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The Key of David, a Darkened Sun, and a Blood-Red Moon

The key of David unlocks the door of our departure and unseals a long-hidden mystery. Tune in for a detailed theological discussion about the connection between the Davidic covenant, Jesus Christ, and the Church. Jeff and Gary present a comprehensive thread linking Old Testament prophecies to New Testament fulfillment, emphasizing how Jesus builds a spiritual house (the Church) as promised to David. They discuss how the Abrahamic and Davidic covenants include promises that apply to the Church, while the Mosaic law was specific to Israel. The conversation concludes with an exploration of how Jesus fulfills the role of both king and priest, and how this relates to the Church’s position in Heaven as described in Revelation. The discussion concludes with a look into upcoming signs in the heavens before the Day of the Lord, as mentioned in Joel 2:30–31.

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1 comment:

  1. There is a lot to consider in the coming months. The eclipse this week is one of them. It is, without a doubt, a sign IMHO. Ty Green just dropped a video short on the topic which really resonated with me. That has me planning another update on my website soon too.



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