Symbolism

In this video, Jeff and I address a comment that was raised in our last video regarding Mystery Babylon. We also dive into prophetic symbolism, discuss the importance of consistency in interpretation, and argue that explicit teachings from Scripture always supersede patterns.

When this hermeneutic is applied, the details of prophecy and Revelation coalesce in an elegant and easy-to-understand way that provides great hope for the believer and unity of belief among interpreters.


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  1. These things that define a culture, such as art, music, literature, morality are being handed over willingly to an artificial intelligence, seemingly leaving behind Authoritative Intelligence. It’s understandable, as our world has gotten so ugly and A.I. offers such transcendent beauty and skill—a feeling that all is well or could be. To me it feels like the last stages of life succumbing to the coma leading to death.

    1. Well said, as usual, CY.
      As you are probably aware, the Stargate project recently announced by the Trump administration would add to America's security as the leading global power forcing the BRICS nations to retaliate against the United States as pointed out by Tyler at Generation2434 YTC in Might America's Rise Trigger It's Demise?

      In my comment below I mention more about Tyler's video which is linked within my latest article if you're interested😊

  2. On the subject of Babylon. . .

    One of my favorite shares in the article I just posted is from Tyler at Generation2434 YTC who says in his video he believes Revelation 18:4 is the Rapture!

    And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. - Revelation 18:4 KJV

    This possibly comports with a Damascus and America duo-destruction scenario at the time of the Rapture. It depends on if there are 3 separate identities associated with the daughter of Babylon, Mystery Babylon, and Babylon the Great.

    2025 Head-spinning Signs of Our Exodus


    Although I don't agree with all of your conclusions it is so important to unpack and understand the bigger picture in an integrated sense. This is the same way that I have approached my studies over the years. Thank you for taking time to get together and make videos like this. I hope recent changes in my schedule will allow me to do the same.




    I have long thought that the beast that rises out of the earth could be, and likely is, AI. Most recently I was reminded of (Revelation 19:20) where the beast and false prophet are cast into the lake of fire,

    20 And the beast was captured,
    and with it the false prophet who
    in its presence had done the
    signs by which he deceived those
    who had received the mark of the
    beast and those who worshiped
    its image. These two were thrown
    alive into the lake of fire that burns
    with sulfur.

    This presents a problem for AI, or AGI, being the false prophet. The beast and the false prophet are both thrown "alive into the lake". The beast (AC) is certainly a living human male but if the beast that rises out of the earth/land is AI/AGI it is not a living thing. Or is it?

    Strict AI in today's terms is not a living thing. Knowing that Scripture is literal truth, we know that the beast that rises from the earth is a living thing and therefore not AI as we know it today. It is a living thing too as both the beast and false prophet are alive when cast into the fiery lake.

    May this point to a future state of AI? A future manifestation not unlike what Neualink is touted to hopefully do someday? Meld man and machine into one? If so, what a terrifying thought. Trans-humanism at its core.




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